Informality 'in spite of' or 'beyond' the state : some evidence from Hungary and RomaniaPolese, Abel; Kovacs, Borbala; Jancsics, DavidEuropean societies2018 / p. 207–235 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Why shadow economy and informality should be separated as concepts : results and implications of the shadow economy survey in the post-Soviet regionPolese, Abel; Tokyzhanova, Talshyn; Moise, Gian Marco; Aguzzi, Tommaso; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Sagynbaeva, Ainoura; Sauka, Arnis; Seliverstova, Oleksandra; Lysa, Olha; Kussaiynkyzy, AigerimStudia politica. Romanian political science review2023 / p. 65-88