A finite feedback linearization algorithm for nonlinear control systemsKaldmäe, ArvoProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 53-56 A fish perspective : detecting flow features while moving using an artificial lateral line in steady and unsteady flowChambers, Lily D.; Ježov, Jaas; Kruusmaa, MaarjaJournal of the Royal Society Interface2014 / p. 1-13 : ill A framework of awareness for artificial subjectsJantsch, Axel; Tammemäe, KalleCODES '14 : proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis2014 / [3] p A general approach to the synthesis of 5-S-functionalized pyrimidine nucleosides and their analoguesKananovich, Dzmitry; Reino, Aili; Ilmarinen, Kaja; Rõõmusoks, Marko; Karelson, Mati; Lopp, MargusOrganic & biomolecular chemistry2014 / p. 5634-5644 : ill https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/ob/c4ob00597j A general approach to the synthesis of 5-S-functionalized pyrimidine nucleosides and their analoguesKananovich, Dzmitry; Reino, Aili; Ilmarinen, Kaja; Rõõmusoks, Marko; Karelson, Mati; Lopp, Margus8th Biennial International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Balticum Organicum Syntheticum : July 6-9, 2014, Vilnius : program and abstract book2014 / p. 77 https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/ob/c4ob00597j A highly stereoselective route to medium-ring-sized trans-alkenolides via oxidative fragmentation of bicyclic oxycyclopropane precursors : application to the synthesis of (+)-recifeiolideZubrytski, Dzmitry; Kananovich, Dzmitry; Kulinkovich, OlegTetrahedron2014 / p. 2944-2950 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0040402014003524 A kinetic view to the mechanism of the Grignard reaction with alkoxysilanesPloom, Anu; Tuulmets, AntsXXVI Inernational Conference on Organometallic Chemistry : July 13-18, 2014, Sapporo, Japan2014 A lot of trees, a lot of orangesPieterman, Frank van deStudioosus2014 / lk. 26 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est A method to compare the complexity of legal actsTamme, Tõnu; Võhandu, Leo; Täks, ErmoNAIL 2014 : 2nd International Workshop on "Network Analysis in Law" : Wednesday December 10th 2014 in conjunction with JURIX 2014 : 27th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Krakow, Poland2014 / p. 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Kreutzwaldi päevade teaduslik konverents "Eesti perekond : traditsioon ja fiktsioon" : teesid : 16.-17. detsember 2014, Tartu2014 / lk. 3-4 Academy in brief : how have 75 years passed in the Estonian Academy of Sciences?Engelbrecht, JüriEstonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20132014 / p. 203-204 Acceleration data acquisition and processing system for structural health monitoringHerranen, Henrik; Kuusik, Alar; Saar, Tõnis; Reidla, Marko; Land, Raul; Märtens, Olev; Majak, Jüri2014 IEEE International Workshop On Metrology For Aerospace : May 29-30, 2014, Benevento, Italy : proceedings2014 / p. 244-248 : ill Accommodation to defects in the discrete dynamic systemsZhirabok, Alexey N.; Kotta, Ülle; Shumsky, A. E.Automation and remote control2014 / p. 997-1009 : ill Accounting, Auditing and Taxation : ICAAT 2014 : December 11-12, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4438865*est Acoustic studies on porous sintered powder metalsLuppin, Janek; Auriemma, FabioProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 47-52 : ill Acquisition of O2 adsorption isotherms as supplementary analysis for thorough characterization of polycrystalline titanium dioxide photocatalystsMoiseev, Anna; Kritševskaja, Marina; Klauson, Deniss20th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy : Berlin, Germany, July 27th-August 1st, 20142014 / p. 85 Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2941458*est Activation and reactivity of oil shale cyclone ash towards SO2 bindingKaljuvee, Tiit; Trass, Olev; Pihu, Tõnu; Konist, Alar; Kuusik, Rein, keemikESTAC-11 : the 11th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry : Dipoli Congress Center, Espoo, Finland, August 17-21, 2014 : abstracts2014 / p. 14 Active learning in computer exercises on electronicsRaud, Zoja; Vodovozov, ValeryWorld Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International journal of electrical, computer, electronics and communication engineering2014 / p. 1061-1066 : ill Active learning technology in the field of electronicsRaud, Zoja2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4412028*est Active power losses in Estonian power transmission networkAinsaar, Karin Maria; Ülavere, Eero; Tammoja, Heiki; Valtin, Juhan14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 112-117 : ill AC-voltage performance of field aged glass insulator stringsHyvönen, Petri; Klüss, Joni; Taklaja, PaulICHVE 2014 : 2014 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application : 8-11 September 2014, Poznan, Poland2014 / [4] p. : ill Adaptability, interpretability and rule weights in fuzzy rule-based systemsRiid, Andri; Rüstern, EnnuInformation sciences2014 / p. 301-312 : ill Adjoint polynomial formulas for nonlinear state-space realizationBelikov, Juri; Kotta, Ülle; Tõnso, MarisIEEE transactions on automatic control2014 / p. 256-261 Administrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1447450*est Administrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1447450*est Adolescence of European lawyer : promoting legal education through Eastern partnershipKerikmäe, TanelInternational Jean Monnet Conference "EU Eastern Partnership - from Capacities to Excellence : Strengthening Research, Regional and Innovation Policies in the Context of Horizon 2020" : 11-13 June, 2014, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia2014 ADS-B in space : decoder implementation and first results from the GATOSS missionKnudsen, Bjarke Gosvig; 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Tõugu, Vello; Palumaa, PeepMetallomics2014 / p. 1296-1300 : ill Against the political expectations and theoretical models : how to implement austerity and not to lose political powerVeebel, Viljar; Kulu, LiinaBaltic journal of economics2014 / p. 2-16 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1406099X.2014.991140 Agent SinikraeVassiljev, AleksanderStudioosus2014 / lk. 6 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Aging processes in recycled polyethylene and fly ash blendsKrasnou, Illia; Jayapal, Ramkumar; Köster, Annika; Krumme, AndresBook of abstracts : AERC 2014 : 9th Annual European Rheology Conference, April 8-11, 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany2014 / p. 179 Agu Aarna - self-made manAarna, OlavMente et Manu2014 / lk. 22-23 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Agu Uudelepp - tipikate suurim fännApri, Crisely; Uudelepp, AguStudioosus2014 / lk. 8-9 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen : [answers to Peirce]Pietarinen, Ahti-VeikkoPeirce : 5 questions2014 / p. 207-223 AIESECTinno, LiisuStudioosus2014 / lk. 21 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Ain Kallis: üleeilne lumi oli ekstreemneHelme, Kristi; 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Ling, Mariin; Tennokese, KasparInnovative Solutions in the Field of Engineering Sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Automation (AMMA 2014), May 20-21, 2014, Macao, China2014 / p. 599-603 : ill Ajalugu ei õpetaPenjam, TiiaMente et Manu2014 / lk. 3 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Ajud ees, töökohad järel : Eestil on šanss valida talendisõjas võitjate poolPetlenkov, EduardPostimees2014 / lk. 13 Akadeemia liikmeskond : [uus akadeemik ka Andres Öpik]Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 / lk. 13-17 : portr Akadeemia nimelised medalid : [Nikolai Alumäe nimeline medal akadeemik Raimund-Johannes Ubarile]Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 / lk. 52 Akadeemiast. Kuidas on möödunud 75 aastat Eesti Teaduste Akadeemias?Engelbrecht, JüriEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 / lk. 274-275 Akadeemiatest ja paradigmadestEngelbrecht, JüriAkadeemia2014 / lk. 723-732 Akadeemik Anto Raukas, tuhande tee meesTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 107-115 : fot Akadeemik Dimitri Kaljo uurib minevikku, et teha tulevikkuTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 149-157 : fot Akadeemik Enn Mellikov pigistab päikesest energiatTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 439-445 : fot Akadeemik Enn TõuguTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 141-147 : fot Akadeemik Harri Käär - õpetaja ja õpetlaneMente et Manu2014 / lk. 30-31 : portr https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Akadeemik Hillar Aben ja tema klaasist maailmTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 89-98 : fot Akadeemik Ilmar ÖpikTõugu, EnnMente et Manu2014 / lk. 18-19 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Akadeemik Jakob Kübarsepp ei hõõrdu ega kuluTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 623-629 : fot Akadeemik Jüri Engelbrecht, Eesti teaduse kõva käsiTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 253-259 : fot Akadeemik Leo Mõtus, Teaduste Akadeemia üks tänane edasiviijaTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 327-335 : fot Akadeemik Mart Saarma huvitub närvirakkude elust ja toimimisestTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 271-279 : fot Akadeemik Mati Karelson, andmemahukate arvutite isaTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 465-472 : fot Akadeemik Mihkel Veiderma - keemiatehase peainsenerist teadlaseksTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 81-88 : fot Akadeemik Olav Aarna - keemiatööstuse informaatik rullikutelTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 245-251 : fot Akadeemik Raimund-Johannes Ubar, tagurpidisaltoga arvutiteadlaneTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 347-355 : fot Akadeemik Rein Küttner, raalprojekteerimise fanaatikTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 423-430 : ill Akadeemik Tarmo Soomere, mees üheksanda lainegaTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 473-479 : fot Akadeemik Tarmo Uustalu - arvutikeelte polüglottTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 585-594 : fot Akadeemik Uno Mereste rinnakuju avamine Akadeemikute alleel : 17. septembril 2013 : Eesti Panga asepresidendi Madis Mülleri kõneMüller, MadisTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 51-52 Akadeemik Uno Merste purjetab uljalt vastuTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 753-759 : fot Akadeemik Ülo Lille kasvamine laia profiiliga keemiku-orgaanikunaTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 159-166 : fot Akadeemikute klass : [Tartu Tamme Gümnaasiumi 1967. aasta lennust kuus akadeemikut]Mallene, LauraEesti Ekspress2014 / lk. 24-25 : ill https://ekspress.delfi.ee/artikkel/70380549/geeniuste-kasvulava-uhest-klassist-kasvas-valja-kuus-akadeemikut Akadeemilisest vabadusest ja riisiterastUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 11-21 Alam, Noor; Khan, Noor Mohammad. Epimorphisms, closed, and supersaturated semigroups. Commun. Algebra 42, No. 7, 3137-3146 (2014) : [review]Henno, JaakZentralblatt MATH2014 / [1] p ALD applied to conformal rare-earth coating of ZnO nanoparticles for low temperature thermal imaging applicationsRauwel, Erwan; Galeckas, Augustinas; Rauwel, ProtimaECS transactions2014 / p. 23-31 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1149/06409.0023ecst Aleksander Kink. Eesti Inseneride Ühingu I esimees, professorSusi, EndelVana-Otepää - seitsme professori noorpõlvemaa2014 / lk. 193-194 Algebra, geomeetria ja matemaatilise füüsika konverents Tallinnas : [10.-13. juulil 2014 Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis]Kuusk, PiretAastaraamat 2012 / Eesti Matemaatika Selts2014 / lk. 143-146 Algebra, geometry and mathematical physics : AGMP, Mulhouse, France, October 20112014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4425009*est Algebre et logique symboliques : arbitraire du signe et langage formelDurand-Richard, Marie-Jose; Moktefi, AmiroucheLa pointure du symbole2014 / p. 295-328 Alkoholiturunduse eneseregulatsioon Eestis : raport [Võrguväljaanne]Kõlvart, Merit; Rull, Addi; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Särav, Sandra2014 http://media.voog.com/0000/0037/9083/files/eneseregulatsioon.pdf Allu purustuskopa katsed Narva karjäärisNurme, MartinTalveakadeemia 12/2014 : teaduslikud lühiartiklid : kogumik = Winteracademy 12/2014 : scientific articles : publications2014 / lk. 50-59 : ill Alo Adamson : 13.07.1939-31.08.2013Uibopuu, LembitTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 364-365 Alternatiive ei olePenjam, TiiaMente et Manu2014 / lk. 3 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Alternative approach to buckling of square hollow section steel columns in fireKervališvili, Andrei; Talvik, IvarJournal of constructional steel research2014 / p. 140-150 : ill Alternative splicing of TAF4 : a dynamic switch between distinct cell functions = TAF4 alternatiivne splaising kui raku funktsioonide dünaamilise reguleerimise lülitiKazantseva, Jekaterina2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4437535*est Alternatives of measurement of electrical bioimpedance of the body with the aim to determine the cardiac and respiratory activityMetshein, MargusBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 197-200 : ill Alumina-silica hollow microspheres in metallo-ceramic matrix composite [Electronic resource]Šiškins, Andrejs; Mironovs, Viktors; Zemčenkovs, Vjačeslavs; Hussainova, IrinaCellular Materials CellMat 2014 : Dresden, Germany, 22-24 October, 20142014 / [CD-ROM] Ambio : a journal of the human environment2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1199229*est An adjusted DuPont model for enterprise performance evaluationZheng, Xiaosong; Zhang, BingJournal of academic research in economics2014 / p. 93-102 An agent-oriented method for designing large socio-technical service-ecosystemsNorta, Alexander; Mahunnah, Msury; Tenso, Tanel; Taveter, Kuldar; Narendra, Nanjangud C.2014 IEEE Tenth World Congress on Services : SERVICES 2014 : 27 June-2 July 2014, Anchorage, Alaska : proceedings2014 / p. 242-249 : ill An algorithm for distributed adaptive network communicationUlp, SanderProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 143-147 : ill An assessment of alternative low level calculation methods for the initial selection of conformers of diastereomeric estersMetsala, Andrus; Tamp, Sven; Danilas, Kady; Lille, Ülo; Villo, Ly; Vija, Sirje; Pehk, Tõnis; Parve, OmarJournal of theoretical chemistry2014 / p. 1-10 : ill An overview of the impedance models of the thorax and the origin of the impedance cardiography signal for modelling of the impedance signalsMughal, Yar M.; Annus, Paul; Min, Mart; Gordon, Rauno2014 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences : 8th-10th December 2014, Miri-Malaysia : conference proceedings2014 / p. 526-531 : ill Anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge with fish farming wasteKuusik, Argo; Pachel, Karin; Kuusik, Aare; Loigu, EnnThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / [8] p. : ill Analyses of Estonian oil shale resourcesVäizene, Vivika; Valgma, Ingo; Reinsalu, Enno; Roots, RaulRessursid ja energiasääst2014 Analysis of cider aroma using HS-SPME-GC/MS and GC-OKuldjärv, Rain; Holm, MariliisTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Analysis of energy economic renovation for historic wooden apartment buildings in cold climatesArumägi, Endrik; Kalamees, TargoApplied energy2014 / p. 540-548 : ill Analysis of mechanical vibrations caused by eccentricity in a slow-speed slotless permanent magnet generatorTiirats, Tauno; Pabut, Ott; Kallaste, Ants; Herranen, Henrik; Naar, Hendrik; Vaimann, ToomasPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 237-241 : ill Analysis of proposed microgrid electric energy management methodsKorõtko, Tarmo14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 205-209 Analysis of sustainability assessment in carbonate rock quarries = Karbonaatkivimite karjääride jätkusuutlikkuse analüüsŠommet, Julija2014 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?1007 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3081322*est Analysis of the program for continuing education of technical teachers on the basis of graduates' feedback resultsRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsProceedings of 2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) : 03-06 December 2014, Dubai, UAE2014 / p. 7-12 : ill Analysis of the twisted and fluted birth dowel jointsDobris, Jörgen; Luts, Andrus; Meier, Pille; Kers, JaanProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 331-336 : ill Analytical separations in harsh environmentsKaljurand, MihkelTrends in environmental analytical chemistry2014 / e2-e7 : ill Anne Veski : "Tee kuulsuse juurde on ränk ja okkaline - igaüks ei suuda seda läbida."Koppel, NatalyÕhtuleht2014 / lk. 22-23 Anne Veski sai TTÜ teenetemedaliÕhtuleht2014 / lk. 10 https://www.ohtuleht.ee/elu/595716/anne-veski-sai-ttu-teenetemedali Anne Veski: "Muusikat ja poliitikat ei pea alati ühte patta panema."Kulli, Jaanus; Veski, AnneÕhtuleht2014 / lk. 10-11 https://www.ohtuleht.ee/elu/656566/anne-veski-muusikat-ja-poliitikat-ei-pea-alati-uhte-patta-panema- Anne Veski: see ongi õnn, kui sul on ärgates mida tehaLeivak, Verni; Veski, AnnePostimees2014 / Arter, lk. 4-7 https://www.postimees.ee/3030769/anne-veski-see-ongi-onn-kui-sul-on-argates-mida-teha Annealing effect for SnS thin films prepared by high-vacuum evaporationRevathi, Naidu; Bereznev, Sergei; Loorits, Mihkel; Raudoja, Jaan; Lehner, Julia; Gurevitš, Jelena; Traksmaa, Rainer; Mikli, Valdek; Mellikov, Enn; Volobujeva, OlgaJournal of vacuum science & technology A2014 / p. 061506-1 - 061506-6 : ill Anniversaries : Dimitri Kaljo 85Estonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20132014 / p. 74-75 : portr Anniversaries : Lembit Krumm 85Estonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20132014 / p. 76-77 : portr Antibiotic-imprinted polymer films prepared by electrochemical approach : towards the development of a label-free chemical sensorAyankojo, Akinrinade George; Sõritski, Vitali; Tretjakov, Aleksei; Reut, Jekaterina; Öpik, AndresBaltic Polymer Symposium 2014 : programme and abstracts : Laulasmaa, Estonia, September 24-26, 20142014 / p. 38 Antimüramasin ja bioreaktor ootavad tootmist. Tudengitest leiutajad vajavd ettevõtjate rahastust. : [artiklis samal teemal ka TTüst]Mets, MariÄripäev2014 / lk. 6 Antioxidant chemistry of graphene-based materials and its role in oxidation protection technologyQiu, Yang; Wang, Zhongying; Külaots, IndrekNanoscale2014 / p. 11744-11755 : ill Anxiety and uncertainty in expatriate everyday life : identity boundary regulation within Estonian online communitiesKaljund, Kristel; Peterson, Anne-LiisIdentity and intercultural communication2014 / p. 360-378 Applebaum, Benny. Cryptography in constant parallel time. Information Security and Cryptography. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-17366-0/hbk; 978-3-642-17367-7/ebook). xvi, 193 p. (2014) : [review]Henno, JaakZentralblatt MATH2014 / [1] p Applicability of ITS solutions in the field of winter maintenance in EstoniaPruunsild, Rene; Mäe, Roland; Antov, DagoActa Technica Napocensis : civil engineering & architecture2014 / p. 84-94 : ill Applicability of static supercritical carbon dioxide extraction in biogeochemical characterization of oil shalesLuik, Hans; Luik, Lea; Palu, Vilja; Šarajeva, Galina; Gregor, AndreAmerican journal of analytical chemistry2014 / p. 173-180 : ill Application of differential scanning calorimetry to study solvent swelling of kukersite oil shale macromolecular organic matter : a comparison with the fine-grained sample volumetric swelling methodHruljova, Jelena; Järvik, Oliver; Oja, VahurEnergy & fuels2014 / p. 840-847 : ill Application of extensible processing platforms for experiments with FPGA-based circuitsSklyarov, Valery; Skliarova, Iouliia; Silva, João; Rjabov, Artjom; Sudnitsõn, AleksanderMELECON 2014 : 2014 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : 13-16 April 2014, Beirut, Lebanon2014 / p. 467-471 : ill Application of genetic algorithms to neural networks based control of a liquid level tank systemVassiljeva, Kristina; Belikov, Juri; Petlenkov, Eduard2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) : July 6-11, 2014, Beijing, China2014 / p. 2525-2530 : ill Application of MPC to industrial water boiler control system in district heat plantVansovitš, Vitali; Petlenkov, Eduard; Vassiljeva, Kristina; Tepljakov, Aleksei; Belikov, Juri2014 13th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics & Vision (ICARCV 2014) : Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 10-12th December 20142014 / p. 1609-1614 : ill Application of multidimensional laser measurement for Lamb wave testingRatassepp, MadisMeasuring by light 2014, a topical workshop on "Quality Control, Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance Using Optical Measurement Techniques"2014 Application of the improved method of grids with the estimation of accuracyGornostajev, Dmitri; Arjassov, Gennadi; Baraškova, Tatjana; Žigailov, SergeiProcedia engineering2014 / p. 1443-1448 : ill Applying Peirce in Tallinn and HelsinkiPietarinen, Ahti-VeikkoSign systems studies = Töid märgisüsteemide alalt = Труды по знаковым системам2014 / p. 417-420 http://dx.doi.org/10.12697/SSS.2014.42.2-3.13 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1331700*est Applying probabilistic models for missing data prediction in network industries performance systems [Electronic resource]Kuhi, Kristjan; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttAnnals of DAAAM International for 2014 & Collection of Working Papers for 25th DAAAM International Symposium2014 / p. 1-6. [CD-ROM] Araújo, João; Kinyon, Michael; Malheiro, António. A characterization of adequate semigroups by forbidden subsemigroups. Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., Sect. A, Math. 143, No. 6, 1115-1122 (2013) : [review]Henno, JaakZentralblatt MATH2014 / [1] p Archetypes based meta-modeling towards evolutionary, dependable and interoperable healthcare information systemsPiho, Gunnar; Tepandi, Jaak; Thompson, Douglas; Tammer, Triinu; Parman, Marko; Puusep, ViljamProcedia computer science2014 / p. 457-464 : ill Are companies from new block EU countries willing to publicly present financial reports? Focused on Czech and EstoniaStrouhal, Jiri; Nikitina-Kalamäe, Monika; Gurvitš, NataljaHandbook on business strategy and social sciences2014 / p. 469-475 : tab Are companies willing to publicly present their financial statements on time? Case of Czech and Estonian TOP100 companiesStrouhal, Jiri; Gurvitš, Natalja; Nikitina-Kalamäe, Monika7th International Scientific Conference Managing and Modelling of Financial Risks : 8th-9th September 2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic2014 / p. 731-738 Are Czech and Estonian companies willing to publicly present their financial statements? Evidence from Czech and Estonian TOP100Strouhal, Jiri; Nikitina-Kalamäe, Monika; Gurvitš, NataljaInternational journal of trade, economics and finance2014 / p. 332-336 Are foreign-owned firms different? Comparison of employment volatility and elasticity of labour demandMeriküll, Jaanika; Rõõm, Tairi2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3054954*est Areng kasvatab ootusi : [arvamusi TTÜ raamatukogu kohta]Kübarsepp, Jakob; Kallavus, Urve; Kalev, KaiaMente et Manu2014 / lk. 10 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Arengufond. VilistlaskoguTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 280-282 Armor materials' behavior under repetitive dense plasma shotsShirokova, Veroonika; Laas, Tõnu; Mikli, ValdekPhysica scripta2014 / p. 1-5 : ill Armulugu Antarktikaga : 9 ekspeditsiooni LõunamandrileKaup, Enn2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4423799*est Arvamus halduskorralduse uue regulatsiooni väljatöötamiskavatsuse projekti kohta2014 Arvamusi akadeemikutelt [oluliste teadusprobleemide kohta]Engelbrecht, Jüri; Kaljo, Dimitri; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 / lk. 258-273 As a matter of counterfactSchang, Fabien; Moktefi, AmiroucheInternational conference "Rule Following : Reasoning, Reason, Rationality" : 21-23 October, 2014, Moscow2014 AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika parendusprotsessidLõvi, EvaElektriala2014 / lk. 32-33 : ill Aspect-oriented testing of a rehabilitation systemSarna, Külli; Vain, JüriVALID 2014 : the Sixth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle : October 12-16, 2014, Nice, France2014 / p. 73-78 : ill Assessing the implemented performance management systems : a case studyKadak, TarmoJoint Conference of 26th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues and 2014 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference : program & proceedings : October 26-29, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.2014 / p. 89 Assessment of the precision of data collected about the traffic accidents with property damage only in claim handling process by insurance companiesErnits, Erik; Antov, Dago; Kott, AntonTransport2014 / p. 160-166 : ill https://doi.org/10.3846/16484142.2014.914571 Assessment of transmission network voltage unbalance in connection of high-speed electrical railway connectionKilter, Jako; Sarnet, Tanel; Kangro, TriinPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 329-334 : ill Asümmeetriliselt erikäeline orgaanik - akadeemik Margus LoppTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 631-638 : fot Asymmetric diastereoselective synthesis of spirocyclopropane derivatives of oxindoleOšeka, Maksim; Noole, Artur; Žari, Sergei; Öeren, Mario; Järving, Ivar; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisEuropean journal of organic chemistry2014 / p. 3599-3606 : ill Asymmetric organocatalytic synthesis of 3,3'-disubstituted oxindoles = Asümmeetriline organokatalüütiline 3,3’-diasendatud oksindoolide sünteesNoole, Artur2014 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?1217 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3201689*est Asymmetric organocatalytic synthesis of cyclopentanespirooxindolesNoole, Artur; Ilmarinen, Kaja; Järving, Ivar; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p. : ill Asymmetric organocatalytic synthesis of spiro-cyclopropane oxindolesOšeka, Maksim; Noole, Artur; Žari, Sergei; Kanger, TõnisTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p. : ill Asymmetric organocatalytic synthesis of spiro-cyclopropyloxindolesNoole, Artur; Ošeka, Maksim; Malkov, Andrei; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, Tõnis8th Biennial International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Balticum Organicum Syntheticum : July 6-9, 2014, Vilnius : program and abstract book2014 Asymmetric synthesis of congested spiro-cyclopentaneoxindoles via an organocatalytic cascade reactionNoole, Artur; Kanger, Tõnis248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition : August 10-14, 2014, San Francisco, CA : Chemistry and Global Stewardship2014 / [1] p. : ill Asymmetric synthesis of tertiary 2-substituted 5-oxotetrahyrofuran-2-carboxylic acidsPaju, Anne; Oja, Karolin; Matkevitš, Katharina; Lumi, Priit; Järving, Ivar; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusHeterocycles2014 / p. 981-995 : ill Asymmetric synthesis of the 2,2,3-trisubstituted cyclopentanone, D-ring fragment of 9,11-secosterolsKõllo, Marek; Aav, Riina; Tamp, Sven; Jarvet, Jüri; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron2014 / p. 6723-6727 : ill Asymmetric synthesis of the D-ring fragment of 9,11-secosterols and its configuration assignmentKõllo, Marek; Aav, Riina; Tamp, Sven; Järvet, Jüri; Lopp, MargusTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p. : ill Asynchronous fault detection in IEEE P1687 instrument networkShibin, Konstantin; Devadze, Sergei; Jutman, ArturIEEE 23rd North Atlantic Test Workshop : 14-16 May 2014, Binghampton, New York : proceedings2014 / p. 73-78 : ill Atomic layer deposition for hard nanocoatingsJõgiaas, Taivo; Kollo, Lauri; Hussainova, IrinaBaltic ALD 2014 : 12th International Baltic Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition : May 12-13, 2014, Helsinki, Finland2014 / p. 91-92 Atomic layer deposition of aluminaon g-Al2O3 nanofibresJõgiaas, Taivo; Arroval, Tõnis; Kollo, Lauri; Hussainova, IrinaPhysica status solidi (a) : applications and materials science2014 / p. 403-408 : ill August Velner (Wellner). Eesti hüdroloogia rajaja, tehnikateaduste doktor, professorSusi, EndelVana-Otepää - seitsme professori noorpõlvemaa2014 / lk. 194-195 Aukartus teaduse ees : [essee]. Nikolai Alumäe medalUbar, Raimund-JohannesSirp2014 / lk. 3-5 : fot https://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/c21-teadus/aukartus-teaduse-ees/ Aukodanik Madis Kõiv 5. XII 1929 - 24. IX 2014Hanson, RaimuTartu Postimees2014 / lk. 2 Aul vajab kaitsetRammul, ÜllarEesti Jahimees2014 / lk. 28-29 Austatud lugeja!Leiger, RoometEesti Mereakadeemia 95 : 150 aastat Eesti mereharidust2014 / lk. 5 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b4375202*est Autocorrelation influence by geometrical deviations measurementsKulderknup, Edi; Pandis, ArgoProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 243-246 : ill Automated design error localization in RTL designsJenihhin, Maksim; Tšepurov, Anton; Tihhomirov, Valentin; Raik, Jaan; Hantson, Hanno; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Bartsch, Günter; Meza Escobar, Jorge Hernan; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichIEEE design & test of computers2014 / p. 83-92 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MDAT.2013.2271420 Automated inspection system of electric motor stator and rotor sheetsRoosileht, Ingmar; Mets, Oliver; Lentsius, Marek; Heering, Siim; Hiiemaa, Maido; Tamre, MartProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 283-288 : ill Automatic spot preparation and image processing of paper microzone-based assays for analysis of bioactive compounds in plant extractsVaher, Merike; Borissova, Maria; Seiman, Andrus; Aid, Tiina; Kolde, Helen; Kazarjan, Jana; Kaljurand, MihkelFood chemistry2014 / p. 465-471 : ill Automating component dependency analysis for enterprise business intelligenceTomingas, Kalle; Tammet, Tanel; Kliimask, Margus; Järv, Priit2014 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2014) : Auckland, New Zealand, December 14-17, 20142014 / p. 1-15 : ill Autonduse käsiraamat2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4433745*est Autonäitus pakub proovisõiduks poolsada autotSaar, JüriPostimees2014 / lk. 2-3 Avalikud akadeemilised loengud : [akad. 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Tarmo Uustalu (13.11.13)]Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 / lk. 44 : portr Avariielektrijaam valmis, virtuaaljõujaam arutamiselKöster, Ain; Strandberg, MarekInseneeria2014 / lk. 40-43 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2678063*est Avatud uste päevad jätkuvalt populaarsed : [ka TTÜs]Valdre, LiinaPostimees2014 / Koolitaja, lk. 2-3 https://www.postimees.ee/2733692/avatud-uste-paevad-jatkuvalt-populaarsed Avatud õppe kaudu on võimalik omandada paindlikul viisil tasemel haridus : [avatud õppest TTÜs]Alver, Anne-Mari; Kungla, Kadi-IngelEesti Ekspress : Teeviit2014 / lk. 5 BAC-based cellular model for screening regulators of BDNF gene transcriptionJaanson, Kaur; Sepp, Mari; Aid-Pavlidis, Tamara; Timmusk, TõnisBMC neuroscience2014 / p. 1-12 : ill BackfillingVäizene, VivikaRessursid ja energiasääst2014 / lk. 60-62 Background leakage assessment for BBLAWNVassiljev, Anatoli; Koppel, Tiit; Puust, RaidoProcedia engineering2014 / p. 111-117 : ill Bakterikütid: toorpiima süü pole tõestatudLättemäe, S.; Laht, Tiiu-MaieMaaleht2014 / lk. 12-13 https://maaleht.delfi.ee/artikkel/68178747/bakterikutid-toorpiima-suu-pole-toestatud Balance between national interests and EU citizenshipRoots, LehteObywatel - panstwo - spolecznosc miedzynarodowa = Citizen - state - international community2014 / p. 543-556 Baltic household outlook : April 2014 [Electronic resource]Rudzitis, Edmunds; Varanauskiene, Julita; Messimas, Triin; Kukk, Merike2014 Baltic household outlook : October 2014 [Electronic resource]Rudzitis, Edmunds; Varanauskiene, Julita; Messimas, Triin; Kukk, Merike2014 Baltic journal of European studies. Vol. 4, No. 1(16) June 20142014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2675037*est Baltic journal of European studies. Vol. 4, No. 2(17) October 20142014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2675037*est Baltikumi börsiettevõtete teabe kvaliteet - kas teistest ees või maha jäänud?Karmo, Imbi; Laidroo, LaiviDiscussions on Estonian economic policy : EU member states after the economic chrisis : [summaries] = Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschaftspolitik : Mitgliedstaaten der EU nach der Wirtschaftskrise : [Zusammenfassungen] = Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : Euroopa Liidu riigid pärast majanduskriisi : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]. 12014 / lk. 42-45 Banks' CSR disclosures – headquarters versus subsidiariesLaidroo, Laivi; Ööbik, UrmasBaltic journal of management2014 / p. 47-70 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2657244*est Banks' risk-taking with credit commitments : comparative European evidence [Electronic resource]Laidroo, Laivi; Männasoo, Kadri6th International Conference "Economic Challenges in Enlarged Europe" : conference proceedings : 15-17 June 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 1-24 : ill. [CD-ROM] Bare overhead conductor thermal rating calculation on the example of Estonian OHLŠlenduhhov, Vadim; Kilter, Jako14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. 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EUR 149 : book reviewKerikmäe, TanelCommon market law rewiew2014 / p. 1044-1045 Building sustainability objective assessment in Estonian context and a comparative evaluation with LEED and BREEAMSeinre, Erkki; Kurnitski, Jarek; Voll, HendrikBuilding and environment2014 / p. 110-120 : ill Buildit 2014Margus, GertuStudioosus2014 / lk. 13 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Bulk material volume estimation metod and system for logistic applicationsShvarts, Dmitry; Tamre, MartProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 289-294 : ill Business and it alignment in enterprise considering the partner network's constraintsVaezipour, Atiyeh; Kangilaski, TaivoProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 213-218 : ill Business process mining in warehouses : a case studyLiiv, Innar; Lepik, OttDatabases and Information Systems : proceedings of the 11th International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB&IS 2014 : Tallinn, Estonia, 8-11 June, 20142014 / p. 387-394 : ill Business satisfaction with e-government services in Baltic Sea regionKindel, Kristiina; Ritso, Valter; Venesaar, UrveDatabases and information systems VIII : selected papers from the Eleventh International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 20142014 / p. 217-230 : ill Business, managment and education. 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Vol. 222014 / p. 19-22 : ill Centimetre-scale variability of redox-sensitive elements in Tremadocian black shales from the eastern Baltic PalaeobasinHints, Rutt; Soesoo, Alvar; Voolma, Margus; Tarros, Siim; Kallaste, Toivo; Hade, SigridEstonian journal of earth sciences2014 / p. 233-239 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2705856*est Certified CYK parsing of context-free languagesFirsov, Denis; Uustalu, TarmoJournal of logical and algebraic methods in programming2014 / p. 459-468 Changing of magnetic flux density distribution in a squirrel-cage induction motor with broken rotor barsVaimann, Toomas; Belahcen, Anouar; Kallaste, AntsElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2014 / p. 11-14 : ill Characteristic low-energy Raman modes in twisted bilayer grapheneKahro, Tauno; Niilisk, Ahti; Rähn, Mihkel; Grossberg, Maarja; Alles, HarryTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p. : ill Characterization of Estonian honeys by botanical originKivima, Evelin; Seiman, Andrus; Pall, Raili; Sarapuu, Evelyn; Martverk, Kaie; Laos, KatrinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 183-192 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2673977*est Characterization of ZnO-nanorod/In2S3/CuInS2 solar cell, and properites of the constituent layersKärber, ErkiTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Characterization of the oligoadenylate synthetase subgroup from phylum Porifera = Hõimkonna Porifera oligoadenülaadi süntetaaside alamrühma iseloomustaminePäri, Mailis2014 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?1821 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4439680*est Characterization of the temperature dependent behavior of snappy phenomenon by the switching-off of GaAs power diode structuresKoel, Ants; Rang, Toomas; Rang, GalinaHeat transfer XIII : simulation and experiments in heat and mass transfer2014 / p. 439-449 : ill Chemical bath deposition of SnS thin films on ZnS and CdS substratesSafonova, Maria; Nair, Padmanabhan Pankajakshy Karunakaran; Mellikov, Enn; Garcia, A. R.; Kerm, Karin; Revathi, Naidu; Romann, Tavo; Mikli, Valdek; Volobujeva, OlgaJournal of materials science : materials in electronics2014 / p. 3160-3165 : ill Chemical composition of red wines made from hybrid grape and common grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivarsPedastsaar, Priit; Vaher, Merike; Helmja, Kati; Kulp, Maria; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Karp, Kadri; Raal, Ain; Karathanos, Vaios; Püssa, TõnuProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 444-453 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2707387*est Chemical heating for non-instrumented nucleic acid amplification on lab-on-a-chip devicesPardy, TamasProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 95-98 : ill Chemical vapors measurement in the work environment in wood, metal and rubber manufacturingReinhold, Karin; Traumann, Ada; Tint, Piia23rd International Baltic Conference "Materials Engineering 2014" : book of abstracts : Lithuania, Kaunas, 23-24 October, 20142014 / p. 43-44 Chemical vapour deposition growth of graphene and carbon nanotubes on aluminaIvanov, Roman; Anoshkin, Ilya; Hussainova, IrinaTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Chemistry as a practical scienceMüürsepp, PeeterThe Annual Conference for the International Society of Chemistry : 7-9th July 2014 : speaker's abstract2014 / p. 5 Chemistry in college-level environmental science curriculaAlegria, Henry A.; Nei, LembitEuropean Scientific Journal2014 / p. 89-94 Chiral cyclohexylhemicucurbit[n]uril homologuesShmatova, Elena; Fomitšenko, Maria; Öeren, Mario; Reile, Indrek; Järving, Ivar; Aav, Riina9th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC-9) : program and book of abstracts : Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Shanghai, China, June 7-June 11, 20142014 / [1] p. : ill Chiral cyclohexylhemicucurbit[n]urilsShmatova, Elena; Fomitšenko, Maria; Öeren, Mario; Reile, Indrek; Kuhtinskaja, Maria; Järving, Ivar; Aav, RiinaTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p. : ill Chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil treatment with hydrogen peroxide and percarbonateViisimaa, Marika; Goi, AnnaTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p. : ill Choose whom to date wisely : explaining the performance variation in strategic alliancesRungi, Mait; Stulova, ValeriaIEEM 2014 : 2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management : 9-12 December, 2014, Malaysia2014 / p. 692-696 : ill Choosing how tight to bond : the interplay between corporate combinations, alliances and networksRungi, Mait; Stulova, Valeria2014 International Conference on IT Convergence and Security : ICITCS 2014 : 28-30 October 2014, Beijing, China2014 / [4] p. : ill Christmas in EstoniaPieterman, Frank van deStudioosus2014 / lk. 26 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Chromosome variant 1qh- and its influence on the 3D organization of chromosome 1 heterochromatin in interphase nucleus of patients with endometriosisMikelsaar, Ruth; Paves, Heiti; Org, Katrin; Mikelsaar, Aavo-ValdurJournal of genetics2014 / p. 219-223 : ill CIGRE/CIRED guidelines for power quality monitoring – measurement locations, processing and presentation of dataMilanovic, Jovica V.; Kilter, Jako; Bollen, M. 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J.; Meyer, JanElectra2014 / p. 39-47 Circulation patterns in the Gulf of Finland applied to environmental management of marine protected areas = Soome lahe pinnahoovuste mustrite rakendamisest looduskaitsealade haldamiseksDelpeche-Ellmann, Nicole Camille2014 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?1820 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4436090*est Civil status registration - more than data collection : EU digital development in promoting the free movement of civil status documentJoamets, KristiRegulating eTechnologies in the European Union : normative realities and trends2014 / p. 141-156 Cleaner pellet production – an energy consumption study using statistical analysisVigants, Haralds; Uuemaa, Priit; Veidenbergs, I.; Blumberga, DagnijaAgronomy research2014 / p. 633-644 : ill Climate change and the potential effects on runoff and nitrogen losses in the Nordic–Baltic regionOygarden, Lillian; Deelstra, Johannes; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 114-126 : ill Closed-loop identification of fractional-order models using FOMCON toolbox for MATLABTepljakov, Aleksei; Petlenkov, Eduard; Belikov, JuriBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 213-216 : ill A closer look at the disposition effect : speculating in gains, waiting in lossesTalpsepp, Tõnn; Vlcek, Martin; Wang, MeiWorld Finance Conference : 2-4 July, 2014, Venice : [program]2014 / p. 44 CO2 mineralisation : production of CaCO3-type material in a continuous flow disintegrator-reactorVelts, Olga; Kindsigo, Merit; Uibu, Mai; Kallas, Juha; Kuusik, Rein, keemikEnergy procedia2014 / p. 5904-5911 : ill Coalgebraic update lensesAhman, Danel; Uustalu, TarmoElectronic notes in theoretical computer science2014 / p. 25-48 : ill Cocksfoot mottle virus coat protein is dispensable for the systemic infectionOlspert, Allan; Kamsol, Kristjan; Sarmiento Guerin, Maria Cecilia; Gerassimenko, Jelena; Truve, ErkkiVirology journal2014 / p. 1-10 : ill Code compaction within CGRAsTajammul, Muhammad Adeel; Jafri, Syed Mohammad Asad Hassan; Ellervee, PeeterProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 133-136 : ill Co-evolution of capabilities' and alliance portfolios : multinational firms in global ICT industry = Hargmaiste ettevõtete võimekuste ja liitude arendamine globaalses infotehnoloogiatööstusesKolk, Alar2014 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?968 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3077184*est Cogging torque reduction methodsKudrjavtsev, Oleg; Kilk, AleksanderPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 251-254 : ill Coin recognition using line scan cameraGavrijaševa, Alina; Märtens, Olev; Land, Raul; Reidla, MarkoBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 161-164 : ill Cold days, warm heartsMalidze, MariamStudioosus2014 / lk. 27 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Collective acoustic localization in a network of dual channel low power devicesAstapov, Sergei; Ehala, Johannes; Preden, Jürgo-SörenProceedings of the 21st International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2014 : Lublin, Poland, June 19-21, 20142014 / p. 430-435 : ill Column water vapour : an intertechnique comparison of estimation methods in EstoniaKeernik, Hannes; Ohvril, Hanno; Jakobson, Erko; Rannat, Kalev; Luhamaa, AndresProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 37-47 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2665209*est Combined laser scanning to monitor coastal processesEelsalu, Maris; Julge, Kalev; Grünthal, Erkko; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Soomere, Tarmo; Tõnisson, HannesMEME'2014 : Mathematics and Engineering in Marine and Earth Problems : 22-25 July 2014, Aveiro, Portugal : book of abstracts2014 / p. 106-108 : ill Combined processes for the treatment of a typical hardwood soaking basin wastewater from plywood industryKlauson, Deniss; Viisimaa, Marika; Kattel, Eneliis; Trapido, Marina; Kivi, Arthur; Klein, Kati; Velling, S.; Tenno, TaavoAbstracts book : International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management : 16th-18th July 2014, Porto, Portugal2014 / p. 33 Combining Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning technologies for measuring complex structuresJulge, Kalev; Ellmann, ArtuThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / p. 1-7 : ill Combining airborne and terrestrial laser scanning to monitor coastal processesJulge, Kalev; Eelsalu, Maris; Grünthal, Erkko; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Soomere, Tarmo; Tõnisson, Hannes2014 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium : 26-29 May 2014, Tallinn, Estonia : [proceedings]2014 / [10] p. : ill Combining airborne and terrestrial laser scanning to monitor coastal processesJulge, Kalev; Eelsalu, Maris; Grünthal, Erkko; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Tõnisson, HannesMeasuring and Modeling of Multi-Scale Interactions in the Marine Environment : IEEE/OES Baltic Symposium 2014, May 26.