Administrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri2018*est Adolescence of European lawyer : promoting legal education through Eastern partnershipKerikmäe, TanelInternational Jean Monnet Conference "EU Eastern Partnership - from Capacities to Excellence : Strengthening Research, Regional and Innovation Policies in the Context of Horizon 2020" : 11-13 June, 2014, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia2014 Ainult tüdrukutele mõeldud huviring - kas võrdõiguslikkust edendav erimeede või hoopis poiste diskrimineerimineVeske, Christian; Joamets, Kristiopleht.ee2024 Ainult tüdrukutele mõeldud huviring - kas võrdõiguslikkust edendav erimeede või hoopis poiste diskrimineerimine Aitab nüüd iseotsustamisestEesti Päevaleht2020 / lk. 2 : portr*est Alar Konist: Eesti ei tohiks kergekäeliselt loobuda oma tootmisvõimsusestKonist, Alarpostimees.ee2022 "Alar Konist: Eesti ei tohiks kergekäeliselt loobuda oma tootmisvõimsusest" Alar Konist: kas põlevkivienergeetikal on tulevikku?Konist, Alarerr.ee2023 Alar Konist: kas põlevkivienergeetikal on tulevikku? Alliance attribution of global cyber attacks : The European UnionAlatalu, SiimNational cyber emergencies: the return to civil defence2020 / p. 171-185 Altiero Spinelli: federalism in the European integrationValente, Cecilia; D’alessandro, Carola; Ramiro Troitino, DavidThe European Union and its political leaders : understanding the integration process2022 / p. 141-158 La ampliación griega y el caso de GroenlandiaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 64-69 An ever more polarised union : the Greek problem and the failure of EU economic governance [Online publication]Notermans, Antonius Johannes Hubertus2015 Andekus pole raisata!Eesti Ekspress2020 / Lk. 11 Anname süsinikufondi raha idudeleSimson, TaaviÄripäev2020 / Lk. 12 : portr*est Annela Anger-Kraavi: meid on maailmas 8 miljardit suud. Ise oleme selle olukorra tekitanudKartau, MariMaaleht2023 / Lk. 18-19 Annela Anger-Kraavi: meid on maailmas 8 miljardit suud. Ise oleme selle olukorra tekitanud Applying reflexive-adaptive law for safeguarding the European Union’s Security of gas supply during the transition era = Refleksiivse-kohanduva õiguse rakendamine Euroopa Liidu gaasitarnekindluse tagamiseks üleminekuperioodilKeypour, Javad2024*est Archil Chochia: lääs saab veel Gruusiale appi tullaChochia, Archilerr.ee2024 Archil Chochia: lääs saab veel Gruusiale appi tulla Archimedes sihtasutus : aastaraamat 20062007 Arctic freshwater natural capital in the Nordic countriesOinonen, Soili; Pohjola, Johanna; Salminen, Jani; Nõmmann, Tea2019 Argo Rosin: rohepööre, ülikool ja mängurlus [Võrguväljaanne]Rosin, Argoerr.ee2021 "Argo Rosin: rohepööre, ülikool ja mängurlus" Article 30 [Prohibition of New Customs Duties or Charges Having Equivalent Effect]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union - A Commentary2021 / p. 711-718 Article 31 [Common Customs Tariff]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union - A Commentary2021 Article 32 [Principles for Commission Duties]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union - A Commentary2021 Article 33 [Customs Cooperation]Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, Sandra; Hamulak, OndrejTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union - A Commentary2021 / p. 733-736 Article 139 TFEU on derogations for member states without euroRoots, Lehte; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 139-1-139-9 Article 140 TFEU procedure for the member states with derogation to join the euroRoots, Lehte; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 140-1-140-9 Article 141 TFEU on member states with a derogationJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 141-1-141-2 Article 142 TFEU on the exchange-rate policyJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 142-1-142-2 Article 143 TFEU on the balance of payments of member states with a derogationJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 143-1-143-9 Article 144 TFEU on protective measures in a sudden crisisRoots, Lehte; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, SandraSmit & Herzog on the