Academia ajaülesed väärtused muutuval teadusmaastikulSoomere, Tarmo58. Kreutzwaldi päevade teaduslik konverents "Eesti perekond : traditsioon ja fiktsioon" : teesid : 16.-17. detsember 2014, Tartu2014 / lk. 3-4 ACSM study to assess possible municipal solid waste incineration in household stovesMaasikmets, Marek; Kupri, Hanna-Lii; Teinemaa, Erik; Vainumäe, Keio; Arumäe, Tarvo; Kimmel, VeljoHandbook : EAC 2015, European Aerosol Conference 2015 : 6-11 September 20152015 / p. 257 Ain Lääne 04.02.1941-02.08.2012 : in memoriamPärnapuu, MareTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20122013 / lk. 320-321 Air-to-water heat pump monitoring in the cold climate regionKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Ling, Mariin; Tennokese, KasparInnovative Solutions in the Field of Engineering Sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Automation (AMMA 2014), May 20-21, 2014, Macao, China2014 / p. 599-603 : ill Ajalooline ülekäikKaru, JaanMente et Manu2016 / lk. 50 : fot*est Akadeemia nimelised medalid : [Karl Ernst von Baeri medal Richard Villems'ile : president Tarmo Soomere tervitus-sõnavõtt medali üleandmisel]Soomere, TarmoEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20152016 / lk. 50-51 : portr [Akadeemia tegevusest 2014. aastal] : president Tarmo Soomere [ettekanne Eesti TA üldkogu koosolekul 15. apr. 2015]Soomere, TarmoEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20152016 / lk. 102-104 Akadeemiline sullerlus kui akadeemilise vabaduse kuritarvitamineSoomere, Tarmo; Veinthal, RennoSirp2016 / lk. 36-37 : ill*est Anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge with fish farming wasteKuusik, Argo; Pachel, Karin; Kuusik, Aare; Loigu, EnnThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / [8] p. : ill Analysis of long-term river runoff trends and climate change impact on water resources in Estonia = Eesti jõgede äravoolu pikaajaliste trendide analüüs ja kliima muutuste mõju veeressurssideleReihan, Alvina2008*est Analysis of the insolation criteria for nearly-zero energy buildings in EstoniaVoll, Hendrik; De Luca, Francesco; Pavlovas, VitalisScience and technology for the built environment2016 / p. 939-950 : ill Approximate numerical solutions to inverse problems for preventive protection of marine environmentSoomere, Tarmo28th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 22-23 October, Tallinn, 2015 : proceedings of the NSCM282015 / p. 25-28 Armin - töökaaslane ja sõberAstok, VilluHüdroloog ja veeteadlane Armin Kask : 25.09.1916 - 26.08.1983 : [artiklite kogumik]2006 / lk. 45-46 : fot*est Arvo IitalIital, Arvo40 aastat Eesti Looduskaitse Seltsi2007 / lk. 114-118 : fot*est Assessment of environmental impacts of landfilling and alternatives for management of municipal solid waste = Prügi ladestamise keskkonnamõjud ja alternatiivid olmeprügi käitlemiselVoronova, Viktoria2013*est Assessment of landfill wastewater pollutants and efficiency of different treatment methodsKuusik, Aare; Pachel, Karin; Kuusik, Argo; Loigu, EnnProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2016 / p. 452-471 : ill*est Assessment of the applicability of the Pay As You Throw system into current waste management in EstoniaVoronova, Viktoria; Piirimäe, Kristjan; Virve, MailisManagement of environmental quality : an international journal2013 / p. 667-681 : ill Autonomous design systems (ADS) in HVAC field : synergetics-based approach = Autonoomsed masinprojekteerimissüsteemid (ADS) kütte- ja ventilatsioonivaldkonnas : sünergeetikapõhine lähenemineLoginov, Dmitri2012 Ave ja Enn LoiguLoigu, Enn; Loigu, Ave40 aastat Eesti Looduskaitse Seltsi2007 / lk. 102-107 : fot*est Basic design principles of nZEB buildings in scoping and conceptual designVoll, Hendrik; Kosonen, Risto; Kurnitski, JarekCost optimal and nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB) : definitions, calculation principles and case studies2013 / p. 103-134 : ill Building sustainability objective assessment in Estonian context and a comparative evaluation with LEED and BREEAMSeinre, Erkki; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, HendrikBuilding and environment2014 / p. 110-120 : ill CELA transnational recommendation report : climate change technology transfer across higher education institutes in Latin-America and EuropeLordemann, Javier Aliaga; Quino, Horacio Villegas; Iital, Arvo; Klõga, Marija2013*est Changes in the heating load of domestic hot water and its impact on the design of the district heating networkKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Kovšikov, AleksandrWSEAS transactions on environment and development2015 / p. 108-115 : ill Changes in the wave climate and severity of storms in the Baltic Sea in 1991-2015 from satellite altimetryKudryavtseva, Nadezhda; Soomere, Tarmo1st Baltic Earth Conference Multiple Drivers for Earth System Changes in the Baltic Sea Region : Nida, Curonian Spit, Lithuania, 13-17 June 2016 : conference proceedings2016 / p. 80-81 : ill Climate change and the potential effects on runoff and nitrogen losses in the Nordic–Baltic regionOygarden, Lillian; Deelstra, Johannes; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 114-126 : ill Coastline change of the Baltic Sea and its driving forcesHarff, Jan; Deng, Junjie; Dudzinska-Nowak, Joanna; Soomere, TarmoThe 13th Colloquium on Baltic Sea Marine Geology : September 12-16, 2016, Gdansk, Poland : abstract volume & field trip guidebook2016 / p. 52 Combined laser scanning to monitor coastal processesEelsalu, Maris; Julge, Kalev; Grünthal, Erkko; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Soomere, Tarmo; Tõnisson, HannesMEME'2014 : Mathematics and Engineering in Marine and Earth Problems : 22-25 July 2014, Aveiro, Portugal : book of abstracts2014 / p. 106-108 : ill Combined treatment of sulfate-rich molasses wastewater from yeast industry : technology optimizationZub, Sergei2007*est Combining airborne and terrestrial laser scanning to monitor coastal processesJulge, Kalev; Eelsalu, Maris; Grünthal, Erkko; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Soomere, Tarmo; Tõnisson, Hannes2014 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium : 26-29 May 2014, Tallinn, Estonia : [proceedings]2014 / [10] p. : ill Combining airborne and terrestrial laser scanning to monitor coastal processesJulge, Kalev; Eelsalu, Maris; Grünthal, Erkko; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Tõnisson, HannesMeasuring and Modeling of Multi-Scale Interactions in the Marine Environment : IEEE/OES Baltic Symposium 2014, May 26.-29.2014, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2014 / p. 49 Commitee on Marine SciencesSoomere, TarmoEstonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20142015 / p. 35-37 Committee on Marine SciencesSoomere, TarmoEstonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20152016 / p. 42-45 Comparison of simplified and detailed window models in energy simulationsThalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, HendrikProceedings of REHVA Annual Conference "Advanced HVAC and Natural Gas Technologies" : Riga, Latvia, May 6-9, 20152015 / p. 26-31 : ill Comparison of simplified and detailed window models in office building energy simulationsThalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, HendrikEnergy procedia2015 / p. 2076-2081 : ill A comparison of the motions of surface drifters with offshore wind properties in the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic SeaDelpeche-Ellmann, Nicole Camille; Torsvik, Tomas; Soomere, TarmoEstuarine, coastal and shelf science2016 / p. 154-164 : ill Comparison of the wave power for the open and sheltered segments of the Baltic Sea coastKovaleva, Olga; Soomere, Tarmo; Eelsalu, Maris10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 210 Compliance of wastewater treatment plants in Järva Country with the EU urban wastewater treatment directive and Estonian national requirementsNiine, Raili; Loigu, Enn; Pachel, KarinEuropean