Academic development support for implementing CDIOKase, Kärt; Kasuk, Tiina; Rüütmann, Tiia; Sonk, Kaimo; Sell, Raivo; Annus, Ivar18th CDIO : International Conference : proceedings - full papers2022 / p. 634-646 Air pocket dynamics under bridging of stratified flow during rapid filling of a horizontal pipeKaur, Katrin; Laanearu, Janek; Annus, IvarJournal of hydraulic engineering2023 / art. 04022030, 11 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Automatic calibration module for an urban drainage system modelAnnus, Ivar; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Kändler, Nils; Kaur, KatrinWater2021 / art. 1419 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Automatic calibration toolbox for SWMM5Vassiljev, Anatoli; Suits, Kristjan; Kaur, Katrin; Kändler, Nils; Truu, Murel; Annus, IvarAdvances in engineering software2023 / art. 103528 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Controlling peak runoff from plots by coupling street storage with distributed real time controlKändler, Nils; Annus, Ivar; Vassiljev, AnatoliUrban water journal2022 / p. 97-108 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Controlling stormwater runoff from impermeable areas by using smart inletsKändler, Nils; Annus, Ivar; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Puust, Raido; Kaur, KatrinNew trends in urban drainage modelling : UDM 2018 : Conference proceedings2019 / p. 263-268 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Decentralized real-time control platform for urban drainage systems in climate proof smart cities = Sademeveesüsteemide detsentraliseeritud juhtimissüsteemi platvorm kliimakindlates tarkades linnadesKändler, Nils2021*est Determination of the corresponding roughness height in a WDS model containing old rough pipesAnnus, Ivar; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Kändler, Nils; Kaur, KatrinJournal of water supply : research and technology - AQUA2020 / p. 201–209 Determination of water distribution network resistance coefficient and hydraulic capacityVaabel, Joonas; Koppel, Tiit; Sarv, Laur; Annus, IvarProcedia engineering2014 / p. 679-684 : ill Developing a framework for smart stormwater management in Tallinn, EstoniaSuits, Kristjan; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Kaur, Katrin; Kõiv, Kerta; Kändler, Nils; Annus, IvarEngineering Proceedings2024 / art. 23 Development of accelerating pipe flow starting from restAnnus, Ivar; Koppel, Tiit; Sarv, Laur; Ainola, LeoJournal of fluids engineering2013 / p. 111204-1 - 111204-10 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Development of accelerating pipe flow starting from rest = Paigalseisust algava kiireneva voolamise areng torusAnnus, Ivar; Koppel, Tiit2011*est Development of radial velocity component in accelerating start-up pipe flowAnnus, Ivar; Koppel, TiitEuropean journal of mechanics B. Fluids2015 / p. 48-54 : ill Developments and applications of IoT-based sensors for wastewater and drainage systems : editorialSitzenfrei, Robert; Annus, Ivar; Langeveld, Jeroen; Rieckermann, Jörg; Rauch, WolfgangWater science and technology Water science & technology2024 / p. 3-5 Different approaches for calibration of an operational water distribution system containing old pipesAnnus, Ivar; Vassiljev, AnatoliProcedia engineering2015 / p. 526-534 : ill Dynamic processes of air-water flows in urban water systems = Õhu ja vee koosvoolamise dünaamilised protsessid linna veesüsteemidesKaur, Katrin2022*est Eesti teadlased muudavad veetorude rekonstrueerimine efektiivsemaksehitusuudised.ee2023 Eesti teadlased muudavad veetorude rekonstrueerimine efektiivsemaks Empirical evaluation of NB-IoT and CAT-M coverage for underground water systemRoosipuu, Priit; Annus, Ivar; Kuusik, Alar; Kändler, Nils; Alam, Muhammad Mahtab; Müürsepp, IvoIEEE Access2024 / 14 p Emptying of large-scale pipeline by pressurized airLaanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Koppel, Tiit; Bergant, Anton; Vučkovic, Sašo; Hou, Qingzhi; Tijsseling, Arris