Characterisation of furcellaran samples from Estonian Furcellaria lumbricalis (Rhodophyta)Laos, Katrin; Ring, Stephen G.Journal of applied phycology2005 / p. 461-464 : ill The extraction, structure, and gelling properties of hybrid galactan from the red alga Furcellaria lumbricalis (Balti Sea, Estonia)Tuvikene, Rando; Truus, Kalle; Robal, Marju; Volobujeva, Olga; Mellikov, Enn; Pehk, Tõnis; Kollist, Andres; Kailas, Tiiu; Vaher, MerikeJournal of applied phycology2009 / [13] p.: ill The extraction, structure, and gelling properties of hybrid galactan from the red alga Furcellaria lumbricalis (Baltic Sea, Estonia)Tuvikene, Rando; Truus, Kalle; Robal, Marju; Volobujeva, Olga; Mellikov, Enn; Pehk, Tõnis; Kollist, Andres; Kailas, Tiiu; Vaher, MerikeJournal of applied phycology2010 / p. 51-63 : ill