Evaluation of noise reduction by means of the noise barriers on the basis of traffic flow simulationPospelov, PavelProceedings of the International EAA/EEAA Symposium : Transport Noise and Vibration, Tallinn, 8.06 - 10.06. 19981998 / p. 315-318: ill Müraeksperdid: harjutusväljade juures napib müra leevendamise võimalusiMõttus, Mirjamerr.ee2023 Separation of cardiac and respiratory signals, and removal of noise and artifacts using PCA and fast ICAMughal, Yar M.Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK kuuenda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 3.-5. oktoobril 2012, Laulasmaa2012 / p. 59-62 : ill Some features of noise control in vehicles by sound-proofed enclosuresDrozdova, Lyudmila; Omelchenko, Alexander; Potekhin, VyacheslavProceedings of the International EAA/EEAA Symposium : Transport Noise and Vibration, Tallinn, 8.06 - 10.06. 19981998 / p. 229-232: ill Using noise barriers for noise reduction from traffic flow in residential areasPospelov, Pavel; Strokov, D.; Shcheete, B.Proceedings of the International EAA/EEAA Symposium : Transport Noise and Vibration, Tallinn, 8.06 - 10.06. 19981998 / p. 319-322: ill