scientific journal2013 / p. 365-375 : ill Contribution of wave set-up into the total water level in the Tallinn areaPindsoo, Katri; Soomere, TarmoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2015 / p. 338-348 : ill*est Contribution of wave set-up into the total water level in the Tallinn areaPindsoo, Katri; Soomere, Tarmo10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 87 Cycle of investigations to improve the efficiency and reliability of activated sludge process in sewage treatment plantsMölder, Heino1992*est Data sets of Baltic Sea resources ( Data)Iital, ArvoTowards a blue-green economy in the Baltic Sea Region : the submariner roadmap2013 / p. 36 : ill Database of environmental decision support toolsIvask, Mari; Aruvee, Eve; Piirimäe, KristjanTransactional environmental support system design : global solutions2013 / p. 70-96 : ill Department of Environmental EngineeringVelner, Harald-Adam; Paal, Leopold; Mölder, Heino; Marvet, Rein; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Velner, Harald-AdamResearch activities / Tallinn Technical University1993 / p. 56-59*est Department of Environmental Engineering2001*est Department of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19931994*est Department of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19951996*est Department of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19961997*est Department of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19971998*est Department of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19981999*est Department of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19992000*est Department of Environmental Engineering : activity report 20002001*est Department of Environmental Engineering : activity report 20012003*est Department of Environmental Engineering : activity report, 19941995*est Depression waves generated by large ships in the Venice LagoonParnell, Kevin Ellis; Zaggia, Luca; Soomere, Tarmo; Lorenzetti, Giuliano; Scarpa, Gian MarcoJournal of coastal research2016 / p. 907-911 : ill Design of a transactional environmental support systemKenward, R. E.; Piirimäe, Kristjan; Ivask, Mari; Aruvee, EveTransactional environmental support system design : global solutions2013 / p. 209-245 Detailed and simplified window model and opening effects on optimal window size and heating needThalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, HendrikEnergy and buildings2016 / p. 242-251 : ill Determination of closure depths for sheltered areas of the eastern part of the Baltic SeaKovaleva, Olga; Soomere, Tarmo; Eelsalu, Maris; Ryabchuk, Daria10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 233 Development of Estonian nutrient discharge standards for wastewater treatment plantsNiine, Raili; Loigu, Enn; Tang, Walter ZhonghongEstonian journal of engineering2013 / p. 152-168 : ill DHW consumption, consumption profiles and their influence on dimensioning of a district heating network = Soojavee tarbimine, tarbimisrežiimid ja nende mõju soojusvõrgu dimensioneerimiseleToode, Alvar2008*est DHW design flow rates and consumption profiles in educational, office buildings and shopping centresKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, Alo; Toode, AlvarSmart grid and renewable energy2013 / p. 287-296 : ill Diagnoos : teadlaneSoomere, TarmoTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 22-30 Distribution of different pollution loads from wastewater treatment plants and their impact on water bodies in EstoniaNiine, Raili; Loigu, Enn; Pachel, KarinInternational journal of energy and environment2013 / p. 86-95 : ill Distribution of solar irradiance on inclined surfaces due to the plane of the groundTomson, Teolan; Voll, HendrikJournal of power and energy engineering2014 / p. 1-10 : ill Division of informatics and engineeringEstonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20142015 / p. 23-27 Domestic hot water supply of buildingsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Toode, Alvar2014*est Eelisoleeritud torudest kaugküttesüsteemide projekteerimine ja paigaldamine [Võrguteavik] = Design and installation of preinsulated bonded pipe systems for district heating2015*est Eesti elavhõbeda ja kaadmiumi aineringete uuring valitud valdkondades 1992. aastal : väitekiri ... tehnika magistrikraadi taotlemiseksTalve, Siret1995*est Eesti eluasemefondi ehitustehniline seisukord - ajavahemikul 1990-2010 kasutusele võetud korterelamud : uuringu lõpparuanneKalamees, Targo; Ilomets, Simo; Liias, Roode; Raado, Lembi-Merike; Kuusk, Kalle; Maivel, Mikk; Ründva, Marko; Klõšeiko, Paul; Liho, Eva; Paap, Leena; Mikola, Alo; Seinre, Erkki; Lill, Irene; Soekov, Erki; Paadam, Katrin; Ojamäe, Liis; Kallavus, Urve; Mikli, Lauri; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus2012*est Eesti eluasemefondi puitkorterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga : uuringu lõpparuanneKalamees, Targo; Arumägi, Endrik; Just, Alar; Kallavus, Urve; Mikli, Lauri; Thalfeldt, Marko; Klõšeiko, Paul; Agasild, Tõnis; Liho, Eva; Haug, Priit; Tuurmann, Kristo; Liias, Roode; Õiger, Karl; Langeproon, Priit; Orro, Oliver; Välja, Leele; Suits, Maris; Kodi, Georg-Mihkel; Ilomets, Simo; Alev, Üllar; Kurik, Lembit2011*est Eesti eluasemefondi suurpaneel-korterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga : uuringu lõppraportKalamees, Targo; Õiger, Karl; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Liias, Roode; Kallavus, Urve; Mikli, Lauri; Lehtla, Andres; Kodi, Georg-Mihkel; Luman, Andre; Arumägi, Endrik; Mironova, Jelena2009*est Eesti eluasemefondi telliskorterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga : uuringu lõpparuanneKalamees, Targo; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Liias, Roode; Õiger, Karl; Kallavus, Urve; Mikli, Lauri; Ilomets, Simo; Kuusk, Kalle; Maivel, Mikk; Mikola, Alo; Klõšeiko, Paul; Agasild, Tõnis; Arumägi, Endrik; Liho, Eva; Ojang, Tanel; Tuisk, Tanel; Raado, Lembi-Merike; Jõesaar, Tõnu2010*est Eesti jõgede veekvaliteedi kujunemine ja pikaajaline dünaamika : väitekiri ... loodusteaduste magistrikraadi taotlemiseksLeisk, Ülle1996*est Eesti kliima ja keskkonnaseisundi võimalike muutuste hindamine atmosfääri-, mere- ja jõgede äravoolu dünaamiliste mudelite tulemuste põhjal (EstKliima)Raudsepp, Urmas; Jaagus, Jaak; Alari, Victor; Laanemets, Jaan; Maljutenko, Ilja; Reihan, Alvina; Sepp, MaitKeskkonnakaitse ja -tehnoloogia teadus- ja arendustegevuse programmi teaberaamat 2010-20152015 / lk. 88-94 : ill*est Eesti maavarade saaga: adekvaatse info lünklikkus toidab populismiKello, Karl; Soomere, TarmoÕpetajate Leht2016 / lk. 9 Eesti oma HorisontSoomere, TarmoHorisont2016 / lk. 1 Eesti toiduainetetööstuse reovee anaeroobne käitlusVaalu, Tarmo1999*est Eesti Vabariigi preemiad 2015 : teadus. F. J. Wiedemanni keeleauhind. Kultuur. Sport2015 Eesti Vabariigi preemiad 2016 : teadus. F. J. Wiedemanni keeleauhind. Kultuur. Sport2016 Ehitusinseneride ettevalmistusest EestisVelner, Harald-AdamInsenerikultuur Eestis. 31997 / lk. 229-232*est EhitusteaduskondKõiv, Teet-AndrusLeiutajaid ja leiutisi Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis 1922-20072008 / lk. 13-18 : ill*est Elamufondi jätkusuutlikkuse säilitamine läbi ventilatsiooni probleemide tüüplahenduste väljatöötamise : [uurimistöö ... 