The impact of type of dietary protein, animal versus vegetable, in modifying cardiometabolic risk factors: A position paper from the International Lipid Expert Panel (ILEP)Zhubi-Bakija, Fjolla; Bajraktari, Gani; Bytyçi, Ibadete; Mikhailidis, Dimitri P.; Henein, Michael Y.; Latkovskis, Gustavs; Viigimaa, MargusClinical nutrition2021 / p. 255-276 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A reproducible enteric phage community improves blood glucose regulation in an obesity mouse modelMao, Xiaotian; Larsen, Sabina Birgitte; Zachariassen, Sidsel Fisker; Adamberg, Signe; Adamberg, KaarelbioRxiv2023 / 27 p Ülekaal ja mehe tervisEhala-Aleksejev, Kristel; Ausmees, Kristo; Pomerants, Marko; Viigimaa, Margus2012*est