Analysis of passive architectural roof cooling potential to decrease the cooling demand for Northern European Office buildings based on energy modelling and laboratory testsVoll, Hendrik; Seinre, Erkki; Sööt, Peet-MatiWSEAS transactions on environment and development2011 / p. 136-145 : ill Analyzing power and energy flexibilities by demand response in district heated buildings in Finland and GermanyJu, Yuchen; Jokisalo, Juha; Kosonen, Risto; Kauppi, Ville; Janßen, PhilippScience and technology for the built environment2021 / p. 1440-1460 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Benefits through space heating and thermal storage with demand response control for a district-heated office buildingJu, Yuchen; Hiltunen, Pauli; Jokisalo, Juha; Kosonen, Risto; Syri, SannaBuildings2023 / art. 2670, 23 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Building energy audit on example of office buildingSoots, Georg12th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering." Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Kuressaare, Estonia, June 11-16, 20122012 / p. 119-122 : ill The circadian rhythm of total volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide, and formaldehyde concentrations and the physical parameters in rooms with and without air-related irritation symptomsCastagnoli, Emmanuelle; Mikkola, Raimo; Kurnitski, Jarek; Salonen, Heidi14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2016) : Ghent, Belgium, 3-8 July 2016. Vol. 52016 / p. 2803-2809 : ill A comparative study on cooling period thermal comfort assessment in modern open office landscape in EstoniaKiil, Martin; Simson, Raimo; Thalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, JarekAtmosphere2020 / art. 127, 21 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Comparison of energy modelling and laboratory tests on green roof potential to decrease the cooling demand for North European office buildingsVoll, Hendrik; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusRecent Researches in Automatic Control : 13th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation (ACMOS'11), Lanzarote, Canary Islands, May 27-29, 20112011 / p. 125-130 : ill Comparison of simplified and detailed window models in office building energy simulationsThalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, HendrikEnergy procedia2015 / p. 2076-2081 : ill Cooling demand and daylight in commercial buildings - the influence of window designVoll, Hendrik; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusEnergy Problems and Environmental Engineering : [proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS International Conference on ... 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Section B, Natural, exact, and applied sciences2016 / p. 336-340 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Increasing natural daylight levels in atrium type buildingsKoppel, Tarmo; Tint, Piia56th International Riga Technical University Conference "Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship SCEE'2015" : proceedings2015 / p. 154-155 Kas suurhooneid saab muuta 80% energiasäästlikumaks? TTÜ katsetab!Varrak, TeaInseneeria2012 / lk. 16-17 : fot*est Kuidas kavandada ja projekteerida madal- või liginullenergiahoonet? : [juhendmaterjali töögrupi juht Jarek Kurnitski TTÜst]Kurnitski, JarekEhitaja2013 / lk. 27-29*est Kuidas välisvarjestusega (energiat) kokku hoidaKurnitski, Jarek; Thalfeldt, MartinInseneeria2014 / lk. 20-21 : ill*est Liginullenergiamajad - Euroopa ehituse tulevikKurnitski, JarekInseneeria2013 / lk. 32-33 : ill*est Machine learning-based optimization design workflow based on obstruction angles for building facadesSepulveda Luque, Abel; Eslamirad, Nasim; Seyed Salehi, Seyed Shahabaldin; Thalfeldt, Martin; De Luca, FrancescoRegenerating the City Performance-driven and Simulation-based Computational Design for Sustainable Cities and Communities : proceedings of the 9th Regional International Symposium on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, Tallinn University of Technology, 15-16 June 20232023 / p. 15-24 Madal- ja liginullenergiahooned : büroohoonete põhilahendused eskiis- ja eelprojektisKurnitski, Jarek; Thalfeldt, Martin; Kalamees, Targo; Voll, Hendrik; Uutar, Aivar; Rosin, Argo2013 Madalenergia büroohoone fassaadi majandusanalüüsThalfeldt, Martin; Pikas, Ergo; Kurnitski, JarekEhitaja2015 / lk. 22-25 : ill*est Madalenergia büroohoone fassaadi majandusanalüüsThalfeldt, Martin; Pikas, Ergo; Kurnitski, JarekLiginullenergiahooned täna ja homme : artiklite kogumik2015 / lk. 52-58 : ill Maja : Eesti arhitektuuri ajakiri = Estonian architectural review2010*est Market based renovation solutions in non-residential buildings - Why commercial buildings are not renovated to NZEBKuivjõgi, Helena; Uutar, Aivar; Kuusk, Kalle; Thalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, JarekEnergy and buildings2021 / art. 111169, 13 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Microwave reflection properties of building materials in the working environmentKoppel, Tarmo; Haldre, Heldur56th International Riga Technical