670L]Loigu, Enn; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus2007*est Elektrokeemiliste hapnikuandurite ja anlüsaatorite väljatöötamine keskkonnakaitse vajadusteks : magistritööJäetma, Teet1992*est Emissions from burning municipal solid waste and wood in domestic heatersMaasikmets, Marek; Kupri, Hanna-Lii; Teinemaa, Erik; Vainumäe, Keio; Arumäe, Tarvo; Roots, Ott; Kimmel, VeljoAtmospheric pollution research2016 / p. 438-446 : ill Energy and daylighting performance design of skylights and clerestories in a large hall retail buildingDe Luca, Francesco; Simson, Raimo; Kurnitski, JarekCLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress. Vol. 22016 / [10] p. : ill Energy auditing of residential buildingsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Tennokese, KasparSEME 2014 : 2014 International Conference on Social, Education and Management Engineering, Macao, May 20-21, 20142014 / p. 6-7 Enhancement of methane productivity of anaerobic reactors of wastewater treatment plantsKuusik, Aare; Loigu, Enn; Sokk, Olev; Kuusik, ArgoWorld Acedemy of Science, Engineering and Technology : International Science Index2012 / p. 1296-1298 Ensemble approach for the projections of extreme water levels reveals bias in water level observationsEelsalu, Maris; Soomere, Tarmo; Pindsoo, Katri; Lagemaa, Priidik10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 85 Erosion by vessel wavesSoomere, TarmoThe Gulf of Finland assessment2016 / p. 324-325 : ill EstoniaIital, Arvo; Klõga, MarijaA study on climate change technology transfer needs2012 / p. 48-60 : ill EstoniaReihan, AlvinaPROMITHEAS-4 : Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios : fact sheet - October 20132013 / [4] p. : ill Estonia local recommendationsIital, Arvo; Klõga, MarijaCELA transnational recommendation report : climate change technology transfer across higher education institutes in Latin-America and Europe2013 / p. 22-27 : ill Estonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20142015*est Extremes and decadal variations in the Baltic Sea wave conditionsSoomere, TarmoExtreme ocean waves. 2nd ed2016 / p. 107-140 : ill Facade design principles for nearly zero energy buildings in a cold climateThalfeldt, Martin; Pikas, Ergo; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, HendrikEnergy and buildings2013 / p. 309-321 : ill Feasibility and limitation of applying life cycle assessment in EstoniaTalve, Siret2001*est Finnish Meteorological Institute's open data mining toolGiudici, Andrea; Soomere, Tarmo28th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 22-23 October, Tallinn, 2015 : proceedings of the NSCM282015 / p. 59-62 Flood pattern changes in the rivers of the Baltic countriesSarauskiene, Diana; Kriauciuniene, Jurate; Reihan, Alvina; Klavins, MarisJournal of environmental engineering and landscape management2015 / p. 28-38 : ill ForewordMölder, HeinoDepartment of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19931994 / p. 5*est ForewordMölder, HeinoDepartment of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19941995 / p. 4*est ForewordSuurkask, ValduDepartment of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19951996 / p. 4*est ForewordSuurkask, ValduDepartment of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19961997 / p. 4*est ForewordMölder, HeinoDepartment of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19971998 / p. 4*est ForewordMölder, HeinoDepartment of Environmental Engineering : activity report 19992000 / p. 4*est ForewordHääl, KaidoDepartment of Environmental Engineering : activity report 20002001 / p. 4*est ForewordHääl, KaidoDepartment of Environmental Engineering : activity report 20012003 / p. 4*est ForewordDepartment of Environmental Engineering : activity report 20022003 / p. 4*est Fosfori ärastamine reoveest bioloogilisel puhastusmeetodil : magistritööSalis, Indrek1992*est Free cooling potential of an airside economizer in EstoniaPalmiste, Ülar; Voll, HendrikScience and technology for the built environment2016 / p. 951-959 : ill From reactive to proactive mitigationSoomere, TarmoThe Gulf of Finland assessment2016 / p. 320-321 : ill Generalised intergation of solid waste treatment practices to enhance methane productivity, generate suspension fertiliser and upgrade biogasKuusik, Argo; Kuusik, Aare; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, Enn; Sokk, OlevEuropean scientific journal2013 / p. 14-30 : ill Globaalprobleemid - need on eelkõige suure tähega Maa terviseprobleemidKello, Karl; Soomere, TarmoÕpetajate Leht2016 / lk. 9*est Guidelines for surface and drainage water quality monitoring in agriculture dominated areasIital, Arvo; Tattari, Sirkka2012*est Hajureostuse dünaamika loodus- ja põllumaadelt (1960-2010)Velner, Harald-Adam2011*est Handbook of buildings renovation in Central Baltic RegionBorodinecs, Anatolijs; Voll, Hendrik; Thalfeldt, Martin; Petrova, Olga2013 Harald Velneri teaduslik tegevus Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisLääne, Ain; Tibar, HarriHarald-Adam Velner - insener ja veeteadlane1993 / lk. 14-28*est Harald-Adam VelnerVelner, Harald-Adam40 aastat Eesti Looduskaitse Seltsi2007 / lk. 48-50 : fot*est Harald-Adam Velner : bibliograafia2015*est Harald-Adam Velner 15.12.1923-25.12.2012 : in memoriamLoigu, Enn; Suurkask, ValduTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20122013 / lk. 329-331 Haridussüsteemi uued astmed ehk õppimine ilma õpetajataSoomere, TarmoSirp2016 / lk. 16-17 : ill Hendrik Voll: olen ammutanud kruusiga merestVoll, HendrikTeatmik 2011 : 20 aastat EKVÜ-d! / Eesti Kütte- ja Ventilatsiooniinseneride Ühendus2011 / lk. 48-50 : portr Hoone kanalisatsioon = Draining system inside buildings2013*est Hoone veevarustus ja kanalisatsioon : metoodiline juhend projekti koostamiseks1997*est Hoonete energiatarve ja sisekliimaAbel, Enno; Voll, Hendrik2010*est Hoonete energiatarve ja sisekliimaAbel, Enno; Voll, Hendrik; Tark, Teet2014*est Hoonete küteKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Rant, Aivar2013*est Hoonete küteKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Rant, Aivar2012*est Hoonete planeerimine ja fassaadide kujundamineVoll, Hendrik2011*est Hoonete soojaveevarustusKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Toode, Alvar2010*est Hoonete veevärk ja kanalisatsioon : konspektSuurkask, Valdu2012*est Horizontal or vertical? Windows' layout selection for shading devices optimizationDe Luca, Francesco; Voll, Hendrik; Thalfeldt, MartinManagement of environmental quality : an international journal2016 / p. 623-633 : ill Hüdraulika ülesannete kogu1993*est Hüdroloog ja veekaitsja Armin KaskVelner, Harald-AdamHüdroloog ja veeteadlane Armin Kask : 25.09.1916 - 26.08.1983 : [artiklite kogumik]2006 / lk. 11-15 : fot*est Hüdroloog ja veeteadlane Armin Kask 25.09.1916 - 26.08.1983 : [artiklite kogumik]2006*est Hydrological pathways and nitrogen runoff in agricultural dominated catchments in Nordic and Baltic countriesDeelstra, Johannes; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 211-219 : ill Identification of ship wake structures by a time–frequency methodTorsvik, Tomas; Soomere, Tarmo; Didenkulova, Irina; Sheremet, AlexJournal of fluid mechanics2015 / p. 229-251 : ill Incineration of municipal solid waste in the Baltic States : influencing factors and perspectivesMoora, Harri; Voronova, Viktoria; Uselyte, RasaWaste to energy : opportunities and challenges for developing and transition economies2012 / p. 237-260 : ill Indoor climate problems in apartment and school buildingsMikola, Alo; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusProceedings of CLIMA 2013 : 11th REHVA World Congress and the 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Prague 16th-19th June, 20132013 / p. 1754-1764 : ill Informaatika ja tehnikateaduste osakondEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 / lk. 23-28 Informaatika ja tehnikateaduste osakondEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20142015 / lk. 22-25 Innovative approaches towards sustainable river basin management in the Baltic Sea region : the Waterpraxis projectKlõga, Marija; Filho, Walter Leal; Fischer, NatalieSustainable water use and management : examples of new approaches and perspectives2015 / p. 383-396 : ill Integrated economic and environmental impact assessment and optimisation of the municipal waste management model in rural area by case of Harju county municipalities in Estonia = Hajaasustusala jäätmehooldusmudeli majandusliku ja keskkonnamõju hindamine ning mudeli optimeerimine Eestis Harjumaa omavalitsuste näitelPõldnurk, Jana2014*est Intensifying landfill