law of the European Union2016 / p. 144-1-144-10 Artificial intelligence for the public sector : results of landscaping the use of AI in government across the European UnionNoordt, Colin Pascal van; Misuraca, GianlucaGovernment Information Quarterly2022 / art. 101714 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Artificial intelligence for worker management : an overview : reportChristenko, Aleksandr; Jankauskaite, Vaida; Paliokaite, Agne; van den Broek, Egidius Leon; Reinhold, Karin; Järvis, Marina2022 Artificial intelligence for worker management : implications for occupational safety and health : reportReinhold, Karin; Järvis, Marina; Christenko, Aleksandr; Jankauskaite, Vaida; Paliokaite, Agne; Riedmann, Arnold2022 Artificial intelligence for worker management : prevention measuresJankauskaite, Vaida; Christenko, Aleksandr; Paliokaite, Agne; Reinhold, Karin; Järvis, Marina2022 Artificial intelligence for worker management : risks and opportunitiesChristenko, Aleksandr; Jankauskaite, Vaida; Paliokaite, Agne; Reinhold, Karin; Järvis, Marina2022 Arvamus: lääs saab veel Gruusiale appi tullaChochia, Archilerr.ee2024 Arvamus: lääs saab veel Gruusiale appi tulla Austria, Finlandia y Suecia se convierten en miembros de la Comunidad. 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El Memorándum de Briand y la Comisión para el Estudio de una Unión EuropeaRamiro Troitino, DavidCuadernos de Historia Contemporánea2022 / p. 221-241 El impacto del BREXIT en la Unión Europea. Perspectivas continentales de un proceso internacionalRamiro Troitino, David?2021 / ? El mercado de la Unión Europea, de analógico a digital. Retos para su interacción y disfrute en el marco LatinoamericanoRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelBrazilian journal of international law Revista de Direito Internacional2023 / p. 40-49 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus El modelo de integracion Europea del primer ministro Britanico Winston ChurchillRamiro Troitino, David; Paz Pando Ballesteros, Maria de laRevista de Occidente2017 / [13] p EL mõõtevahendite-alase regulatsiooni arengu mõju Eesti mõõteteenistuseleRannala, RutaEVS Teataja2001 / 8/9, lk. 21-23 El Pacto Europeo de julio de 2020. ¿Un paso más hacia el federalismo? [Võrguväljaanne]Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelUniversidad de La Plata2020 "El Pacto Europeo de julio de 2020" El Parlamento europeoRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 112-118 El sistema judicial europeoNyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikePasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 125-130 El Tratado de Roma de la CEE y EURATOM 1957Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 29-33 Elite agenda, media framing and public perception of European integration in EstoniaMölder, Holger; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeDesk Research Report (Historical Overview)2021 / p. 185–215 Employment status of gigcompanies working force in EU/EEA member statesKerikmäe, Tanel; Hamulak, Ondrej; Antonov, Alexander; Pihl, Henri Mart2021 EMU and the Italian debt problem : destabilising periphery or destabilising the periphery?Notermans, Ton; Piattoni, SimonaJournal of European Integration2020 / p. 345 - 362 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Energeetika ja kütuste tulevik ehk Viiekümne viiendaks vormiNiidu, AllanSirp2022 / lk. 6-7 : fot "Energeetika ja kütuste tulevik ehk Viiekümne viiendaks vormi " Energeetikaprofessor Alar Konist: Eesti võiks süsiniku kogumisel olla teerajaja [Võrguväljaanne]postimees.ee2022 Energeetikaprofessor Alar Konist: Eesti võiks süsiniku kogumisel olla teerajaja Energia sünkroonis – kuidas ja kellega?Hamburg, ArviArvamus, kultuur : [ajalehe Postimees lisa]2021 / Lk. 2-3 Energy policy in the EU and its influence on East and Central EuropeRamiro Troitino, DavidJournal on legal and economic issues of Central Europe2013 / p. 106-113 Enforcement of competition rules in regulated industries : abuse of dominance practices in the new EU member states, candidate countries and potential candidatesSvetlicinii, Alexandr; Botta, Marco8th ASCOLA Conference "Competition Law as Regulation", 23-25 May 2013, Lecce, Italy2013 Enhanced fiscal governance in the European Union : the fiscal compactKukk, Merike; Staehr, KarstenBaltic journal of European studies2015 / p. 73-92 Enironmental management in European Union : survey of ISO 14001 certified Estonian companiesHabakuk, Triinu; Gurvitš, NataljaEuropean integration studies : research and topicalities2016 / p. 81-89 : ill Enlargement to the UK, the referendum of 1975 and position of Margaret ThatcherChochia, Archil; Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, OlgaBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 115-139 Ensuring sustainability in long-term care: Challenges and strategies for the European UnionKhalid, SadiaEuropean Sting2024 Ensuring Sustainability in Long-Term Care: Challenges and Strategies for the European Union Equality commissioner spending €700,000 to study effects of AInews.err.ee2024 Equality commissioner spending €700,000 to study effects of AI Erasmus viib kokku IT-spetsialistid, juristid ja haridusvaldkonna töötajad, et lahendada oluline küsimusgeenius.ee2023 Erasmus viib kokku IT-spetsialistid, juristid ja haridusvaldkonna töötajad, et lahendada oluline küsimus E-residency : a cyberdream embodied in a digital identity card?Särav, Sandra; Kerikmäe, TanelThe future of law and eTechnologies2016 / p. 57-79*est Erik Reinert: eurole üleminek oli viga : [intervjuu TTÜ professoriga]Tigasson, Külli-Riin; Reinert, Erik S.Eesti Päevaleht2013 / lk. 10*est Estimation of agent-based modelling for cross-border infrastructure policy decision [Electronic resource]Kornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, TatjanaDoctoral school in economics and innovation : Kuressaare, August 6-9, 20132013 / 14 p. : ill. [CD-ROM] Estonia and Latvia as small EU Member States: Effects of membership on structure and performance [Online resource]Cepilovs, AleksandrsNurkse instituudi ideedepank = Nurkse School Ideas Bank2016 Estonia and the European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Mölder, Holger; Chochia, ArchilThe Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics2019 / 18 p httpd:// Estonian Discussions on Economic Policy = Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschaftspolitik = Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : Eesti Vabariik – 15 aastat EL-s ja NATO-s. 35 aastat esimesest, nn laevakonverentsist ja ajakirjast „Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused“ : prof. dr. 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Legal and operational aspects of the post–Brexit cooperation modelLoik, RamonRomanian journal of European affairs2020 / p. 5-17 European mining and the social license to operateLesser, Pamela; Gugerell, Katharina; Poelzer, Gregory; Hitch, Michael William; Tost, MichaelThe Extractive industries and society2020 / art. 787, 8 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS European normative power during Ukrainian-Russian conflictVeebel, Viljar; Markus, RaulBaltic journal of law & politics2018 / p. 1-20 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus The European rating fundFischer, Dirk-HinnerkJournal of Financial Regulation and Compliance2018 / p. 72-86 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus European standards for freedom to peaceful assembly in GeorgiaGabelaia, Dali; Kerikmäe, TanelL'Europe unie = United Europe2012 / p. 36-43 European Union and Great Britain: after Brexit, who wins the break-up?Laitinen, Essi; Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 103-116 The European Union and sovereignty : the sum is more than its parts?Kerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeTemas de Integração - 1.º e 2.