-29.2014, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2014 / p. 49 Combining aspect-orientation and UPPAAL timed automataTruscan, Dragos; Vain, Jüri; Koskinen, MartinICSOFT-PT 2014 : proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends, Vienna, Austria, 29-31 August, 20142014 / p. 159-164 : ill Combining fuzzy and probabilistic reasoning for crowd-sourced categorization and taggingTammet, Tanel; Luberg, AgoWeb Reasoning and Rule Systems : 8th International Conference, RR 2014, Athens, Greece, September 15-17, 2014 : proceedings2014 / p. 247-248 Co-metabolism of amino acids and polyfructans by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron in defined mediaAdamberg, Signe; Tomson, Katrin; Vija, Heiki; Visnapuu, Triinu; Adamberg, Kaarel2014 ENGIHR Conference : The Gut Microbiota Throughout Life : Max Rubner-Institut, Karlsruhe (Germany), 24th-26th September2014 / [3] p. : ill Commentary on "Observing mathematical practices as a key to mining our sources and conducting conceptual history : division in ancient China as a case study", by Karine ChemlaArneton, Melissa; Moktefi, Amirouche; Allamel- Raffin, CatherineScience after the practice turn in the philosophy, history, and social studies of science2014 / p. 269-276 Commons-based peer production and digital fabrication : the case of a RepRap-based, Lego-built 3D printing-milling machineKostakis, Vasileios; Papachristou, MariosTelematics and informatics2014 / p. 434-443 : ill Companies' readiness to implement new legislation on occupational exposure to the electromagnetic fields [Electronic resource]Koppel, Tarmo; Vilcane, IneseDoctoral Summer School 2014 : Doctoral School in Economics and Innovation : Kubija, Estonia, August 5-82014 / [16] p. : ill. [CD-ROM] Company performance, investment decision and cyclical sensitivity : a dynamic estimation on company micro-data [Electronic resource]Männasoo, Kadri; Maripuu, PeeterDoctoral Summer School 2014 : Doctoral School in Economics and Innovation : Kubija, Estonia, August 5-82014 / 13 p. : ill. [CD-ROM] Company performance, investment decision and cyclical sensitivity : a dynamic estimation on company micro-data [Electronic resource]Männasoo, Kadri; Maripuu, Peeter6th International Conference "Economic Challenges in Enlarged Europe" : conference proceedings : 15-17 June 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / [CD-ROM] Comparative analysis of boost and quasi-Z-source converters as maximum power point trackers for PV panel integrated convertersZakis, Janis; Rankis, Ivars; Ribickis, LeonidsProceedings : 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) : Grand Cevahir Hotel and Convention Center, Istambul, Turkey, 01-04 June, 20142014 / p. 1991-1995 : ill Comparative analysis of electric drives met for vehicle propulsionVodovozov, Valery; Raud, Zoja; Lehtla, Tõnu; Rassõlkin, Anton; Lillo, Nikolai9th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies EVER 20142014 / [8] p. : ill Comparative analysis of proportionate least mean squares algorithms for sparse adaptive filteringButsenko, MaksimProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 19-22 : ill Comparative analysis of residual stresses determined by various methods in brush-plated hard gold and silver coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Ryabchikov, Alexander; Reitsnik, Renno; Sergejev, Fjodor; Mikli, ValdekEngineering materials & tribology XXII2014 / p. 8-11 Comparative analysis of some aspects of mitochondrial metabolism in differentiated and undifferentiated neuroblastoma cellsKlepinin, Aleksandr; Kaldma, Andrus; Koit, AndreJournal of bioenergetics and biomembranes2014 / p. 17-31 : ill Comparative analysis of wind generator energy efficiency based on machine designKallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Kilk, Aleksander; Belahcen, Anouar2014 55th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON) : proceedings2014 / p. 9-12 : ill Comparative study of CdS films annealed in neutral, oxidizing and reducing atmospheresMaticiuc, Natalia; Kukk, Mart; Spalatu, Nicolae; Potlog, Tamara; Krunks, Malle; Valdna, Vello; Hiie, JaanEnergy procedia2014 / p. 77-84 : ill Comparative study of rectifier topologies for quasi-Z-source derived push-pull converterChub, Andrii; Husev, Oleksandr; Vinnikov, DmitriElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2014 / p. 29-34 : ill Comparative study of slow-speed slotless synchronous generator using SmCo and NdFeB permanent magnetsKorn, Norman; Vaimann, Toomas; Kallaste, Ants; Belahcen, AnouarPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p 247-250 : ill Comparative study on anti-oxidant activity of garlic grown in different regionsVokk, Raivo; Tedersoo, Erge; Lõugas, Tiina; Valgma, K.; Rosend, J.Agronomy research2014 / p. 821-824 Comparing implementation patterns of e‐learning for higher education in Turkey and EstoniaGüllü, Fatih; Kuusik, Rein, inform.; Demiray, Ugur; Laanpere, MartProceedings of the 13th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL-2014 : Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30-31 October 20142014 / p. 644-650 : ill Comparison of different extraction methods to determine free and bound forms of B-group vitamins in quinoaHälvin, Kristel; Nisamedtinov, Ildar; Paalme, ToomasAnalytical and bioanalytical chemistry2014 / p. 7355-7366 : ill Comparison of LPV and nonlinear system theory : a realization problemBelikov, Juri; Kotta, Ülle; Tõnso, MarisSystems & control letters2014 / p. 72-78 Comparison of reducing losses and reducing generation costs during electricity productionAstapov, Victor; Šuvalova, JelenaProceedings : 2014 15th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE)2014 / p. 49-52 : ill Comparison of strong and statistical convergences in some families of summability methodsŠeletski, Anna; Tali, AnneFilomat2014 / p. 1225-1236 Comparison of the wear and frictional properties of Cu matrix composites prepared by pulsed electric current sinteringRitasalo, Riina; Antonov, Maksim; Veinthal, Renno; Hannula, Simo-PekkaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 62-74 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2665219*est Comparison of two approaches to improve functional BIST fault coverageKostin, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Gorev, Maksim; Mägi, GunnarBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 105-108 : ill Comparison of volatile compounds in spray dried and roller dried Saccharomyces cerevisiae inactive yeastOšeka, Aleksandra; Parker, Jane K.TÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p A compendium of Lie structures on tensor productsZusmanovich, PashaJournal of mathematical sciences2014 / p. 266-288 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10958-014-1855-6 Competence Based Interactive Learning with HomeLabKits : experience and work in progressJaanus, Martin; Umbleja, Kadri; Kukk, Vello; Udal, Andres2014 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) : Istanbul, Turkey, April 2-5, 20142014 / 1082-1084 : ill Competence in logistics – designing a meta-model of logistics knowledge areasNiine, Tarvo; Koppel, OttDAAAM International Scientific Book 20142014 / p. 543-556 : ill Competence of the honorary consul as an administrative body based on Estonian exampleVeski, Kerli; Kerikmäe, TanelEAFIT journal of international law2014 / p. 7-23 Complex materials analysis and visualization through virtual reality environmentsPastorelli, Emiliano; Herrmann, HeikoProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 99-102 : ill Composite predictive speaker acoustic localization in distributed sensor networksAstapov, Sergei; Berdnikova, Julia; Preden, Jürgo-SörenProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 15-18 : ill Composites of low-density polyethylene and poly(lactic acid) with cellulose and its derivatives = Madaltiheda polüetüleeni ja polü(piimhappe) komposiidid tselluloosi ning selle derivaatidegaŠumigin, Dmitri2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3078663*est Composition and properties of oil shale ash concreteRaado, Lembi-Merike; Hain, Tiina; Liisma, Eneli; Kuusik, Rein, keemikOil shale2014 / p. 147-160 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2673716*est Composition of the essential oil of the Rhododendron tomentosum Harmaja from EstoniaRaal, Ain; Orav, Anne; Gretšušnikova, TatjanaNatural product research2014 / p. 1091-1098 : tab Comprehensive computations of the response of faulty cage induction machinesBelahcen, Anouar; Martinez, Javier; Vaimann, ToomasProceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM)2014 / p. 1504-1509 : ill Compulsive buying in EstoniaRaudsepp, Marju; Parts, OliverProcedia - social and behavioral sciences2014 / p. 414-417 Computation of open-loop frequency-domain characteristics of fractional FORDT plants with FOPID controllersTepljakov, Aleksei; Petlenkov, Eduard; Belikov, JuriDoctoral School in Information and Communication Technology : proceedings of doctoral session of BEC 2014 : October 6-8 2014, Laulasmaa2014 / p. 23-26 Computational and ion mobility MS study of (all-S)-cyclohexylhemicucurbit[6]uril structure and complexesÖeren, Mario; Shmatova, Elena; Tamm, Toomas; Aav, RiinaPhysical chemistry chemical physics2014 / p. 19198-19205 : ill Concepts and problems associated with eDemocracyDutt, Pawan Kumar; Kerikmäe, TanelRegulating eTechnologies in the European Union : normative realities and trends2014 / p. 285-324 Conceptualization of emerging legal framework of e-regulation in the European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Dutt, Pawan KumarRegulating eTechnologies in the European Union : normative realities and trends2014 / p. 7-32 Conjoined structures of carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbonsKrasnenko, Veera; Boltruško, Vadim; Klopov, Mihhail; Hižnjakov, VladimirPhysica scripta2014 / p. 1-4 : ill Consolidation of support services in EstoniaTammel, Kaide; Raudla, RingaOrganizing for coordination in the public sector : practices and lessons from 12 European countries2014 / p. 32-42 Construction of physical map for the locus introgressed to bread wheat from Triticum militinae conferring powdery mildew resistanceKomínková, E.; Klocová, B.; Abrouk, Michael; Posti, Diana; Jakobson, Irena; Peuša, Hilma; Järve, Kadri; Timofejeva, LjudmillaCereals for Food, Feed and Fuel - Challenge for Global Improvement : EUCARPIA Cereals Section - I T M I Joint Conference : Wernigerode, Germany, June 29 - July 4, 2014 : book of abstracts2014 / p. 114 http://meetings.ipk-gatersleben.de/EUCARPIA_ITMI_2014/book_of_abstracts.pdf Consumer journey from first experience to brand evangelismRiivits-Arkonsuo, Iivi; Kaljund, Kristel; Leppiman, AnuResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2014 / p. 5-28 : ill Consumption culture in Europe [Electronic resource]Arvola, Rene"Elamus turunduses, turundus elamuses" : 5 aastat elamusturundust Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis : konverentsi ettekannete laiendatud abstraktide kogumik : 6. mai 20142014 / p. 14 Continuing education and self-development of employees in Estonian university librariesKont, Kate-Riin; Jantson, SigneTallinna Tehnikaülikooli raamatukogu töötajate uurimusi ja artikleid 2009-2014 = Studies and articles by the staff of the Tallinn University of Technology library2014 / p. 116-136 : ill Continuity, connectivity and regularity in spatial diagrams for N termsMoktefi, Amirouche; Bellucci, Francesco; Pietarinen, Ahti-VeikkoDLAC 2013 : Diagrams, Logic and Cognition : proceedings of the First International Workshop on Diagrams, Logic and Cognition : Kolkata, India, October 28-29, 20132014 / p. 31-35 : ill Contribution of R&D services to added economic value in EstoniaHazak, Aaro; Ruubel, RaulProceedings of the 11th International Academic Conference : Reykjavik, Iceland, 24-27 June 20142014 / p. 129 Control of quasi-Z-source dc-dc converter by the overlap of active states : new possibilities and limitationsRoasto, Indrek; Liivik, Liisa; Vinnikov, DmitriBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 217-220 : ill Controlling concepts for green transport corridorsPrause, Gunnar KlausThe 14th International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transport and Communication (RelStat '14) : 15-18 October 2014, Riga, Latvia : proceedings2014 / p. 42-49 : ill Cooperation models between companies and universities : a case studyRandmaa, Merili; Otto, Tauno14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 261-263 : ill Cooperation of post Soviets with the aim of not being "Post" and "Soviets"Kerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Gabelaia, Dali; Chochia, ArchilFrom Eastern Partnership to the Association : a legal and political analysis2014 / p. 148-162 Coordinated activation of PTA-ACS and TCA cycles strongly reduces overflow metabolism of acetate in Escherichia coliPeebo, Karl; Valgepea, Kaspar; Nahku, Ranno; Riis, Gethe; Õun, Mikk; Adamberg, Kaarel; Vilu, RaivoApplied microbiology and biotechnology2014 / p. 5131-5143 : ill Coordinating emergency medical service in EstoniaLember, Veiko; Sarapuu, KülliOrganizing for coordination in the public sector : practices and lessons from 12 European countries2014 / p. 21-31 Copper(II) ions and the Alzheimer's amyloid-β peptide : affinity and stoichiometry of bindingTõugu, Vello; Friedemann, Merlin; Tiiman, Ann; Palumaa, PeepAIP conference proceedings2014 / p. 109-111 Corporate governance systems : a system theory approachBanerjee, Supriya; Wahl, Mike Franz11th Workshop on Corporate Governance : St Gallen, Switzerland, October 27-28, 20142014 Corporate income taxation in Estonia. Is it time to abandon dividend taxation? [Electronic resource]Staehr, Karsten2014 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting linkage with financial performance of companies : evidence from Estonian companies listed on NASDAQ OMX Baltic [Electronic resource]Gurvitš, Natalja; Nikitina-Kalamäe, Monika; Startseva, EmiliaInternational Conference on Accounting, Auditing and Taxation : (ICAAT 2014) : December 11-12, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 237-244 : ill. [CD-ROM] Corporate social responsibility reporting linkage with financial performance of companies : evidence from Estonian companies listed on Nasdaq OMX BalticGurvitš, Natalja; Nikitina-Kalamäe, Monika; Startseva, EmiliaAccounting, auditing and taxation : ICAAT 2014 : abstracts2014 / p. 22-23 Correcting tide gauge series due to land uplift and differences between national height systems of the Baltic Sea countriesLiibusk, Aive; Kall, Tarmo; Ellmann, Artu; Kõuts, Tarmo2014 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium : 26-29 May 2014, Tallinn, Estonia : [proceedings]2014 / [8] p. : ill Correcting tide gauge series due to land uplift and differences between national height systems of the Baltic Sea countriesLiibusk, Aive; Kall, Tarmo; Ellmann, Artu; Kõuts, TarmoMeasuring and Modeling of Multi-Scale Interactions in the Marine Environment : IEEE/OES Baltic Symposium 2014, May 26.-29.2014, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2014 / p. 74 Correlation of gas chromatography-olfactometry and sensory descriptive analysis of oregano samples by PLSRSeisonen, Sirli; Kajava, Keili; Kuldjärv, Rain; Vene, KristelPLS 2014 : 8th International Conference on Partial Least Squares and Related Methods : 26-28 May 2014 - Paris, France : Book of Abstracts2014 / p. 217-218 : joon Cost accounting and managerial accounting : applicable methods for financial scrutiny in university libraries?Kont, Kate-Riin; Jantson, SigneTallinna Tehnikaülikooli raamatukogu töötajate uurimusi ja artikleid 2009-2014 = Studies and articles by the staff of the Tallinn University of Technology library2014 / p. 101-115 Cost effectiveness of energy performance improvements in Estonian brick apartment buildingsKuusk, Kalle; Kalamees, Targo; Maivel, MikkEnergy and buildings2014 / p. 313-322 : ill Cost efficiency analysis of slow-speed slotless permanent magnet synchronous generator using different magnetic materialsLaurit, Sten; Kallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Belahcen, AnouarPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 221-224 : ill Cost optimal and nearly zero energy building solutions for office buildingsPikas, Ergo; Thalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, JarekEnergy and buildings2014 / p. 30-42 : ill Cost-benefit analysis on crew transfer vessels to minimize downtime of future wind parksSmid, Siemon; Mala, Olga; Rannala, MarekDesign & Operation of Wind Farm Support Vessels, 8-9 Northumberland Street, London, UK : papers2014 / p. 83-89 Council for Estonian Centres of Excellence in ResearchEngelbrecht, JüriEstonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20132014 / p. 42-43 A countable series of bisimple H-trivial finitely presented congruence-free monoids. Semigroup Forum 88, No. 1, 279-285 (2014) : [review]Henno, JaakZentralblatt MATH2014 / [1] p Country branding and country image : insights, challenges and prospects. The case of EstoniaSame, Siiri; Solarte Vasquez, Maria ClaudiaBaltic journal of European studies2014 / p. 137-165 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2673737*est Covalent coupling of ionic liquid to carbon nanotubes : preparation and tribological propertiesTaaber, Triinu; Põhako-Esko, Kaija; Antonov, Maksim; Veinthal, RennoMRS proceedings2014 / p. UU06-30 : ill Covering an unknown area with an RFID-enabled robot swarmPuusepp, Andres; Tammet, Tanel; Reilent, EnarMechanical design and power engineering2014 / p. 1157-1162 Creating an information architecture for an enterprise large-scale websites using a card sorting methodJärv, Natalia; Liiv, Innar; Ivask, Jekaterina; Merkulova, MariaDatabases and Information Systems : proceedings of the 11th International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB&IS 2014 : Tallinn, Estonia, 8-11 June, 20142014 / p. 459-464 Crest factor optimization of the multisine waveform for bioimpedance spectroscopyOjarand, Jaan; Min, Mart; Annus, PaulPhysiological measurement2014 / p. 1019-1033 : ill Crime reducing effects of local government spending : case of EstoniaSaar, Indrek; Randlane, Kerly; Silberg, Uno; Güldenkoh, Maret; Elling, Tõnis; Tammert, PaulNetworked security2014 / p. 39-66 : ill Critical path tracing based simulation of transition delay faultsKõusaar, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan2014 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design : DSD 2014 : 27-29 August 2014, Verona, Italy : proceedings2014 / p. 108-113 : ill Critical path tracing based simulation of transition delay faultsKõusaar, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, JaanProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 61-66 : ill Cross-country comparison of pomegranate juice acceptance in Estonia, Spain, Thailand, and United StatesKoppel, Kadri; Chambers IV, Edgar; Vazquez-Araujo, Laura; Timberg, LoreidaFood quality and preference2014 / p. 116-123 : ill Crystallization of calcium carbonate on the basis of oil shale waste ash in a continuous flow disintegrator-reactorVelts, Olga; Kindsigo, Merit; Uibu, Mai; Kallas, Juha; Kuusik, Rein, keemikISIC 19 : 19th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization : book of abstracts : 16-19 September 2014, Toulouse - France2014 / p. 359-360 : ill CSR reporting by the top10 Estonian companies by profit growthGurvitš, Natalja; Sidorova, Inna; Startseva, EmiliaEconomics and management = Ekonomika ir vadyba2014 / p. 274-279 : tab CZTS (Kesterite) monograin membranes for photoelectrochemical water splitting (preparation and characterization)Kouhiisfahani, Elham; Samieipour, Ali; Meissner, DieterTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p. : ill CTA diffusion based recursive energy detectionAinomäe, Ahti; Trump, Tõnu; Bengtsson, MatsLatest trends in circuits, systems, signal processing and automatic control : [proceedings of the 5th CSCS'14, the 2nd ASAP'14 : Salerno, Italy, June 3-5, 2014]2014 / p. 38-47 : ill Cu2ZnSnSe4 formation and reaction enthalpies in molten NaI starting from binary chalcogenidesLeinemann, Inga; Zhang, Weihao; Kaljuvee, Tiit; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Traksmaa, Rainer; Raudoja, Jaan; Grossberg, Maarja; Altosaar, Mare; Meissner, DieterJournal of thermal analysis and calorimetry2014 / p. 1313-1321 : ill CuInS2 solar cell absorber plasmonically modified by gold nanoparticlesRepän, Taavi; Dolgov, Leonid; Katerski, Atanas; Oja Acik, Ilona; Kärber, Erki; Mere, Arvo; Mikli, Valdek; Krunks, Malle; Sildos, IlmoApplied physics. A, Materials science & processing2014 / p. 455-458 : ill Cu-modified hydroxy-apatite as catalyst for Glaser-Hay C-C homo-coupling reaction of terminal alkynesMaaten, Birgit; Moussa, Jamal; Desmarets, Christophe; Gredin, Patrick; Beaunier, Patricia; Kanger, Tõnis; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Villemin, Didier; Gruselle, MichelJournal of molecular catalysis A : chemical2014 / p. 112-116 : ill Currency hedge - walking on the edge?Filipozzi, Fabio; Harkmann, Kersti2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4420026*est Current sensorless control algorithm for single-phase three-level NPC inverterSuzdalenko, Alexander; Zakis, Janis; Steiks, IngarsScientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Electrical, control and communication engineering2014 / p. 28-33 : ill Current situation and future perspectives of corporate social responsibility reporting in Estonia [Electronic resource]Loorits, Anneli; Alver, JaanEconomic and Social Development : 5th International Scientific Conference : book of proceedings : Belgrade, 10-11 April, 20142014 / p. 424-434 : ill. [CD-ROM] Curso intensivo de nivel avanzadoMartinez Gallego, Sara; Ramiro Troitino, David2014 Curso intensivo de nivel inicialRamiro Troitino, David2014 Curso intensivo de nivel intermedioHernandez Ramos, Maria; Ramiro Troitino, David2014 Customer orientation at a higher educational institution: the perspective of undergraduate business students in Estonia = Kliendiorientatsioon Eestis kõrghariduses ärialast haridust omandavate bakalaureusetudengite vaatenurgastKoris, Riina2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4412647*est Customisation of excellence models and assessment schemes, considering sectoral specificsTammaru, Tiia; Kiitam, AndresProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 207-212 : ill Customizable compression architecture for efficient configuration in CGRAsJafri, Syed Mohammad Asad Hassan; Ellervee, Peeter2014 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines : FCCM 2014 : 11-13 May 2014, Boston, Massachusetts, USA : proceedings2014 / p. 31 : ill Customization methodology of a Coarse Grained Reconfigurable ArchitectureAzad, Siavoosh Payandeh; Farahini, Nasim; Hemani, AhmedNorchip : 32nd NORCHIP Conference, 27-28 October 2014, Tampere, Finland2014 / [4] p. : ill Customized warning system for the lowering of driving performances in older driversArikan, Kutluk; Arndt, Holger; Pashkevich, AntonEuropean Interdisciplinary Conference "Ageing and Safe Mobility", 27./28.11.2014, Bergisch-Gladbach2014 / [9] p. : ill Dago Antov: tulevik toob palju eakaid juhteAntov, DagoEesti Päevaleht2014 / lk. 8 https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/70093703/dago-antov-tulevik-toob-palju-eakaid-juhte Database driven updatable hydraulic model for decision makingKoor, Margus; Puust, Raido; Vassiljev, AnatoliProcedia engineering2014 / p. 959-968 : ill Databases and Information Systems : proceedings of the 11th International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB&IS 2014 : Tallinn, Estonia, 8-11 June, 20142014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b3088507*est Databases and information systems VIII : selected papers from the Eleventh International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 20142014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4447206*est Dawn of