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Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Shchukarev, AndreyEnvironment abstracts : seventh Annual International Conference on Environment : 14-17 May 2012, Athens, Greece2012 / p. 85-86 Impact of EDTA and humic substances on the removal of Cd and Zn from aqueous solutions by apatite = EDTA ja humiinaine mõju Cd ja Zn eraldamisele vesilahusest apatiidigaViipsi, Karin2012 Impact of high energy milled activation on the thermal properties of Bulgarian and Estonian natural apatitesPetkova, Vilma; Kostova, Bilyana; Serafimova, Ekaterina; Kaljuvee, Tiit; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Pelovski, Yoncho2nd Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Conference, Budapest, June 18–21, 2019 : book of abstracts2019 / p. 480-481 https://jtac-jtacc.akcongress.com/ Impact of humic acid on Cd2+ ions sorption on apatite in aqueous solutionViipsi, Karin; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia12th Nordic-Baltic IHSS Symposium on Natural Organic Matter in Environment and Technology : Tallinn, Estonia, June 14-17, 2009 : program and abstracts2009 / p. 92 Impact of mechanical activation on physical and chemical properties of phosphorite concentratesTõnsuaadu, Kaia; 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Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Veiderma, MihkelFourth International Symposium on Inorganic Phosphate Materials, July 10-13, 2002, Jena - Germany : book of abstracts2002 / p. 28 Kinetics of Estonian phosphate rock dissolution in hydrochloric acidAzeez, Ruhany Sheherazad; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Kaljuvee, Tiit; Trikkel, AndresMinerals2024 / art. 322 https://doi.org/10.3390/min14030322 Lantaan-tartraat kompleksi sidumine apatiidigaTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Gruselle, Michel; Thouvenot, Rene; Sikk, Merli; Gredin, Patrick; Beaunier, Patricia; Aissa, Abdallah; Debabbi, MongiXXX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 30th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2007 / lk. 171-172 Low-temperature synthesis of ZnO layers assisted by chemical processesPolivtseva, Svetlana; Dedova, Tatjana; Bereznev, Sergei; Kois, Julia; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Volobujeva, Olga; Juma, Albert Owino12th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ESTAC 12 : 27-30 August 2018, Brasov, Romania : book of abstracts2018 / PS1.016, p. 200 http://estac12.org/download.php?f=../download/BoA%20ESTAC12.pdf Low-temperature transition of bioaragonite of Tapes decussatus linnaeus (mollusca: bivalvia) [Electronic resource]Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; 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Chemistry2004 / 2, p. 75-90 : ill Natural and synthetic apatites as sorbents for Cd2+ ions from aqueous solutionsPeld, Merike; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Bender, VillemPhosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements2002 / 8/9, August-September, XVth International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry (ICPC 15). Part II, p. 2239 Natural and synthetic apatites as sorbents for Cd2+ ions from aqueous solutionsPeld, Merike; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Bender, VillemXVth International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry (ICPC 15) : Sendai, Japan, July 29 - August 3, 2001 : program and abstracts2001 / p. PB109 Nature of materials obtained by sorption of M2+ and M3+ metal ions on apatite surfaceTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Gruselle, Michel; Gredin, Patrick; Viipsi, Karin; Mikli, Valdek; Shchukarev, Andrey; Sjöberg, Staffan19th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry : book of abstracts2012 / p. 110 New aspects in Ru3+ sorption mechanism on apatitesTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Gruselle, Michel; Villain, Francoise; Peld, Merike; Mikli, Valdek; Traksmaa, RainerConference on Knowledge-based Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Chemistry : 1-5 June 2005, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2005 / p. 121 A new glance at ruthenium sorption mechanism on hydroxy-, carbonate-, and fluor-apatites : analytical and structural studiesTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Gruselle, M.; Villain, F.; Thouvenot, Rene; Peld, Merike; Mikli, Valdek; Traksmaa, Rainer; Grendin, P.; Carrier, X.; Shalles, L.Journal of colloid and interface science2006 / 2, p. 283-291 A new perspective on fluorapatite dissolution in hydrochloric acid : thermodynamic calculations and experimental studyTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Kallas, Juha; Kuusik, Rein, keemik; Hacialioglu-Erlenheim, Gizem; Trikkel, AndresInorganics2021 / art. 65, 11 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.3390/inorganics9080065 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Non-aldehyde resins based on resorcinol and natural alkylresorcinols modified with styreneJurkeviciute, Ana; Grigorieva, Larisa; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Yashicheva, Tamara; Bondarev, DmitrijMaterials research express2023 / art. 105301 https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/acfd12 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A novel bisphosphonate-based solid phase method for effective removal of chromium(III) from aqueous solutions and tannery effluentsAlanne, Aino-Liisa; Tuikka, Matti; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaRSC advances2013 / p. 14132-14138 : ill https://doi.org/10.1039/C3RA41501E Oleviku- ja tulevikumaavarade uuringud Eestis : RITA MAAREAinsaar, Leho; Menert, Anne; Lust, Enn; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Kirsimäe, KalleRiigikogu Toimetised2021 / lk. 69–78 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1361123*est https://rito.riigikogu.ee/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/RiTo-44.pdf On the sol-gel preparation of calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2,HA)Bogdanoviciene, Irma; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Mikli, Valdek; Grigoraviciute, I.; Beganskiene, Aldona; Kareiva, Aivaras9th National Lithuanian Conference "Chemija 2009" : Vilnius, October 16, 2009 : abstracts2009 / [1] p. : ill Optically active molecular magnetsGruselle, Michel; Malezieux, Bernard; Guyard-Duhayon, Carine; Clement, Rene; Besnard, Sophie; Gredin, Patrick; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaThe Fourth International Conference on Advanced Optical Materials and Devices : (AOMD-4) : Tartu, Estonia, July 6-9, 2004 : abstracts2004 / p. 52 Peculiarities of the formation of calcium hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, at different heating conditionsBogdanoviciene, Irma; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Mikli, Valdek; Beganskiene, Aldona; Kareiva, AivarasAbstract book : Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Compounds : Kaunas, Lithuania, April 21, 20102010 / p. 12-13 pH impact on the sol-gel preparation of calcium hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, using a novel complexing agent, DCTABogdanoviciene, Irma; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Mikli, Valdek; Grigoraviciute-Puroniene, Inga; Beganskiene, Aldona; Kareiva, AivarasCentral European journal of chemistry2010 / 6, p. 1323-1330 : ill Physico-chemical transformations during heating of phosphoritesKaljuvee, Tiit; Veiderma, Mihkel; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Vilbok, HeinrichJournal of thermal analysis : an international forum for communications on thermal investigations1988 / p. 839-844 ; ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1524801*est Physico-chemical transformations during heating the phosphoritesKaljuvee, Tiit; Veiderma, Mihkel; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Vilbok, HeinrichFourth European symposium on thermal analysis and calorimetry, Aug. 23-28, 1987. 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A-94 Reactions in a system apatite - SO2Manuilova, Anastassia; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaChemistry 2001 : 5th National Lithuanian Conference : Vilnius, September 27, 2001 : abstracts2001 / p. 93 Removal of cadmium from aqueous solutions by sorption on natural apatitesPeld, Merike; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Bender, Villem; Veiderma, Mihkel24th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1998 / p. 56 Removal of Cd2+ and Mn2+ ions from aqueous solutions by synthetic cation substituted calcium-carbonate-apatiteTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Peld, Merike; Veiderma, MihkelToxicological and environmental chemistry1997 / p. 145-154: ill Sb2S3 thin films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis of antimony ethyl xanthateEensalu, Jako Siim; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Oja Acik, Ilona; Krunks, MalleMaterials science in semiconductor processing2022 / art. 106209 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mssp.2021.106209 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Search for natural reagents for obtaining thermophosphatesVeiderma, Mihkel; Põldme, Meeme; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Knubovets, RenaInternational Symposium on Inorganic Phosphate Materials, Tokyo, July 24-26 1991 : extended abstracts1991 / p. 16 Search for natural reagents for obtaining thermophosphatesVeiderma, Mihkel; Põldme, Meeme; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Knubovets, RenaPhosphorus research bulletin1991 / p. 134-136 Simultaneous sorption of Cd and Zn ions on synthetic apatites from aqueous solutionsPeld, Merike; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Veiderma, MihkelPhosphorus research bulletin1999 / Special issue: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Inorganic Phosphate Materials '99 : Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, September 14-16, 1999, p. 347-352: ill Simultaneous sorption of Cd and Zn ions on synthetic apatites from aqueous solutionsPeld, Merike; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Veiderma, MihkelThird International Symposium on Inorganic Phosphate Materials : Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, September 14-16, 1999 : book of abstracts1999 / p. P.2.19 Sol-Gel approach to the calcium phosphate nanocompositesBeganskiene, Aldona; Stankeviciute, Zivile; Malakauskaite, Milda; Bogdanoviciene, Irma; Mikli, Valdek; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Kareiva, AivarasNanostructured materials and nanotechnology VII : a collection of papers presented at the 37th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2013, Daytona Beach, Florida2014 / p. 3-14 : ill https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118807828.ch1 Sol-Gel Approach to the Calcium Phosphate Nanocomposites : (ICACC-S7-P091-2013)Beganskiene, Aldona; Bogdanoviciene, Irma; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia37th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites : abstracts book : January 27-February 1, 2013, Daytona Beach, Florida2013 / p. 102 Sol-gel approach to the calcium phosphate nanocomposites [Electronic resource]Beganskiene, Aldona; Bogdanoviciene, Irma; Mikli, Valdek; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaProceedings of the 37th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites : January 27-February 1, 2013, Hilton Daytona Beach Resort and Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA2013 / [10] p. : ill [CD-ROM] Sol-gel chemistry approach in the preparation of precursors for the substituted superconducting oxidesPleckis, G.; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Baubonyte, T.; Kareiva, AivarasJournal of non-crystalline solids2002 / p. 250-258 Sol-gel derived single source precursors for rare-earth substituted superconducting oxidesTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Baubonyte, T.; Beganskiene, Aldona; Jasaitis, D.; Kareiva, AivarasChemine technologija2002 / 5, p. 12-16 : ill Sol-gel preparation and characterization of yttrium gallium garnetsLeleckaite, Asta; Urbonaite, Sigita; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Kareiva, AivarasThe Fourth International Conference on Advanced Optical Materials and Devices : (AOMD-4) : Tartu, Estonia, July 6-9, 2004 : abstracts2004 / p. 19 Sol-gel preparation of single-phase calcium hydroxyapatiteBogdanoviciene, Irma; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Beganskiene, Aldona; Kareiva, AivarasKonferencijos Chemija ir chemine technologija. 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A43 Study of thermal properties of synthetic resins based on oil shale alkylresorcinesJurkeviciute, Ana; Grigorieva, Larisa; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaGraduate School of Functional Materials and Technology (GSFMT) Scientific Conference : abstracts2022 / p. 22 Graduate School of Functional Materials and Technology (GSFMT) Scientific Conference 2022 Substituent effects on structural stability of apatites at calcinationTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Peld, Merike; Bender, VillemFourth International Symposium on Inorganic Phosphate Materials, July 10-13, 2002, Jena - Germany : book of abstracts2002 / p. 58 Substituent effects on structural stability of apatites at calcinationTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Peld, Merike; Bender, Villem; Puz, MarinaPhosphorus research bulletin2002 / p. 89-92 : ill Substituted apatites as sorbents for heavy metalsPeld, Merike2005 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1994280*est Sulfaatapatiitide koostis ja omadusedTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Peld, Merike; Bender, Villem; Mikli, ValdekXXV Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 25th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1999 / lk. 182-183 Surface phase transformations, surface complexation and solubilities of hydroxyapatite in the absence/presence of Cd(II) and EDTAViipsi, Karin; Sjöberg, Staffan; Shchukarev, Andrey; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaApplied geochemistry2012 / p. 15-21 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.08.010 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0883292711003842 Synergistic effects of fluorine and carbonate on Cd2+ binding properties of apatitesTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Peld, Merike; Veiderma, MihkelPhosphorus, sulphur, and silicon and the related elements1999 / p. 417 Synergistic effects of fluorine and carbonate on Cd2+ binding properties of apatitesTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Peld, Merike; Veiderma, MihkelXIVth International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry : XIVth-ICPC : Cincinnati, Ohio USA, July 12-17, 1998 : meeting program and abstracts1998 / p. 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P45 TA-MS and FTIR study of Mg2+ and glycine modified Ca-hydroxyapatiteBogdanoviciene, Irma; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Kaljuvee, Tiit; Traksmaa, Rainer; Kareiva, Aivaras3rd Central and Estern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 25-28 August 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia : book of abstracts2015 / p. 371 Temperature-induced changes in chrystal lattice of bioaragonite of Tapes decussatus linnaeus (mollusca: Bivalvia)Nemliher, Jüri; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Kallaste, ToivoJournal of thermal analysis and calorimetry2009 / 1, p. 27-32 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/243958295_Temperature-induced_changes_in_crystal_lattice_of_bioaragonite_of_Tapes_decussatus_Linnaeus_Mollusca_Bivalvia Temperatuuri mõju tasakaalule süsteemis apatiit - SO2 (termodünaamilised arvutused)Manuilova, Anastassia; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaXXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 26th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2000 / lk. 83-84 Termilised reaktsioonid apatiidi ja SO2 vahelVeiderma, Mihkel; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Bender, VillemXXV Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 25th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1999 / lk. 191-192 The effect of impurities on thermal dehydration of calcium dihydrogen phosphatePõldme, Meeme; Põldme, Juta; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaAbstracts of papers