º Semestre de 2011. No. 31 e 322012 / p. 5-16 European Union strategy and capabilities to Counter Hostile Influence OperationsLoik, Ramon; Madeira, VictorThe Russian Federation in global knowledge warfare : influence operations in Europe and its neighbourhood2021 / p. 247–264*est Europeanisation of Private Law in Ukraine : comparisons in the field of law of obligationsHoffmann, ThomasPolitical and legal perspectives of the EU eastern partnership policy2016 / p. 181-196*est Europeanization and the influence of the European Union’s economic and fiscal policy reforms on national budgetary processes = Euroopastumine ning Euroopa Liidu majandus- ja fiskaalpoliitika reformide mõju riikide eelarveprotsessideleKeel, Kati2023*est The Europeanization of law curricula in Eastern Partnership countries : best practices of EU member statesKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeFrom Eastern Partnership to the Association : a legal and political analysis2014 / p. 271-284 Europe's refugee crisis in 2015 and security threats from the Baltic perspectiveVeebel, Viljar; Markus, RaulJournal of politics and law2015 / p. 254-262 : ill EuroSun2006 GlasgowsTomson, TeolanKeskkonnatehnika2006 / 5, lk. 12 : ill*est Eurotsooni majandus- ja finantskriisi lahendusmeetmed ja valikud mõjugruppide seisukohastVeebel, Viljar; Teder, Allan; Kulu, Liina; Viikmaa, Karmen; Hurt, UlrikaTheory and practice of economic policy in the European Union = Wirtschaftspolitische Theorie und Praxis in der Europäischen Union = Majanduspoliitika teooria ja praktika Euroopa Liidus : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]. 12013 / lk. 77-83 Evidence based residential ventilation: sizing procedure and system solutions addressed by REHVA Residential Ventilation Task ForceKurnitski, Jarek; Thalfeldt, Martin; Weele, Harry van; Toksoy, Macit; Carlsson, Thomas; Vladykova Bednarova, Petra; Seppänen, OlliE3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, May 26-29, 20192019 / art. 01016, 7 p Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Excessive pricing of pharmaceuticals in The EU : balancing between exploitation and exploitative abuseMinn, MariTalTech journal of European studies2020 / p. 91-108 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Expansion of science-based industries : technological and organisational accumulation vs. fragmentation? Insights from biotechnology in EstoniaKirs, MargitInternational journal of technological learning, innovation and development2016 / p. 303-344 Exporting good governance via e-governance : Estonian e-governance support to eastern partnership countriesNyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Repytskyi, TarasPolitical and legal perspectives of the EU eastern partnership policy2016 / p. 81-100*est Factors associated with advanced-stage diagnosis of cervical cancer in Estonia: a population-based studyŠavrova, Aleksandra; Jaal, Jana; Nõmm, Oskar; Innos, KairePublic health2023 / p. 369-375 Female emigration from North Africa to Europe - intercultural functionsPando Ballestros, Maria de la Paz; Ramiro Troitino, DavidL'Europe unie = United Europe2017 / p. 1-13 Financial regulation in Estonia - a 'world of "dead letters"' : the interplay of Europeanization process and national idiosyncrasiesJuuse, EgertFinancial regulation in the European Union2016 / p. 133-162 : tab*est Financial regulation in Estonia [Online resource]Juuse, Egert; Kattel, Rainer2014 Financial regulation in the United Kingdom from the Big Bang to post-crisis reformsMontanaro, ElisabettaFinancial regulation in the European Union2016 / p. 250-272*est Financing and salaries Estonian institutions of higher education and their competitivenessRaudjärv, MattiEstonian discussions on economic policy : 30 years from the restoration of independence of the Republic of Estonia (20 august 1991). School of Business and Governance of Tallinn University of Technology - 80. 25 years from the first International Scientific Conference on Economic Policy. 25 years from the establishment of the regional college, Pärnu College of the University of Tartu in Pärnu = Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschaftspolitik : 30 Jahre seit Wiederherstellung der Unabhängigkeit der Republik Estland (20. August 1991). Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät für Technische Universität Tallinn - 80. Vor 25 Jahren fand die erste International Konferenz für Wirtschaftspolitik statt. Vor 25 Jahren wurde das College Pärnu der Tartuer Universität gegründet = Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : 30 aastat Eesti Vabariigi taasiseseisvumisest (20. august 1991). Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli majandusteaduskond - 80. 25 aastat esimesest rahvusvahelisest majanduspoliitika konverentsist. 25 aastat regionaalse kolledži, Tartu ülikooli Pärnu kolledži asutamisest Pärnus. 29, 1-22021 / p. 76-80*est First European and Pan-European integration efforts and British reluctanceRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Hrebickova, AndreaBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 3-20 The first European community and the British positionChochia, Archil; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, Olga; Lindstrom, NicoleBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 59-81 Fiscal shocks and budget balance persistence in the EU countries from Central and Eastern EuropeCuestas, Juan Carlos; Staehr, KarstenApplied economics2013 / p. 3211-3219 : ill Foreign affairs of the European Union: how to become an independent and dominant power in the international arenaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 209-230 Foreword by the book reviewerKerikmäe, TanelEuropean constitutional law : revealing the complex constitutional system of the European Union2013 / p. 3 Francois Mitterrand: French leadership in the European UnionRamiro Troitino, DavidThe European Union and its political leaders : understanding the integration process2022 / p. 233-242 Free movement of students in the EUKäsper, KariProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014 / p. 145-159 : ill From bitcoin to smart contracts : legal revolution or evolution from the perspective of de lege ferenda?Künnapas, KaidoThe future of law and eTechnologies2016 / p. 111-131 : ill From parts to wholeEngelbrecht, JüriTrames2003 / 1, p. 6-20*est Fundamental rights of athletes in the EU post-LisbonPijetlovic, KatarinaProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014 / p. 161-186 Future development opportunities on Estonian mining researchKaru, VeikoInternational IX Oil Shale Conference 2017 "Oil Shale Industry in Circular Economy" : 15th-16th November 2017, [Jõhvi], Ida-Viru County, Estonia : summary2017 / p. 20*est Gender as an impediment of marriage, free movement of citizens, and EU Charter of Fundamental RightsJoamets, KristiProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014 / p. 91-105 Geoloogid uurivad Virumaa elanike suhtumist maavarauuringutesseVolter, Kevinvirumaateataja.postimees.ee2024 Geoloogid uurivad Virumaa elanike suhtumist maavarauuringutesse Geoloogid uurivad fosforiidi leiukohtade piirkonnas elanike suhtumist maavarauuringutesse ja kaevandamisse Georgia on its path to Europeanisation : academic cooperationChochia, Archil; 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Una garantía para la protección de los derechos humanos en la ComunidadRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 204-208 La ciberseguridad en la era de hipercompetitividad: ¿puede la Union Europea afrontar los nuevos retos?Munkoe, Malthe; Mölder, HolgerRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 69-94 La Comisión europeaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 106-111 La comision para el estudio de la Union Europea. El sueno Europeo del periodo de entreguerrasRamiro Troitino, DavidHistoria actual online2021 / p. 17-34 La Comunidad de Defensa y la Comunidad Política. Crisis en el procesoRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 26-28 La Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del AceroRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 22-25 La estrategia de las instituciones de la Unión Europea ante el reto de digitalizaciónRamiro Troitino, DavidRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 17-40 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS La futura Política de MigraciónRoots, LehtePasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 169-174 La Política Agraria ComúnRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 144-149 La Política Comercial ComúnRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 139-143 La Política RegionalRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 150-154 La posición