An efficient method for post analysis of patternsKuusik, Rein, inform.; Liiv, Innar; Lind, GreteProceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications : Innsbruck, Austria, February 14-16, 20052005 / p. 101-105 An analysis of community structure detection for educational coopetitionÜbi, Jaan; Liiv, Innar; Übi, Evald; Võhandu, Leo2013 Second International Conference on e-Learning and e-Technologies in Education (ICEEE 2013) : proceedings of a meeting held 23-25 September 2013, Lodz, Poland2013 / p. 104-109 : ill Analytical CRM with conformity analysisLiiv, Innar; Kuusik, Rein, inform.; Võhandu, LeoWSEAS transactions on systems and control2007 / 2, p. 155-161 AndmekaevandamineLiiv, InnarA & A2005 / 6, lk. 28-43 : ill Autonoomsete intelligentsete tehnoloogiate kasutamisega seotud küsimuste reguleerimiseks vajalike õigusloome probleemide tuvastamine ja lahendusettepanekute tegemine : II etapi aruanneKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Tehver, Jaanus; Hoffmann, Thomas; Taveter, Kuldar; Liiv, Innar; Pärn-Lee, Evelin; Salumaa-Lepik, Kärt vt. ka Salumaa, Kärt; Antonov, Alexander; Rozeik, Helena2019 Business process mining in warehouses : a case studyLepik, Ott; Liiv, InnarTechnical report [Online publication]2012 / 14 p. : ill Business process mining in warehouses : a case studyLiiv, Innar; Lepik, OttDatabases and Information Systems : proceedings of the 11th International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB&IS 2014 : Tallinn, Estonia, 8-11 June, 20142014 / p. 387-394 : ill Capacity building in government : towards developing a standard for a functional specialist in AI for public servicesLabanava, Alena; Dreyling III, Richard Michael; Mortati, Marzia; Liiv, Innar; Pappel, IngridFuture Data and Security Engineering : Big Data, Security and Privacy, Smart City and Industry 4.0 Applications : 9th International Conference, FDSE 2022, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 23-25, 2022 : proceedings2022 / p. 503-516 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Classification of supplay chain practices according to customer values in automotive industryMaleki, Meysam; 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Liiv, Innar; Ivask, Jekaterina; Merkulova, MariaDatabases and Information Systems : proceedings of the 11th International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB&IS 2014 : Tallinn, Estonia, 8-11 June, 20142014 / p. 459-464 Czekanowski-Bertin learning paradigm : a discussionLiiv, InnarProceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence : ICAI 2007 : Las Vegas, June 25-28, 20072007 / p. 90-95 Data science techniques for cryptocurrency blockchainsLiiv, Innar2021 Developing autonomous robotic transport systems for hospitals and medical facilities : legal challengesKerikmäe, Tanel; Kajander, Aleksi Oskar Johannes; Hamulak, Ondrej; Mesarčik, Matuš; Andraško, Jozef; Liiv, InnarIcon2023 / p. 88-104 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus A Digital ecosystem for personal manufacturing : an architecture for cloud-based distributed manufacturing operating systemsVedešin, Anton; Dogru, John Mehmet Ulgar; Liiv, Innar; Draheim, Dirk; Ben Yahia, SadokMEDES '19 : A Digital Ecosystem for Personal Manufacturing : An Architecture for Cloud-based Distributed Manufacturing Operating Systems : proceedings2019 / p. 224–228 : ill Digital social work: tools for practice with individuals, organizations, and communitiesLiiv, InnarEuropean journal of social work2020 / p. 175-176 Domain engineering for cyber defense: a case study and implicationsTepandi, Jaak; Piho, Gunnar; Liiv, InnarConference on Cyber Conflict : proceedings 20102010 / p. 59-77 Eesti elektrisüsteemi laiseiresüsteemi arendamine ja analüüs (WAMPAC) : uurimustöö 1.1-4/13/232 / Lep13118 II etapi aruanne [Võrguväljaanne]Palu, Ivo; Meldorf, Mati; Šuvalova, Jelena; Liiv, Innar; Tuttelberg, Kaur; Kangro, Triin; Astapov, Victor; Sarnet, Tanel; Šlenduhhov, Vadim; Kilter, Jako; Ülavere, Eero; Reinson, Andrus2014 E-government services migration to the public cloud : experiments and technical findingsKotka, Taavi; Johnson, Bruce; Cebul, Tomaz; Lovosevic, Luka; Liiv, InnarElectronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective : 5th International Conference, EGOVIS 2016, Porto, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016 : proceedings2016 / p. 62-76 : ill*est Eksperdid: andmenappus ei pidurda tehisaru arengut veel niipeaPiir, Raitnovaator.err.ee2024 Eksperdid: andmenappus ei pidurda tehisaru arengut veel niipea Entrepreneurial competence and the personal traits of an entrepreneur : analysis on the basis of students' self-evaluationVenesaar, Urve; 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Liiv, InnarIV ettevõttemajanduse konverents : konverentsi ettekanded-artiklid (Pärnu, 20.-21. jaanuar 2006)2006 / p. 190-206 Euroopa oma tehismõistusTammet, Tanel; Liiv, InnarSirp2020 / lk. 33-34 : ill*est Evaluation of matrix seriation algorithmsLiiv, InnarInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK kolmanda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 25.