wastewater and biodegradable waste treatment in Estonia = Prügilareovee ja biolagunevate jäätmete käitlemise tõhustamine EestisKuusik, Aare2016*est Introduction : nitrogen losses from agriculture in the Baltic Sea regionStalnacke, Per; Bechmann, Marianne; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems & environment2014 / p. 1-3 Investigating airflow patterns near supply and exhaust vents of room-based ventilation unit using laser doppler anemometrySimson, Raimo; Annus, Ivar; Mikola, Alo; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusEuropean scientific journal2014 / p. 227-236 : ill Investigation of energy efficiency in buildings and HVAC systems = Hoonete ja nende tehnosüsteemide energeetilise efektiivsuse uurimineHani, Allan2012*est Investigation of heat transfer between neighbouring apartmentsHamburg, Anti; Thalfeldt, Martin; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, AloThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / p. 1-6 : ill Kaido Hääl: inseneride kõrval on vaja koolitada kogu ühiskondaHääl, KaidoTeatmik 2011 : 20 aastat EKVÜ-d! / Eesti Kütte- ja Ventilatsiooniinseneride Ühendus2011 / lk. 37-39 : portr Kakskümmend aastat Eesti veeühingutMölder, Heino; Järvet, ArvoKeskkonnatehnika2013 / lk. 5-6*est Kalapääsud vooluvete komplekssel käsitamisel2009*est Kalorifeel ; Kaugküte ; Keskküte ; KiirgusküteKõiv, Teet-AndrusTEA entsüklopeedia. 10. köide, Kallas - klarnet2013 / lk. 15, 185-186, 263, 295 Keldriruumides kummitab niiskus : [ka Teet-Andrus Kõivu kommentaaridega]Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Blumberg, KärtPostimees : Remont, Kodu ja Aed2006 / lk. 27-28 : ill Kergete vedelike (nt õli ja bensiin) püüdursüsteemid. Osa 1, Kavandamise põhimõtted, toimimine ja katsetamine, märgistus ja kvaliteedikontroll [Võrguteavik] = Separator systems for light liquids (e.g. oil and petrol). Part 1, Principles of product design, performance and testing, marking and quality control2015*est Keskkonnahoidliku merekasutuse matemaatika rakendusi Läänemere rannikute kaitseks : [matemaatika-loodusteaduskonna VI teaduskonverentsi avaettekanne 6. novembril 2013 TTÜs]Soomere, TarmoTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 216-227 : ill Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2016*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2013*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2013*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2008*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2010*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2009*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2011*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2012*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2014*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2015*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2005*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2007*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2003*est Keskkonnakaitse ülesanded2001*est Keskkonnakaitselistest suundumustest 1994. a.Keskkond 19941995 / lk. 6-9 Keskkonnanõuetest lähtuvad reoveesette kasutamispiirangud põllumajanduses, haljastuses, rekultiveerimisel ja metsakasvatusesVõsu, AaduVäetamise ja reoveesette kasutamise piiramine1994 / lk. 9-18*est Keskkonnanõuetest lähtuvad väetamispiirangud EestisSults, Ülo; Loigu, Enn; Metsur, MadisVäetamise ja reoveesette kasutamise piiramine1994 / lk. 3-8*est Keskkonnategevuskava karstialal : kokkuvõte PHARE-FEMP projektistIital, Arvo; Loigu, Enn2001*est Keskkonnatehnika [TTÜs]Velner, Harald-Adam75 aastat Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli1994 / lk. 70-72*est Kinnistu veevärk ja kanalisatsioon : kursuseprojekti koostamise juhend2001*est Klaasplastist (GRP) allmaamahutid [Võrguteavik] : horisontaalsed silindrilised mahutid vedelate naftabaasiliste kütuste ülerõhuta säilitamiseks. Osa 1, Nõuded ja katsemeetodid ühekordse seinaga mahutitele = Underground tanks of glass-reinforced plastics (GRP ) : horizontal cylindrical tanks for the non-pressure storage of liquid petroleum based fuels. Part 1, Requirements and test methods for single wall tanks2015*est Koduahjus jäätmete põletamisest eralduvad saasteained [Võrguväljaanne]Kupri, Hanna-LiiTalveakadeemia : teaduslikud lühiartiklid : kogumik 14/2016 = Winteracademy : scientific articles : publications 14/20162016 / lk. 92-102 : ill*est Kondensaadiärasti ; KonvektiivküteKõiv, Teet-AndrusTEA entsüklopeedia. 11. köide, Klas-kuubik2014 / lk. 119, 152 Korrosioonitõrje : konspektSuurkask, Valdu2011*est Kristjan Piirimäe: Lobi on olulisem kui lubadusedPiirimäe, KristjanMaaleht2012 / lk. 18 : ill Kõrghariduse imperatiiv : majanduse teenrist ühiskonna ja kultuuri veduriksSoomere, TarmoSirp2015 / lk. 6-7 : fot Käitustegevuste haldus ja kontroll väliskanalisatsioonivõrgus. Osa 1, Puhastus [Võrguteavik] = Management and control of operational activities in drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Part 1, Cleaning2016*est Küte : juhised kursuseprojekti koostamiseks2009*est Küte : juhised kursuseprojekti koostamiseks2005*est Küte ja ventilatsioon : hoonete tehnovõrgud ja seadmed : abiks kursuseprojekti koostamisel2003*est Kütte ja ventilatsiooni laboratoorsete tööde metoodilised materjalidKõiv, Teet-Andrus2004*est Kütte ja ventilatsiooni laboratoorsete tööde metoodilised materjalid2008*est Laineenergia ja selle kasutamise varjukülgedest LäänemeresEelsalu, Maris; Soomere, TarmoPõlevad ja mittepõlevad energiaallikad = Combustible and non-combustible energy resources 20162016 / lk. 16-19 : ill*est Landfill runoff water and landfill leachate discharge and treatmentKuusik, Aare; Pachel, Karin; Kuusik, Argo; Loigu, EnnThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / [6] p Laser scanning reveals detailed spatial structure of sandy beachesEelsalu, Maris; Julge, Kalev; Grünthal, Erkko; Ellmann, Artu; Soomere, TarmoIUTAM Symposium on Complexity of Nonlinear Waves : book of abstracts2014 / p. 45 Life cycle assessment as a decision support tool for system optimisation - the case of waste management in Estonia = Olelusringi hindamine kui süsteemi optimeerimise otsuse toetusvahend - Eesti jäätmekäitluse näitelMoora, Harri2009*est Londonisse kavandatakse ilma varjuta kõrghoonepaari. Päikese peegeldamine nõuab ettevaatust, Päikese peegeldamine nõuab ettevaatustKiisler, Eva; Voll, HendrikEhitaja2015 / lk. 26-28 : ill Long-term changes of nutrient fluxes in the drainage basin of the Gulf of Finland - application of the PolFlow modelPiirimäe, Kristjan2007*est Long-term monitoring of nutrient losses from agricultural catchments in the Nordic–Baltic region – a discussion of methods, uncertainties and future needsKyllmar, Katarina; Bechmann, Marianne; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 4-12 : ill Lusikast linnaniDe Luca, FrancescoSirp2015 / lk. 26 : fot Lõppsõna [Eesti TA üldkogu koosolekul 15. apr. 2015] : president Tarmo SoomereSoomere, TarmoEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20152016 / lk. 110-111 Läänemere ekstreemsete veetasemete põnev maailm = Intriguing world of extreme water levels in the Baltic SeaSoomere, TarmoEesti statistika kvartalikiri = Quarterly bulletin of statistics Estonia2016 / lk. 128-137 : ill*est Maa-alused surveta drenaaži ja kanalisatsiooni plasttorustikud [Võrguteavik] : plastifitseerimata polüvinüülkloriid (PVC-U), polüpropüleen (PP) ja polüetüleen (PE). Osa 2, Hooldus- ja kontrollkaevude spetsifikatsioonid = Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage : unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE). Part 2, Specifications for manholes and inspection chambers2016*est Macrophyte in the Estonian surface water biomonitoring system : Ph.D Thesis in GeographyBlinova, Irina1994 Madal- ja liginullenergiahooned : büroohoonete põhilahendused eskiis- ja eelprojektisKurnitski, Jarek; Thalfeldt, Martin; Kalamees, Targo; Voll, Hendrik; Uutar, Aivar; Rosin, Argo2013 Madalenergia büroohoone fassaadi