Structural and compositional characteristics of gelling galactan from the red alga Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis (Ahnfeltiales, the sea of Japan)Truus, Kalle; Tuvikene, Rando; Vaher, Merike; Kailas, Tiiu; Toomik, Peeter; Pehk, TõnisCarbohydrate polymers2005 / [6] p. : ill. [ilmumas?] Structural and compositional characteristics of gelling galactan from the red alga Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis (Ahnfeltiales, the Sea of Japan)Truus, Kalle; Tuvikene, Rando; Vaher, Merike; Kailas, Tiiu; Toomik, Peeter; Pehk, TõnisCarbohydrate polymers2006 / p. 130-135 : ill