High temperature electrical conductivity in ZnS:Cu ceramics and in CdSe-CdTe polycrystalline solid solutionsLott, Kalju; Nirk, Tiit; Gorokhova, Elena; Ryzhikov, EngelsPolyse'98 : Polycrystalline Semiconductors, September 13-18, 1998, Stadtgarten, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany : final program and abstracts1998 / p. P31 High temperature electrical conductivity in ZnS:Cu:Cl ceramics and in CdSexTe1-x polycrystalline solid solutionsLott, Kalju; Nirk, Tiit; Gorokhova, Elena; Ryzhikov, EngelsSolid state phenomena1999 / Polycrystalline Semiconductors V : Bulk Materials, Thin Films and Devices : Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, held in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, September 13-18, 1998, ISBN 3-908450-43-8, p. 329-334: ill