the New EnlightenmentMüürsepp, PeeterAlmagest2014 / p. 70-83 De novo 3D structure determination from sub-milligram protein samples by solid-state 100 kHz MAS NMR spectroscopyAgarwal, Vipin; Penzel, Susanne; Szekely, Kathrin; Cadalbert, Riccardo; Testori, Emilie; Oss, Andres; Past, Jaan; Samoson, Ago; Ernst, Matthias; Böckmann, Anja; Meier, Beat H.Angewandte Chemie international edition2014 / p. 12253-12256 : ill http://dx.doi.org/0.1002/anie.201405730 Dealkylation kinetics of alkylresorcinols by shock heating pyrolysisLuik, Hans; Tiikma, Laine; Johannes, Ille; Kruusement, Kristjan20th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis : PYRO 2014 : 19-23 May 2014, Birmingham, UK : conference guide and abstracts2014 / p. 79 Debate : Towards understanding Wang Anshi and Confucian public managementDrechsler, WolfgangPublic money & management2014 / p. 246-248 Decadal changes in the Baltic Sea wave heightsSoomere, Tarmo; Räämet, AndrusJournal of marine systems2014 / p. 86-95 : ill Decarburization effect on hardened strip steel fastening componentsJaason, Karli; Peetsalu, Priidu; Saarna, Mart; Kulu, Priit; Beilmann, JüriTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Decomposing of cardiac and respiratory signals from electrical bio-impedance data using filtering methodMughal, Yar M.The International Conference on Health Informatics : ICHI 2013, Vilamoura, Portugal on 7-9 November, 20132014 / p. 252-255 : ill Deformations in round-profiled threads and their influence on the screw durabilityPenkov, Igor; Strižak, Viktor; Sivitski, AlinaInternational Review of Civil Engineering2014 / p. 61-67 Degradation of fructans and production of propionic acid by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron are enhanced by the shortage of amino acidsAdamberg, Signe; Tomson, Katrin; Vija, Heiki; Puurand, Marju; Kabanova, Natalja; Visnapuu, Triinu; Jõgi, Eerik; Alamäe, Tiina; Adamberg, KaarelFrontiers in nutrition2014 / p. 1-9 : ill Degradation of levofloxacin in aqueous solution by ferrous ion‐activated hydrogen peroxide, persulfate and combined hydrogen peroxide/persulfate systemEpold, Irina; Trapido, Marina; Dulova, Niina15th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry : 3-6 December 2014, Brno, Czech Republic : book of abstracts2014 / p. 61 Demand side management potential in Estonia - a case study for the wood industryDrovtar, Imre; Rosin, Argo; Kilter, Jako14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 94-97 : ill Demokraatia defitsiidist Euroopa LiidusRoosi, ElinaPoliitika, riigiteadus, rahvusvahelised suhted2014 / lk. 30-51 Dense components in the structure of WordNetLohk, Ahti; Orav, Heili; Allik, Kaarel; Võhandu, LeoProceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14) : May 26-31, 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland2014 / p. 1135-1139 : ill Densification and characterization of spark plasma sintered ZrC–ZrO2 compositesHussainova, Irina; Voltšihhin, Nikolai; Cura, M. Erkin; Hannula, Simo-PekkaMaterials science and engineering : A - structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing2014 / p. 75-81 : ill Dependable embedded systems : FP7 KhAI-ERA project experienceKharchenko, Vyacheslav; Kulanov, Vitaliy; Jervan, Gert10th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : EWME 2014 : May 14-16, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 26-30 : ill Deposition of p-type NiO films by chemical spray pyrolysisKrunks, Malle; Soon, Jaanika; Unt, Tarmo; Mere, Arvo; Mikli, ValdekVacuum2014 / p. 242-246 : ill Descriptive geometry : general course2014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4420448*est Design and implementation of flyback MPPT converter for PV-applicationsSuskis, Pavels; Zakis, Janis; Galkin, IljaPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 291-296 : ill Design and technology of oxides-containing ceramic-based composites = Oksiide sisaldava komposiitkeraamika tehnoloogiaVoltšihhin, Nikolai2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4438763*est Design considerations for propulsion drives of electric vehiclesVodovozov, Valery; Lehtla, Tõnu14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 35-39 : ill Design for manufacturability and quality in fibre optic productsTemerbulatova, Anna; Powell, L.; Tähemaa, ToivoProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 405-410 : ill Design global-manufacture local : the rise of a new productive modelKostakis, VasileiosOpenhere festival : November 14-16, 2014, Dublin, Ireland2014 / [1] p Design of a simple modular active power electronic transformerStrzelecki, Ryszard; Roasto, Indrek; Romero-Cadaval, EnriqueProceedings : IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society : Sheraton Hotel Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA, 30. October-01. November, 20142014 / p. 1410-1415 : ill Design of accounting curriculum : the case of EstoniaAlver, Lehte; Alver, JaanMegatrend Revija = Megatrend Review : the international review of applied economics2014 / p. 19-31 : ill Design of accounting curriculum : the case of Estonia [Electronic resource]Alver, Lehte; Alver, JaanEconomic and Social Development : 5th International Scientific Conference : book of proceedings : Belgrade, 10-11 April, 20142014 / p. 358-367 : ill. [CD-ROM] Design of experimental stand for human gait imitationZhigailov, Sergei; Musalimov, Victor; Arjassov, GennadiProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 300-304 : ill Design of permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance machineKallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Belahcen, AnouarProceedings : 2014 15th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE)2014 / p. 579-582 : ill Design of retuning fractional PID controllers for a closed-loop magnetic levitation control systemTepljakov, Aleksei; Petlenkov, Eduard; Belikov, Juri; Gonzalez, Emmanuel A.2014 13th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics & Vision (ICARCV 2014) : Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 10-12th December 20142014 / p. 1345-1350 : ill Design of slow-speed slotless SmCo permanent magnet synchronous generator for wind applicationsVaimann, Toomas; Kallaste, Ants; Korn, Norman; Laurit, Sten; Belahcen, AnouarProceedings : 2014 15th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE)2014 / p. 339-342 : ill Design optimization of multilayer graphene sheetsMajak, Jüri; Eerme, Martin; Arak, Marti; Kirs, Maarjus; Mikola, MadisFirst International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (MECHCOMP2014) : Stony Brook University, Long Island, New York, June 8-12, 20142014 / p. 175 Design optimization of smart composite structures with embedded devices = Integreeritud elektroonikakomponentidega targa komposiitmaterjali väljatöötamineHerranen, Henrik2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3092011*est Design principle of a biomimetic underwater robot U-CATSalumäe, Taavi; Raag, Rasmus; Rebane, Jaan; Ernits, Andres; Toming, Gert; Ratas, Mart; Kruusmaa, MaarjaOCEANS´14 MTS/IEEE St. John's : St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, 14-19 September 20142014 / [5] p. : ill Design principles of flexible manufacturing systemsHermaste, Aigar; Riives, Jüri; Sonk, Kaimo; Sarkans, MartinšProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 92-96 : ill Design space exploration in multi-level computing systemsSklyarov, Valery; Skliarova, Iouliia; Silva, João; Sudnitsõn, AleksanderCompSysTech'14 : 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies : Ruse, Bulgaria, June 27-28, 20142014 / p. 40-47 : ill Design, implementation and analysis of learner-centered guided in-service programme for technical teacher educationRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2014 / p. 4-9 Designing a business service experience : customer's perspective on value co-creationKukk, Jana; Leppiman, Anu; Pohjola, AnneliResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2014 / p. 51-64 : ill Designing a contractual choreography language for automating cross-organizational business collaborationNorta, Alexander; Ma, Lixin; Duan, Yucong2014 IEEE Tenth World Congress on Services : SERVICES 2014 : 27 June-2 July 2014, Anchorage, Alaska : proceedings2014 / p. 338-345 : ill Designing an inclusive cityMelioranski, Ruth-HeleneDesign for all Estonia2014 / [11] p. : ill Designing the approach for assessment the implemented Performance Management SystemsKadak, TarmoPerformance Management : Designing the High-Performing Organization : 25-27 June 2014, Aarhus, Denmark : conference proceedings2014 / [26] p. : ill Destination branding and constructing symbolic capital in the reproduction of heritage space : the case of UNESCO designated Hanseatic old towns = Sihtkoha brändimine ja sümbolilise kapitali konstrueerimine pärandiruumi taastootmise protsessis UNESCO maailmapärandi nimistusse kuuluvate hansalinnade vanalinnade näitelMichelson, Aleksandr2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3064304*est Detection of induction motor broken bars in grid and frequency converter supplyVaimann, Toomas; Belahcen, Anouar; Martinez, Javier; Kilk, AleksanderPrzeglad elektrotechniczny2014 / p. 90-94 : ill Detection, identification and tracking of mobile objects with distributed system of systemsRiid, Andri; Preden, Jürgo-Sören; Astapov, SergeiProceedings of the 9th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE 2014) : 9-13 June 2014, Stamford Grand, Glenelg, Australia2014 / p. 224-229 : ill Determinants of reservation wages : empirical evidence for Estonia [Electronic resource]Malk, LiinaDoctoral Summer School 2014 : Doctoral School in Economics and Innovation : Kubija, Estonia, August 5-82014 / 23 p. : ill. [CD-ROM] Determination of B-group vitamins in food using an LC-MS stable isotope dilution assay = B-grupi vitamiinide määramine toiduainetes kasutades LC-MS isotoop-lahjenduse meetoditHälvin, Kristel2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4436558*est Determination of inhomogeneous properties of materials by analysis of ultrasonic wave motionBraunbrück, AndresACTA acustica united with acustica2014 / p. 259-265 : ill Determination of post-blast explosive residues in various matrices using portable capillary electropherograph with contactless conductivity detectionKobrin, Eeva-Gerda; Kuban, Petr; Kaljurand, MihkelTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Determination of resistance to wear of particulate compositeAruniit, Aare; Antonov, Maksim; Kers, Jaan; Krumme, AndresEngineering materials & tribology XXII2014 / p. 188-191 Determination of the impedance of lithium-ion batteries using methods of digital signal processingRahmoun, Ahmad; Loske, Moritz; Rosin, ArgoEnergy procedia2014 / p. 204-213 : ill Determination of vaporization properties and volatile hazardous components relevant to kukersite oil shale derived fuel oil handlingTraumann, Ada; Tint, Piia; Järvik, Oliver; Oja, VahurMaterials science = Medžiagotyra2014 / p. 351-356 : ill Determination of water distribution network resistance coefficient and hydraulic capacityVaabel, Joonas; Koppel, Tiit; Sarv, Laur; Annus, IvarProcedia engineering2014 / p. 679-684 : ill Determining demand for disaster resilience education from public authority capacity analysis of European public authoritiesWitt, Emlyn David Qivitoq; Bach, Claudia; Lill, Irene; Palliyaguru, Roshani Sandika; Perdikou, Skevi; Özmen, FathimaProceedings of 4th International Conference on Building Resilience2014 / [13] p. : ill Determining demand for disaster resilience education through capacity analysis of European public authoritiesWitt, Emlyn David Qivitoq; Bach, Claudia; Lill, Irene2014 / [13] p. : ill Determining ranges and spatial distribution of road frost heave by terrestrial laser scanningMill, Tarvo; Ellmann, Artu; Aavik, Andrus; Horemuz, Milan; Sillamäe, SvenThe Baltic journal of road and bridge engineering2014 / p. 225-234 : ill Determining regional sea surface topography by GNSS surveys on iceLiibusk, Aive; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Oja, TõnisMeasuring and Modeling of Multi-Scale Interactions in the Marine Environment : IEEE/OES Baltic Symposium 2014, May 26.-29.2014, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2014 / p. 75 Determining regional sea surface topography by GNSS surveys on iceLiibusk, Aive; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Oja, Tõnis2014 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium : 26-29 May 2014, Tallinn, Estonia : [proceedings]2014 / [9] p. : ill Detsentraliseeritud konkurentsipõhise teadusrahastuse mõju finantsjuhtimisele Eesti ülikoolides : TIPS poliitikaanalüüsRaudla, Ringa; Karo, Erkki; Kattel, Rainer; Valdmaa, Kaija2014 http://tips.ut.ee/index.php?module=32&op=1&id=3657 Developing a financial performance model based on efficacy coefficient modelZheng, Xiaosong; Alver, JaanAccounting, auditing and taxation : ICAAT 2014 : abstracts2014 / p. 14 Developing a financial performance model based on efficacy coefficient model [Electronic resource]Zheng, Xiaosong; Alver, JaanInternational Conference on Accounting, Auditing and Taxation : (ICAAT 2014) : December 11-12, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 112-121 : ill. [CD-ROM] Developing a successful ownership strategyWahl, Mike Franz11th Workshop on Corporate Governance : St Gallen, Switzerland, October 27-28, 20142014 Developing social dialogue in new EC member states : a showcase from EstoniaLõhmus, Merle; Teichmann, Mare28th International Congress of Applied Psychology : ICAP 2014 : 8-13 July 2014 : abstracts2014 / [1] p Development and application of a holistic production monitoring systemEiskop, Tanel; Snatkin, Aleksei; Kõgesaar, Kristjan; Jorgensen, SorenProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 85-91 : ill Development and characterization of photo-oxidation efficiency and antibacterial effects of nano-TiO2 thin filmsJoost, Urmas; Visnapuu, Meeri; Juganson, KatreTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Development and optimisation of modelling methods and algorithms for terahertz range radiation sources based on quantum well heterostructures = Kvantaukudega heterostruktuuridel põhinevate terahertskiirgurite modelleerimismeetodite ja -algoritmide arendus ja optimeerimineReeder, Reeno2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3084247*est Development of a biosensor foe label-free detection of proteins combining the surface acoustic wave platform and molecularly imprinted polymersTretjakov, Aleksei; Sõritski, Vitali; Reut, Jekaterina; Öpik, AndresBaltic Polymer Symposium 2014 : programme and abstracts : Laulasmaa, Estonia, September 24-26, 20142014 / p. 46 Development of a biosensor for label-free detection of proteins combining the surface acoustic wave platform and molecularly imprinted polymersTretjakov, Aleksei; Sõritski, Vitali; Reut, Jekaterina; Öpik, AndresProceedings of The 8th International Conference on Molecular Imprinting (MIP2014). Session 82014 / p. P-007 Development of accounting and auditing sub-curricula : the case of EstoniaAlver, Lehte; Alver, JaanJoint Conference of 26th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues and 2014 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference : program & proceedings : October 26-29, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.2014 / p. 111 Development of administrative law in Estonia - lessons for Cambodia?Kerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeThe development of Cambodian administrative law2014 / p. 283-300 : ill Development of antibiotic-imprinted polymer films on the dextran-modified gold surfacesTretjakov, Aleksei; Sõritski, Vitali; Ayankojo, Akinrinade George; Reut, Jekaterina; Öpik, AndresTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Development of artificial intelligence towards singularityPedai, Andrus; Astrov, IgorWorld Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Knowledge and innovation engineering2014 / p. 81 Development of auditing in Estonia 2003-2013 : comparison with FinlandMaspanov, Iivi; Rämmel, MarikeAccounting, auditing and taxation : ICAAT 2014 : abstracts2014 / p. 25-26 Development of auditing in Estonia 2003-2013 : comparison with Finland [Electronic resource]Maspanov, Iivi; Rämmel, MarikeInternational Conference on Accounting, Auditing and Taxation : (ICAAT 2014) : December 11-12, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 277-287 : ill. [CD-ROM] Development of energy reserve optimization methodology for households with renewable power systems = Taastuva energia allikatega kodumajapidamiste energiareservi optimeerimise metoodika väljatöötamineAuväärt, Aivar2014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4412783*est Development of students' creative activity through experimentationRaud, Zoja14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 23-28 : ill Development of students’ activity through on-lecture assessment in electrical engineeringVodovozov, Valery; Raud, Zoja; Gevorkov, LevonProceedings : 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) : Grand Cevahir Hotel and Convention Center, Istambul, Turkey, 01-04 June, 20142014 / p. 2213-2217 : ill Development of testing method for smart substations with prosumersKorõtko, Tarmo; Merisalu, Ülo; Mägi, Marek; Peterson, Kristjan; Pettai, ElmoJournal of microelectronics, electronic components and materials2014 / p. 185-200 : ill Development of the calculation method for barge hull = Pargase korpuse uus arvutusmeetodGornostajev, Dmitri2014 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?1230 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4412789*est Development of the environmental taxes and charges system in Estonia : international convergence mechanisms and local factorsValdmaa, KaijaPolicy studies2014 / p. 339-356 : ill Development of the subject librarians system at Tallinn University of Technology LibraryKoidla, Gerda; Nurmiste, TaimiTallinna Tehnikaülikooli raamatukogu töötajate uurimusi ja artikleid 2009-2014 = Studies and articles by the staff of the Tallinn University of Technology library2014 / p. 35-46 Development of virtual reality interface for remote robot controlLees, Ülari; Hudjakov, Robert; Tamre, MartProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 247-250 : ill Development theory : convergence, catch-up or leapfrogging? A Schumpeter-Minsky-Kregel approachBurlamaqui, Leonardo; Kattel, RainerContributions to economic theory, policy, development and finance : essays in honor of Jan A. Kregel2014 / p. 175-195 : ill Developments and investigations on battery materialsWitter, Raiker; Irshad, Mohammad; Molaiyan, Palanivel; Oss, A.; Anupõld, T.; Rongeat, C.; Reddy, M. Anji; Fichtner, M.; Samoson, Ago56th Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance : July 13-17, 2014, Copper Conference Center, Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA2014 / p. 336 Developments in cermet design, technology and performanceKübarsepp, Jakob; Pirso, Jüri; Juhani, Kristjan; Viljus, MartInternational journal of materials & product technology2014 / p. 160-179 Diagnoos : teadlaneSoomere, TarmoTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 22-30 Diagnostic significance of alternative splice variants of REST and DOPEY1 in the peripheral blood of patients with breast cancerLend, Ave Kris; Kazantseva, Anna; Kivil, Anri; Valvere, Vahur; Palm, KaiaTumor biology2014 / p. 2473-2480 : ill Diagnostic test generation for statistical bug localization using evolutionary computationGaudesi, Marco; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tihhomirov, Valentin; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesApplications of Evolutionary Computation : 17th European Conference, EvoApplications 2014, Granada, Spain, April 23-25, 2014 : revised selected papers2014 / p. 425-436 : ill Diagnostics of induction machine rotor faults using analysis of stator signals = Asünkroonmasina rootori diagnostika staatorisignaalide uurimise meetodilVaimann, Toomas2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4376858*est Diagrammatic autarchy. Linear diagrams in the 17th and 18th centuriesBellucci, Francesco; Moktefi, Amirouche; Pietarinen, Ahti-VeikkoDLAC 2013 : Diagrams, Logic and Cognition : proceedings of the First International Workshop on Diagrams, Logic and Cognition : Kolkata, India, October 28-29, 20132014 / p. 26-30 : ill Diagrams or rubbishPietarinen, Ahti-VeikkoCharles Sanders Peirce in his own words : 100 years of semiotics, communication and cognition2014 / p. 115-120 Diastereoselective multicomponent cascade reaction for the synthesis of heterobicyclic heptanesKriis, Kadri; Ausmees, Kerti; Plado, Anita; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, Tõnis8th Biennial International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Balticum Organicum Syntheticum : July 6-9, 2014, Vilnius : program and abstract book2014 Different activation methods of H2O2/Fe(III) for degradation of diuronBolobajev, Juri; Dulova, Niina; Trapido, Marina15th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry : 3-6 December 2014, Brno, Czech Republic : book of abstracts2014 / p. 22 Digi-lectures : use and problemsMurdvee, MartEmployee@IT@Psychology : 17 October 2014, Riga2014 Digitaalne mäesõnastik [Võrguväljaanne]Reinsalu, Enno2014 Digitaaltehnika doktorantidele. Osa II, Kombinatsioon- ja järjendlülitused = Digital engineering. Part II, Combinational and sequential circuits [Võrguväljaanne]Lehtla, Madis2014 http://egdk.ttu.ee/files/2014/Digitaaltehnika_doktorantidele2.pdf Digital object memory based monitoring and assistance applications in manual work stationAruväli, Tanel14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 274-276 : ill Digital Object Memory based monitoring solutions in manufacturing processesAruväli, Tanel; Maass, Wolfgang; Otto, TaunoProcedia engineering2014 / p. 449-458 : ill Digital Object Memory integration into indirect surface roughness measurement in turningAruväli, Tanel; Otto, Tauno4th Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2013), December 17-18, 2013, Bangi-Putrajaya, Malaysia2014 / p. 764-768 Digitalisation and beyond : media freedom in a new realityNyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeMedia freedom and regulation in the new media world2014 / p. 65-83 A digitalizacion tul : mediaszabadsag az uj valosagbanNyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeIn Medias Res2014 / p. 254-272 Diktüoneemakilda termokeemiline destruktsioonLuik, HansArutame diktüoneema-argilliidist : foorum : Tallinn, 6. november, 20142014 / [14] lk Dimensional accuracy for multi-element photodetectorDhoska, Klodian; Vabson, Viktor; Hermaste, Aigar; Kübarsepp, ToomasProceedings of NEWRAD 20142014 / p. 352 : ill Diplom tõotab tuluPenjam, TiiaMente et Manu2014 / lk. 3 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Disain ja tootearendus : Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ühise rahvusvahelise magistriõppeprogrammi suunadMelioranski, Ruth-HeleneSirp2014 / lk. 11 : ill https://sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/arhitektuur/disain-ja-tootearendus/ Disainipärlid : ilusaima toote otsimine ja selle disainerite endi keskis pühitsemine on mõttetu enesepettusPärn, MartinSirp2014 / lk. 6-7 : fot