S.; Anderson, Alexander; Westende, Jos M.C.van'tJournal of hydraulic engineering2012 / p. 1090-1100 : ill Evaluation of low power wide area network technologies for smart urban drainage systemsMalik, Hassan; Kändler, Nils; Alam, Muhammad Mahtab; Annus, Ivar; Le Moullec, Yannick; Kuusik, Alar2018 IEEE : International Conference on Environmental Engineering, March 12-14, 2018 Milan Italy : conference proceedings2018 / 5 p. : ill Excel-based tool for automatic calibration of urban drainage system modelsVassiljev, Anatoli; Annus, Ivar; Kändler, Nils; Truu, Murel; Kaur, Katrin; Suits, KristjanEnvironmental Sciences Proceedings2022 / art. 30 Experimental investigation on rapid filling of a large-scale pipelineHou, Qingzhi; Tijsseling, Arris S.; Laanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Koppel, TiitJournal of hydraulic engineering2014 / art. 04014053, p. 1-14 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Experimental investigation on rapid filling of a large-scale pipelineHou, Qingzhi; Tijsseling, Arris S.; Laanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Koppel, Tiit2013 Experimental measurements of momentum changes at hydraulic jump in a transparent horizontal pipeKaur, Katrin; Annus, Ivar; Laanearu, JanekPapers presented at 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges, Bordeaux, France, 14th-16th November, 2018 ; volume 22018 / p. 925–935 : ill Experimental study of filling and emptying of a large-scale pipelineHou, Qingzhi; Tijsseling, Arris S.; Laanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Koppel, Tiit; Bergant, Anton; Vučkovič, S.; Gale, Janez; Anderson, A.; Westende, Jos M.C.van't; Pandula, Zoltan; Ruprecht, A.2012 Flow dynamics in a pipe containing uneven roughness elementsKaur, Katrin; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Annus, Ivar; Truu, Murel; Kändler, NilsWDSA CCWI : proceedings book2022 / 11 p. : ill Flow dynamics in a pipe with a sudden change in diameterAnnus, Ivar; Kaur, Katrin; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Laanearu, Janek; Šanin, Märt14th International CCWI Conference : 7-9 November 20162016 / [8] p. : ill Geoanalytical method for linking base wastewater flows with a sanitary sewer modelKändler, Nils; Annus, Ivar; Kaur, Katrin; Koor, MargusUrban water journal2025 / p. 109-120 GIS-integrated pluvial flood risk assessment methodology for urban areasTruu, Murel; Annus, Ivar; Kändler, NilsWDSA CCWI : proceedings book2022 / 14 p. : ill Hoone kanalisatsioon [Võrguteavik] = Draining system inside buildings / Eesti Standardimis- ja Akrediteerimiskeskus2021*est Insights gained from stormwater e-monitoring in Viimsi, EstoniaSuits, Kristjan; Rajarao, Gunaratna K.; Kändler, Nils; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Annus, IvarCEST Proceedings2023 / 4 p Integrated decision support system for pluvial flood-resilient spatial planning in urban areasTruu, Murel; Annus, Ivar; Roosimägi, Janet; Kändler, Nils; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Kaur, KatrinWater2021 / art. 3340, 19 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Integrating drone-captured sub-catchment topography with multiphase CFD modelling to enhance urban stormwater managementKaur, Katrin; Annus, Ivar; Truu, Murel; Kändler, Nils; Paalmäe, IrisEngineering Proceedings2024 / art. 31 Inter-cell interference reduction scheme for uplink transmission in NB-IoT SystemsMwakwata, Collins Burton; Elgarhy, Osama Mohamed Mostafa; Le Moullec, Yannick; Alam, Muhammad Mahtab; Pärand, Sven; Annus, IvarIWCMC 2021 Wireless Sensors & IoT: 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), Harbin, China, June 28 - July 2, 20212021 / p. 400-405 Investigating airflow patterns near supply and exhaust vents of room-based ventilation unit using laser doppler anemometrySimson, Raimo; Annus, Ivar; Mikola, Alo; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusEuropean scientific journal2014 / p. 227-236 : ill Investigation of possible nutrient sources in Estonian riversVassiljev, Anatoli; Margus, Gertu; Annus, Ivar; Stalnacke, PerProcedia