británica hacia la integración europea : un enfoque diferenteRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 60-63 La regulación de las actividades electrónicas en el ámbito comunitarioRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 190-197 La seguridad energética comúnKerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Dutt, Pawan KumarPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 198-203 La Unión Europea se expande a Europa central y del Este. El caso de Croacia y la situación especial de IslandiaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 84-91 La Unión Europea y el Reino Unido. Divergencia histórica y miopismo contemporáneoRamiro Troitino, DavidA Unión Europea post-brexit e o novo escenario institucional e político2020 / p. 61-73 La Unión MonetariaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 155-162 Laevanduse üleminek veeldatud gaasile nõuab aegaPunab, HeinoMeremees. Veeteede Ameti teataja2017 / lk. 7-8 : fot*est Las futuras ampliaciones de la Unión Europea y los límites de la organizaciónRamiro Troitino, David; Vallecillo Graziati, AdrianPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 101-105 Las relaciones exteriores de la UE y la Política Exterior y de Seguridad ComúnRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 163-168 Lastekasvatuseks parim riikRebane, MaritSirp2016 / lk. 7-8 Latvia after European Union accession : weathering the storm?Cepilovs, Aleksandrs; Muižniece, LaumaSmall states and the European Union : economic perspectives2016 / p. 87-110 : ill*est Legal dilemmas of Estonian artificial intelligence strategy : in between of e-society and global raceKerikmäe, Tanel; Pärn-Lee, EvelinAI & Society2020 / 12 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Legal framework for digital therapeutics (DTx) in the European UnionJoala, Kätlin; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Hamulak, Ondrej; Vardanyan, LusineEuropean Studies : The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics2023 / p. 98 - 123 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus The Legal Implications of Public Support Policies Targeting Research, Development and Innovation in the European UnionDutt, Pawan Kumar; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeTalTech journal of European studies2021 / p. 102-129 : ill*est Lessons from the EU-Russia sanctions 2014-2015Veebel, Viljar; Markus, RaulBaltic journal of law & politics2015 / p. 165-194 : ill Liberalising the service market for satellite transmission : interplay between intellectual property rights, specificity of sport and TFEU economic provisions in Murphy (joined cases C-403/08 and C-429/08)Pijetlovic, Katarina; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeThe international sports law journal2013 / p. 82-96 Lisandväärtus fookusesseBurnašev, Dmitri; Kalle, EedoInseneeria2008 / 4, lk. 32-34 : ill*est Los Tratados de Maastricht, Ámsterdam y NizaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 39-43 Lääne-Euroopa impordib rohkem Vene LNG-d kui enne sõda = Western European Russian LNG imports have risen drastically since war beganKlementi, Joakimerr.ee2023 Lääne-Euroopa impordib rohkem Vene LNG-d kui enne sõda Western European Russian LNG imports have risen drastically since war began Lääne-Virumaal katsetatav kaevandusrobot säästab keskkondaNikolajev, Jürierr.ee2023 Lääne-Virumaal katsetatav kaevandusrobot säästab keskkonda Macroeconomic trends in the Baltic states before and after accession to the EURandveer, Martti; Staehr, KarstenDoes EU membership facilitate convergence? 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Background document for WP4, 22 February 2021Bakkar, Yassine; Olaniyi, Eunice Omolola; Prause, Gunnar Klaus; Prokopenko, Olha2021 Manual of best practices in clean shipping financing in Europe : Research report, February 2021, Tallinn University of Technology Mapping E-governance in the EURamiro Troitino, DavidDigital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective2023 / p. 303-317*est Mapping the migration issues : EaP policy as a tool for regulationRoots, LehtePolitical and legal perspectives of the EU eastern partnership policy2016 / p. 119-135*est Margaret Thatcher : ¿Precursora del Brexit o Europeista Ambigua?Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelHistoria y Política2019 / p. 331-356 Margaret Thatcher ja Euroopa LiitRamiro Troitino, DavidPoliitika, riigiteadus, rahvusvahelised suhted2009 / lk. 39-62 Margaret Thatcher: British strategy in the European integrationRamiro Troitino, DavidThe European Union and its political leaders : understanding the integration process2022 / p. 207-218 Martin Kala. 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Mikk Raud: Eestil on aeg oma kiibipotentsiaal ellu äratadaArjakas, Merilidiplomaatia.ee2023 Mis juhtuks, kui Euroopa Liidus kehtiks ühtne ajatsoon?Wahl, M.Trialoog2024 Mitterrand and the great European design - from the cold war to the European UnionRamiro Troitino, David; Färber, Karoline; Boiro, AnniBaltic journal of European studies2017 / p. 132-147*est Models of European integration : Georgia's economic and political transition = Euroopa lõimumise mudelid : Gruusia majanduslik ja poliitiline üleminekChochia, Archil2013*est Modernized Beveridge curveTanning, Toivo; Tanning, LemboTEM journal : technology, education, management, informatics2012 / p. 258-269 : ill A multidimensional understanding of EU's digital sovereigntyMartinez-Ramil, Pablo; Bolanos-Frasquet, Haridian; Hamulak, Ondrej; Kerikmäe, TanelDigital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective2023 / p. 235-247*est Mõne aasta pärast tuleb kõigile uutele majadele paigaldada päikesepaneelidPärli, Merilinerr.ee2024 Mõne aasta pärast tuleb kõigile uutele majadele paigaldada päikesepaneelid Mõningaid ääremärkusi Euroopa Liidu uuele raamatupidamisdirektiivileAlver, Lehte; Alver, JaanAudit, maksud, raamatupidamine ja majandusanalüüs. II2013 / lk. 13-25 Mõttetu mudamaadlus ELi ümberSarapuu, HannesPostimees1997 / 12. aug., lk. 9 Müüdi heakskiitmisestStrandberg, MarekEesti Päevaleht2006 / 9. mai, lk. 2 "My agent will not let me talk to the general" : software agents as a tool against Internet scamsNorta, Alexander; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Othman, Anis Ben; Rull, AddiThe future of law and eTechnologies2016 / p. 11-44 : ill*est National methods fail to calculate standardized deep renovation concepts for dwellings: Benchmarking in three EU climatesVõsa, Karl-Villem; Kurnitski, Jarek; Felsmann, Clemens; Meinsenbach, Andrea; Carli, Michele De; Tonon, Massimo; Iivonen, MikkoE3S Web of Conferences : 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, IAQVE C20232023 / art. 04014, 8 p.: ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus National sovereignty in the European Union : view from the Czech perspectiveHamulak, Ondrej2016 Neutrality and equality aspects in the EU State Aid Temporary Framework 2020 : the case of the airline industryKasser, Kevin; Solarte Vasquez, Maria ClaudiaTalTech journal of European studies2022 / p. 99-122 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus The new developments in EU family lawJoamets, Kristi; Kerikmäe, TanelKorea University law review2013 / p. 25-42 New perspectives and competences as needs for advancementMüürsepp, Peeter; Kerikmäe, TanelBaltic journal of European studies2015 / p. 2-4*est No direct influence of EU on domestic consolidation and reform: two fiscal ‘hardliners’, Netherlands and EstoniaKickert, Walter J. 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Ramon; Chatfield, Akemi Takeokadg.o 2017 : the proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research : Innovations and Transformations in Government : June 7-9, 2017, Staten Island, NY, USA2017 / p. 602-603 : ill The once-only principle : a matter of trustKrimmer, Robert Johannes; Prentza, Andriana; Mamrot, Szymon; Schmidt, CarstenThe once-only principle : The TOOP project2021 / p. 1-8 Article collection metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article collection metrics at WOS Article at WOS One bridge too far? : the crisis of European economic intergationNotermans, Antonius Johannes HubertusEU review2016 / p. 32-66 : tab Online sale of pharmaceuticals : liberalization of EU law in the context of