University Conference "Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship SCEE'2015" : proceedings2015 / p. 148-150 : tab Mustamäel täieneb TehnopolEhitaja2016 / lk. 24 : fot*est Nearly zero energy office building without conventional heatingThalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, Jarek; Mikola, AloEstonian journal of engineering2013 / p. 309-328 : ill Article at Scopus New equation for optimal insulation dependency on the climate for office buildingsAhmed, Kaiser; Kurnitski, JarekEnergies2021 / art. 321 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A novel workflow for early design stages to ensure daylight and summer thermal comfort in buildings = Uudne töövoog projekteerimise algfaasis, et tagada päevavalgus ja suvine soojusmugavus hoonetesSepulveda Luque, Abel2022*est nZEB office building : Ympäristötalo in Helsinki, FinlandKurnitski, JarekThe REHVA European HVAC journal2012 / p. 44-49 : ill Optimization of office building facades in a warm summer continental climateHani, Allan; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusSmart grid and renewable energy2012 / p. 222-230 : ill Peak shaving of a district heated office building with short-term thermal energy storage in FinlandJu, Yuchen; Jokisalo, Juha; Kosonen, RistoBuildings2023 / art. 573, 23 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Performance assessment of ventilative and radiant cooling systems in office buildings during extreme weather conditions under a changing climateVelashjerdi Farahani, Azin; Jokisalo, Juha; Korhonen, Natalia; Jylhä, Kirsti; Kosonen, Risto; Lestinen, SamiJournal of building engineering2022 / art. 104951, 22 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Renewables in NZEB office and school buildingsKurnitski, JarekWorld Sustainable Energy Days 2015 : Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings Conference : 25-27 February 2015, Wels, Austria2015 A review of non-residential building renovation and improvement of energy efficiency: office buildings in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and GermanyKiviste, Mihkel; Musakka, Sami; Ruus, Aime; Vinha, JuhaEnergies2023 / art. 4220, 26 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Sisekliima ja tööviljakus : uuring võttis luubi alla koolid ja büroohooned : [raamatu "Sisekliima, õpitulemus, tööviljakus" tutvustus]EhitusEST2014 / lk. 46 : ill Solar radiation-based method for early design stages to balance daylight and thermal comfort in office buildingsSepulveda Luque, Abel; Seyed Salehi, Seyed Shahabaldin; De Luca, Francesco; Thalfeldt, MartinFrontiers of architectural research2023 / p. 1030 - 1046 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Teadlased: ärihoonete raiskav energiakasutus ohustab rohepööretMente et Manu2021 / lk. 11*est The computer workers' working conditions influencing the health in modern buildingsTint, Piia; Karai, Deniss; Oha, Kristel; Koppel, Tarmo; Tuulik-Leisi, Varje-Riin; Tuulik, Viiu; Meigas, KaljuIntelligent Technologies in Logistics and Mechatronics Systems ITELMS'2013 : proceedings of the 8th international conference2013 / p. 247-253 : ill The preliminary research of sea water district heating and cooling for Tallinn coastal areaHani, Allan; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusSmart grid and renewable energy2012 / p. 246-252 : ill The working conditions of office-workers in modern buildingsTint, Piia; Karai, Deniss; Oha, Kristel; Koppel, Tarmo; Tuulik-Leisi, Varje-Riin; Tuulik, Viiu; Meigas, KaljuHuman factors : sustainable life and mobility : October 16-18, 2013, Torino, Italy : programme, abstracts book2013 / p. [64] Thermal comfort and draught assessment in a modern open office building in TallinnKiil, Martin; Mikola, Alo; Thalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, JarekE3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 20192019 / art. 02013, 7 p. : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Total economy of energy-efficient office building facades in a cold climate = Külmas kliimas asuvate energiatõhusate büroohoonete fassaadi energia- ja majandusanalüüsThalfeldt, Martin2016*est Total economy of windows and facades in low energy office buildingsThalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, Hendrik; Pikas, ErgoThe REHVA European HVAC journal2014 / p. 19-24 : ill Uusi büroohooneid ehitatakse kapitaalselt ümberKalamees, TargoEhitusEST2023 / lk. 28-29 : fot*est VAV fan coil and demand controlled active chilled beam systems energy efficiency and thermal comfort performance comparison in a Japanese office buildingAhmed, Kaiser; Yoon, Gyuyoung; Ukai, Makiko; Kurnitski, JarekE3S Web of Conferences : BuildSim Nordic 20242024 / art. 06004 Window model and 5 year price data sensitivity to cost-effective facade solutions for office buildings in EstoniaThalfeldt, Martin; Pikas, Ergo; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, HendrikEnergy2017 / p. 685-697 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Ärihoonete renoveerimine ei taga Eestis loodetud energiatõhusustUusen, KaireEhitaja2021 / lk. 16-17 : fot*est