Adrian Venables: robotid vallutavad transpordisektorit. Küberturvalisus [Võrguväljaanne]Venables, : innustav ja hariv ajakiri2021 "Adrian Venables: robotid vallutavad transpordisektorit. Küberturvalisus " Adrian Venables: veebitsensuuri tõus ja selle mõjuVenables, : innustav ja hariv ajakiri2019 Eesti ja Aasia tulevikusuhete raportBerg, Eiki; Kiviorg, Merilin; Kitsing, Meelis; Varblane, Urmas; Ottis, Rain; Broughel, Anna; Hõbepappel, Urmas; Vilson, Maili; Kerner, Riina; Kisel, Einari; Siirde, Andres; Ashyrov, Gaygysyz; Juust, Mathias; Osula, Anna-Maria; Venables, Adrian; Koort, Erkki; Süld, Elo; Maiberg, Heidi2022 Establishing cyber sovereignty - Russia follows China's example [Online resource]Venables, AdrianRahvusvaheline Kaitseuuringute Keskus (RKK) = International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)2019 "ICDS Blog" Modelling cyberspace to determine cybersecurity training requirementsVenables, AdrianFrontiers in education2021 / art. 768037, 16 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Planning cyberspace operations: Exercise crossed swords case studyArik, Marko; Venables, Adrian; Ottis, RainJournal of information warfare2022 / p. 67–78 Shortcomings in cybersecurity education for seafarersHeering, Dan; Maennel, Olaf Manuel; Venables, AdrianDevelopments in Maritime Technology and Engineering : Celebrating 40 years of teaching in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering in Portugal and the 25th anniversary of CENTEC, Volume 12021 / p. 49−61 The role of artificial intelligence in kinetic targeting from the perspective of international humanitarian lawRoberts, Anastasia; Venables, Adrian2021 13th International Conference on Cyber Conflict : Going viral2021 / art. 9468301, p. 43-57*est Towards generation of synthetic data sets for hybrid conflict modellingNõmm, Sven; Venables, AdrianIFAC-Papers OnLine2022 / p. 25-30 Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS