Actuators in industrial automationBrindfeldt, Eduard; Pettai, Elmo; Hõimoja, Hardi; Beldjajev, Viktor2011*est An application - a web-based electrical drives laboratory : objectives, structure and experimentsRosin, Argo; Möller, Taavi; Hõimoja, HardiIECON 2009 : 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. ICELIE 2009 : 3rd IEEE International Conference on E-learning in Industrial Electronics : Porto, Portugal, 3-5 November 2009 : abstracts2009 / p. 392 An improved interface converter for a medium-power wind-hydrogen systemVinnikov, Dmitri; Hõimoja, Hardi; Andrijanovitš, Anna; Roasto, Indrek; Lehtla, Tõnu; Klytta, Marius2nd International Conference on Clean Electrical Power Renewable Energy Resources Impact : Capri (Italy) June 9-11, 20092009 / p. 426-432 : ill An ultrafast EV charging station demonstrator [Electronic resource]Hõimoja, Hardi; Rufer, Alfred; Dziechciaruk, Grzegorz; Vezzini, AndreaSPEEDAM 2012 : Sorrento (Italy) - June 20-22, 2012 : 21st edition of the International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical drives, Automation and Motion2012 / p. 1390-1395 : ill [CD-ROM] Analysis and design of ultracapacitor-boosted back-up power supply for tramcars [Electronic resource]Hõimoja, Hardi; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Jalakas, TanelEUROCON 2009 : International IEEE Conference devoted to the 150-anniversary of Alexander S.Popov : May 18-23, 2009 Saint Petersburg, Russia2009 / p. 598-604 [CD-ROM] Analysis of a flywheel storage system for ultra-fast charging station of electric vehicles with regard to electric machine design and operational speed rangeDziechciaruk, Grzegorz; Grzesiak, Lech; Vezzini, Andrea; Hõimoja, HardiPrzeglad Elektrotechniczny = Electrical Review2013 / [7] p. :ill Analysis of household electricity consumption patterns and economy of water heating shifting and saving bulbsRosin, Argo; Möller, Taavi; Lehtla, Madis; Hõimoja, HardiScientific journal of Riga Technical University. Serija 4, Power and electrical engineering2010 / p. 15-20 : ill Application of ultracapacitors in low-voltage power supply systems of light rail vehiclesHõimoja, Hardi; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Strzelecki, RyszardThe 2009 World Congress on Electronics and Electrical Engineering : WCEEENG'09 : April 6-9, 2009, Cairo, Egipt2009 / [5] p A battery cell balancing method with linear mode bypass current controlGallardo-Lozano, Javier; Romero-Cadaval, Enrique; Jalakas, Tanel; Hõimoja, HardiBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 245-248 : ill Calculation of the traction effort of switching locomotiveRassõlkin, Anton; Hõimoja, Hardi11th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering." Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 16-21, 20122012 / p. 61-65 : ill Comparative review of long-term energy storage technologies for renewable energy systemsAndrijanovitš, Anna; Hõimoja, Hardi; Vinnikov, DmitriElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2012 / p. 21-26 : ill Comparison of interface converter topologies for small- or medium-power wind-hydrogen systemsAndrijanovitš, Anna; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Hõimoja, Hardi; Klytta, Marius6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 122-127 : ill Control basics of a flywheel-powered uninterruptible motor driveHõimoja, Hardi; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Rosin, ArgoBEC 2008 : 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 11th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology : October 6-8, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia2008 / p. 289-292 : ill Design concepts for a hybrid diesel electric shunting locomotive powertrainHõimoja, Hardi; Roasto, Indrek; Kesküla, A.BEC 2010 : 2010 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 4-6, 2010, Tallinn, Estonia2010 / p. 293-296 : ill Development and control of energy exchange processes between electric vehicle and utility network = Elektriauto energiasalvesti ja elektrijaotusvõrgu energiavahetusprotsesside uurimine ja juhtimineMägi, Marek2013*est E-laboratory in the field of electrical drivesHõimoja, Hardi; Rosin, Argo; Möller, Taavi; Müür, MargusEPE-PEMC 2008 : 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference : 1-3 September 2008, Poznan, Poland : abstracts2008 / p. 77 E-laboratory in the field of electrical drives [Electronic resource]Hõimoja, Hardi; Rosin, Argo; Möller, Taavi; Müür, MargusEPE-PEMC 2008 : 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference : 1-3 September 2008, Poznan, Poland : proceedings2008 / p. 2028-2033 : ill. [CD-ROM] Electrical drives remote laboratory at the TUTHõimoja, Hardi; Möller, Taavi; Rosin, Argo; Müür, Margus5th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering". Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : Kuressaare, January 14-19, 20082008 / p. 177-182 : ill Elektriautod – kas Eesti oludes tark valik?Hõimoja, HardiEesti Päevaleht2011 / lk. 3 Energiasalvestid ja -salvestustehnoloogiadRosin, Argo; Link, Siim; Hõimoja, Hardi; Drovtar, Imre2015*est Energiatõhususe hindamise ja energiasalvestite arvutuse metoodika linna elektertranspordileHõimoja, Hardi2009*est Energy saving possibilities in the industrial robot IRB 1600 control [Electronic resource]Rassõlkin, Anton; Hõimoja, Hardi; Teemets, RaivoCPE 2011 : 7th International Conference-Workshop Compatibility and Power Electronics : June 1-3, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : conference guide2011 / p. 226-229 [CD-ROM] Flywheel energy storage: principles and possibilitiesHõimoja, Hardi3rd International Symposium "Topical Problems of Education in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : Kuressaare, Estonia, January 16-21, 20062006 / p. 89-92 : ill Grid reactive power compensation by using electric vehiclesGallardo-Lozano, Javier; Romero-Cadaval, Enrique; Minambres-Marcos, Victor; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Jalakas, Tanel; Hõimoja, HardiPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 19-24 : ill HooratassalvestitestHõimoja, HardiKeskkonnatehnika2008 / 3, lk. 30-33 : ill*est Kinetic energy storage in electric traction applicationsHõimoja, HardiTarptautines konferencijos Elektros ir valdymo technologijos - 2006 : pranešimu medžiaga = Proceedings of International Conference Electrical and Control Technologies - 20062006 / p. 401-404 : ill Kinetic energy storage systemsHõimoja, Hardi; Lehtla, Madis8th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics 2007 : 14-15 June 2007, Tallinn, Estonia2007 / p. 284-288 : ill Load leveling and loss minimization in tram systems - possibilities and challengesVinnikov, Dmitri; Hõimoja, Hardi; Rosin, Argo; Egorov, MikhailТехнiчна електродинамика2009 / Тематический выпуск: Силова електронiка та енергоефективнiсть. 1, с. 83-88 : ill Method for improvement of electromagnetic rail brake performance for light rail vehiclesHõimoja, Hardi; Laugis, Juhan; Vinnikov, DmitriIntelligent Technologies in Logistics and Mechatronics Systems : ITELMS'2009 : proceedings of the 4th International Conference : June 04-05, 2009, Panevežys, Lithuania2009 / p. 7-12 : ill Modernisation issues of diesel-electric shunting locomotive power unitsHõimoja, Hardi; Jalakas, Tanel; Rosin, Argo; Rassõlkin, AntonScientific journal of Riga Technical University. Serija 4, Power and electrical engineering2010 / p. 57-62 : ill Optimization of energy flows in public electric transportationHõimoja, Hardi; Rosin, Argo6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 108-112 : ill Optimizing EV driving-recharge time ratio a under limited grid connectionTsirnomeny, M.; Hõimoja, Hardi7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014) : Manchester, United Kingdom, 8–10 April 2014. Vol. 22014 / p. 903-908 : ill Perspective solutions of SmartGrid and Vehicle-to-grid connectivity problemsSoots, Georg; Hõimoja, Hardi; Pettai, Elmo10th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering”. Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 10-15, 20112011 / p. 113-116 : ill PLC based control of remote laboratory experimentsMöller, Taavi; Rosin, Argo; Hõimoja, Hardi; Müür, MargusBEC 2008 : 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 11th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology : October 6-8, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia2008 / p. 273-276 : ill Power factor correction with vehicle-to-grid STATCOM implementationRassõlkin, Anton; Kallaste, Ants; Hõimoja, HardiPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 177-180 : ill Power interfaces and storage selection for an ultrafast EV charging stationHõimoja, Hardi; Vasiladiotis, M.; Rufer, A.PEMD 2012 : Power Electronics, Machines and Drives : 27-29 March 2012, University Bristol, UK : [proceedings]2012 / 6 p. : ill Remote laboratory of electrical drives - PLC based control and algorithmsMüür, Margus; Möller, Taavi; Hõimoja, Hardi; Rosin, Argo6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 128-133 : ill Research and development of trial instrumentation for electric propulsion motor drives = Elekterveoajamite katsekeskkonna uurimine ja arendamineRassõlkin, Anton2014*est Residential electricity consumption and loads pattern analysisRosin, Argo; Hõimoja, Hardi; Möller, Taavi; Lehtla, MadisPQ2010 : 7th International Conference "2010 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability" : June 16-18, 2010, Kuressaare, Estonia2010 / p. 111-116 : ill Review of the Estonian Railroad rolling stock and solutions for locomotive modernizationRassõlkin, Anton; Hõimoja, Hardi; Pettai, Elmo; Tšurkina, Natalja10th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering". Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 10-15, 20112011 / p. 57-61 : ill Slip control upgrades for light-rail electric traction drivesLehtla, Madis; Hõimoja, HardiEPE-PEMC 2008 : 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference : 1-3 September 2008, Poznan, Poland : abstracts2008 / p. 61 Slip control upgrades for light-rail electric traction drives [Electronic resource]Lehtla, Madis; Hõimoja, HardiEPE-PEMC 2008 : 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference : 1-3 September 2008, Poznan, Poland : proceedings2008 / p. 1604-1607 : ill. [CD-ROM] Survey of loss minimization methods in tram systems [Electronic resource]Hõimoja, Hardi; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Lehtla, Madis; Rosin, Argo; Zakis, JanisSPEEDAM 2010 : International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion : Pisa, Italy, 14th-16th June, 2010 : proceedings2010 / p. 1356-1361 : [CD-ROM] Tarbimise juhtimine : suurtarbijate koormusgraafikute salvestamine ning analüüs juhtimise rakendamise võimaluste tuvastamiseksRosin, Argo; Drovtar, Imre; Link, Siim; Hõimoja, Hardi; Mõlder, Heigo; Möller, Taavi2014*est Täiturid tööstusautomaatikasBrindfeldt, Eduard; Pettai, Elmo; Hõimoja, Hardi; Beldjajev, Viktor2011*est Uninterruptible power supply in distribution substations auxiliary circuitsHõimoja, Hardi4th International Symposium Topical Problems of Education in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering. Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : Kuressaare, Estonia, January 15-20, 20072007 / p. 78-82 Üliõpilase pilguga : [Hannoveri messist]Reinap, Avo; Hõimoja, HardiPingering1997 / 30. nov., lk. 2 Изпълнителни устройства в индустриалната автоматизацияBrindfeldt, Eduard; Pettai, Elmo; Hõimoja, Hardi; Beldjajev, Viktor2011