https://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/arhitektuur/disainiparlid/ Discussions on Estonian economic policy : developments in the EU member states after the economic chrisis : [summaries] = Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschaftspolitik : Entwicklungstendenzen in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten nach der Wirtschaftskrise : [Zusammenfassungen] = Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : Euroopa Liidu riikide arengud pärast majanduskriisi : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]2014 Discussions on Estonian economic policy : EU member states after the economic chrisis : [summaries] = Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschaftspolitik : Mitgliedstaaten der EU nach der Wirtschaftskrise : [Zusammenfassungen] = Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : Euroopa Liidu riigid pärast majanduskriisi : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]2014 Distance laboratory to explore electrical driveRaud, Zoja; Vodovozov, ValeryRecent advances in energy, environment and development : proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Energy & Environment (EE '14) : Geneva, Switzerland, December 29-31, 20142014 / p. 58-63 : ill Distinguishing the components of household financial wealth : the impact of liabilities on assets in euro area countriesKukk, Merike2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4409431*est Distributed adaptive network performance with static topology and unweighed communicationUlp, Sander; Trump, TõnuLatest trends in circuits, systems, signal processing and automatic control : [proceedings of the 5th CSCS'14, the 2nd ASAP'14 : Salerno, Italy, June 3-5, 2014]2014 / p. 126-130 : ill Distributed diffusion LMS based energy detectionAinomäe, Ahti; Trump, Tõnu; Bengtsson, Mats2014 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT)2014 / p. 176-183 : ill Distributed fusion and automated sensor tasking in ISR systemsPreden, Jürgo-Sören; Pahtma, Raido; Astapov, Sergei; Ehala, Johannes; Riid, Andri; Mõtus, LeoGround/air multisensor interoperability, integration, and networking for persistent ISR V2014 / p. 90790M-1 - 90790M-10 : ill Distributed recursive energy detectionAinomäe, Ahti; Trump, Tõnu; Bengtsson, Mats2014 IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC)2014 / p. 1242-1247 : ill Distribution of solar irradiance on inclined surfaces due to the plane of the groundTomson, Teolan; Voll, HendrikJournal of power and energy engineering2014 / p. 1-10 : ill Diversity and stability of lactic acid bacteria during rye sourdough propagation = Piimhappebakterite mitmekesisus ja stabiilsus rukkileivajuuretise uuendamiselViiard, Ene2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4440228*est Diversity in TAF proteomics : consequences for cellular differentiation and migrationKazantseva, Jekaterina; Palm, KaiaInternational journal of molecular sciences2014 / p. 16680-16697 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms150916680 Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technology : proceedings of doctoral session of BEC 2014 : October 6-8 2014, Laulasmaa2014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4447218*est Doktoritööd : [doktorikraadi kaitsesid Ants Koel, Jelena Priss, Jaan Übi, Anton Rassõlkin, Jelena Hruljova, Aare Aruniit ja Henrik Herranen]Mente et Manu2014 / lk. 16-17 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Doktoritööd : [doktorikraadi kaitsesid Julia Šommet, Julia Lehner, Aleksandr Käkinen, Reeno Reeder, Ada Trauman, Marika Viisimaa, Tanel Kivipõld, Olga Budarnaja, Priit Uuemaa]Mente et Manu2014 / lk. 18-20 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Doktoritööd : [doktorikraadi kaitsesid Kristjan Pilt, Andres Anier, Bert Viikmäe, Raili Niine, Heiki Tiikoja ja Aleksandr Michelson]Mente et Manu2014 / lk. 16-17 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Doktoritööd : [doktorikraadi kaitsesid Peep Pitk, Kaspar Valgepea, Toomas, Vaimann, Artur Noole ja Svetlana Raudonen]Mente et Manu2014 / lk. 16-17 Doktoritööd : [doktorikraadi kaitsesid Riina Koris, Robert Tsanev, Dmitri Gornostajev, Dmitri Kartofelev ja Aivar Auväärt]Mente et Manu2014 / lk. 26-27 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Doktoritööd : [doktorikraadi kaitsesid Toivo Kallaste, Alar Kolk, Erki Kärber ja Dmitri Šumigin]Mente et Manu2014 / lk. 26-27 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Domestic hot water supply of buildingsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Toode, Alvar2014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b3083469*est Drinking with Vova : an individual entrepreneur between illegality and informalityPolese, AbelThe informal post-socialist economy : embedded practices and livelihoods2014 / p. 85-101 DSC-based study on kukersite kerogen swelling in binary solvent mixturesHruljova, Jelena; Oja, VahurTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Dudek, Wieslaw A.; Trokhimenko, Valentin S. Congruences on Menger algebras. Commun. Algebra 42, No. 8, 3407-3426 (2014) : [review]Henno, JaakZentralblatt MATH2014 / [1] p Durability of complex shape punch in thick sheet metal fine-blankingVeinthal, Renno; Peetsalu, Priidu; Saarna, Mart; Talkop, AdolfEuropean Conference on Heat Treatment and 21st IFHTSE Congress : May, 12th-15th, 2014, Munich, Germany : proceedings2014 / p. 399-406 : ill Durability of wood plastic composites : influence of weathering on the mechanical propertiesKallakas, Heikko; Poltimäe, Triinu; Süld, Tiia-Maaja; Kers, JaanProceedings of The Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering : Edinburgh, Scotland, 13-14 October 20142014 / p. 229 DyMeP : an infrastructure to support dynamic memory binding for runtime mapping in CGRAsTajammul, Muhammad Adeel; Jafri, Syed Mohammad Asad Hassan; Ellervee, Peeter; Hemani, Ahmed; Tenhunen, Hannu; Plosila, JuhaDoctoral School in Information and Communication Technology : proceedings of doctoral session of BEC 2014 : October 6-8 2014, Laulasmaa2014 / lk. 19-22 : ill Dynamic behaviour of diffuse solar radiationTomson, TeolanTheoretical and applied climatology2014 / p. 399-402 : ill Dynamic of specialisation structure in EstoniaFainštein, GrigoriЭкономические науки2014 / p. 158-164 Dynamic quadrant partitioning adaptive routing algorithm for irregular reduced vertical link density topology 3-dimensional network-on-chipsYing, Haoyuan; Hofmann, Klaus; Hollstein, ThomasProceedings of the 2014 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2014) : July 21-25, 2014, Bologna, Italy2014 / p. 516-522 : ill Dynamics of dense gravity currents and mixing in an up-sloping and converging vee-shaped channelLaanearu, Janek; Cuthbertson, Alan; Davies, Peter A.Journal of hydraulic research2014 / p. 67-80 : ill Dynamics of partner networkKangilaski, Taivo; Ševtšenko, EduardProceedings : 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) : Grand Cevahir Hotel and Convention Center, Istambul, Turkey, 01-04 June, 20142014 / p. 105-110 : ill E-annual reporting of the Estonia TOP100 companies for the years 2007-2012Nikitina-Kalamäe, Monika; Gurvitš, NataljaInternational Scientific Conference New Challenges of Economic and Business Development - 2014 : abstracts of reports : May 8-10, 2014, Riga, University of Latvia2014 / p. 85-86 : ill EAS-i toetusi saavad ka nõukogu liikmete juhitud asutused : [artiklis TTÜ prorektori, Mektory SA juhatuse esimehest Tea Varrakust]Nergi, Ann-MariiEesti Päevaleht2014 / lk. 2-3 https://arileht.delfi.ee/artikkel/68412835/eas-i-toetusi-saavad-ka-noukogu-liikmete-juhitud-asutused Eastern Europe, right?Pieterman, Frank van deStudioosus2014 / lk. 16 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est East-West security in the technological age! "Is technological age diplomacy (soft power) mightier than the sword?" [Electronic resource]Miller, LeonDiplomat magazine2014 / [1] p EBEC Tallinn 2014Parve, RainerStudioosus2014 / lk. 14 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Economic catch-up and state autonomy : lessons from Asia-Pacific for the EU?Notermans, Antonius Johannes Hubertus"Anaemic Europe : How to Achieve Dynamism and Mass Flourishing" : XXVI Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar : Tor Vergata Economics Foundation - FUET, University of Rome Tor Vergata, 1-3 July 20142014 / p. 18 Economic development and financial instability : selected essaysKregel, Jan Allan2014 Economically affordable anatomical kidney phantom with calyxes for puncture and drainage training in interventional urology and radiologyRistolainen, Asko; Ross, Peeter; Gavšin, Juri; Semjonov, Eero; Kruusmaa, MaarjaActa radiologica short reports2014 / p. 1-7 : ill Eddy current electrical conductivity measurements for temperature measurementsParker, Martin; Pokatilov, Andrei; Kübarsepp, Toomas14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 259-260 : ill Edge-wave-driven durable variations in the thickness of the surfactant film and concentration of surface floatsAverbukh, Elena; Kurkina, Oxana; Kurkin, Andrey; Soomere, TarmoPhysics letters A2014 / p. 53-58 : ill Education in EstoniaTeichmann, Mare; Läänemets, Urve; Rüütmann, Tiia; Neudorf, ReetEuropean education (and training) systems2014 / p. 151-175 Eduka projekti elulugu - üheksa korda lõika, iga kord mõõdaVeski, KenStudioosus2014 / lk. 11 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Ees ootab töörohke aasta : [intervjuu rektor Andres Keevallikuga]Penjam, Tiia; Keevallik, AndresMente et Manu2014 / lk. 4 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Eessõna = ForewordÕispuu, LeoEestist 1945-1953 küüditatute nimekiri = Name list of persons deported from Estonia 1945-19532014 / lk. 12-19 [Eessõna raamatule "Tarkus mere tagant! : 1999-2014"]Keevallik, AndresTarkus mere tagant! : 1999-20142014 / lk. 5 : portr https://www.ester.ee/record=b3076230*est [Eessõna raamatule "Tarkus mere tagant! : 1999-2014"]Keerberg, AnneTarkus mere tagant! : 1999-2014"2014 / lk. 6-7 : portr https://www.ester.ee/record=b3076230*est Eessõna [Võrguväljaanne]Valgma, IngoMäendus2014 / lk. 11 http://www.ene.ttu.ee/maeinstituut/kogumik/2014/Maendus_2014_Maeinstituut.pdf Eesti Ameerika Fond asub toetama TÜ ning TTÜ ühist biomeditsiinitehnika ja meditsiinifüüsika õppekavaEesti Elu : [Kanada ajaleht]2014 / lk. 3 https://ut.ee/et/sisu/eesti-ameerika-fond-asub-toetama-tu-ning-ttu-uhist-biomeditsiinitehnika-ja-meditsiinifuusika Eesti barokne mõisapark ja tänapäev : avastamine, mõistmine, taastamineNurme, SulevRahvusvaheline konverents "Kadriorg 295 - barokne park tänapäeval" : artiklite kogumik = International Conference "Kadriorg 295 - a baroque park nowadays" : a compilation of articles = Международная конференция "Кадриорг 295 : парк эпохи барокко сегодня" : cборник статей2014 / 223, [1] lk. : ill Eesti betoonehituse ajalugu = The history of Estonian concrete constructionTrumm, Uno; Kangur, Paavo; Mändel, Maris2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4437738*est Eesti elektrisüsteemi laiseiresüsteemi arendamine ja analüüs (WAMPAC) : uurimustöö 1.1-4/13/232 / Lep13118 I etapi aruanne [Võrguväljaanne]Palu, Ivo; Valdma, Mati; Meldorf, Mati; Keel, Matti; Šuvalova, Jelena; Šlenduhhov, Vadim; Kangro, Triin; Vaino, Sander; Sarnet, Tanel; Kilter, Jako; Ülavere, Eero; Reinson, Andrus2014 Eesti elektrisüsteemi laiseiresüsteemi arendamine ja analüüs (WAMPAC) : uurimustöö 1.1-4/13/232 / Lep13118 II etapi aruanne [Võrguväljaanne]Palu, Ivo; Meldorf, Mati; Šuvalova, Jelena; Liiv, Innar; Tuttelberg, Kaur; Kangro, Triin; Astapov, Victor; Sarnet, Tanel; Šlenduhhov, Vadim; Kilter, Jako; Ülavere, Eero; Reinson, Andrus2014 Eesti Energia pakub suveks üle 100 praktikakohaStudioosus2014 / lk. 13 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Eesti Energia toetab Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli projekte ligi 14000 eurogaStudioosus2014 / lk. 10 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Eesti ettevõtlusaktiivsusVenesaar, Urve; Küttim, MerleGlobaalne ettevõtlusmonitooring 2013. Eesti raport2014 / lk. 23-35 Eesti Gaasiliidu loomine ja areng 1994-2014Kukk, TõnisEesti Gaasiliit 1994-2014 = Estonian Gas Association 1994-20142014 / lk. 52-66 : ill Eesti idufirma GrabCAD müüakse 100 miljoni dollarigaValdre, LiinaEesti Päevaleht2014 / lk. 5 https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/69760207/eesti-idufirma-grabcad-muuakse-100-miljoni-dollariga Eesti kala täiendas seksi ajaluguOlesk, ArkoPostimees2014 / lk. 5 https://teadus.postimees.ee/2986391/eesti-kala-taiendas-seksi-ajalugu Eesti Laevamehaanikute LiitKask, JüriEesti Mereakadeemia 95 : 150 aastat Eesti mereharidust2014 / lk. 204-205 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b4375202*est Eesti leiutajate imeasjad lihtsalt ootavad : [leiutustegevusest ka TTÜs]Lõhmus, AloMaaleht2014 / lk. 12-13 https://maaleht.delfi.ee/artikkel/68224945/eesti-leiutajate-imeasjad-lihtsalt-ootavad Eesti maavarad, nende kaevised ja kasutusalad [Võrguväljaanne]Rusanov, Fred; Saarnak, Martin; Kuusemäe, KaupoMäendus2014 / lk. 69-74 : ill http://www.ene.ttu.ee/maeinstituut/kogumik/2014/Maendus_2014_Maeinstituut.pdf Eesti majanduse tulevikKattel, RainerMaaleht2014 / lk.21 Eesti Mereakadeemia 95Vitismann, MadliMeremees2014 / lk. 9 : fot Eesti Mereakadeemia 95 : 150 aastat Eesti mereharidust2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4375202*est Eesti Mereakadeemia teenetemärk on hõbedast Mantua ristEesti Mereakadeemia 95 : 150 aastat Eesti mereharidust2014 / lk. 83 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b4375202*est Eesti merehariduse lipulaev teekonnal ülikooli sadamasse : [Eesti Mereakadeemia ühinemisest Tallinna Tehnikaülikooliga]Alop, Anatoli; Leiger, RoometEesti laevanduse aastaraamat 20142014 / Lk. 150-154 : fot Eesti parim sekretär Heid Pähn töötab TTÜsPähn, Heidi; Talv, TerjeMente et Manu2014 / lk. 11 : portr https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Eesti puitmajasektor valmistub liginullenergiahoonete tootmiseksÄripäev2014 / Oma Maja, lk. 6 Eesti põhikooli- ja gümnaasiumivõrgu analüüs aastaks 2020 [Võrguteavik]Põder, Kaire; Veski, Andre; Kirss, Laura; Lauri, Triin2014 Eesti põlevkivi kaevandamisviisid [Võrguväljaanne]Saarnak, Martin; Uibopuu, Lembit; Valgma, Ingo; Nurme, Martin; Väizene, VivikaMäendus2014 / lk. 56-68 : ill http://www.ene.ttu.ee/maeinstituut/kogumik/2014/Maendus_2014_Maeinstituut.pdf Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühingu aastaraamat 20122014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1209172*est Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühingu aastaraamat 20132014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1209172*est Eesti rahvuslik rikkus ja akadeemik Arvo Ots - siunatud põlevkivi ja tema advokaatTeaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 167-172 : fot Eesti rekordite raamat2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4422341*est Eesti teadlased aitavad kaardistada Läänemere veealust mürataset : [sellealasest uurimistööst TTÜs]Jaagant, Urmas; Klauson, AleksanderLaupäev2014 / lk. 4 https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/67550200/eesti-teadlased-aitavad-kaardistada-laanemere-veealust-murataset Eesti teadus - kaalul on rohkem kui eluSamoson, AgoPostimees2014 / lk. 17 https://www.postimees.ee/2996881/eesti-teadus-kaalul-on-rohkem-kui-elu/comments Eesti teaduse populariseerimise auhind : [peapreemia kategoorias "Parim uus algatus teaduse ja tehnoloogia populariseerimisel" Heigo Mõlder'ile TTÜst]Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 / lk. 53-54 Eesti teaduse tippkeskuste nõukoguEngelbrecht, JüriEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 / lk. 38-39 Eesti teadusraamatukogudAndresoo, JanneRaamatukogud ja -kogundus Eestis 2002-2012 : artiklite kogumik2014 / lk. 12-25 : portr Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia ajalugu 1938-2014Teaduste Akadeemia - Eesti kollektiivne aju : 75 aastat - 75 akadeemikut2014 / lk. 19-35 : fot Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia presidendiks kandideerivad Mart Ustav ja Tarmo Soomere : [intervjuu kandidaatidega]Maidla, Margus; Soomere, Tarmo; Ustav, MartSirp2014 / lk. 35-37 : portr https://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/c21-teadus/eesti-teaduste-akadeemia-presidendiks-kandideerivad-mart-ustav-ja-tarmo-soomere/ Eesti tehnoloogiariigiksHamburg, ArviInseneeria2014 / lk. 28-29 : portr https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2687423*est Eesti tektoonilise ehituse põhijooniSõstra, ÜloXXII aprillikonverentsi Geoloogialt ühiskonnale teesid2014 / lk. 40-43 : ill Eesti tingimustesse sobivate biogaasi metaaniks puhastamise tehnoloogiate rakendatavus ning keskkonna ja majanduslikud mõjud : laiendatud kokkuvõte2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4406769*est Eesti tingimustesse sobivate biogaasi metaaniks puhastamise tehnoloogiate rakendatavus ning keskkonna ja majanduslikud mõjud : lõpparuanne [Võrguväljaanne]2014 Eesti tippjuhid 2014 : Eesti majanduse leksikon2014 Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia pikaajalise tulemusliku teadus- ja arendustöö eest : [akadeemik Enn Mellikovile]Mellikov, EnnTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 325-330 Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemiad 20142014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1226072*est Eesti Vabariik : maa. Rahvas. Kultuur : TEA entsüklopeedia eriväljaanneArold, Ivar; Gerndorf, Kostel; Nõlvak, Jaak; Orru, Mall2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3059509*est Eesti XXXIII keemiapäevadVeski, ReinEesti põlevloodusvarad ja -jäätmed 2014 = Estonian combustible natural resources and wastes 20142014 / lk. 47 : fot Eestil on tarvis infosõjaroboteidTammet, TanelPostimees2014 / lk. 11 https://arvamus.postimees.ee/2753342/tanel-tammet-eestil-on-tarvis-infosojaroboteid Eestis müristab sama kõvasti kui Gagarini kosmosereisi aeguEnno, Sven-Erik; Strandberg, MarekInseneeria2014 / lk. 44-45 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2678066*est Eestist 1945-1953 küüditatute nimekiri = Name list of persons deported from Estonia 1945-19532014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b3059140*est EETELi ja EÜNi "Töövarjupäev 2014" tulemusedMahlapuu, UrmasElektriala2014 / lk. 33-34 : fot Eetilised väärtushinnangud Tallinna linnavalitsuse eelarveraamatutes aastatel 1934-2013Roostalu, Lea; Kooskora, Mari; Kadak, TarmoRiigikogu Toimetised2014 / lk. 70-85 : ill Effect of accelerated weathering on the mechanical properties of wood-plastic compositesKallakas, Heikko; Poltimäe, Triinu; Süld, Tiia-Maaja; Kers, JaanBaltic Polymer Symposium 2014 : programme and abstracts : Laulasmaa, Estonia, September 24-26, 20142014 / p. 75 Effect of CdCl2 vapor phase pretreatment annealing on the properties of CSS CdS and CdTe/CdS thin film solar cellsSpalatu, Nicolae; Hiie, Jaan; Valdna, Vello; Krunks, Malle; Caraman, Mihail; Mikli, Valdek; Maticiuc, Natalia2014 Spring Meeting Lille, France : May 26-30. Symposium A, Thin film chalcogenide photovoltaic materials2014 / p. 17 Effect of different temperature-time combinations in kerogen pyrolysis to thermobitumen and oilLuik, Lea; Luik, Hans; Šarajeva, Galina20th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis : PYRO 2014 : 19-23 May 2014, Birmingham, UK : conference guide and abstracts2014 / p. 80 Effect of different temperature-time combinations in kerogen pyrolysis to thermobitumen and oilŠarajeva, Galina; Luik, Lea; Luik, Hans2014 proceedings of Second International Conference On Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Engineering : 20-21 December, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2014 / p. 40-47 : ill Effect of grain growth inhibitors VC/Cr3C2 on WC-ZrO2-Ni composite mechanicsYung, Der-Liang; Dong, Minjie; Hussainova, IrinaEngineering materials & tribology XXII2014 / p. 106-109 Effect of heat treatment on the phase transformation and magnetic properties of BPSCCO/LPMO compositesStaneva, Anna; Blagoev, Blagoy; Mikli, ValdekJournal of alloys and compounds2014 / p. 223-228 : ill Effect of milling time on dual-nanoparticulate-reinforced aluminum alloy matrix composite materialsKwon, Hansang; Saarna, Mart; Yoon, Songhak; Weidenkaff, Anke; Leparoux, MarcMaterials science and engineering : A2014 / p. 338-345 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2013.10.046 Effect of oxidation on sliding wear behavior of NiCrSiB-TiB2 plasma sprayed coatingsUmanskii, A.; Hussainova, Irina; Storoženko, M.; Terentyev, O.; Antonov, MaksimEngineering materials & tribology XXII2014 / p. 16-19 Effect of rotor pole-shoe construction on losses of inverter-fed synchronous motorsRasilo, Paavo; Belahcen, Anouar; Arkkio, AnteroIEEE transactions on industry applications2014 / p. 208-217 : ill Effect of Zn:S molar ratio in solution on the properties of ZnS thin films and the formation of ZnS nanorods by spray pyrolysisDedova, Tatjana; Krunks, Malle; Gromõko, Inga; Mikli, Valdek; Sildos, Ilmo; Utt, Kathriin; Unt, TarmoPhysica status solidi (a) : applications and materials science2014 / p. 514-521 : ill The effect of wood flour fraction size on the properties of wood-plastic compositesKängsepp, Kärt; Poltimäe, Triinu; Liimand, K.; Kallakas, Heikko; Süld, Tiia-Maaja; Repeshova, Irina; Goljandin, Dmitri; Kers, JaanProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 366-371 Effective modeling and simulation of complicated fluid power systemsGrossschmidt, Gunnar; Harf, MaitModern Fluid Power : Challenges, Responsibilities, Markets : 9th International Fluid Power Conference, 24th-26th March 2014, Aachen, Germany : proceedings. Vol. 2, Conference : tuesday, March 25th + scientific poster session2014 / p. 374-385 : ill Efficient excitation signals for the fast impedance spectroscopyOjarand, Jaan; Min, MartElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2014 / p. 144-149 : ill EFQM-i täiuslikkusmudel 2013 [Võrguväljaanne]Tammaru, TiiaTäiskasvanute täienduskoolituse kvaliteeditagamise juhendmaterjal täiskasvanute täienduskoolitusasutustele : kogumik2014 / lk. 75-77 : ill E-governance in law and by law : the legal framework of e-governanceNyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeRegulating eTechnologies in the European Union : normative realities and trends2014 / p. 33-51 Ehitus - esmatähtis kõigileTärno, ÜloTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 41-42 Ehituse võtmeisikud 2014 : Eesti majanduse leksikon2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4421832*est Eksaminandile matemaatika riigieksamist 2014Uudelepp, Helgi; Lõhmus, Ahto2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1442174*est Ekspordi käsiraamatLumiste, Rünno; Kukrus, Ants; Niine, Tarvo; Salm, Eliis2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4292090*est Elaboration of sol-gel derived TiC-CNTs compositeHussainova, Irina; Umalas, Madis; Lõhmus, Ants; Voltšihhin, Nikolai38th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites : abstract book : January 26-31, 2014, Daytona Beach, Florida2014 / p. 116 Elamisviisidest, ajast ja ootustest = About the ways of residing, time and expectationsPaadam, KatrinMaja : Eesti arhitektuuri ajakiri = Estonian architectural review2014 / lk. 20-25 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072550*est