engineering2016 / p. 188-195 : ill Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Is water quality based stormwater management actually feasible? A SWMM-based study on the trade-offs of various stormwater management approachesSuits, Kristjan; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Annus, Ivar; Kändler, NilsWDSA CCWI : proceedings book2022 / 11 p. : ill Ivar Annus: vaja on kliimakindlaid ehitisi ja palju insenereAnnus, Ivarerr.ee2023 Ivar Annus: vaja on kliimakindlaid ehitisi ja palju insenere Vaja on kliimakindlaid ehitisi ja palju insenere 12 uut positsiooniSalupere, Andrus; Sergejev, Fjodor; Kallaste, Kadri; Pihel, Hele-Riin; Tärnov, Külle; Anton, Maia-Liisa; Annus, Ivar; Kanger, Tõnis; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Illing, Sven; Uutar, AivarMente et Manu2020 / lk. 54-59 : portr*est Kooliõpilased loovad ülikooli kaasabil jätkusuutlikke idufirmasidKaur, Katrin; Truu, Murel; Annus, Ivar; Kallau, KädiMente et Manu2020 / lk. 41 Kui teadlased Tartu viaduktini jõudsid, oli piirkond juba veeuputuse alla jäänudLeitmaa, DannarÕhtuleht2024 / lk. 4-5 Kuidas ehitusinseneride õppel lähebKurnitski, Jarek; Lill, Irene; Annus, IvarEesti Ehituskonsultatsiooniettevõtete Liit, EKEL : [aastaraamat] = Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies, EAACEC 20192019 / lk. 19-24 : ill*est Kuidas päästa linnad üleujutustest? Ivar Annuse töögrupil on käsil kümme projekti, mis kõik tegelevad kliimakindlate veesüsteemide loomisegaAnnus, Ivarehitusleht.ee2024 Kuidas päästa linnad üleujutustest? Ivar Annuse töögrupil on käsil kümme projekti, mis kõik tegelevad kliimakindlate veesüsteemide loomisega Kõige kõrgema palgaga insenerialadel on ka suurim töökäte puudusAnnus, Ivar; Sergejev, Fjodor; Voll, Hendrikpostimees.ee2024 Kõige kõrgema palgaga insenerialadel on ka suurim töökäte puudus Magalate torustik vajab vahetust = Трубопроводы спальных районов требуют заменыTrell, KristelElamu2021 / lk. 7-9 : fot; c. 29-31 : фот*est Mida teha, kui tänavad muutuvad mägijõgedeks? Probleemile otsib lahendust NOAHVill, AntsDirector. Inseneeria2020 / lk. 54-57 : fot*est Modelling of nitrogen concentrations in water from drained peat soilsVassiljev, Anatoli; Annus, Ivar; Kändler, Nils; Kaur, KatrinJournal of water supply : research and technology - AQUA2019 Modelling of nitrogen leaching from watersheds with large drained peat areasVassiljev, Anatoli; Kaur, Katrin; Annus, IvarAdvances in engineering software2018 / p. 94-100 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Monitoring and control of smart urban drainage systems using NB-IoT cellular sensor networksRoosipuu, Priit; Annus, Ivar; Kuusik, Alar; Kändler, Nils; Alam, Muhammad MahtabWater science & technology Water science and technology2023 / p. 339-354 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Muudatuste juhtimine veesektoris pikaajalise strateegiagaAnnus, IvarSirp2023 / lk. 8-9 Nordic urban planning : holistic approach for extreme weatherKändler, Nils; Annus, Ivar; Keinänen-Toivola, Minna; Rubulis, JanisNature-Based Solutions - from Innovation to Common-Use : ebook of abstracts2017 / p. 112 Numerical and experimental investigation on flow dynamics in a pipe with an abrupt change in diameterAnnus, Ivar; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Kaur, KatrinJournal of fluids engineering2019 / art. 101301, 9 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Numerical investigation of the impact of irregular pipe wall build-up on velocity in the water distribution systemKaur, Katrin; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Annus, Ivar; Kändler, Nils; Roosimägi, JanetJournal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA2020 / p. 647−655 Numerical study of Tallinn storm-water system flooding conditions using CFD simulations of multi-phase flow in a large-scale inverted siphonKaur, Katrin; Laanearu, Janek; Annus, IvarIOP conference series : materials science and engineering2017 / art. 012128, 8 p. : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Numerical