Optimal rotating receiver angles estimation for multicoil dynamic wireless power transferPakhaliuk, Bohdan; Shevchenko, Viktor; Mućko, Jan; Husev, Oleksandr; Lukianov, Mykola; Kołodziejek, Pjotr; Strzelecka, Natalia; Strzelecki, RyszardEnergies2021 / art. 6144, 15 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.3390/en14196144 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Single switch multi-winding wireless power transfer system based on Z-source networkKroics, Kaspars; Husev, Oleksandr; Pakhaliuk, Bohdan2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe) : Riga, Latvia, 17-21 September 20182018 / p. 2465-2474 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8515602 Wide-range universal isolated DC-DC converter for EV charging applicationsBlinov, Andrei; Chub, Andrii; Vinnikov, DmitriIECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) IECON 2024 - 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society2024 / 5 p https://doi.org/10.1109/IECON55916.2024.10905692 Wireless charging station design for electric scooters : case study analysisShevchenko, Viktor; Pakhaliuk, Bohdan; Husev, Oleksandr; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Strzelecki, RyszardEnergies2024 / art. 2472 https://doi.org/10.3390/en17112472