Elamus turunduses - turundus elamuses [Elektrooniline teavik]Leppiman, Anu"Elamus turunduses, turundus elamuses" : 5 aastat elamusturundust Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis : konverentsi ettekannete laiendatud abstraktide kogumik : 6. mai 20142014 / lk. 6 "Elamus turunduses, turundus elamuses" : 5 aastat elamusturundust Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis : konverentsi ettekannete laiendatud abstraktide kogumik : 6. mai 2014 [Võrguväljaanne]2014 http://www.ttu.ee/public/m/majandusteaduskond/Teadus/Konverentsid/Turunduskonverentsi_kogumik_2014.pdf Elamusturundus : autentsete elamuste otsingud riigi brändimiseks [Elektrooniline publikatsioon]Same, Siiri"Elamus turunduses, turundus elamuses" : 5 aastat elamusturundust Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis : konverentsi ettekannete laiendatud abstraktide kogumik : 6. mai 20142014 / lk. 13 Elastic models of defects in two-dimensional crystalsKolesnikova, Anna; Orlova, T.; Hussainova, Irina; Romanov, AlexeyPhysics of the solid state2014 / p. 2573-2579 : ill Elastic wave Talbot effect in solids with inclusionsBerezovski, Arkadi; Tang, Wen-Xin; Wan, WeishiMechanics research communications2014 / p. 21-26 : ill Elastsete teekatendite projekteerimise juhendi pinnaste klassifikatsiooni kohandamine EVS-EN ISO 14688-1 ja 2 klassifikatsioonile. Teadustöö Lep14003 lõpparuanneAavik, Andrus; Kendra, Ain; Talviste, Peeter; Talpsepp, A.; Parbo, A.2014 E-learning and b-learning information literacy programs at the science and technology universities in Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Poland. A comparative studyMarcinek, Marzena; Heino, Kirsi; Janbicka, Aija; Koidla, Gerda; Palmgren, VirpiTallinna Tehnikaülikooli raamatukogu töötajate uurimusi ja artikleid 2009-2014 = Studies and articles by the staff of the Tallinn University of Technology library2014 / p. 47-84 : ill Electric impedance measurement of tissue phantom materials for development of medical diagnostic systemsKõiv, Hip; Gordon, Rauno; Pesti, KsenijaInternational Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy 2014 : September 24-26 2014, Chemnitz, Germany2014 / [2] p. : ill Electric vehicle charger load current harmonics variations due to supply voltage level differences - case examplesKütt, Lauri; Saarijärvi, Eero; Lehtonen, Matti; Mõlder, Heigo; Niitsoo, Jaan2014 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM) : 18-20 June, 2014, Ischia, Italy : proceedings2014 / p. 917-922 : ill Electric vehicle multiport fast charger based on the concept of active power electronic transformerJalakas, Tanel; Roasto, Indrek; Gallardo-Lozano, Javier; Romero-Cadaval, Enrique2014 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe) : Lappeenranta, Finland, 26-28 August 2014. Vol. 32014 / p. 2168-2176 : ill Electrical bio-impedance based non-invasive method for the central aortic blood pressure waveform estimationKrivošei, Andrei; Min, Mart; Uuetoa, Hasso; Lamp, Jürgen; Annus, PaulBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 181-184 : ill Electrical characterization of cadmium sulfide films, annealed in reducing, neutral and oxidizing ambients of H2, N2, and airGraf, Aleksandr; Gavrilov, Aleksei; Hiie, JaanTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Electrical characterization of CdS films, annealed in reducing, neutral and oxidizing ambients of H2, N2, and airGraf, Aleksandr; Maticiuc, Natalia; Gavrilov, Aleksei; Hiie, JaanEMRS 2014 Spring Meeting : Lille, France, May 26-30. Symposium A, Thin film chalcogenide photovoltaic materials2014 / p. 22 Electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of Cu-0.7wt% Cr and Cu-1.0wt% Cr alloys processed by severe plastic deformationKommel, Lembit; Pokatilov, AndreiIOP conference series : materials science and engineering2014 / p. 1-7 : ill Electrical drive : performance, design and controlVodovozov, Valery2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4412000*est Electricity price and load forecast based new energy management system for householdsLebedev, Denis; Melentjev, Sergei; Rosin, Argo14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 73-77 : ill Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis of immunoglobulin G in patients with gastric cancerSergejev, Kirill; Land, Raul; Klaamas, Kersti; Kurtenkov, OlegBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 189-192 : ill Electrochemical synthesis of CdSe/CdTe nanowires for hybrid photovoltaic structuresGurevitš, Jelena; Bereznev, Sergei; Mikli, Valdek; Naidu, Revathi; Mellikov, Enn; Kois, JuliaMRS proceedings2014 / [6] p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1557/opl.2014.576 Electrochemical synthesis of CdSe/CdTe nanowires for hybrid photovoltaic structuresGurevitš, Jelena; Kois, Julia; Bereznev, Sergei; Mellikov, Enn; Öpik, Andres2014 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit : April 21-25, 2014, San Francisco, California : program. Symposium UU, Semiconductor Nanowires-Synthesis, Properties and Applications2014 / [1] p Electrode placement configuration variations with the aim of monitoring the rate of breathing and pulse by the means of electrical bioimpedanceMetshein, MargusDoctoral School in Information and Communication Technology : proceedings of doctoral session of BEC 2014 : October 6-8 2014, Laulasmaa2014 / p. 7-10 : ill Electronic and optical properties of magnesium and calcium hydroxides : the role of covalency and many-body effectsPishtshev, Aleksandr; Karazhanov, S. Zh.; Klopov, MihhailJoint 12th Russia/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity and 9th International Conference Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies : Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, September 29-October 2, Riga, Latvia : book of abstracts2014 / p. 258 Electronic and structural characterisation of Cu3BiS3 thin films for the absorber layer of sustainable photovoltaicsYakushev, M.V.; Maiello, P.; Raadik, Taavi; Krustok, JüriThin solid films2014 / p. 195-199 : ill Electronic excitations and self-trapping of electrons and holes in CaSO4Kudrjavtseva, Irina; Klopov, Mihhail; Luštšik, AleksandrPhysica scripta2014 / p. 1-6 : ill Electrosynthesized molecularly imprinted polymer films for surface acoustic wave detection of antibioticsSõritski, Vitali; Tretjakov, Aleksei; Ayankojo, Akinrinade George; Reut, Jekaterina; Öpik, AndresProceedings of The 8th International Conference on Molecular Imprinting (MIP2014). Session 82014 / p. P-015 Elektri hinnatõusu taga luurab korruptsioonRajangu, VäinoEesti Päevaleht2014 / lk. 10 https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/67716455/vaino-rajangu-elektri-hinnatousu-taga-luurab-korruptsioon Elektriratastooli saalihoki – teistmoodi sportPalder, KristaStudioosus2014 / lk. 29 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Elektriturg kannatab Eesti Energia valede otsuste käesRajangu, VäinoPostimees2014 / lk. 5 https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/67977159/vaino-rajangu-elektriturg-kannatab-eesti-energia-valede-otsuste-kaes Elektrontahhümeetrite ja laserskanneri kaugusmõõturi täpsuse hindamineSaarik, Sander; Kala, Vello; Märdla, SiljaGeodeet2014 / lk. 76-82 : ill Elmet Orasson tabab laskesportiOrasson, ElmetMente et Manu2014 / lk. 18-19 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Elvi Vall (5.11.1928-11.07.2012)Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühingu aastaraamat 20122014 / lk. 103 Embedded electronics influence on the strength of carbon fiber laminateHerranen, Henrik; Kers, Jaan; Preden, Jürgo-Sören; Talalaev, Robert; Eerme, Martin; Majak, Jüri; Lend, Henri; Allikas, GeorgAdvances in applied materials and electronics engineering III2014 / p. 239-243 Embedded system implementation of digital fractional filter approximations for control applicationsTepljakov, Aleksei; Petlenkov, Eduard; Belikov, JuriProceedings of the 21st International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2014 : Lublin, Poland, June 19-21, 20142014 / p. 441-445 : ill EMERA ja TTÜ : [liitumisleping allkirjastati 23. aprillil 2014]Kullo, MärtEesti Mereakadeemia 95 : 150 aastat Eesti mereharidust2014 / lk. 193- 195 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b4375202*est Emerging micropollutants in water/wastewater : growing demand on removal technologiesTrapido, Marina; Epold, Irina; Bolobajev, Juri; Dulova, NiinaEnvironmental science and pollution research2014 / p. 12217-12222 : ill Enantioselective organocatalytic Michael addition of cyclopentane-1,2-diones to electrophilesPreegel, Gert; Noole, Artur; Ilmarinen, Kaja; Järving, Ivar; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition : August 10-14, 2014, San Francisco, CA : Chemistry and Global Stewardship2014 / [1] p. : ill Enantioselective organocatalytic Michael addition of cyclopentane-1,2-diones to electrophilesPreegel, Gert; Noole, Artur; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus8th Biennial International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Balticum Organicum Syntheticum : July 6-9, 2014, Vilnius : program and abstract book2014 Enantioselective organocatalytic Michael addition of cyclopentane-1,2-diones to nitro olefinsPreegel, Gert; Noole, Artur; Ilmarinen, Kaja; Järving, Ivar; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p. : ill Enantioselective organocatalytic Michael addition of cyclopentane-1,2-diones to nitroolefinsPreegel, Gert; Noole, Artur; Ilmarinen, Kaja; Järving, Ivar; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusSynthesis2014 / p. 2595-2600 : ill EnergeetikanõukoguHamburg, ArviEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20132014 / lk. 33-34 Energiatarbimise juhtimisel on tarkades majades kandev rollRosin, ArgoInseneeria2014 / lk. 18-19 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2672914*est Energiatõhus ehitus Eestis : laokil sektori korrastamineZirnask, MartUniversitas Tartuensis : UT : Tartu Ülikooli ajakiri2014 / lk. 29-31 Energiatõhusus ja puitmajadKurnitski, JarekEesti Puitmajaleht2014 / lk. 4 Energy and investment intensity of integrated renovation and 2030 cost optimal savingsKurnitski, Jarek; Kuusk, Kalle; Tark, Teet; Uutar, Aivar; Kalamees, Targo; Pikas, ErgoEnergy and buildings2014 / p. 51-59 : ill Energy auditing of residential buildingsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Tennokese, KasparSEME 2014 : 2014 International Conference on Social, Education and Management Engineering, Macao, May 20-21, 20142014 / p. 6-7 Energy councilHamburg, ArviEstonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20132014 / p. 36-38 Energy efficiency monitoring system for technology mapping driven by FoF conceptSarkans, Martinš; Pikner, Heiko; Sell, Raivo; Sonk, KaimoProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 187-192 : ill Energy performance of radiators with parallel and serial connected panelsMaivel, Mikk; Konzelmann, Martin; Kurnitski, JarekThe REHVA European HVAC journal2014 / p. 18-21 : ill Energy pile and heat pump modeling in whole building simulation modelFadejev, Jevgeni; Kurnitski, JarekProceedings of the 2014 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference" : 23-24 June 2014, UCL, London, UK2014 / [7] p. : ill Energy saving estimates for regenerative braking and downhill driving of battery electric vehiclesVodovozov, Valery; Rassõlkin, Anton; Lillo, Nikolai; Raud, ZojaBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 237-240 : ill Enerkeemikute suveseminar tuleb taas! : [energeetika- ning keemia- ja materjaliteaduskonna suveseminarist]Karin, EnnStudioosus2014 / lk. 31 Enforcement of EU competition rules in Estonia : substantive convergence and procedural divergenceSvetlicinii, AlexandrYearbook of antitrust and regulatory studies2014 / p. 97-85 Engineering students' experiences in studing entrepreneurshipTäks, Marge; Tynjälä, Päivi; Toding, Martin; Kukemelk, Hasso; Venesaar, UrveJournal of engineering education (JEE)2014 / p. 573-598 : ill Enhanced economical evaluation in factory planning : the Ukseproff OÜ caseKitzmann, Harald; Mättas, AiriControlling in SMEs - Beyond Numbers : Prague, April 25th, 2014, University of Finance and Administration Prague : proceedings of the international conference = Controlling v MSP - nejen o číslech : Praha, 25. dubna, 2014, Vysoká škola finanční a správní : sborník z mezinárodní vědecké konference2014 / p. 162-167 : ill Enn Kaup - EGSi auliigeKaup, EnnEesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamat = Year-book of the Estonian Geographical Society. 39. kd2014 / lk. 197-200 : fot http://ise.elnet.ee/record=b2753113~S2*est Ensemble approach for projections of return periods of extreme water levels in Estonian watersEelsalu, Maris; Soomere, Tarmo; Pindsoo, Katri; Lagemaa, PriidikContinental shelf research2014 / p. 201-210 : ill Enzymatically active 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetases are widely distributed among Metazoa, including protostome lineagePäri, Mailis; Kuusksalu, Anne; Lopp, Annika; Hansen Kjaer, Karina; Justesen, Just; Kelve, MerikeBiochimie2014 / p. 200-209 : ill Enterprises' satisfaction with e-government : a case of countries in Baltic Sea RegionKindel, Kristiina; Ritso, Valter; Venesaar, UrveDatabases and Information Systems : proceedings of the 11th International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB&IS 2014 : Tallinn, Estonia, 8-11 June, 20142014 / p. 203-214 : ill Entrepreneurial identity : peer and family influencesTuisk, Tarmo; Kirch, AkselESU 2014 Conference and Doctoral Programme2014 / p. 75 Entrepreneurial identity in different cultural contexts : the cases of Estonia and Czech RepublicTuisk, TarmoYrittäjyyskasvatuspäivät Seinäjoella 25.9.-26.9.2014 : Yrittäjyyskasvatus 2.0 = Entrepreneurship Education Conference in Seinäjoki, Finland 25.9.-26.9.2014 : Entrepreneurship Education 2.0 : the conference abstracts2014 / p. 43 Entrepreneurship education at university level and students' entrepreneurial intentionsKüttim, Merle; Kallaste, Marianne; Venesaar, Urve; Kiis, AinoProcedia - social and behavioral sciences2014 / p. 658-668 : ill ENTRUM-i superfinaal Mektorys : [ENTRUM – üleriigiline noorte ettevõtlikkusideede konkurss]Reino, RasmusStudioosus2014 / lk. 12-13 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Environment for the analysis of functional self-test quality in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Kruus, Helena; Aarna, Margit; Devadze, SergeiProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 151-162 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2673964*est Environmental and occupational impact on human health of dust and chemicals from modern technologiesTraumann, Ada; Reinhold, Karin; Tint, PiiaEnvironmental engineering and management journal2014 / p. 2233-2241 : ill Environmental impacts of shale oil production. Sensitivity analysisGušča, Julija; Siirde, Andres; Eldermann, MeelisConect : International Scientific Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies : October 14-15, 20142014 Equilibrium calculations in aqueous carbonation of oil shale waste-sulfur compoundsTamm, Kadriann; Uibu, Mai; Kallaste, Priit; Kuusik, Rein, keemik; Kallas, JuhaProceedings of 2nd World Congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering : Octoberr 27-29, 2014, Embassy Suites Las Vegas, USA2014 / p. 40 Equilibriums in aqueous carbonation of oil shale wasteTamm, Kadriann; Uibu, Mai; Kallaste, Priit; Kuusik, Rein, keemik; Kallas, JuhaTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p. : ill Erasmuse toel välismaale koolituseleKoidla, GerdaRaamatukogu2014 / lk. 17-18 Erasmusega HispaaniasMägi, Katri; Märtmaa, KüllikeRaamatukogu2014 / lk. 18-19 : ill Ergonomics slow down ageing and postpone ageing related diseasesKristjuhan, ÜloAgronomy research2014 / p. 875-880 Eriline loodusnähtus pani Hiiumaa ümbruse mürisema : [kommenteerivad TTÜ teadlased Heidi Soosalu ja Tarmo Kõuts]Mikovits, BiancaMaaleht2014 / lk. 8 https://maaleht.delfi.ee/artikkel/67804919/eriline-loodusnahtus-pani-hiiumaa-umbruse-murisema Erosion wear of reactive sintered WC-TiC-Co cermetsTarraste, Marek; Juhani, Kristjan; Pirso, Jüri; Viljus, MartEngineering materials & tribology XXII2014 / p. 63-66 Erosion wear testing of boiler steels at elevated temperaturesPriss, Jelena; Klevtsov, Ivan; Dedov, Andrei; Antonov, Maksim14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 248-250 : ill Erosive wear of boiler steels by sand and ashHuttunen-Saarivirta, E.; Kinnunen, H.; Tuiremo, J.; Uusitalo, M.; Antonov, MaksimWear2014 / p. 213-224 : ill Erratum to : Thermodynamic approach to generalized continuaVan, Peter; Berezovski, Arkadi; Papenfuss, ChristinaContinuum mechanics and thermodynamics2014 / p. 421-422 Escherichia coli achieves faster growth by increasing catalytic and translation rates of proteinsValgepea, Kaspar; Adamberg, Kaarel; Seiman, Andrus; Vilu, RaivoTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Esimene väikelaevaehitaja kaitseb lõputööd : [TTÜ Kuressaare Kolledžis]Maksimov, AldoMeie Maa2014 / lk. 1 ESN TUT IC - a piece of everything : [TTÜ Rahvusvahelisest klubist]Viira, SandraStudioosus2014 / lk. 27 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Essential aspects in technical teacher educationRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsThe international handbook of cultures of education policy. Volume 2, Comparative international issues in policy-outcome relationships - economic influences with standards and governance2014 / p. 853-874 Essential oil content and composition in Tanacetum vulgare L. herbs growing wild in EstoniaRaal, Ain; Orav, Anne; Gretšušnikova, TatjanaJournal of essential oil bearing plants2014 / p. 670-675 : tab ESTCube-1 nanosatellite for electric solar wind sail in-orbit technology demonstrationLätt, Silver; Slavinskis, Andris; Ilbis, Erik; Vahter, Andres; Liias, Paul; Vahter, Toomas; Edvard, VeigoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 200-209 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2672246*est Estimating the harmonic distortions in a distribution network supplying EV charging load using practical source data - case exampleKütt, Lauri; Saarijärvi, Eero; Lehtonen, Matti; Mõlder, Heigo; Niitsoo, Jaan2014 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting : National Harbor, MD, USA, 27-31 July 20142014 / [5] p. : ill Estimation of dialysis patients' survival through combined approach of small molecule uremic markersHolmar, Jana; Fridolin, Ivo; Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Fernström, Anders; Luman, MerikeProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 227-233 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2680559*est Estimation of errors in the cumulative Monte Carlo fission sourceTuttelberg, Kaur; Dufek, JanAnnals of nuclear energy2014 / p. 151-155 : ill Estimation of the complexity of the electroencephalogram for brain monitoring in intensive care = Electroentsefalogrammi komplekssuse hindamine aju monitooringul intensiivravisAnier, Andres2014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b3050804*est EstlandKirch, AkselHandbuch Europäischer Sozialpolitiken2014 / s. 60-63 EstLink 1 ja EstLink 2 : sarnased või sootuks erinevad elektriühendused Soomega?Haug, Reigo; Kilter, JakoInseneeria2014 / lk. 34-35 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2664996*est EstoniaEvas, TatjanaViking, Laval and beyond2014 / p. 139-153 Estonia : [country reports]Lambert, Paul; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeInternational handbook of social media laws2014 / p. 299-304 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4469476*est Estonia. Public procurement, innovation and "no policy" policyLember, Veiko; Kalvet, TarmoPublic procurement, innovation and policy : international perspectives2014 / p. 127-149 Estonia`s internal and external human rights policies : how compatible are they?Käsper, KariEstonian foreign policy yearbook 2013 / Estonian Foreign Policy Institute2014 / p. 141-157 Estonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 2013Mõtus, Leo2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1218154*est Estonian graptolite argillites revisited : a future resource?Hade, Sigrid; Soesoo, AlvarOil shale2014 / p. 4-18 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2664044*est Estonian long-term power scenarios = Eesti pikaajalised elektritootmisstsenaariumid2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3086186*est Estonian science communication awardEstonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20132014 / p. 60-61 Estonian scientists fighting cancer : [in Competence Centre for Cancer Research - VTAK]Made in Estonia : best practices from Estonian businesses2014 / p. 93-95 : ill Estonian state decorations to members of the Academy : [to Tarmo Soomere]Estonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20142014 / p. 64 : portr Et sõnad saaksid tegudeksPenjam, TiiaMente et Manu2014 / lk. 3 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Ethics audit : a management tool for assessing of corporate social responsibility and preventing ethical risks = Eetikaaudit kui ettevõtete sotsiaalse vastutustundlikkuse hindamise ja eetiliste riskide ennetamise vahendRihma, Merle2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4440704*est ETIS vs teadusmonograafiaTalts, MaitÕpetajate Leht2014 / lk. 8 https://opleht.ee/2014/01/etis-vs-teadusmonograafia/ Ettevaatust, varinguoht! : [Karl Õigeri raamatu "Varinguohtlikest vigadest" tutvustus]Masso, TiitSirp2014 / lk. 32-33 : ill https://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/arhitektuur/ettevaatust-varinguoht/ EttevõtjaVihalem, Ann; Teder, Juhan2001 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1508175*est [Ettevõtja]Vihalem, Ann; Teder, Juhan2001 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1828944*est Ettevõtlik perekond ja perekondlik ettevõteGüldenkoh, MaretRaamatupidamisuudised2014 / lk. 46-50 ; 4, lk. 55-59 : ill. ; 5, lk. 50-56 Ettevõtlikkusest ettevõtluseni : gümnaasiumiõpikEamets, Raul; Ernits, Raigo; Teder, Juhan2014 Ettevõtte arenguetapidKask, Triin; Teder, JuhanEttevõtja käsiraamat. [1] : [ptk. 1-6]2014 / Eraldi pagin ETÜN ehk kuidas 5+n aastat inseneriõpet lõbusamalt üle elada : [TTÜ ehitusteaduskonna üliõpilasnõukogust]Sigus, KadiStudioosus2014 / lk. 25 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est EU charter : its nature, innovative character, and horizontal effectKerikmäe, TanelProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014 / p. 5-19 EUCHEM2014 : Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids XXV : 6-11 July 2014, Tallinn, Estonia : programme2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4777207*est Euro area monetary policy transmission in EstoniaErrit, Gertrud; Uusküla, LennoBaltic journal of economics2014 / p. 55-77 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1406099X.2014.980113 Eurokoodeks 7 : geotehniline projekteerimine. Osa 1, Üldeeskirjad : Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa = Eurocode 7 : geotechnical design. Part 1, General rules : Estonian National Annex [Võrguteavik]2014 Euroopa finantsaruandluse muudatuste sobivus EestisGüldenkoh, Maret; Silberg, UnoDiscussions on Estonian economic policy : developments in the EU member states after the economic chrisis : [summaries] = Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschaftspolitik : Entwicklungstendenzen in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten nach der Wirtschaftskrise : [Zusammenfassungen] = Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : Euroopa Liidu riikide arengud pärast majanduskriisi : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]. 