study of Tallinn storm-water system flooding conditions using CFD simulations of multi-phase flow in a large-scale inverted siphon : [conference paper]Kaur, Katrin; Laanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar3rd International Conference "Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies" : Riga, Latvia, 27-29 September 2017 : [abstracts]2017 / p. 78 On determination of flow routes in a stormwater network using the least squares methodLaanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Koppel, TiitIntegrating Water Systems : proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computing and Control in the Water Industry 2009 : CCWI2009 : Sheffield, UK, 1-3 September 20092009 / p. 731-734 On long-wave dependent flow transitions in partially filled large-scale pipeline [Electronic resource]Laanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Koppel, TiitWater Engineering for a Sustainable Environment : 33rd IAHR Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 9-14 August, 20092009 / p. 6553-6560 Overview of the (Smart) Stormwater Management around the Baltic SeaSuits, Kristjan; Annus, Ivar; Kändler, Nils; Karlsson, Tobias; Van Maris, Antionius; Kaseva, Antti; Kotoviča, Nika; Kuttuva Rajarao, GunaratnaWater2023 / art. 1623 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Parametric modelling study for filling of horizontal pipe containing waterLaanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Sergejeva, Monika; Koppel, Tiit; Puust, RaidoWDSA 2012 : 14th Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference : 24-27 September 2012 in Adelaide, South Australia2012 / p. 678-693 Peak flow reduction from small catchments using smart inletsKändler, Nils; Annus, Ivar; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Puust, RaidoUrban water journal2020 / p. 577-586 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Pipeline rehabilitation combined strategy for urban water systemsAnnus, Ivar; Kändler, Nils; Vaksmann, Marti; Kaur, Katrin; Truu, Murel; Koor, Margus; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Kütt, UrmasUrban water journal2024 Product Development Gala 2005, ehk, Tudengite tootearendusprojekt Soome moodi : projektist üldiselt. TTÜ tudengid aitasid leiutada jalgratast. TTÜ tudengid on projektist vaimustusesOtto, Tauno; Laidre, Andri; Maripuu, Raul; Sternfeld, Rainer; Sternfeld, Ervin; Toon, Triin; Matsi, Birthe; Annus, IvarMente et Manu2005 / lk. 4 : ill*est Protecting the Baltic Sea from untreated wastewater spillages : handbook of the NOAH CONCEPTAnnus, Ivar; Truu, Murel; Kändler, Nils; Rissanen, Hanna; Vorne, Virpi; Waara, Sylvia; Ramm, Klara; Ulanczyk, Rafał; Kolecka, Katarzyna; Dakša, Gints2021*est Pumps energy consumption based on new EU legislationAnnus, Ivar; Uibo, D.; Koppel, TiitProcedia engineering2014 / p. 517-524 : ill Real time controlled sustainable urban drainage systems in dense urban areasKändler, Nils; Annus, Ivar; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Puust, RaidoJournal of water supply : research and technology - AQUA2020 / p. 238–247 : ill Reostusoht: Kui su kodune vesi tuleb plasttorudest, kasuta joogiks ja toiduvalmistamiseks ainult külma vettSoopan, Ivarrohe.geenius.ee2024 Reostusoht: Kui su kodune vesi tuleb plasttorudest, kasuta joogiks ja toiduvalmistamiseks ainult külma vett Rängad vihmad uhuvad miljardeid eurosid minemaImeline Teadus2022 / lk. 22-22 : fot*est Sajab üha äkilisemalt, tarvis on tarku lahendusiVill, AntsDirector. Inseneeria2022 / lk. 74-79 : fot; 4, lk. 70-75*est Semi-empirical method for estimation of energy losses in a large-scale pipelineLaanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Sergejeva, Monika; Koppel, TiitProcedia engineering2014 / p. 969-977 : ill Some aspects of fluid elasticity related to filling and emptying of large-scale pipelineLaanearu, Janek; Bergant, Anton; Annus, Ivar; Koppel, Tiit; Westende, Jos M.C.van'tProceedings of the 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems : Brno, Czech Republic, October 14-16, 2009. Part II2009 / p. 465-474 : ill Source apportionment of nitrogen in Estonian riversKaur, Katrin; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Annus, Ivar; Stalnacke, PerJournal of water supply : research and technology - AQUA2017 / p. 469-480 Tallinna üleujutustele lihtsaid lahendusi pole [Võrguväljaanne]Evve, Kiraerr.ee2021 / fot Tallinna üleujutustele lihtsaid lahendusi pole TalTechi professorid kinnitavad: plasttorudest eraldub joogivette kahjulikke kemikaaleNiidu, Allan; Preis, Sergei; Annus, IvarEhitaja2024 / lk. 21-23 : fot*est Targad sademeveesüsteemid tagavad puhtama LäänemereSuits, Kristjan; Annus, Ivar; Kändler, NilsViimsi Teataja2023 / lk. 10 : ill Tartu kavandab uut linnaosa üleujutusohus alale. Kevadise sulaga võib piirkonnas veepiir tõusta üle kahe meetriKontro, Kristindelfi.ee2024 Tartu kavandab uut linnaosa üleujutusohus alale. Kevadise sulaga võib piirkonnas veepiir tõusta üle kahe meetri Transient flow during filling of horizontal pipe containing waterLaanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Raidmaa, Meelis; Koppel, TiitUrban Water Management: Challenges and Opportunities : proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI 2011), University of Exeter, 5-7 September 20112011 / p. 913-918 : ill Transition from classroom teaching to E-learning in a blink of an eyeAnnus, IvarEducating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions : Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2020). Volume 22021 / p. 797-807 Article collection metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Transition to turbulence in accelerating flowAnnus, Ivar; Koppel, Tiit; Vardy, AlanProceedings of the HYDRALAB III Joint Transnational Access User Meeting : Hannover, February 20102010 / p. 9-12 : ill Transition to turbulence in accelerating pipe flowAnnus, Ivar; Koppel, TiitJournal of fluids engineering2011 / [7] p. : ill Unsteady skin friction experimentation in a large diameter pipeVardy, Alan; Bergant, Anton; He, Shuisheng; Ariyaratne, Chanchala; Koppel, Tiit; Annus, Ivar; Tijsseling, Arris S.; Hou, QingzhiProceedings of the 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems : Brno, Czech Republic, October 14-16, 2009. Part II2009 / p. 593-602 : ill Updated curriculum for engineering pedagogical continuing in-service educationRüütmann, Tiia; Annus, Ivar; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Läänemets, Urve; Umborg, JaakMobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education : proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2021), Volume 22022 / p. 556-567 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Use of nonlinear regression for estimating emission of nitrogen to Estonian riversVassiljev, Anatoli; Annus, Ivar; Kaur, Katrin; Kändler, NilsEcology & safety2017 / p. 33-40 : ill Use of pressure dynamics for calibration of water distribution system and leakage detectionKoppel, Tiit; Vassiljev, Anatoli; Lukjanov, D.; Annus, IvarProceedings of WDSA 2008 : Water Distribution Systems Analysis : 17-20 August 2008, South Africa2008 / p. 704-715 Using CFD to simulate multi-phase flow in a large-scale inverted siphon : Tallinn storm-water system case studyKaur, Katrin; Laanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar14th International CCWI Conference : 7-9 November 20162016 / [8] p. : ill Using transient flow equations for modelling of filling and emptying of the large-scale pipelineKoppel, Tiit; Laanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Raidmaa, MeelisWater Distribution System Analysis 2010 : WDSA2010 : Tucson, AZ, USA, Sept. 12-15, 20102010 / [9] p.: ill Vaja on kliimakindlaid ehitisi ja palju insenereAnnus, IvarSirp2023 Water-column mass losses during the emptying of a large-scale pipeline by pressurized airLaanearu, Janek; Hou, Qingzhi; Annus, Ivar; Tijsseling, Arris S.Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2015 / p. 8-16 : ill*est Väliskanalisatsioonivõrk [Võrguteavik] = Sewer system inside buildings2021*est