majandusanalüüsThalfeldt, Martin; Pikas, Ergo; Kurnitski, JarekEhitaja2015 / lk. 22-25 : ill*est Management of Lake Ülemiste, a drinking water reservoir = Ülemiste järve kui joogiveehoidla haldaminePedusaar, Tiia2010*est Marine sustainability in an age of changing oceans and seasThiede, Jörn; Aksnes, Dag; Bathmann, Ulrich; Soomere, Tarmo2016 Meenutusi Armin Kasest - teadlasest ja rännumehestLoigu, EnnHüdroloog ja veeteadlane Armin Kask : 25.09.1916 - 26.08.1983 : [artiklite kogumik]2006 / lk. 32-36 : kaart*est Meenutusi ühistest õpi- ja tööaastatest Armin KasegaSäärekõnno, JüriHüdroloog ja veeteadlane Armin Kask : 25.09.1916 - 26.08.1983 : [artiklite kogumik]2006 / lk. 41-44 : fot*est Merelt lähtuvate ohtude kvantifitseerimine ja minimeerimine Läänemere ranniku kontekstis : kommentaar Eesti Vabariigi teaduse aastapreemia pälvinud tööde tsüklileSoomere, TarmoTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 170-190 : ill Mereteaduste komisjonSoomere, TarmoEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20142015 / lk. 33-34 Mereteaduste komisjonSoomere, TarmoEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 / lk. 35-37 Mereteaduste komisjonSoomere, TarmoEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20152016 / lk. 37-39 A method of optimizing fenestration design for daylighting to reduce heating and cooling loads in officesVoll, Hendrik; Seinre, ErkkiJournal of civil engineering and management2014 / p. 714-723 : ill Mida võib valitsuse haridus- ja teaduspoliitikas 2015. aastal olulisena välja tuua? : [vastab Tarmo Soomere]Soomere, TarmoSirp2015 / lk. 26 Mikrobioloogiline üllatus Metstoa järvedesKünnis, KaiKaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Alalhoidlik areng ja looduskeskne elulaad : Eesti VI ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, Tartu, 24.-26. aprill 19941994 / p. 155-157*est Miks on sademevesi linnades probleem?Merisaar, MaretEesti Loodus2015 / lk. 29*est Minevikule toetudes tulevikku vaatamas : Tarmo Soomere inauguratsioonikõne : [Eesti] Teaduste AkadeemiaSoomere, TarmoEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20152016 / lk. 68-73 Mis oleks, ... kui me kuuleksime Higgsi bosonit?Pilt, Ebe; Soomere, TarmoSirp2016 / lk. 23 : fot Mitigating diffuse nitrogen losses in the Nordic-Baltic countriesAndersen, Hans Estrup; Blicher-Mathiesen, Gitte; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 53-60 : ill Modelling diclofenac and ibuprofen residues in major Estonian seaside citiesLember, Erki; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnJournal of water security2016 / p. 1-7 : ill Monitoring of surface water quality in small agricultural watersheds : methodology and optimation of monitoring networkIital, Arvo2005*est Multi-criteria evaluation approach to coastal vulnerability index development in micro-tidal low-lying areasBagdanavičiute, Ingrida; Kelpšaite, Loreta; Soomere, TarmoOcean & coastal management2015 / p. 124-135 : ill Nearly zero energy office building without conventional heatingThalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, Jarek; Mikola, AloEstonian journal of engineering2013 / p. 309-328 : ill Nitrogen application, balances and their effect on water quality in small catchments in the Nordic–Baltic countriesBechmann, Marianne; Blicher-Mathiesen, Gitte; Kyllmar, Katarina; Iital, Arvo; Lagzdins, Ainis; Salo, TapioAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 104-113 : ill Nitrogen content and trends in agricultural catchments in EstoniaIital, Arvo; Klõga, Marija; Pihlak, Margus; Pachel, Karin; Zahharov, Andre; Loigu, EnnAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 44-53 : ill Non-deposit system option for waste management on small islandsVilms, Monica; Voronova, ViktoriaWaste management & research2016 / p. 748-754 : ill Numerical simulation of the propagation of ship-induced Riemann waves of depression into the Venice LagoonRodin, Artem; Soomere, Tarmo; Parnell, Kevin Ellis; Zaggia, LucaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2015 / p. 22-35 : ill*est Numerical study of propagation ship-induced wave troughs in Venice LagoonParnell, Kevin Ellis; Soomere, Tarmo; Zaggia, Luca; Rodin, Artem10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 207 Nähtav transport ja nähtamatud tõkked Läänemere idarannikulSoomere, TarmoMeri2016 / lk. 15-23*est Optimisation of the economic, environmental and administrative efficiency of the municipal waste management model in rural areasPõldnurk, JanaResources, conservation and recycling2015 / p. 55-65 : ill Organised municipal waste collection scheme as an administrative tool for recycling and recoveryKivimägi, Jana; Loigu, EnnRecent advances in environmental science : [proceedings of the EESD'13, WWAI'13, NAHA'13, CGB'13, GEO'13, FIAAC'13] : Lemesos, Cyprus, March 21-23, 20132013 / p. 198-203 : ill Packaging waste burning tracers in residential wood combustion areaKupri, Hanna-Lii; Maasikmets, Marek; Rebane, Riin; Teinemaa, Erik; Arumäe, Tarvo; Voronova, Viktoria20th International Scientific Conference EcoBalt 2016 : Tartu, Estonia, October 9-12 : book of abstracts2016 / p. 49 Peipsi ja Võrtsjärve ökoloogilise seisundi seosed reostuskoormuse ja kliima muutumisegaNõges, Tiina; Järvet, Arvo; Laugaste, Reet; Loigu, Enn; Nõges, PeeterKaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid : Eesti ökoloogia globaliseeruvas maailmas : Eesti IX Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid : Tartu, 11.-12. aprill 20032003 / lk. 173-184 : ill Phosphorus in agricultural soils around the Baltic Sea – comparison of laboratory methods as indices for phosphorus leaching to watersEriksson, A. K.; Iital, ArvoSoil use and management2013 / p. 5-14 : ill Pimedus horisondil : [teaduse rollist ühiskonna arengus]Soomere, TarmoKesKus2015 / lk. 6-7 Pinnavete seire : metoodiline juhend : kinnitanud EV Keskkonnaministeerium 22.02.19961996*est Population equivalence based discharge criteria of wastewater treatment plants in Estonia = Inimekvivalentidel põhinevad reoveepuhastite heitvee standardid EestisNiine, Raili2014 Possibility of enhancing methane productivity in anaerobic reactors in the treatment of excess sludge from wastewater treatment plantsKuusik, Argo; Loigu, Enn; Kuusik, Aare; Sokk, OlevInternational journal of science and engineering investigations2013 / p. 33-36 Predicting preferable substrate blends for the production of biogasKuusik, Argo; Kuusik, Aare; Loigu, Enn; Sokk, OlevRecent advances in environmental science : [proceedings of the EESD'13, WWAI'13, NAHA'13, CGB'13, GEO'13, FIAAC'13] : Lemesos, Cyprus, March 21-23, 20132013 / p. 192-197 : ill Preventive management of undesired changes in alongshore sediment transport in the planning of a waterfront infrastructureKäärd, Arvo; Valdmann, Ain; Eelsalu, Maris; Pindsoo, Katri; Männikus, Rain; Soomere, TarmoThe Sustainable City XI2016 / p. 419-430 : ill Problems with using the exhaust air heat pump for renovation of ventilation systems in old apartment buildingsMikola, Alo; Tennokese, Kaspar; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusDanish journal of engineering and applied sciences2015 / p. 44-55 : ill Promoting building materials that have lower embodied carbon and energy in public procurements : experience from EstoniaRebane, Kristel; Reihan, AlvinaManagement of environmental quality : an international journal2016 / p. 722-739 : ill Propagation regimes of interfacial solitary waves in a three-layer fluidKurkina, Oxana; Kurkin, Andrey; Rouvinskaya, Ekaterina; Soomere, TarmoNonlinear processes in geophysics2015 / p. 117-132 Quality of ventilation systems in residential buildings : status and perspectives in EstoniaMikola, Alo; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Kalamees, TargoInternational workshop : securing the quality of ventilation systems in residential buildings : status and perspectives : proceedings : Brussels, Belgium, 18-19 March 20132013 / [10] p. : ill Quantification of