A game-theoretic model for analysis of investment decisions of portsBranten, Eva; Purju, AlariNOFOMA 2016 - proceedings of the 28th Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference : 8-10 June 2016, Turku, Finland2016 / p. 681-684 A methodology for modelling traffic related carbon monoxide emissions in suburban areasTosa, Cristian; Antov, Dago; Köllő, Gavril; Rõuk, Harri; Rannala, MarekTransport2013 / p. 1-8 : ill Analyzing the transportation accessibility for the city of Cluj-Napoca, a sustainable approachBoitor, Rozalia Melania; Antov, Dago; Antso, Imre; Iliescu, MihaiJournal of international scientific publications : ecology & safety2013 / p. 275-286 :ill Andmekaitse tõttu veninud transpordiuuring saab peagi valmisGnadentelch, Uwe; Antov, DagoPostimees2016 / lk. 7 Applicability of ITS solutions in the field of winter maintenance in EstoniaPruunsild, Rene; Mäe, Roland; Antov, DagoActa Technica Napocensis : civil engineering & architecture2014 / p. 84-94 : ill Applying probabilistic models for missing data prediction in network industries performance systems [Electronic resource]Kuhi, Kristjan; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttAnnals of DAAAM International for 2014 & Collection of Working Papers for 25th DAAAM International Symposium2014 / p. 1-6. 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International journal of mechanical, industrial science and engineering2013 / p. 79-85 : ill Estonian national road network and maintenance financing - needs, modelling and suggestionsPruunsild, Rene; Antov, DagoXXVIII International Baltic Road Conference : conference proceedings : Lithuania, Vilnius, 26-28 August, 20132013 / p. 1-8 : ill Europe's refugee crisis in 2015 and security threats from the Baltic perspectiveVeebel, Viljar; Markus, RaulJournal of politics and law2015 / p. 254-262 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jpl.v8n4p254 Europäische Verschuldung- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008-2012 : die Analyse der Krisenmassnahmen aus der Sicht von den Beteiligten [Electronic resource]Veebel, Viljar; Teder, Allan; Kulu, Liina; Viikmaa, Karmen; Hurt, UlrikaTheory and practice of economic policy in the European Union = Wirtschaftspolitische Theorie und Praxis in der Europäischen Union = Majanduspoliitika teooria ja praktika Euroopa Liidus : [artiklid]. 12013 / S. 187-205 : Ill. 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Vol. 32014 / p. 799-806 : ill Safety assessment of pedestrian crossingAntov, Dago; Rõivas, Tiia; Pashkevich, Maria; Ernits, ErikUrban street design and planning2014 / p. 41-53 : ill Saialõhn tänaval: rattasõit hoiab hubased ärid kodule lähedal : [jalgrattateedest ja jalgrattasõidust räägib TTÜ professor Dago Antov]Kenk-Jokinen, Kaire; Antov, DagoPealinn2013 / lk. 3 Security of gas supply in Eastern Baltic region : current situation and future outlookLeppiman, Ando; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttRecent Advances in Energy Planning and Environment : proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Energy Planning, Energy Saving, Environmental Education (EPESE '13), Paris, France, October 29-31, 20132013 / p. 71-80 : ill Settlement changes effect to mobility in suburban area of TallinnAntso, Imre; Antov, Dago; Mäe, RolandJournal of international scientific publications : ecology & safety2013 / p. 4-19 : ill Shipbuilding industry in the Baltic Sea regionNõmmela, Kaidi; Purju, AlariThe maritime cluster in the Baltic Sea region and beyond2016 / p. 106-125 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4601792*est Smart health care monitoring technologies to improve employee performance in manufacturingKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Otto, TaunoProcedia engineering2015 / p. 826-833 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.01.437 Smart health care monitoring technologies to improve employee performance in manufacturing [Electronic resource]Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Otto, TaunoAnnals of DAAAM International for 2014 & Collection of Working Papers for 25th DAAAM International Symposium2014 / p. 1-6. 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Case: HE TeletechnicsHurt, Ulrika; Tomba, Andrei; Koppel, OttProceedings of the 10th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 12-13th May 2015, Tallinn, Estonia2015 / p. 231-236 : ill Wie groß sind die Aussichten auf Erfolg der Russland-Sanktionen?Veebel, Viljar; Markus, RaulSicherheit und Frieden = Security and peace2015 / s. 156-160 : tab http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/0175-274X-2015-3-36 Ühe piletiga võiks sõita Mustamäelt AnnelinnaAntov, DagoPostimees2014 / lk. 6 https://www.postimees.ee/2668142/uhe-piletiga-voiks-soita-mustamaelt-annelinna Ühistranspordi kättesaadavus Tallinna tagamaalMäe, RolandTalveakadeemia 12/2014 : teaduslikud lühiartiklid : kogumik = Winteracademy 12/2014 : scientific articles : publications2014 / lk. 113-122 : ill., kaart