International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry '79 : Halle (Saale), September 17 -21, 19791979 / p. 209-210 The effect of substitutions in the structure of apatite on the sulphur oxide binding at calcinationTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Peld, Merike; Bender, Villem; Veiderma, MihkelESTAC-7 : 7th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Aug. 30 - Sept. 4, 1998, Balatonfüred, Hungary : book of abstracts1998 / p. 151 The effect of substitutions on Cd2+ sorption capacity of apatitesTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Peld, Merike; Bender, Villem; Veiderma, MihkelFirst International Conference on Hydroxyapatite & Related Products : it's use in purification of biomolecules : Lyon - France, 23rd - 25th March 1999 : final programme1999 / [1] p Thermal analysis in studies of apatite structureTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Peld, Merike; Bender, VillemESTAC 8 : 8th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Barcelona, Spain, August 25-29, 2002 : abstracts book2002 / p. 28 Thermal analysis in studies of apatite structureTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Peld, Merike; Bender, VillemJournal of thermal analysis and calorimetry2003 / 1/2, ESTAC 8 : proceedings of the 8th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry : Barcelona, Spain, August 25-29, 2002. Volume 1. ISBN 963-05-8043-8. p. 363-371 : ill Thermal analysis of Israeli phosphoritesTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Veiderma, Mihkel; Koel, Mihkel; Nathan, YaacovProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2000 / 1, p. 44-52 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1003251*est Thermal analysis of Israeli phosphorites with determination of the evolved gasesTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Koel, Mihkel; Veiderma, MihkelJournal of thermal analysis and calorimetry2001 / Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry : Copenhagen, Denmark, August 14-18, 2000. 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Ч. 2.1981 / с. 394 О термической дегидратации смеси Ca(H2OPO4)2 • H2O CMg(H2PO4)2 • 2H2O с добавками хлорида калия и кремневой кислотыPõldme, Meeme; Põldme, Juta; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Veiderma, MihkelЖурнал неорганической химии1981 / с. 58-61 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1443384*est Особенности апатитового концентратаTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Põldme, Meeme; Veiderma, MihkelEesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised. Keemia = Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Chemistry = Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия1982 / с. 175-180 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1264984*est Особенности выделения фтора при фосфорнокислотно-термической переработке природных фосфатовPõldme, Meeme; Põldme, Juta; Einard, Marve; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaКомплексная переработка фосфатного сырья, анализ природных и технических обьектов1983 / с. 39-43 Особенности фосфорнокислотно-термической переработки ковдорского апатитаTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Veiderma, Mihkel; Põldme, MeemeХIII Всесоюзная научная межвузовская конференция по технологии неорганических веществ и минеральных удобрений : тезисы докладов. Ч. 21985 / с. 99-100 Особенности фосфорнокислотно-термической переработки природных фосфатов различных месторождений СССРVeiderma, Mihkel; Põldme, Meeme; Põldme, Juta; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaКомплексная переработка фосфатного сырья, анализ природных и технических обьектов1983 / с. 3-9 Особенности химизма фосфорнокислотно-термической переработки ковдорского апатитового концентратаTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Põldme, Meeme; Veiderma, MihkelEesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised. Keemia = Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Chemistry = Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия1982 / с. 175-180 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1264984*est Плавкость и фазовый состав продуктов фосфорнокислотно-термической переработки ковдорского апатитового концентратаTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Veiderma, Mihkel; Põldme, MeemeEesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised. Keemia = Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Chemistry = Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия1983 / c- 237-241 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1264984*est Применение методов термогравиметрии и термогазотитриметрии для характеристики фосфатного сырьяKaljuvee, Tiit; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Veiderma, MihkelПятая научная конференция по аналитической химии Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Калининградской области, Вильнюс, 2-3 октября 1986 г. : тезисы докладов : [в 2-х частях]1986 / с. 227 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1528661*est Термические превращения в смесях дигидрофосфата кальция с кремневой кислотой и глауконитомTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Veiderma, Mihkel; Peld, MerikeИзвестия АН Эстонии. Химия1990 / 3, с. 171-174 Термические превращения в смесях полифосфата кальция с кальцитом и форстеритомTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Veiderma, MihkelИзвестия Академии наук СССР. 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