22014 / lk. 46-52 Euroopa Liidu seiskunud konvergentsimasinNotermans, Antonius Johannes HubertusPoliitika, riigiteadus, rahvusvahelised suhted2014 / lk. 6-29 Euroopa standardi EN 50160 rakendusjuhend = Guide for the application of the European Standard EN 50160 [Võrguteavik]2014 Euroopa surub peale liginullenergiamaju : [TTÜ katsemajast]Mets, MariÄripäev2014 / lk. 16-17 European Commission and the management of Europe : past, present and futureRamiro Troitino, DavidMEST journal2014 / p. 241-250 : ill European court of asylym - does it exist?Roots, LehteProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014 / p. 129-143 European integration and rural development : actors, institutions and powerKull, Michael2014 Europeanization and de-Europeanization of Estonian regional policyRaagmaa, Garri; Kalvet, Tarmo; Kasesalu, RagneEuropean planning studies2014 / p. 775-795 : ill The Europeanization of law curricula in Eastern Partnership countries : best practices of EU member statesKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeFrom Eastern Partnership to the Association : a legal and political analysis2014 / p. 271-284 Evald Kalm : 18.06.1936-22.08.2013Annus, ArnoTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 363 E-valimiste levik Eesti valijate hulgasVassil, Kristjan; Solvak, Mihkel; Vinkel, PriitRiigikogu Toimetised2014 / lk. 116-128 : ill Evaluating the new library two years laterKoidla, GerdaTallinna Tehnikaülikooli raamatukogu töötajate uurimusi ja artikleid 2009-2014 = Studies and articles by the staff of the Tallinn University of Technology library2014 / p. 28-34 Evaluation of control solution for grid inverter of low power wind turbine for implementation with inexpensive hardwareGalkin, Ilja; Zakis, JanisPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 297-302 : ill Evaluation of SysML software for teaching systems engineering basicsKruus, Helena; Jervan, GertProceedings of the 25th International Conference on European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering : 30 May-June 2014, Cesme, Türkiye2014 / p. 29-32 : ill Evaluation of the ACR MRI phantom for quality assurance tests of 1.5 T MRI scanners in Estonian hospitalsKaljuste, Doris; Nigul, MaitProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 240-246 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2680567*est Evaluation of vapor pressures of 5-Methylresorcinol derivatives by thermogravimetric analysisJärvik, Oliver; Rannaveski, Rivo; Roo, Eke; Oja, VahurThermochimica acta2014 / p. 198-205 : ill Evolution of bacterial consortia in spontaneously started rye sourdoughs during two months of daily propagationBessmeltseva, Marjanna; Viiard, Ene; Simm, Jaak; Paalme, Toomas; Sarand, IngaPLoS ONE2014 / p. 1-12 : ill Evolution of TiN coating surface roughness during physical vapor deposition on high speed steel substrateKupchenko, Leonid; Tali, Rauno; Adoberg, Eron; Mikli, Valdek; Podgurski, VitaliEngineering materials & tribology XXII2014 / p. 67-70 Excitons in Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 from ab initio calculationsPishtshev, Aleksandr; Karazhanov, S. Zh.; Klopov, MihhailSolid state communications2014 / p. 11-15 : ill An existing best practice of nearly Zero Energy HotelBuso, Tiziana; Corgnati, Stefano Paolo; Kurnitski, JarekThe REHVA European HVAC journal2014 / p. 61-65 : ill Expectations of software development practitioners for non-technical clientsOjastu, Deniss; Robal, Tarmo; Kalja, AhtoDatabases and information systems VIII : selected papers from the Eleventh International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 20142014 / p. 317-330 : ill Experience marketing in country branding : theoretical developments and an Estonian case studySame, SiiriResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2014 / p. 65-88 : ill Experiences with remote labs in electrical driveVodovozov, Valery; Raud, Zoja; Gevorkov, Levon2014 55th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON) : proceedings2014 / p. 88-93 : ill Experiences with steady-state PMU compliance testing using standard relay testing equipmentAlmas, Muhammad Shoaib; Kilter, Jako; Vanfretti, LuigiPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 103-110 : ill Experimental acoustic characterization of automotive inlet and exhaust system = Autode sisse- ja väljalaskesüsteemi akustilised katsetusuuringudTiikoja, Heiki2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3062700*est Experimental investigation on rapid filling of a large-scale pipelineHou, Qingzhi; Tijsseling, Arris S.; Laanearu, Janek; Annus, Ivar; Koppel, TiitJournal of hydraulic engineering2014 / p. 1-14 : ill Experimental investigations of sound reflection from hot and subsonic flow duct terminationTiikoja, Heiki; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Rämmal, Hans; Abom, MatsJournal of sound and vibration2014 / p. 788-800 : ill Experimental study of hydrodynamic forces acting on artificial fish in a von Kármán vortex streetToming, Gert; Chambers, Lily D.; Kruusmaa, MaarjaUnderwater technology2014 / p. 81-91 : ill Explore the city like a localBerne, ValentinStudioosus2014 / lk. 14 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Exploring sea surface heights by using airborne laser scanningJulge, Kalev; Gruno, Anti; Ellmann, Artu; Liibusk, Aive; Oja, Tõnis2014 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium : 26-29 May 2014, Tallinn, Estonia : [proceedings]2014 / [7] p. : ill Exploring sea surface heights by using airborne laser scanningJulge, Kalev; Gruno, Anti; Ellmann, Artu; Oja, Tõnis; Liibusk, AiveMeasuring and Modeling of Multi-Scale Interactions in the Marine Environment : IEEE/OES Baltic Symposium 2014, May 26.-29.2014, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2014 / p. 50 Exploring the influence of knowledge created with LEAP model in Strategic Environmental Assessment of Estonian energy policy [Electronic resource]Kuldna, Piret; Peterson, Kaja; Kuhi-Thalfeldt, Reeli3rd European Environmental Evaluators Network Forum "Linking evaluation findings to enhancing sustainability" : 28-29 April, 2014, Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland2014 http://www.environmentalevaluators.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Kuldna.pdf Explosive thermal reduction of graphene oxide-based materials : mechanism and safety implicationsQiu, Yang; Guo, Fei; Hurt, Robert; Külaots, IndrekCarbon2014 / p. 215-223 : ill Exposure to high or low frequency noise at workplaces : differences between assessment, health complaints and implementation of adequate personal protective equipmentReinhold, Karin; Kalle, Sigrid; Paju, JanaAgronomy research2014 / p. 895-906 : ill Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from mobile networking in motor-cars [Electronic resource]Koppel, Tarmo; Ahonen, MikkoThe 8th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields : papers2014 / [CD-ROM] Extended checkers for logic-based distributed routing in network-on-chipsNiazmand, Behrad; Hariharan, Ranganathan; Govind, Vineeth; Jervan, Gert; Hollstein, Thomas; Raik, JaanBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 77-80 : ill Extended checkers for logic-based distributed routing in network-on-chipsNiazmand, Behrad; Hariharan, Ranganathan; Govind, Vineeth; Jervan, Gert; Hollstein, Thomas; Raik, JaanProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 83-86 : ill Extended investigations on micro-grooved elements - a novel solution for noise controlAuriemma, Fabio; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriSAE international journal of materials and manufacturing2014 / p. 184-194 : ill Extensions of Charles S. Peirce : an interview with Ahti-Veikko PietarinenPietarinen, Ahti-Veikko符号与传媒 = Signs & Media2014 / p. 48-67 http://www.semiotics.net.cn/userfiles/images/4f0c594fb6329e7d4f7607215388f395.pdf Exterior-rotor permanent magnet synchronous machine with toroidal windings for unmanned aerial vehiclesNukki, Rene; Kilk, Aleksander; Kallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Tiimus, KristjanPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 215-220 : ill External shading control principles for low energy office buildingsThalfeldt, Martin; Kurnitski, JarekNSB 2014 : 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, 15-19 June 2014, Lund, Sweden : full papers2014 / p. 806-813 : ill Extraction of ice structuring proteins from winter rye and winter wheat and assessment of activityKaleda, Aleksei; Taal, Laura; Laos, Katrin9th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Food for Consumer Well-Being" : FOODBALT 2014 : Jelgava, Latvia, 8-9 May 20142014 / [1] p Extraction of the variable width laser lineMõlder, Ago; Märtens, Olev; Saar, Tõnis; Land, RaulBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 157-160 : ill Fabrication of alumina nanocomposites reinforced by a novel type of alumina nanofiber and graphene coated alumina nanofiberDrozdova, Maria; Ivanov, Roman; Aghayan, Marina; Hussainova, Irina; Dong, Minjie; Rodriguez, Miguel AngelProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 337-341 : ill Factors influencing location selection in inward foreign direct investment to ChinaZheng, XiaosongJournal of applied management and investments2014 / p. 41-51 Factors influencing students' venture creation processVenesaar, Urve; Kallaste, Marianne; Küttim, MerleProcedia - social and behavioral sciences2014 / p. 678-688 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 20142014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3063603*est Failed and asymmetrical integration : the Baltics and the non-financial origins of the European crisisKattel, Rainer; Reinert, Erik S.The contradictions of austerity : the socio-economic costs of the neoliberal Baltic model2014 / p. 64-86 : ill Farnborough 2014 : [lennundusnäitus]Luczkowski, TeodorTehnikamaailm2014 / lk. 69-72 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2680333*est Fassaadide võrdlev mõõdistus tahhümeetria, maapealse fotogramm-meetria ja laserskaneerimise teelElmi, Liis; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, ArtuGeodeet2014 / lk. 92-94, 96-101 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2721043*est Fast matrix covering in all programmable systems-on-chipSklyarov, Valery; Skliarova, Iouliia; Rjabov, Artjom; Sudnitsõn, AleksanderElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2014 / p. 150-153 : ill Fasten your seatbelts, turbulence ahead : environmental turbulence as a determinant of absorptive capacityStulova, Valeria; Rungi, MaitIEEM 2014 : 2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management : 9-12 December, 2014, Malaysia2014 / p. 1091-1095 : ill Fault effect reasoning in digital systems by topological view on low- and high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-JohannesВестник Томского государственного университета. Управление, вычислительная техника и информатика2014 / p. 99-113 : ill http://journals.tsu.ru/informatics/&journal_page=archive&id=923&article_id=12107 Fault tolerance in integration interfaces of business softwareLemmik, Rivo; Karjust, Kristo; Otto, TaunoInternational Journal Of Scientific Knowledge (Computing and Information Technology) IJSK2014 / p. 35-43 : ill Fault-tolerant scheduling of mixed-critical applications on multi-processor platformsBagheri, Mehrdad; Jervan, Gert2014 International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing : EUC 2014 : 26-28 August 2014, Milano, Italy : proceedings2014 / p. 25-32 : ill Fe2+-activated persulfate process for landfill leachate treatment : removal of organic load, phenolic micropollutants and nitrogenKattel, Eneliis; Dulova, Niina15th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry : 3-6 December 2014, Brno, Czech Republic : book of abstracts2014 / p. 24 Feasibility study of inductor coupling in three-level neutral-point-clamped quasi-Z-source DC/AC converterZakis, Janis; Husev, Oleksandr; Strzelecki, RyszardPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 273-276 : ill Feasible path planning for autonomous vehiclesVu, Trieu Minh; Pumwa, JohnMathematical problems in engineering2014 / p. 1-12 : ill Ferdinand Peterson (Petersen) : [sisaldab F. Peterseni mälestusi Iseseisvusmanifesti kohta raamatust "Mälestusi ja tähelepanekuid" (2001)]Petersen, FerdinandIseseisvusmanifest : artikleid, dokumente ja mälestusi2014 / lk. 277-279 : portr Fermentation patterns of mature laboratory rye sourdoughsViiard, Ene; Bessmeltseva, Marjanna; Sarand, IngaTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p Field experiments with different fractions of painted sediments to study material transport in three coastal sites in EstoniaTõnisson, Hannes; Eelsalu, Maris; Pindsoo, KatriJournal of coastal research2014 / p. 229-234 : ill FILOSE for svenning : a flow sensing bioinspired robotEL Daou, Hadi; Ježov, Jaas; Jung, David S.; Kruusmaa, Maarja; Listak, Madis; Salumäe, Taavi; Toming, GertIEEE robotics and automation magazine2014 / p. 51-62 : ill Financial bubbles, crises and the role of government in unleashing golden agesPerez, CarlotaInnovation and finance2014 / p. 11-25 : ill Financial crisis and countermovements : comparing the times and attidudes of Marriner Eccles (1930s) and Mario Draghi (2010s)Reinert, Erik S.Contributions to economic theory, policy, development and finance : essays in honor of Jan A. Kregel2014 / p. 319-344 : ill Financial distress and cycle-sensitive corporate investmentsMaripuu, Peeter; Männasoo, KadriBaltic journal of economics2014 / p. 181-193 : ill Financial regulation in Estonia [Online resource]Juuse, Egert; Kattel, Rainer2014 http://fessud.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Financial-regulation-in-Estonia-Working-paper-57.pdf Financial stability and growth : perspectives on financial regulation and new developmentalism2014 Fingerprinting postblast explosive residues by portable capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detectionKobrin, Eeva-Gerda; Lees, Heidi; Fomitšenko, Maria; Kuban, Petr; Kaljurand, MihkelElectrophoresis2014 / p. 1165-1172 : ill Finite element method and its usable applications in wear models designSivitski, Alina; Põdra, PriitProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 71-76 : ill First charging cycle model of a lithium-ion battery and its experimental verificationPeterson, Kristjan14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 118-122 : ill First record of the trace fossil Oikobesalon from the Ordovician (Darriwilian) of BalticaVinn, Olev; Toom, UrsulaEstonian journal of earth sciences2014 / p. 118-121 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2673778*est First thoughts about Estonia from all around the worldMalidze, MariamStudioosus2014 / lk. 24 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est FishView : developing a hydrodynamic imaging system using a robot fish with an artificial lateral lineTuhtan, Jeffrey Andrew; Kruusmaa, Maarja; Toming, Gert10th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics : Trondheim, Norway, 23-27 June 20142014 / [4] p. : ill Flight control of unmanned rotorcrafts for enhanced situational awarenessAstrov, Igor2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4528435*est Fluctuations in natural magnetic field affecting human well-being [Electronic resource]Koppel, TarmoEHE2014 : 5th International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment, Porto, Portugal, 24th-26th April, 20142014 / [CD-ROM] Fluorescence spectroscopy of sedimentary pore-water humic substances : a simple tool for retrospective analysis of lake ecosystemsLeeben, Aina; Mikomägi, Annika; Lepane, Viia; Alliksaar, TiiuJournal of soils and sediments2014 / p. 269-279 : ill https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-013-0768-1 "Flying trucks" concept as an alternative for the development of the regional airports in the Baltic sea regionBeifert, AnatoliThe 14th International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transport and Communication (RelStat '14) : 15-18 October 2014, Riga, Latvia : proceedings2014 / p. 242-249 : ill ForewordMüürsepp, PeeterHistoriae Scientiarum Baltica 2014 : Helsinki, August 21-22, 2014 : abstracts of the XXVI International Baltic Conference on the History of Science2014 / p. 5 ForewordMüürsepp, Peeter; Talts, MaitActa Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum2014 / p. 3-4 ForewordMüürsepp, Peeter; Talts, MaitActa Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum2014 / p. 3-4 Foreword : [special issue on biomedical engineering]Fridolin, IvoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 199 Foreword by Chairman of the Board of TALLINN TECH Student Union Mr. Kuldar RosenbergRosenberg, KuldarTallinn University of Technology student ABC : academic year 2014/20152014 / p. 9 : portr https://www.ester.ee/record=b2514310*est Foreword by Rector of Tallinn University of Technology Prof. Andres KeevallikKeevallik, AndresTallinn University of Technology student ABC : academic year 2014/20152014 / lk. 8 : portr https://www.ester.ee/record=b2514310*est Forgotten architect Aleksander PoleštšukVahtra, MilviLennuk : journal of the British Estonian Association2014 / p. 19-20 : phot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1906013*est Forkhead transcription factor FOXO3a levels are increased in Huntington disease because of overactivated positive autofeedback loopKannike, Kaja; Sepp, Mari; Zuccato, Chiara; Cattaneo, Elena; Timmusk, TõnisJournal of biological chemistry2014 / p. 32845-32857 : ill Formal specification of block libraries in dataflow languagesDieumegard, Arnaud; Toom, Andres; Pantel, Marc7th European Congress Embedded Real-Time Software and Systems, ERTS2 2014 : 5-7 February 2014, Toulouse, France : proceedings2014 / [10] p. : ill Formation of [4Fe-4S] clusters in the mitochondrial iron−sulfur cluster assembly machineryBrancaccio, Diego; Zovo, Kairit; Palumaa, PeepJournal of the American Chemical Society2014 / p. 16240-16250 : ill Formation of Ca-Zn-Na phosphate bioceramic material in thermal processing of EDTA sol-gel precursorBogdanoviciene, Irma; Cepenko, Marina; Traksmaa, Rainer; Kareiva, Aivaras; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaESTAC-11 : the 11th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry : Dipoli Congress Center, Espoo, Finland, August 17-21, 2014 : abstracts2014 / p. 190 Formation of CU₂ZnSnS₄ and CU₂ZnSnSe₄ by chalcogenisation of electrochemically deposited precursor layers = CU₂ZnSnSe₄ ja CU₂ZnSnS₄ moodustumine elektrokeemiliselt sadestatud kihtide kalkogeniseerimiselLehner, Julia2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3080859*est Formula Student Team Tallinna üldvõit ItaaliasTalv, TerjeMente et Manu2014 / lk. 15 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Formula Student team TallinnastStudioosus2014 / lk. 22 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Fosforiidi kaevandamise tehnoloogiadValgma, Ingo; Kolats, Margit; Väizene, Vivika; Nurme, MartinFosfor - aegade algusest tänapäevani2014 / lk. 60-64 Fosforiidi rikastamise katsetöödNurme, Martin; Rahe, Tiit; Valgma, IngoFosfor - aegade algusest tänapäevani2014 / lk. 65-68 Fotod kommunistliku terrori ohvrite memoriaalrajatistest Lätis = Photographs from memorial structures dedicated to victims of communist terror in LatviaÕispuu, LeoEestist 1945-1953 küüditatute nimekiri = Name list of persons deported from Estonia 1945-19532014 / lk. 32-69 : ill 14th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering. Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b3050698*est FPGA-based accelerators for parallel data sortSklyarov, Valery; Skliarova, Iouliia; Sudnitsõn, AleksanderApplied computer systems2014 / p. 53-63 : ill FPGA-based critical computing : TEMPUS and FP7 projects issuesKharchenko, Vyacheslav; Vain, Jüri; Krispin, Madli10th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : EWME 2014 : May 14-16, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 74-79 : ill Fractal approach for manufacturing project managementKaraulova, Tatjana; Poljantšikov, Igor; Ševtšenko, Eduard; Kramarenko, SergeiMechanika2014 / p. 352-359 : ill Fractional-order controller design for a magnetic levitation systemTepljakov, Aleksei; Petlenkov, Eduard; Belikov, JuriProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 137-140 : ill Fractional-order digital filter approximation method for embedded control applicationsTepljakov, Aleksei; Petlenkov, Eduard; Belikov, JuriInternational journal of microelectronics and computer science2014 / p. 54-60 : ill Fragment-based QSAR for the prediction of novel TrkA inhibitorsTammiku-Taul, Jaana; Karelson, Mati; Dobchev, Dimitar AtanasovScientific programme & book of abstracts : QSAR 20142014 / p. 170 Framework for innovation-oriented product end-of-life strategies developmentBaškite, Viktoria; Karaulova, Tatjana; Starodubtseva, OlesjaProcedia engineering2014 / p. 526-535 : ill Framework for innovation-oriented product end-of-life strategies developmentBaškite, Viktoria; Karaulova, Tatjana; Starodubtseva, OlesjaProcedia engineering2014 / p. 526–535 : ill A framework for risk assessment for maritime transportation systems - a case study for open sea collisions involving RoPax vesselsMontewka, Jakub; Ehlers, Sören; Tabri, KristjanReliability engineering & system safety2014 / p. 142-157 : ill Frederik Vichmann : 22.04.1935-05.08.2013Puusemp, PeeterTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 360-362 Free movement of students in the EUKäsper, KariProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014 / p. 145-159 : ill Freedom of expressionNyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeHuman rights in Estonia 2013 : annual report of the Estonian Human Rights Centre2014 / p. 58-65 From agent-oriented models to profile driven military training scenariosShvartsman, Inna; Taveter, KuldarIntelligent Distributed Computing VII : proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, September 20132014 / p. 317-322 From learning to e-learning to m-learning to clearning to ... ?Henno, Jaak; Jaakkola, Hannu; Mäkelä, JukkaMIPRO 2014 : 37th International Convention : May 26-30, 2014, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings2014 / p. 734-740 : ill From public rental to home ownership - is it a success story?Nuuter, Tiina; Lill, IreneRecent advances in energy, environment and financial planning : proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Development, Energy, Environment, Economics (DEEE'14) : Florence, Italy, November 22-24, 20142014 / p. 203-212 : ill From the communism of capital to capital for the commons : towards an open co-operativismBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, VasileiosTripleC2014 / p. 356-361 FS Team Tallinn alustab taasStudioosus2014 / lk. 13 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est F-seminorms on generalized double sequence spaces defined by modulus functionsKolk, Enno; Raidjõe, AnnemaiProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 121-132 Full soft-switching high step-up DC-DC converter for photovoltaic applicationsBlinov, Andrei; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Ivakhno, Volodymyr2014 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe) : Lappeenranta, Finland, 26-28 August 2014. Vol. 42014 / p. 2951-2957 : ill Functional food ingredients : metabolism of fructans by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and colon microbiota studied by isothermal microcalorimetryAdamson, Signe; Tomson, Katrin; Vija, Heiki; Puurand, Marju; Adamberg, Kaarel2nd Congress of Baltic Microbiologists : Tartu, Estonia, 17-18 October, 20142014 Functional incremental computingFirsov, Denis; Jeltsch, WolfgangProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 35-38 Functionalization of gamma-alumina nanofibers by alpha-alumina via solution combustion synthesisAghayan, Marina; Voltšihhin, Nikolai; Rodriguez, Miguel Angel; Rubio-Marcos, Fernando; Dong, Minjie; Hussainova, IrinaCeramics international2014 / p. 12603-12607 : ill Fundamental rights of athletes in the EU post-LisbonPijetlovic, KatarinaProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014 / p. 161-186 Fundamentals to the maximum upgrading of oil shaleLuik, Hans; Luik, Lea; Šarajeva, Galina; Krasulina, Julia; Johannes, Ille; Kruusement, KristjanAbstracts book of 34th Oil Shale Symposium : October 13-17, 2014, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado2014 / p. 45 Füüsika lugu : [Ivar Piiri raamatu "Füüsika ajalugu: õpik kõrgkoolidele" põhjal]Strandberg, MarekSirp2014 / lk. 36 : fot https://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/c21-teadus/2014-01-16-14-09-58-2/ Füüsika töövihik 9. klassile : soojusõpetus. TuumaenergiaPärtel, Enn; Loide, Rein-Karl2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4422377*est Gaasiarvestid : lisafunktsionaalsused = Gas meters : additional functionalities [Võrguteavik]2014 Gain and order scheduled fractional-order PID control of fluid level in a multi-tank systemTepljakov, Aleksei; Petlenkov, Eduard; Belikov, Juri2014 International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA) : Catania, Italy, 23-25 June 20142014 / [6] p. : ill Gasification and liquefaction of solid fuels by hydrothermal conversion methodsKruusement, Kristjan; Luik, Hans; Waldner, Maurice; Vogel, Frederic; Luik, LeaJournal of analytical and applied pyrolysis2014 / p. 265-273 : ill Gender as an element of marriage capacity in the context of national and supranational law in the European Union = Sugu kui abieluvõime element liikmesriigi ja EL õigusesJoamets, Kristi2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4422347*est Gender as an impediment of marriage, free movement of citizens, and EU Charter of Fundamental RightsJoamets, KristiProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014 / p. 91-105 Generating situation awareness in cyber-physical systems : creation and exchange of situational informationPreden, Jürgo-SörenCODES '14 : proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis2014 / [3] p. : ill Generation of stable polytopes of Hurwitz polynomials via Routh parametersNurges, Ülo; Artemtšuk, Igor; Belikov, Juri53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : December 15-17, 2014, Los Angeles, California, USA2014 / p. 2390-2395 : ill Geochemical discimination of the Upper Ordovician Kinnekulle Bentonite in the Billegrav-2 drill core section, Bornholm, DenmarkKiipli, Tarmo; Kallaste, Toivo; Nielsen, Arne T.; Schovsbo, Niels H.; Siir, SvenEstonian journal of earth sciences2014 / p. 264-270 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2705908*est Geodeedid Tallinna merekonverentsilMärdla, Silja; Julge, KalevGeodeet2014 / lk. 53-54 : fot Geoloogialt ühiskonnaleVeski, ReinEesti põlevloodusvarad ja -jäätmed 2014 = Estonian combustible natural resources and wastes 20142014 / lk. 47 : fot Geoloogid: keelata fosforiidikaevandamise uurimine on rumal ja vaid poliitikast kantud : [ka TTÜ teadlaste Enno Reinsalu, Alvar Soesoo ja Anto Raukase arvamusi]Paas, KadriEesti Päevaleht2014 / lk. 24-25 Geoloogidelt ühiskonnale 1989Reinsalu, EnnoXXII aprillikonverentsi Geoloogialt ühiskonnale teesid2014 / lk. 10-12 Geoloogilised andmed ja nende kättesaadavus Eestis : hetkeseis ja tulevikuperspektiividHints, OlleXXII aprillikonverentsi Geoloogialt ühiskonnale teesid2014 / lk. 33-35 Gesture controlled human machine interface for future machinesPraks, Teet; Romot, Caspar; Sillat, Mari-Liis; Soomänd, Kristjan; Hiiemaa, Maido; Tamre, Mart; Juurma, MärtProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 268-272 : ill GIS applications in the studies of the Palaeozoic graptolite argillite and landscape change = GIS meetodite rakendused Paleosoikumi graptoliit-argilliidi ja keskkonnaseisundi muutlikkuse uuringutesHade, Sigrid2014 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?1259 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4412604*est Globaalne ettevõtlusmonitooring 2013. Eesti raportVenesaar, Urve; Mets, Tõnis; Küttim, Merle2014 Global descripptors [i.e descriptors] application in object recognitionKupriyanov, Dmitry; Shvarts, Dmitry; Musalimov, Victor; Tamre, MartShaping the Future by Engineering : 58th IWK, Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 8-12 September 2014 : proceedings2014 / p. 1-6 : ill Global Management Challenge Estonia tudengivõistluse esimene voor lõppenudKuusik, KristineStudioosus2014 / lk. 20 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est Glükoosi pidurdav toime trombotsüütide agregatsiooni inhibeerimisele COXi inhibiitorite ja L-arginiiniga in vitroMardla, Vilja; Rooks, Ebe; Kobzar, Gennadi; Samel, NigulasEesti Arst2014 / lk. 263-267 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2671441*est Goodbye, pity!Käsper, KariDesign for all Estonia2014 / [6] p. : ill Governance of green transport corridorsPrause, Gunnar Klaus3rd International Symposium on Innovative Logistics Management : November, 26th-28th 2014 in Bremen, Germany2014 Government debt dynamics and the global financial crisis : has anything changed in the EA12?Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Gil-Alana, Luis Alberiko; Staehr, KarstenEconomics letters2014 / p. 64-66 GrabCAD on väärt sadu miljoneid = GrabCAD стоит сотни миллионов : [GrabCAD'i ja Stratasys'i vahel 16. sept. sõlmitud lepingust]Mustamäe2014 / lk. 1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072635*est Graphene coated alumina nanofibers as zirconia reinforcementIvanov, Roman; Hussainova, Irina; Aghayan, Marina; Petrov, MihhailProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 348-353 : ill Graphene covered alumina nanofibers as toughening agent in alumina ceramicsHussainova, Irina; Drozdova, Maria; Aghayan, Marina; Ivanov, Roman; Perez-Coll, Domingo13th International Ceramics Congress. Part B2014 / p. 49-53 Gravity currents in rotating, wedge-shaped, adverse channelsCuthbertson, Alan; Lundberg, Peter; Davies, Peter A.; Laanearu, JanekEnvironmental fluid mechanics2014 / p. 1251-1273 : ill A green corridor balanced scorecardPrause, Gunnar KlausTransport and telecommunication2014 / p. 299-307 : ill Green framework development for used industrial equipmentBaškite, Viktoria; Karaulova, TatjanaProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 79-84 : ill Green framework development for used industrial equipment life cycle assessment and extension = Rohetehnoloogia arendus kasutatud tööstusseadmete elutsükli hindamiseks ja pikendamiseksBaškite, Viktoria2014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b3049396*est Grid integration issues of PMSG-based residential wind turbinesChub, Andrii; Jalakas, Tanel; Milczarek, Adam; Kallaste, Ants; Malinowski, MariuszPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 147-154 : ill Grid reactive power compensation by using electric vehiclesGallardo-Lozano, Javier; Romero-Cadaval, Enrique; Minambres-Marcos, Victor; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Jalakas, Tanel; Hõimoja, HardiPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 19-24 : ill Grounded multi-level computationsHenno, JaakInformation modelling and knowledge bases XXVI2014 / p. 140-151 Grounded multi-level computationsHenno, Jaak24th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases EJC 2014 : June 3-6 2014, Kiel, Hotel Birke, Germany2014 / p. 178-189 : ill Growth and properties of ZnO films on polymeric substrate by spray pyrolysis methodKriisa, Merike; Kärber, Erki; Krunks, Malle; Mikli, Valdek; Unt, Tarmo; Kukk, Mart; Mere, ArvoThin solid films2014 / p. 87-92 : ill Guessing at the unknown unknownsPietarinen, Ahti-VeikkoContemporary Philosophy in the Age of Globalization : Hawai'i Conference. Vol. 32014 / p. 87-100 Guest editor's introductionHazak, AaroEastern European economics2014 / p. 3-4 Guidelines for power quality monitoring – results from CIGRE/CIRED JWG C4.112Kilter, Jako; Elphick, Sean; Meyer, Jan; Milanovic, Jovica V.Proceedings of 2014 16th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP) : University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 25-28 May 20142014 / p. 703-707 : tab Guidelines for power quality monitoring : measurement locations, processing and presentation of dataMilanovic, Jovica V.; Kilter, Jako2014 Halduse võtmeisikute leksikon2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3089855*est Hardness of multi wall carbon nanotubes reinforced aluminium matrixBradbury, Christopher R.; Gomon, Jaana-Kateriina; Kollo, Lauri; Kwon, Hansang; Leparoux, MarcJournal of alloys and compounds2014 / p. 362-367 : ill Hardware close programming for freshmenKruus, Helena; Brik, Marina; Kruus, Margus; Ruberg, Priit; Viies, Vladimir; Ellervee, Peeter10th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : EWME 2014 : May 14-16, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 93-96 : ill Hardware/software co-design for programmable systems-on-chipSklyarov, Valery; Skliarova, Iouliia; Silva, João; Rjabov, Artjom; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Cardoso, Cláudia2014 http://www.ester.ee/record=b3087107*est Hardware/software co-design in extensible processing platforms for combinatorial search algorithmsSkliarova, Iouliia; Sklyarov, Valery; Rjabov, Artjom; Sudnitsõn, AleksanderMELECON 2014 : 2014 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : 13-16 April 2014, Beirut, Lebanon2014 / p. 462-466 : ill A hardware/software co-design reconfigurable network-on-chip FPGA emulation methodYing, Haoyuan; Hollstein, Thomas; Hofmann, Klaus2014 9th International Symposium on Reconfigurable and Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC) : Montpellier, France, 26-28 May, 20142014 / [8] p. : ill Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of motor drives for pumping applicationsGevorkov, Levon; Bakman, Ilja; Vodovozov, ValeryPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 203-208 : ill Haridusfestival keskendub tuleviku elukutsetele : [ka TTÜ Virumaa kolledži arendusdirektori Mare Roosilehe kommentaarid]Põhjarannik2014 / lk. 2 : fot Haridusminister Elsa Gretškinat meenutadesJuurak, RaivoÕpetajate Leht2014 / lk. 10 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2686919*est Harjumaa kvaternaari ehitusmaavarade seisund 2014. aastalNotton, Angela; Sõstra, ÜloXXII aprillikonverentsi Geoloogialt ühiskonnale teesid2014 / lk. 51-54 : ill Harmonic load of residential distribution network - case study monitoring resultsKütt, Lauri; Saarijärvi, Eero; Lehtonen, Matti; Mõlder, Heigo; Vinnal, ToomasPQ2014 : the 9th International 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) : June 11-13, 2014, Rakvere, Estonia : proceedings2014 / p. 93-98 : ill Harmoonia töö- ja eraelusElenurm, TaimiPersonali Praktik : Pp2014 / lk. 17-18 : ill "Hea tegu liikluses tasub ära" kampaania saamislugu [Elektrooniline publikatsioon]Kalda, Liisel"Elamus turunduses, turundus elamuses" : 5 aastat elamusturundust Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis : konverentsi ettekannete laiendatud abstraktide kogumik : 6. mai 20142014 / lk. 9 Head aega, haletsus! : puude korral on inimõigustel põhinev arusaam parem kui tervishoiukeskne lähenemineKäsper, KariSirp2014 / lk. 3-5 : ill https://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/c9-sotsiaalia/head-aega-haletsus/ Head koostööparnerid ja merehuvilised! : [TTÜ Eesti Mereakadeemia direktori kt pöördumine]Leiger, RoometMeremees2014 / lk. 7 Heas ülikoolis pole tunnustamata geeniusi : [portreelugu TTÜ teadusprorektorist Erkki Truvest]Penjam, TiiaMente et Manu2014 / lk. 4-6 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Heating system return temperature effect on heat pump performanceMaivel, Mikk; Kurnitski, Jarek11th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference 2014 : 12-16 May 2014, Montréal (Québec), Canada2014 / p. 1-8 : ill Heino Aruküla : 06.07.1928-03.11.2013Uibopuu, LembitTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 366-367 Heino Lepikson : "Mehaanikainsener on universaalne"Pappel, ToivoInseneeria2014 / lk. 52-53 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2661854*est Heino Lepikson 1002014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3061745*est Heino Lepikson (1914-2002)Pappel, ToivoHeino Lepikson 1002014 / lk. 7-11 : fot Heino Lill : selline tunnustus tähtsustab üliõpilasspordi vajalikkustJurtsenko, IvarEesti Päevaleht2014 / lk. 7 https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/67755593/heino-lill-president-tahtsustas-uliopilasspordi-vajalikkust Hella Kink : 26. aprill 1933 - 9. juuni 2014Raukas, AntoEesti Loodus2014 / lk. 56 : portr https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2680329*est Hendrik Voll - hea siseskliima loojaLeet, LauriEhitaja2014 / lk. 10-14 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2678072*est Henn Arvo - sportlane ja karikaturistRaudla, HeikiSakala kalender 2015 : loomingulise kollektiivi Sakala Kalender väljaanne2014 / lk. 168-178 : ill Herkki Haldre: Merehariduse maine parandamist tuleb alustada rohujuure tasandiltKlein, MariÕpetajate Leht2014 / lk. 11 https://opleht.ee/2014/09/herkki-haldre-merehariduse-maine-parandamist-tuleb-alustada-rohujuure-tasandilt/ Heterogeneous platinum catalytic aerobic oxidation of cyclopentane-1,2-diols to cyclopentane-1,2-dionesReile, Indrek; Kalle, Sigrid; Werner, Franz; Järving, Ivar; Kudrjašova, Marina; Paju, Anne; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron2014 / p. 3608-3613 : ill Hetked ja aastadHinrikus, Hiie2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4431974*est Heuristics for designing and evaluating socio-technical agent-oriented behaviour models with Coloured Petri NetsMahunnah, Msury; Norta, Alexander; Ma, Lixin; Taveter, KuldarIEEE 38th Annual International Computers, Software and Applications Conference Workshops : 27-29 July 2014, Västerås, Sweden : proceedings2014 / p. 438-443 : ill Hierarchical identification of NBTI-critical gates in nanoscale logicKostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, MaksimLATW2014 : 15th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop : Fortaleza, Brazil, March 12th-15th, 20142014 / [6] p. : ill High temperature corrosion and abrasive wear of boiler steels = Katlaterase kõrgtemperatuurse korrosiooni- ja kulumisuuringudPriss, Jelena2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3089832*est High temperature corrosion of boiler steels in hydrochloric atmosphere under oil shale ashesPriss, Jelena; Rojacz, Harald; Klevtsov, Ivan; Dedov, Andrei; Winkelmann, Horst; Badisch, EwaldCorrosion science2014 / p. 36-44 : ill High temperature cyclic impact/abrasion testing of boiler steelsPriss, Jelena; Klevtsov, Ivan; Dedov, Andrei; Antonov, Maksim; Rojacz, Harald; Badisch, EwaldEngineering materials & tribology XXII2014 / p. 289-292 High temperature electrical conductivity in hydrothermally grown ZnOLott, Kalju; Nirk, Tiit; Türn, Leo; Shinkarenko, Svetlana; Öpik, AndresPhysica status solidi (c)2014 / p. 1481-1484 : ill High-accuracy eddy current measurements of metalsMärtens, Olev; Land, Raul; Rist, Marek; Pokatilov, Andrei2014 IEEE International Workshop On Metrology For Aerospace : May 29-30, 2014, Benevento, Italy : proceedings2014 / p. 155-160 : ill High-attenuation tunnel-type detector for calibration of single-photon devicesKübarsepp, Toomas; Pokatilov, Andrei; Vabson, Viktor; Dhoska, KlodianProceedings of NEWRAD 20142014 / p. 115-116 : ill [Hiie Hinrikus] : bibliograafiaHetked ja aastad / Hiie Hinrikus2014 / lk. 359-411 Hindamine - enesehindamine [Võrguväljaanne]Tammaru, TiiaTäiskasvanute täienduskoolituse kvaliteeditagamise juhendmaterjal täiskasvanute täienduskoolitusasutustele : kogumik2014 / lk. 58-69 : ill Hindamine [Võrguväljaanne]Tammaru, TiiaTäiskasvanute täienduskoolituse kvaliteeditagamise juhendmaterjal täiskasvanute täienduskoolitusasutustele : kogumik2014 / lk. 32-33 : ill Hirmutav siirup, mis polegi nii hirmus : [glükoosi-fruktoosisiirupi teemal kommenteerivad ka TTÜ teadur Tiiu-Maie Lahe ja Tartu Ülikooli emeriitdotsent Mai Maser]]Karner, KadrinÄripäev2014 / Terviseuudised, lk. 4-5 Historiallisten rakennusten ilmanpitävyys, ilmanvaihtuvuus ja energiatehokkuusEskola, Lari; Jokisalo, Juha; Kalamees, TargoSisäilmastoseminaari 20142014 / s. 1-6 : kuv HKT alustab uue ringigaMuld, MeeliaStudioosus2014 / lk. 11 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est A holistic concept for the sustainable evaluation of company sharesPrause, Gunnar KlausJournal of entrepreneurship and sustainability issues2014 / p. 37-42 Homological modelling of the electric circuitsPaal, Eugen; Umbleja, MärtModuli Operads Dynamics II2014 Hoonete energiatarve ja sisekliimaAbel, Enno; Voll, Hendrik; Tark, Teet2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4434678*est House thermal behaviour simulation with CoCoViLaSpitšakova, MargaritaProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 125-128 : ill Housing and living environment as location decision factors for manufacturing enterprisesKilvits, KaarelJournal of business and economics2014 / p. 249-256 How changes in the regional airport sector will affect all parties involved and what steps should be taken to cope with the new realityKukemelk, SvenJournal of airport management2014 / p. 334-342 How did household indebtedness hamper consumption during the recession? Evidence from micro data [Online publication]Kukk, Merike2014 How governments support innovation through public procurement : comparing evidence from 11 countriesLember, Veiko; Kattel, Rainer; Kalvet, TarmoPublic procurement, innovation and policy : international perspectives2014 / p. 287-309 How Lyon lost its textile design sector : a case study about unsustainable entrepreneurshipBonetto, Pierre; Hofmann, Bernd; Prause, Gunnar Klaus13th International Entrepreneurship Forum (13th IEF) Conference "Entrepreneurship and Development : The Idea of Inclusive Opportunity Creation" : 31 July - 2 August, 2014, Bogota, Colombia : conference proceedings2014 / p. 347-365 Hugo Tiismus 10.04.1924 - 07.01.2007 : meenutused. Fotod. Bibliograafia2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3073458*est Hugo Tiismus ja tema aegLehtla, TõnuHugo Tiismus 10.04.1924 - 07.01.2007 : meenutused. Fotod. 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Bibliograafia2014 / lk. 5-9 : ill Hugo Tiismust meenutadesElektriala2014 / lk. 28-29 : ill Human capital valuation, reporting and linkage with CSR : survey of Estonian opinionGurvitš, Natalja; Sidorova, Inna; Startseva, Emilia14th EBES Conference - Barcelona : program and abstract book2014 / p. 48-49 Human rights in Estonia 2013 : annual report of the Estonian Human Rights Centre2014 Huvitav teada: mis neist saab? : [Europarlamendi valimistest]Uudelepp, AguMaaleht2014 / lk. 19 https://maaleht.delfi.ee/artikkel/68770527/ago-uudelepp-huvitav-teada-mis-neist-saab Hävitajad ÄmarisLuczkowski, TeodorTehnikamaailm2014 / lk. 74-75 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2700283*est Hüdromehaanika alusedZujev, Mihhail2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3070929*est Hybrid low-power Wind Generation and PV grid-connected system with HPC, PC and MPPT controlRosa, Carlos; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Romero-Cadaval, Enrique; Pires, Vitor; Martins, JoaoProceedings : 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) : Grand Cevahir Hotel and Convention Center, Istambul, Turkey, 01-04 June, 20142014 / p. 2024-2029 : ill Hydrological pathways and nitrogen runoff in agricultural dominated catchments in Nordic and Baltic countriesDeelstra, Johannes; Iital, ArvoAgriculture, ecosystems and environment2014 / p. 211-219 : ill Hyperspectral data processing and interpretation in remote sensing based on laser-induced fluorescence method = Hüperspektraalse andmete analüüs ja tõlgendamine kaugseires laser-induced-fluorescence-meetodi põhjalSobolev, Innokenti2014 "I will take your answer one way or another" : the Oscar Wilde trial transcripts as literary artefacts [Electronic resource]Merkler, Benjamin2014 Ice re-crystallization in 10% fat ice cream using ice structuring proteins type 1 from fishKlesment, Tiina; Kõrge, Kristi; Sannik, Urmas; Laos, KatrinProceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Food Properties (ICFP2014) : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 24-26, 20142014 Identification and structure-functional characterisation of the gene transcriptional repressor domain of human Gli proteins = Inimese Gli-valkude transkriptsioonilise repressordomeeni määramine ja struktuurilis-funktsionaalne iseloomustusTsanev, Robert2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4412583*est Identification of a small molecule that stabilizes lipoprotein lipase in vitro and lowers triglycerides in vivoLarsson, Mikael; Caraballo, Remi; Lookene, AivarBiochemical and biophysical research communications2014 / p. 1063-1069 : ill Identification of income underreporting by the self-employed : employment status or reported business income? 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GrabCAD müüdi USA gigandilePõlendik, Kadri; Saad, Rainer; Krjutskova, KatariinaÄripäev2014 / lk. 4-5 IEEE Student Branch Tallinn University of TechnolgyTammemäe, KalleStudioosus2014 / lk. 12 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est If CPM is so bad, why have we been using it so long?Koskela, Lauri; Howell, Greg; Pikas, Ergo; Dave, BhargavProceedings of IGLC22 : 22nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction : Understanding and Improving Project Based Production : Oslo Norway, June 25th-27th 20142014 / p. 27-37 Iga kolmas haigena koju jäänud töötaja on seal stressi või depressiooni tõttu : [artiklis annab selgitusi ka TTÜ teadur Mare Teichmann]Aljas, RiinEesti Päevaleht2014 / lk. 2-3 https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/68402713/iga-kolmas-haigena-koju-jaanud-tootaja-on-seal-stressi-voi-depressiooni-tottu Iga kõrgkool teeb sisseastumiseks omad reeglid : [ka TTÜst]Sarapuu, MerilinPostimees2014 / Intellektika, lk. 2 Igal koolijuhil on olnud esimene koolipäev. 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