From legislative shortcomings towards better human rights protection — analysis of legislation on the emergency medical services in Finland and EstoniaUusitalo, JennaEuropean journal of health law2018 / p. 389-406 Inteligencia Artificial y cuidado de la salud - Retos y vulnarabilidadesUusitalo, JennaInteligencia artificial : de la discrepancia regional a las reglas universales2020 / p. 289–302 Inteligencia artificial Protecting economic interests or the right to life? Perception of the European Court of Justice on emergency medical servicesUusitalo, JennaBaltic journal of European studies2018 / p. 197–209*est Protecting the right to emergency medical service in the European court of human rights and collective complaint procedureUusitalo, JennaBaltic journal of law & politics2018 / p. 48-84 Responsibility to protect and human security: doctrines destroying or strengthening the sovereignty?Uusitalo, JennaInternational and comparative law review2018 / p. 89–103