changes in the beach volume by applying an inverse Bruun’s Rule and laser scanning technology in Pirita Beach, Tallinn BayEelsalu, Maris; Soomere, Tarmo; Julge, KalevClimate modelling and impacts from the global to the regional to the urban scale : an international scientific seminar at HafenCity University Hamburg, 10 March 2015 : poster abstracts2015 / p. 8 Quantification of changes in the beach volume by the application of an inverse of the Bruun Rule and laser scanning technologyEelsalu, Maris; Soomere, Tarmo; Julge, KalevProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2015 / p. 240-248 : ill*est Quantification of environmental and economic impacts for main categories of building labeling schemesSeinre, Erkki; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, HendrikEnergy and buildings2014 / p. 145-158 : ill Quantification of environmental and economic impacts in building sustainability assessment = Keskkondlike ja majanduslike mõjude kvantifitseerimine hoonete jätkusuutlikkuse hindamiselSeinre, Erkki2015*est Quantification of the changes in sediment volume in a small beach applying laser scanning technologyEelsalu, Maris; Soomere, Tarmo; Julge, Kalev; Grünthal, Erkko10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 197 Quantification of the evolution of a small beach applying laser scanning technologyEelsalu, Maris; Julge, Kalev; Soomere, Tarmo; Grünthal, ErkkoBaltic Earth - Gulf of Finland Year 2014 Modelling Workshop : Modelling as a tool to ensure sustainable development of the Gulf of Finland-Baltic Sea ecosystem : Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Helsinki, 24-25 November 2014 : Programme, abstracts, participants2014 / p. 10 Quantification of the impact of vessel wakes on a shinglegravel beachPindsoo, Katri; Soomere, Tarmo; Eelsalu, Maris; Tõnisson, Hannes10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 201 Quantification of the impact of wind for optimising fairways in the Gulf of FinlandViikmäe, Bert; Soomere, Tarmo; Torsvik, Tomas10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 151 Rakvere Smart House Competence Centre nZEB office building without conventional heatingThalfeldt, Martin; Mikola, AloLiginullenergiahooned täna ja homme : artiklite kogumik2015 / p. 97-103 : ill Recollections of dr. Heino MölderMölder, HeinoHarald-Adam Velner - engineer and scientist1994 / p. 35-36*est Reed harvestingIital, Arvo; Klõga, Marija; Kask, Ülo; Voronova, Viktoria; Cahill, BronwynCompendium : an assessment of innovative and sustainable uses of Baltic marine resources : autumn 20122012 / p. 104-124 : ill Regime shifts in the natural environment in the northern Baltic Sea region in late 1980sJaagus, Jaak; Alari, Victor; Arula, Timo; Järvet, Arvo; Kont, Are; Kotta, Jonne; Kull, Ain; Laanemets, Jaan; Männik, Aarne; Ojaveer, Henn; Raudsepp, Urmas; Reihan, Alvina; Rõõm, Rein; Sepp, Mait; Suursaar, Ülo; Tamm, Ottar; Tamm, Toomas; Tõnisson, Hannes10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 64 REHVA konverents : energiatõhususe tipud kohtusid TallinnasVoll, HendrikTeatmik 2011 : 20 aastat EKVÜ-d! / Eesti Kütte- ja Ventilatsiooniinseneride Ühendus2011 / lk. 15 Reoveekäitlus [Võrguteavik] : sõnastik = Wastewater treatment : vocabulary2015*est Reoveeväikepuhastid Eestis : [magistritöö]Kuusik, Aare1995*est Report on industrial livestock farming in the Baltic Sea region - environmental protection contextMerisaar, Maret2013 Research activities at Tallinn Technical UniversityLääne, Ain; Tibar, HarriHarald-Adam Velner - engineer and scientist1994 / p. 15-30*est Restkaevude päised ja hoolduskaevude päised sõiduteede ja jalakäijate aladele. Osa 1, Määratlused, liigitus, kavandamise üldpõhimõtted, toimimisnõuded ja katsemeetodid [Võrguteavik] = Gully tops and man hole tops for vehicular and pedestrain areas. Part 1, Definitions, classification, general principles of design, performance requirements and test methods2016*est Restkaevude päised ja hoolduskaevude päised sõiduteede ja jalakäijate aladele. Osa 2, Malmist rest- ja hoolduskaevude päised = Gully tops and man hole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas. Part 2, Gully tops and manhole tops made of cast iron [Võrguteavik]2016*est Return periods of extreme water levels along Lithuanian sea coast based on a simple ensemble of projectionsMingėlaite, Toma; Eelsalu, Maris; Pindsoo, Katri; Soomere, Tarmo; Dailidiene, Inga10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 238 Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration of biologically treated leachateKuusik, Aare; Pachel, Karin; Kuusik, Argo; Loigu, Enn; Tang, Walter ZhonghongEnvironmental technology2014 / p. 2416-2426 : ill Rohemärgis 2015Voll, HendrikLiginullenergiahooned täna ja homme : artiklite kogumik2015 / lk. 27-38 : ill Rootsi Tehnikateaduste Akadeemia liige Enno AbelKõiv, Teet-AndrusEesti teadlased paguluses : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 87-93*est See, kuidas otsustame, mis on hea teadus, on sama tähtis kui hea teadus iseSoomere, TarmoPostimees2017 / AK, lk. 7 Selection of most promising substrates for biogas productionKuusik, Argo; Kuusik, Aare; Loigu, Enn; Sokk, Olev; Pachel, KarinInternational journal of energy and environment2013 / p. 115-124 : ill Separation of the Baltic Sea water level into daily and multi-weekly componentsSoomere, Tarmo; Eelsalu, Maris; Kurkin, Andrey; Rybin, ArtemContinental shelf research2015 / p. 23-32 : ill., map Separation of the Baltic Sea water level into short-term and multi-weekly componentsSoomere, Tarmo; Eelsalu, Maris10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 84 Ship-induced solitary Riemann waves of depression in Venice LagoonParnell, Kevin Ellis; Soomere, Tarmo; Zaggia, Luca; Rodin, Artem; Lorenzetti, Giuliano; Rapaglia, John; Scarpa, Gian MarcoPhysics letters A2015 / p. 555-559 : ill Smart analysis of water level extremes reveals hidden features of climate changeSoomere, TarmoMathematical modelling and analysis 2016 : abstracts2016 / p. 70*est Societal challenges in marine scienceSoomere, Tarmo10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 15 Solar envelope optimization method for complex urban environmentsDe Luca, FrancescoCAADence in architecture : back to command : proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design : 16-17 June 2016, Budapest, Hungary, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. 2nd ed2016 / p. 195-201 : ill Soojustehnika laboratoorsete tööde metoodilised materjalid1999*est Source apportionment and modelling study of particulate matter from the key sources in TartuMaasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Keernik, Hannes; Kupri, Hanna-Lii20th International Scientific Conference EcoBalt 2016 : Tartu, Estonia, October 9-12 : book of abstracts2016 / p. 25 Spatial planning of biogas stations in EstoniaPiirimäe, Kristjan; Blonskaja, Viktoria; Loigu, EnnThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / p. 1-6 : ill Spatial variability in the trends in extreme storm surges and weekly-scale high water levels in the eastern Baltic SeaSoomere, Tarmo; Pindsoo, KatriContinental shelf research2016 / p. 53-64 : ill Spatial variation of statistical properties of extreme water levels along the eastern Baltic SeaPindsoo, Katri; Soomere, Tarmo; Rocha, EugenioGeophysical research abstracts2016 / p. EGU2016-9679 Spatial variation of statistical properties of extreme water levels along the eastern Baltic Sea coastPindsoo, Katri; Eelsalu, Maris; Soomere, Tarmo1st Baltic Earth Conference Multiple Drivers for Earth System Changes in the Baltic Sea Region : Nida, Curonian Spit, Lithuania, 13-17 June 2016 : conference proceedings2016 / p. 126-127 : ill Stormwater quantity and quality of large urban catchment in Tallinn = Sademevee äravool ja kvaliteet suure linna valgalal Tallinna näitelMaharjan, Bharat2016*est Students’ vision on integrating sustainable development at Tallinn University of TechnologyKlõga, Marija; Reihan, AlvinaIntegrative approaches to sustainable development at university level : making the links2015 / p. 331-344 : ill Sõnavõtt [Eesti TA üldkogu istungil 2. detsembril 2015] : president Tarmo SoomereSoomere, TarmoEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20152016 / lk. 120-125 TarbeveekäitlusKaru, Jaan2009*est TarbeveekäitlusKaru, Jaan2010*est TarbeveekäitlusKaru, Jaan2011*est Tarmo Soomere: "Tõde on liiga keeruline"Soomere, TarmoEesti Ekspress2016 / lk. 24-27 : fot Teadus ühiskonna arengukiirendina : [vestlus Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia presidendi Tarmo Soomerega]Soomere, TarmoSirp2016 / lk. 7-9 : fot Teaduspreemiate komisjoni esimehe tervitus, laureaatide tutvustus : akadeemik Tarmo SoomereSoomere, TarmoEesti Vabariigi preemiad 2016 : teadus. F. J. Wiedemanni keeleauhind. Kultuur. Sport2016 / lk. 12-19 Teadusseltsid ja õpetatud seltsid nähtavamaksSoomere, TarmoEesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamat = Year-book of the Estonian Geographical Society. 