Corrosion failure of columnar TiN layer by enhanced anodic oxidationRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Mikli, ValdekAbstracts of MRS Meeting : San-Fransisco, USA, 20012001 / p. 331 Corrosion perfomance of duple TiN coatings deposited by arc platingRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, Ellen; Mikli, ValdekInternational Conference on Advanced Materials : ICAM'97. European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting : E-MRS'97 : Strasbourg, France, June 16-20, 1997 : book of abstracts1997 / p. K-32 Corrosion performance and structure of the titanium-based coatings deposited onto stainless steel substrate with arc platingRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, Ellen; Mikli, Valdek; Erikhov, F.; Straede, C.A.; Zwieg, T.Proceedings of the 40th Annual Technical Conference / Society of Vacuum Coaters1997 / p. 58-63 : ill Corrosion performance of duplex TiN coatings deposited by arc platingRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, Ellen; Mikli, Valdek; Straede, C.A.Surface & coatings technology1998 / p. 247-250 : ill Corrosion performance of titanium-based composite coatings deposited by physical vapour depositionRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, Ellen; Mikli, Valdek; Forsen, OlofProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering1996 / p. 14-25 : ill Corrosion resistance of the stainless steel substrate coated by PVDRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, Ellen; Mikli, ValdekMaterials Engineering-96 : materials of VI-th International Baltic Conference, Kaunas, 22-23 October 19961996 / p. 3-6 Deposition of hard titan-based coatings with minimized content of microdroplets phase by arc evaporationKulu, Priit; Rudenja, Sergei; Mikli, ValdekTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1994 / lk. 61-76: ill Duplex TiN coating on stainless steel : an electrochemical and surface analysis study : doctoral thesisRudenja, Sergei1999*est Duplex TiN coatings deposited by arc plating for increased corrosion resistance of stainless steel substratesRudenja, Sergei; Leygraf, C.; Pan, J.; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, Ellen; Mikli, ValdekSurface & coatings technology1999 / p. 129-136 : ill Duplex titanium nitride coatings for corrosion prevention of stainless steel substrateRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, Ellen; Mikli, ValdekProceedings [of] Joint Nordic Conference in Powder Technology, November 26-27, 1997, Helsinki1997 / p. 37 Duplex titanium nitride coatings resist corrosion betterRudenja, SergeiAdvanced coatings & surface technology1999 / 9, p. 4-5 Electrochemical behaviour of the duplex coatings in acidic electrolyteTalimets, Ellen; Kulu, Priit; Rudenja, Sergei; Pan, J.; Leygraf, C.; Mikli, Valdek2nd Baltic Conference on Electrochemistry : Palanga, Lithuania, 10-12 June : extended abstracts1999 / p. 159 Electrochemical evaluation of TiN coatingsRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, Ellen; Mikli, Valdek; Straede, C.A.; Zwieg, T.Proceedings of the Symposium on Interconnect and Contact Metallization1998 / p. 108-119 : ill Electrochemical evaluation of TiN coatingsRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, Ellen; Mikli, Valdek; Straede, C.A.; Zwieg, T.Meeting abstracts / The Electrochemical Society and The International Society of Electrochemistry1997 / p. 1870 Electrochemical study of interfacial duplex TiN coatings in acidic and PBS solutionsRudenja, Sergei; Pan, J.; Leygraf, C.; Kulu, PriitAbstracts of European Materials Research Society Meeting : E-MRS-99 : 1999, Strasbourg1999 / p. B-I/P36 Electrodeposition of adherent copper film on unmodified tungstenWang, Chen; Lei, Jipu; Bjelkevig, Cameron; Rudenja, Sergei; Magtoto, Noel; Kelber, JeffThin solid films2003 / 1, p. 72-79 : ill Enhanced passivity of austenitic AISI 304 stainless steel by low-temperature ion nitridingRudenja, Sergei; Pan, J.; Odnevall Wallinder, Inger; Leygraf, C.; Kulu, Priit; Mikli, ValdekJournal of vacuum science & technology2001 / 4, p. 1425-1431 Enhanced passivity of austenitic AISI 304 stainless steel by low-temperature ion nitridingRudenja, Sergei; Odnevall Wallinder, Inger; Leygraf, C.; Kulu, Priit; Mikli, ValdekAbstract of 47th International Symposium : Vacuum, Thin Films, Surfaces/Interfaces and proceedings, AVS20002000 / p. SE-TuA4 Growth surface morphology, and electrical resistivity of fully strained substoichiometric epitaxial TiNx (0.67 ≤ x < 1.0) layers on MgO(001)Shin, C.