Operational in situ oil spill detection in the Baltic Sea, using FerryBox system equipped with oil sensor [Online resource]Kõuts, Tarmo; Pärt, Siim; Vahter, KaimoInternational Conference Operational Oceanography Serving Sustainable Marine Development : 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway : book of abstracts2017 / p. 50 http://eurogoos.imr.no/resources/EuroGOOS_Conference_2017_BoA.pdf Operational in situ oil spill detection in the Baltic Sea, using FerryBox system equipped with oil sensor [Online resource]Kõuts, Tarmo; Pärt, Siim; Vahter, KaimoOperational oceanography serving sustainable marine development : Proceedings of the Eigth EuroGOOS International Conference, 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway2018 / p. 169-172 : ill http://eurogoos.eu/download/publications/EuroGOOS-2017-Conference-Proceedings.pdf