41. kd2016 / lk. [7]-10*est Teet-Andrus Kõiv: hoonete energiatõhususe magistriõppekava vastu on väga suur huviKõiv, Teet-AndrusTeatmik 2011 : 20 aastat EKVÜ-d! / Eesti Kütte- ja Ventilatsiooniinseneride Ühendus2011 / lk. 51-53 : portr Tehnikadoktor Heino Mölderi meenutusi [Harald Velnerist]Mölder, HeinoHarald-Adam Velner - insener ja veeteadlane1993 / lk. 33-34*est Temporal scale for nearshore of current-driven pollution in the Gulf of FinlandViikmäe, Bert; Soomere, Tarmo; Torsvik, Tomas8th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO 2016) : Bologna, Italy, June 07-10, 2016 : book of abstracts2016 / p. 23-25 Temporal scales for nearshore hits of current-driven pollution in the Gulf of FinlandViikmäe, Bert; Soomere, TarmoMarine pollution bulletin2016 / p. 77-86 : ill Temporal trends in nitrogen concentrations and losses from agricultural catchments in the Nordic and Baltic countriesStalnacke, Per; Aakeroy, Paul Andreas; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 94-103 : ill Temporal trends in nitrogen concentrations in Estonian riversKlõga, Marija; Maharjan, BharatJournal of water security2015 / p. 37-45 : ill Temporal trends in phosphorus concentrations and losses from agricultural catchments in the Nordic and Baltic countriesPengerud, Annelene; Stalnacke, Per; Iital, ArvoActa agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and plant science2015 / p. 173-185 : ill Terastorud vedelkütuste ja küttegaaside torustikele : tehnilised tarnetingimused. Osa 2, Klassi B nõuetele vastavad torud = Steel pipes for pipelines for combustible fluids : technical delivery conditions. Part 2, Pipes of requirement class BSuurkask, Valdu2013*est The analysis of biodegradable waste as renewable resource for alternative energy production in EstoniaBlonskaja, ViktoriaEkologija2014 / p. 27-37 : ill The application of the ground source and air-to-water heat pumps in cold climate areasTennokese, Kaspar; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, Alo; Vares, VilluSmart grid and renewable energy2013 / p. 473-481 : ill The efficiency analysis of the exhaust air heat pump systemMikola, Alo; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusEngineering2014 / p. 1037-1045 : ill The environmental and economical feasibility of an organised waste collection scheme as a part of integrated waste management systemKivimägi, Jana; Loigu, EnnInternational journal of energy and environment2013 / p. 178-187 : ill The formation of waste collection fees within the advanced organised waste collection schemePõldnurk, JanaRecent Advances in Economics, Management and Development : proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Economics, Management and Development (EMD 2014) : Interlaken, Switzerland, February 22-24, 20142014 / p. 174-179 The impact of tender specifications and evaluation model of the waste collection procurement on the waste collection feesPõldnurk, JanaInternational journal of economics and statistics2014 / p. 277-287 : ill The indoor climate and energy consumption of educational buildingsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, Alo; Karro, Ulli-KaisaWSEAS transactions on environment and development2014 / p. 366-373 : ill The indoor climate and energy consumption of renovated schoolsKõiv, Teet-AndrusRecent Advances in Energy, Environment Biology and Ecology : [proceedings of the EEESD '14, MABE '14, BIHE '14 : Tenerife, Spain, January 10-12, 2014]2014 / p. 100-105 : ill The indoor climate and students’ learning performance in schoolsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, Alo; Saar, Aider; Silm, G.Management of natural resources, sustainable development and ecological hazards IV2015 / p. 287-294 : ill The influence of indoor climate on students’ learning performanceKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, Alo; Saar, AiderRecent advances in environmental science and biomedicine : proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Energy and Development, Environment and Biomedicine (EDEB '14) : Lisbon, Portugal, October 30-November 1, 20142014 / p. 61-68 : ill The new dimensioning method of the district heating networkKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, Alo; Palmiste, ÜlarApplied thermal engineering2014 / p. 78-82 : ill The performance of the ventilation in Estonian retrofitted apartment buildingsMikola, Alo; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Tennokese, KasparCLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress. Vol. 52016 / [10] p. : ill The problems of municipal waste collection in city centers and air pollutants formed in the processVilms, Monica; Voronova, Viktoria; Loigu, EnnSardinia 2015 : 15th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium : Forte Village, S. Margherita di Pula (CA), Italy, 5-9 October 2015 : symposium proceedings2015 / [13] p. : ill The reorganisation of waste management in Harju county municipalities through a waste management cooperation and competence centre. A socio-economical feasibility studyPõldnurk, JanaEuropean scientific journal2014 / p. 382-399 : ill The use of heat pump in the renovation of residential buildingsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, AloProceedings of the ICENS : Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 22-24 July 20152015 / p. 193-203 Thermal performance of evacuated tube and flat plate solar collectors in Nordic climate conditionsLoginov, Dmitri; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Maivel, Mikk; Kalda, KalevInternational journal of mechanical engineering and technology2015 / p. 81-91 : ill Total economy of windows and facades in low energy office buildingsThalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, Hendrik; Pikas, ErgoThe REHVA European HVAC journal2014 / p. 19-24 : ill Towards effective monitoring of urban stormwater for better design and managementMaharjan, Bharat; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnEstonian journal of earth sciences2016 / p. 176-199 : ill*est Tracks of surface drifters from a major fairway to marine protected areas in the Gulf of FinlandDelpeche-Ellmann, Nicole Camille; Torsvik, Tomas; Soomere, TarmoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2015 / p. 226-233 : ill*est Transformation of internal breathers in the idealised shelf sea conditionsRouvinskaya, Ekaterina; Talipova, Tatyana; Kurkina, Oxana; Soomere, Tarmo; Tyugin, DmitryContinental shelf research2015 / p. 60-71 Trends in extreme water levels of the eastern Baltic SeaPindsoo, Katri; Soomere, Tarmo10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and Innovation for Future of the Baltic and the European Regional Seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 76 Trends in the components of extreme water levels signal a rotation of winds in strong storms in the eastern Baltic SeaPindsoo, Katri; Soomere, TarmoGeophysical research abstracts2016 / p. EGU2016-9378 Trends in urban storm