-S.; Rudenja, Sergei; Gall, D.; Hellgren, N.; Lee, T.-Y.; Petrov, I.; Greene, J.E.Journal of applied physics2004 / 1, p. 356-362 : ill Improved corrosion resistance of duplex PVD coatingsRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, Ellen; Mikli, Valdek; Straede, C.A.International DAAAM : [DAAAM National Estonia] : proceedings of the 1st International Conference, 25-27th September 1997, Tallinn, Estonia1997 / p. 152-155: ill Microstructure of the hard coatings deposited by arc ion platingRudenja, SergeiJunior EUROMAT '96 : European Conference : August 26-30, Lausanne, Switzerland : [abstracts]1996 Passivation and anodic oxidation of duplex TiN coatings on stainless steelRudenja, Sergei; Pan, J.; Odnevall Wallinder, Inger; Leygraf, C.; Kulu, PriitJournal of The Electrochemical Society1999 / p. 4082-4086 Passivity of TiN layer: role in corrosion prevention of coated steel substrateRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, PriitProceedings of the 2nd International Conference, 27-29th April 2000, Tallinn, Estonia / DAAAM International Vienna, DAAAM National Estonia2000 / p. 225-228 : ill PVD coatings for corrosion preventionRudenja, Sergei; Talimets, Ellen; Kulu, Priit; Mikli, ValdekCorrosion: Permanent Danger for Society and Environment : Surface 97 : 2nd Central, Eastern and Northern Europe Regional Conference : proceedings1997 / p. 98-101 : ill Seedless electrodeposition of Cu on unmodified tungstenRudenja, Sergei; Wang, C.Electrochemical and solid state letters2002 / 9, p. 27-30 Single-layer and multilayer hard coatings deposited by PVD for corrosion protection of the self-passivate steel substrateRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Talimets, EllenMeeting abstracts of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 96-1, Spring Meeting, Los Angeles, California, May 5-10, 19961996 / p. 94 Structure and corrosion behaviour of hard coatings deposited by arc ion platingRudenja, SergeiProceedings of the First National DAAAM Conference in Estonia : Science '951996 / p. 88-98: ill Studies on corrosion prevention of titanium-based coatingsTalimets, Ellen; Rudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit23rd Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1997 / p. 148 Study of technology and properties of PVD TiN coatingsRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Mikli, ValdekPowder Technology 95 : Vth Baltic Conference, November 7-8, 1995, Tallinn1995 / l. 43*est Surface technology in EstoniaRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Erikhov, F.Proceedings of Joint Nordic Conference in Powder Technology, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19961996 / p. 20 The effects of an iodine surface layer on Ru reactivity in air and during CuLiu, J.; Lei, J.; Magtoto, Noel; Rudenja, SergeiJournal of the Electrochemical Society2004 / 2, p. ? Titaanibaasil pinnete korrosioonitõrje omaduste uurimineTalimets, Ellen; Rudenja, Sergei; Kulu, PriitXXIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid1997 / lk. 136 Titan-based arc evaporated coatings with minimized content of microdroplets phaseRudenja, Sergei; Kulu, PriitSurface 95 : 1st Central, Eastern and Northern Europe Regional Conference on Surface Treatment : Technologies, Environmental and Standardization, September 4-8, 1995, Palanga, Lithuania1995 / p. 36 Твердость и электропроводность дисперсионно-твердеющих спеченных медных сплавовRudenja, Sergei; Arensburger, DaniilXXX студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР, 8-10 апреля 1986 года : тезисы докладов. Том II, Автоматика. Энергетика. Механика. Химия1986 / с. 137*est