transnational criminal lawSogomonjan, Melita; Forcht Dagi, TeodoroDigital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective2023 / p. 45-66*est The opening of Central and Eastern European countries to free trade : a critical assessmentKuc‑Czarnecka, Marta; Saltelli, Andrea; Olczyk, Magdalena; Reinert, ErikStructural Change and Economic Dynamics2021 / p. 23 - 34 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Opportunities and challenges arising from adapting to external discourses, policies, and instruments aimed for sustainability transitions: case studies from Estonia = Jätkusuutlikkusele ülemineku võimalused ja väljakutsed väliste diskursuste, poliitikate ja instrumentidega kohandumisel: juhtumianalüüsid EestistValdmaa, Kaija2020 Organizational dilemmas of EU-funded policy development: the case of Estonian government task forcesSarapuu, Külli; Trei, MariliisPublic money & management2023 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Otras instituciones comunitariasRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilPasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 / p. 131-135 The Outcome of Directive 2009/73/EC Amendment on EU’s Natural Gas SecurityKeypour, JavadBaltic journal of economics2019 / p. 77-98 : ill Pagulane kui Eesti arengu võtiKäsper, KariVikerkaar2016 / lk. 75-84*est Pasado, presente y futuro de la Unión Europea2015 Pesticide regulatory risk assessment, monitoring, and fate studies in the northern zone : recommendations from a Nordic-Baltic workshopStenrod, Marianne; Almvik, Marit; Eklo, Ole Martin; Künnis-Beres, KaiEnvironmental science and pollution research2016 / p. 15779-15788 : ill Pettepildid ja karmid tõed : Eesti Euroopa Liitu - millist teed mööda?Koslov, VladimirPostimees1996 / 13. aug., lk. 11: ill Photovoltaic research and development in EU new member and candidate statesPietruszko, Stanislaw; Mikolajuk, A.; Mellikov, EnnProceedings of SPIE2005 / Optical materials and applications, p. 252 Piirideta vaimujõud : [Eesti teadusuuringutest ja teadlaskonnast Euroopa foonil ja teaduse rahvusvahelistest sidemetest]Engelbrecht, JüriEurosild : arvamusi Euroopa Liidu kohta. 12001 / lk. 7-12 : ill*est Pitfalls of machine learning methods in smart grids : a legal perspectiveAntonov, Alexander; Häring, Tobias; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Biechl, Helmuth2021 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls :(ISCSIC 2021), 12-14 November 2021, Rome, Italy : proceedings2021 / p. 248-256 Political and legal perspectives of the EU eastern partnership policy2016*est Post-crisis international regulatory standards and their inclusion in the European frameworkTonveronachi, MarioFinancial regulation in the European Union2016 / p. 286-321 : tab*est Postimehe rahvusvaheline konverents: «Rohepöördest realistlikult» [Võrguväljaanne]Peinar, Clairepostimees.ee2022 Postimehe rahvusvaheline konverents: «Rohepöördest realistlikult» Practices in other countries in the Baltic Sea regionBregendahl, Jeppe; Leisk, Ülle; Haiba, Egge; Schütz, Jan; Stapf, Michael; Kublina, Anete; Szumska, Marlena; Bogusz, Aleksandra; Kalinowski, RadoslawRecommendations for efficient dissemination of environmental information regarding pharmaceuticals : Clear waters from pharmaceuticals (CWPharma) : Activity 4.2 report2020 / p. 20-22 Praktikum prava Evropske unieStehlik, Vaclav; Hamulak, Ondrej; Petr, Michal2016 PrefaceKrimmer, Robert; Prentza, Andriana; Mamrot, SzymonThe once-only principle : The TOOP project2021 / 1 p Article collection metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article collection metrics at WOS Preliminary assessment of preconditions to deliver carbon neutrality in apartment buildings by 2050Lihtmaa, Lauri; Kalamees, TargoE3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 20202020 / art. 18004, 6 p. : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Prerequisites for European higher education in the context of globalized market [Electronic resource]Kerikmäe, TanelHigher education in the framework of the 2020 European Union’s strategy2012 / p. 25-29 [CD-ROM] Presentación. 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