water quality in Tallinn and influences from stormflow and baseflowMaharjan, Bharat; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnJournal of water security2016 / p. 1-11 : ill Tulge Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli keskkonnatehnikat õppima!Suurkask, ValduKeskkonnatehnika1996 / lk. 5 : ill Urban planning principles of nearly zero-energy residential buildings in EstoniaVoll, Hendrik; Thalfeldt, Martin; De Luca, Francesco; Kurnitski, Jarek; Olesk, TimoManagement of environmental quality - an international journal2016 / p. 634-648 : ill Urban stormwater quality and quantity in the city of TallinnMaharjan, Bharat; Pachel, Karin; Loigu, EnnEuropean scientific journal2013 / p. 305-314 : ill Utilisation options for biodegradable kitchen waste in Estonia. SWOT analysisBlonskaja, Viktoria; Põldnurk, Jana; Loigu, EnnThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / p. 1-7 Uuringute tsükkel asulate reoveepuhastuses aktiivmudaprotsessi efektiivsuse ja töökindluse suurendamiseks : kokkuvõte publikatsioonidest tehnikadoktori (D.Eng) teadusliku kraadi taotlemiseksMölder, Heino1992*est Vabajahutuse potentsiaal Eestis : [magistritöö põhjal]Palmiste, ÜlarEhitusEST2016 / lk. 22-23 : ill*est Validation of multi-mission satellite altimetry for the Baltic Sea regionKudryavtseva, Nadezhda; Soomere, Tarmo; Giudici, AndreaGeophysical research abstracts2016 / p. EGU2016-5571 Validation of the multi-mission altimeter wave height data for the Baltic Sea regionKudryavtseva, Nadezhda; Soomere, TarmoEstonian journal of earth sciences2016 / p. 161-175 : ill*est Variation of indoor/outdoor particulates in Tallinn, Estonia – the role of ventilation, heating systems and life-styleOrru, Hans; Mikola, Alo; Upan, Madis; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusJournal of environment pollution and human health2014 / p. 52-57 : ill Variations in the wave climate of the Baltic Sea in the last 25 years from satellite altimetryKudryavtseva, Nadezhda; Soomere, TarmoGeophysical research abstracts2016 / p. EGU2016-5589 Waste burning aerosol identification in residential wood combustion areaKupri, Hanna-Lii; Maasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Vainumäe, Keio; Arumäe, TarvoII International Conference on Atmospheric Dust : DUST 2016 : Castellaneta Marina (Taranto), Italy, June, 12-17, 2016 : scientific research abstracts. Vol. 52016 / p. 101 Wastewater impact on the quality of waterbodies in EstoniaNiine, Raili; Loigu, Enn; Pachel, KarinAdvances in Environment, Computational Chemistry & Bioscience : [proceedings of the EED '12, COMPUCHEM '12, BIO '12, ICBB '12, ICAC '12] : Montreux, Switzerland, December 29-31, 20122012 / p. 175-180 : ill Water level extremes signal changes in the wind direction in the northeastern Baltic SeaSoomere, Tarmo; Eelsalu, Maris; Pindsoo, Katri1st Baltic Earth Conference Multiple Drivers for Earth System Changes in the Baltic Sea Region : Nida, Curonian Spit, Lithuania, 13-17 June 2016 : conference proceedings2016 / p. 132-133 Water protection of the Gulf of Finland and Estonian waterbodies : (1945-2003)2005*est Water resources, sustainable use and integrated management in Estonia = Veevarud, nende terviklik haldamine ja säästlik kasutamine EestisPachel, Karin2010*est WavesSoomere, TarmoEncyclopedia of marine geosciences2016 / p. 940-944 : tab Vee kvaliteet [Võrguteavik] : proovivõtt. Osa 9, Juhised mereveest proovide võtmiseks = Water quality : sampling. Part 9, Guidance on sampling from marine waters (ISO 5667-9:1992)2015 Vee kvaliteet [Võrguteavik] : proovivõtt. Osa 10, Juhised reoveest ja heitveest proovide võtmiseks = Water quality : sampling. Part 10, Guidance on sampling of waste waters (ISO 5667-10:1992)2015*est Veekaitse Eestis 1945-20022003*est Veekaitsemeetmed põllumajanduses : käsiraamat tootjaleKasak, Kuno; Piirimäe, Kristjan; Vahtrus, Siim2016*est Veemajanduse areng Eestis 20-nda sajandi teisel poolelVelner, Harald-AdamEesti teadlaste kongress, 11.-15. augustini 1996. a. Tallinnas : ettekannete kokkuvõtted1996 / lk. 288*est Veepõhised piirdesisesed kütte- ja jahutussüsteemid. Osa 4, Paigaldamine [Võrguteavik] = Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems. Part 4, Installation2015*est Veetarbimise mõõtmisest veearvestigaSäärekõnno, Jüri2015*est Veetasemete ekstreemumid ja korduvusperioodid Eesti rannikulSoomere, Tarmo; Pindsoo, Katri; Eelsalu, Maris2016*est Veeteed Eestis2013*est Veeteed Eestis : sõnavõtt raamatu "Veeteed Eestis" esitlusel 5. juunil 2013Pärnapuu, MareTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 321-322 VeevärkKaru, Jaan2016*est Veevärk. Osa 1, Veehaarded / [Võrguteavik] = Waterworks. Part 1, Water intakes2015*est Ventilating of old apartment buildingsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, AloRecent advances in Energy and Environment Integrated Systems : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Integrated Systems and Management for Energy, Development, Environment and Health (ISMAEDEH '13) : Morioka City, Iwate, Japan, April 23-25, 20132013 / p. 11-16 Ventilation of apartment buildings and nursing homesMikola, Alo; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus; Voll, HendrikSmart grid and renewable energy2014 / p. 107-119 : ill Ventilation solutions in renovated apartment buildings in cold climate conditionsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Mikola, Alo; Simson, RaimoEngineering2015 / p. 129-139 : ill Ventilatsioon : juhised kursuseprojekti koostamiseks2009*est Ventilatsioon : juhised kursuseprojekti koostamiseks2006*est Ventilatsiooni selgitavad tossutest ja show-valgustusVoll, HendrikInseneeria2016 / lk. [26] : fot*est Verification of modelled locations of coastal areas exposed to current-driven pollution in the Gulf of Finland by using surface driftersViikmäe, Bert; Torsvik, Tomas; Soomere, TarmoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2015 / p. 405-416 : ill*est Vesi meie kodudesSuurkask, ValduKodustuudio1996 / 5/6, lk. 43-45: ill Vesiveskid - kultuuri- ja tehnikapärand Eestis2007*est Why is the correct dimensioning of the water heating equipment necessary?Kõiv, Teet-AndrusAdvances in Environmental Science and Energy Planning : Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, January 10-12, 2015 : [proceedings of the EEESD '15, UPT '15, MATREFC '15]2015 / p. 75-80 : ill Virtual mapping of reference conditions of pollutant load in waterbodies : phosphorus in the Lake Peipsi basinPiirimäe, Kristjan; Loigu, Enn; Pachel, Karin; Iital, ArvoBoreal environment research2015 / p. 391-402 : ill Wood and municipal solid waste emissions from the household stovesKupri, Hanna-Lii; Maasikmets, Marek; Teinemaa, Erik; Vainumäe, Keio; Arumäe, Tarvo; Orru, Hans; Kimmel, VeljoHandbook : EAC 2015, European Aerosol Conference 2015 : 6-11 September 20152015 / p. 79 Väetamise ja reoveesette kasutamise piiramine1994*est Väliskanalisatsioonivõrk = Sewer systems outside buildings2013*est Õhu konditsioneerimine2006*est Õhu saastatus Eestis 1985-1990 = Air pollution in Estonia 1985-1990Kallaste, Tiit; Roots, Ott; Saar, Jaan; Saare, Leo1992*est Õpingud ehitusvaldkonnas1996*est Õpingud TPI-sPärnapuu, MareHüdroloog ja veeteadlane Armin Kask : 25.09.1916 - 26.08.1983 : [artiklite kogumik]2006 / lk. 37-40 : fot*est Üldkogu istung 15. oktoobril 2014 : presidendikandidaadi ettekanded : akadeemik Tarmo Soomere, akadeemik Mart Ustav ; sõnavõtud: Jüri Engelbrecht, Leo Mõtus, Endel Lippmaa, Tarmo Soomere (üldkogul valitud president)Soomere, Tarmo; Ustav, MartEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20142015 / lk. 86-97 Ülemiste järve biomanipulatsioonPedusaar, Tiia; Järvalt, AinTeadusmõte Eestis (VII). Meri. Järved. Rannik : [artiklikogumik]2011 / lk. 189-196 : ill Утилизация отходов картофелеперерабатывающей промышленности при кормлении сельскохозяйственных животных : диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата сельскохозяйственных наук (06.02.02)Merisaar, Maret1991*est