Applicability of static supercritical carbon dioxide extraction in biogeochemical characterization of oil shalesLuik, Hans; Luik, Lea; Palu, Vilja; Šarajeva, Galina; Gregor, AndreAmerican journal of analytical chemistry2014 / p. 173-180 : ill Biomassi ja põlevkivide ekstraktsioon superkriitilise veagaPalu, Vilja; Kruusement, Kristjan; Veski, ReinXXIX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 29th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2005 / lk. 77 Co-conversion of Salix biomass and oil shale in the medium of supercritical waterLuik, Hans; Palu, Vilja; Tamvelius, Hindrek; Luik, Lea; Sokolova, Julia16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition : from Research to Industry and Markets : proceedings of the International Conference held in Valencia, Spain, 2-6 June 20082008 / p. 2007-2009 Co-liquefaction of kukersite oil shale and pine wood in supercritical waterVeski, Rein; Palu, Vilja; Kruusement, KristjanOil shale2006 / 3, p. 236-248 : ill*est Conversion of pine Pinus sylvestris cones with supercritical waterLuik, Lea; Luik, Hans; Tamvelius, Hindrek; Palu, Vilja; Kruusement, Kristjan17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition from Research to Industry and Markets : proceedings of the International Conference held in Hamburg, Germany, 29 June - 3 July 20092009 / p. 1941-1944 Conversion of the Estonian fossil and renewable feedstocks in the medium of supercritical waterLuik, Lea; Luik, Hans; Palu, Vilja; Kruusement, Kristjan; Tamvelius, HindrekAdvances in Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2006-2008 : book of abstracts of the communications presented to the 18th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis : Lanzarote, Canary Islands, May 18-23, 20082008 / p. 247 Conversion of the Estonian fossil and renewable feedstocks in the medium of supercritical waterLuik, Lea; Luik, Hans; Palu, Vilja; Kruusement, Kristjan; Tamvelius, HindrekJournal of analytical and applied pyrolysis2009 / 1/2, p. 492-496 : ill Co-processing of oil shale with some other energy sourcesLuik, Hans; Bojesen-Koefoed, Jorgen; Luik, Lea; Palu, Vilja; Sokolova, Julia; Tamvelius, Hindrek; Tiikma, LaineInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 71-72*est Copyrolysis of Estonian oil shale and peatSokolova, Julia; Luik, Hans; Palu, ViljaInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 75*est Diktüoneema põlevkivi vesikonversioon reagentide juuresolekulŠarajeva, Galina; Palu, Vilja; Kruusement, Kristjan; Luik, LeaXXXIII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2013 / lk. 68 Diktüoneemakilda ekstraktsioon superkriitilise fluiidigaKruusement, Kristjan; Palu, Vilja; Šarajeva, Galina; Luik, HansXXXIII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2013 / lk. 38 Evaluation of oil potential of Estonian shales and biomass samples using rock-eval analyzerJohannes, Ille; Kruusement, Kristjan; Palu, Vilja; Veski, Rein; Bojesen-Koefoed, JorgenOil shale2006 / 2, p. 110-118 : ill*est Hüpergeneetilised muutused Maardu karjääri diktüoneemakilta sisaldavates puistangutesPalu, Vilja; Veski, Rein; Palvadre, Rein; Ahelik, Viktor; Puura, Erik; Petersell, ValterXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 16th Estonian chemistry days : abstracts of scientific conference1995 / lk. 103-105 Liquefaction and gasification of Estonian oil shales in the medium of hot compressed waterKruusement, Kristjan; Luik, Hans; Luik, Lea; Palu, Vilja; Vink, Natalia; Vogel, FredericInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 42-43*est Liquefaction of Estonian kukersite oil shale kerogen with selected superheated solvents in static conditionsLuik, Hans; Palu, Vilja; Bitjukov, Mihhail; Luik, Lea; Kruusement, Kristjan; Tamvelius, Hindrek; Pryadka, N.Oil shale2005 / 1, p. 25-36 : ill*est Low-temperature pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis of Göynük oil shale and terebinth berries (Turkey) in an autoclaveYanik, J.; Secim, P.; Karakaya, S.; Tiikma, Laine; Luik, Hans; Krasulina, Julia; Raik, Peep; Palu, ViljaOil shale2011 / p. 469-486 : ill*est Mathematical modeling of synergy in co-pyrolysisJohannes, Ille; Tiikma, Laine; Palu, Vilja; Jurjeva, JelenaInternational oil shale symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 10-13, 20132013 / p. 66 Peat semicoking and hydrocrackingLuik, Hans; Palu, Vilja; Luik, Lea; Sokolova, JuliaAdvances in Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2006-2008 : book of abstracts of the communications presented to the 18th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis : Lanzarote, Canary Islands, May 18-23, 20082008 / p. 248 Peat semicoking and hydrocrackingLuik, Hans; Palu, Vilja; Luik, Lea; Sokolova, Julia; Bojesen-Koefoed, JorgenJournal of analytical and applied pyrolysis2009 / 1/2, p. 497-501 : ill Pilliroo termokeemiline destruktsioonVeski, Rein; Palu, Vilja; Bljahhina, Irina; Kruusement, Kristjan; Vink, Natalia; Kask, Livia; Kask, ÜloTaastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine : viienda konverentsi kogumik2004 / lk. 72-79 : ill Plastjäätmete vesikonversioonTiikma, Laine; Palu, ViljaEesti Põlevloodusvarad ja -jäätmed2005 / lk. 29-30*est Puukoor kui võimalik keemiatööstuse toore vedelkütuste ja kemikaalide saamiseksVeski, Rein; Palu, Vilja; Joa, Kelly; Kruusement, Kristjan; Luik, HansTaastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine : kuuenda konverentsi kogumik : [11. nov. 2004, Tartu]2005 / lk. 119-131 : ill Pyrolysis and supercritical water conversion of pine Pinus sylvestris ingredientsLuik, Hans; Luik, Lea; Palu, Vilja; Tamvelius, Hindrek21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition2013 / p. 914-917 Stepwise supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of Estonian oil shales in batch autoclave in temperature region 40-150 °CLuik, Hans; Palu, Vilja; Luik, Lea; Šarajeva, GalinaOrganic Geochemistry : Trends for the 21st Century : book of abstracts of the communications presented to the 26th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Costa Adeje, Tenerife - Spain, September 15-20, 2013. Vol. 22013 / p. 205-206 Supercritical fluid extraction of dictyonema oil shaleKruusement, Kristjan; Palu, Vilja; Šarajeva, Galina; Luik, HansInternational oil shale symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 10-13, 20132013 / p. 67 SünergiakoodJohannes, Ille; Tiikma, Laine; Palu, ViljaXXXIII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2013 / lk. 20 Süsiniku isotoopkoostis ning bioloogiliste markerite jaotumine Balti regiooni naftades ja kivimitesBondar, J.; Bitjukov, Mihhail; Palu, Vilja; Liiv, Milana; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 16th Estonian chemistry days : abstracts of scientific conference1995 / lk. 13-14 A synergy code in co-pyrolysisJohannes, Ille; Palu, ViljaOil shale2013 / p. 471-490 : ill*est Synergy in co-liquefaction of oil shale and willow in supercritical waterJohannes, Ille; Luik, Hans; Palu, Vilja; Kruusement, Kristjan; Gregor, AndreFuel2015 / p. 180-187 : ill The composition of dictyonema shale weathering productsPalu, Vilja; Veski, Rein; Suvorova, Galina24th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1998 / p. 55 Thermochemical Co-liquefaction of Estonian kukersite oil shale with peat and pine barkKrasulina, Julia; Luik, Hans; Palu, Vilja; Tamvelius, HindrekOil shale2012 / p. 222-236 : ill*est Thermochemical liquefaction of reedVeski, Rein; Palu, Vilja; Luik, Hans; Kruusement, KristjanProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. 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Chemistry2005 / 4, p. 194-229 : ill Upgrading of Estonian shale oil heavy residuum bituminous fraction by catalytic hydroconversionLuik, Hans; Luik, Lea; Johannes, Ille; Tiikma, Laine; Vink, Natalia; Palu, Vilja; Bitjukov, Mihhail; Tamvelius, Hindrek; Krasulina, Julia; Kruusement, Kristjan; Nechaev, IgorFuel processing technology2014 / p. 115-122 : ill Water conversion of dictyonema oil shale in the presence of reagentsŠarajeva, Galina; Palu, Vilja; Kruusement, Kristjan; Jurjeva, Jelena; Luik, LeaInternational oil shale symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 10-13, 20132013 / p. 68-69 Õliteke puidu ja põlevkivi segude vesikonversioonilVeski, Rein; Palu, Vilja; Kruusement, KristjanTaastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine : seitsmenda konverentsi kogumik : [13. okt. 2005], Tartu, Estonia2006 / lk. 143-152 : ill