-26. aprill 2008, Voore külalistemaja2008 / p. 33-34 An experiment to find the deep structure of Estonian legislationTäks, Ermo; Võhandu, Leo; Lohk, Ahti; Liiv, InnarLegal Knowledge and Information Systems : JURIX 2011 : the twenty-fourth annual conference2011 / p. 93-102 1st Report on Legal Framework and Analysis Related to Autonomous Intelligent TechnologiesKerikmäe, Tanel; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Hoffmann, Thomas; Minn, Mari; Liiv, Innar; Taveter, Kuldar; Shumilo, Olga; Solarte Vasquez, Maria Claudia; Antonov, Alexander2019 Heat loss characteristics of typology-based apartment building external walls for a digital twin-based renovation strategy toolIliste, Elisa; Lomp, Siim; Pikas, Ergo; Arumägi, Endrik; Hallik, Jaanus; Õiger, Karl; Kisel, Einari; Liiv, Innar; Kalamees, TargoJournal of Physics: Conference Series2023 / 8 p Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Innar Liiv: millist erakonda valiks ChatGPT?Liiv, Innarerr.ee2024 Innar Liiv: millist erakonda valiks ChatGPT? Inventory classification enhancement with demand associationsLiiv, Innar2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics and Informatics : Shanghai, China, June 21-23, 20062006 / p. 18-22 Kogukondlik haldus ja kohalik omavalitsus – side ajalooga teel tulevikkuLääne, Sulev; Lepik, Katri-Liis; Liiv, Innar; Mäeltsemees, Sulev; Lõhmus, Mikk; Trei, Jan; Ratas, JüriRiigikogu Toimetised2023 / lk. 29-64 : ill Kuidas viia Eestis sujuvalt läbi renoveerimislaine?Kisel, Einari; Kalamees, Targo; Pikas, Ergo; Liiv, Innar; Arumägi, EndrikMente et Manu2023 / lk. 40-41 : fot*est Matrix reordering with monotonic systems : backround, formulation, motivation and extensionsLiiv, InnarInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK teise aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 11.-12. mai 2007, Viinistu kunstimuuseum2007 / lk. 13-16 : ill Megatrend and intervention impact analyzer for jobs : a visualization method for labor market intelligenceÖpik, Rain; Kirt, Toomas; Liiv, InnarJournal of official statistics2018 / p. 961-979 : ill Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Conference Proceedings at WOS Article at WOS Methods for coopetition and retention analysis : an application to university management = Koopetitsiooni ja väljalangevuse uurimise meetodid : rakendus ülikooli juhtimisesÜbi, Jaan2014*est Mida õppida Stanfordi ja Oxfordi ülikoolide näitel?Liiv, InnarMente et Manu2016 / lk. 28-29 : fot*est Mining and visualizing power in social network analysisLiiv, InnarProceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'05) : Las Vegas, Nevada, June 27-30, 20052005 / p. 754-759 MIT ja TTÜ kompasid Tallinnas teineteist : [Tallinnas toimus MIT Global Startup Workshop : ka Alar Kolgi ja Innar Liivi kommentaaridega]Kalev, Raul; Kolk, Alar; Liiv, InnarMente et Manu2013 / lk. 10*est MIT Tallinna Tehnikaülikool : kas on mõistlik arendada oma brändi või tippülikoolilt teenus sisse osta?Liiv, InnarSirp2016 / lk. 32 : fot Mobile phone usage data for credit scoringOts, Henri; Liiv, Innar; Tur, DianaDatabases and Information Systems : 14th International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, June 16-19, 2020 : Proceedings2020 / p. 82-95 Conference proceeding at Scopus Article at Scopus MORec: At the crossroads of context-aware and multi-criteria decision making for online music recommendationBen Sassi, Imen; Ben Yahia, Sadok; Liiv, InnarExpert systems with applications2021 / art. 115375, 20 p. : ill Mustrite avastamine kasutades järjestamist ning maatriksi ümberkorrastamist : unifitseeritud vaade, edasiarendused ning rakendus ladude juhtimises : kommentaar Rahvusvahelise Klassifitseerimise Ühingu parima interdistsiplinaarse väitekirja auhinna pälvinud tööleLiiv, InnarTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20092010 / lk. 205-207 Negotiation framework for Baltic fisheries management : striking the balance of interestAps, Robert; Kell, Laurence T.; Lassen, Hans; Liiv, InnarICES journal of marine science2007 / 4, p. 858-861 Pattern based software architecture for predictive maintenanceTorim, Ants; Liiv, Innar; Ounoughi, Chahinez; Ben Yahia, SadokNordic Artificial Intelligence Research and Development : 4th Symposium of the Norwegian AI Society, NAIS 2022, Oslo, Norway, May 31 - June 1, 2022 : revised selected papers2022 / p. 26-38 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Pattern discovery using seriation and matrix reordering : a unified view, extensions and an application to inventory management = Mustrite avastamine kasutades järjestamist ning maatriksi ümberkorrastamist: unifitseeritud vaade, edasiarendused ning rakendus ladude juhtimisesLiiv, Innar; Kuusik, Rein, inform.2008*est Personalized context-aware recommendations in SMARTMUSEUM : combining semantics with statisticsLiiv, Innar; Tammet, Tanel; Ruotsalo, Tuukka; Kuusik, AlarProceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO 2009) : Sliema, Malta, October 20092009 / p. 50-55 Policy and legal environment analysis for e-Government services migration to the public cloudKotka, Taavi; Kask, Laura; Raudsepp, Karoliina; Storch, Tyson; Radloff, Rebecca; Liiv, InnarICEGOV '15-16 : proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance : Montevideo, Uruguay, March 1-3, 20162016 / p. 103-108 : ill Predicting student retention by comparing histograms of bootstrapping for Charnes-Cooper transformation-linear programming discriminant analysisÜbi, Jaan; Übi, Evald; Liiv, Innar; Võhandu, Leo2013 Second International Conference on e-Learning and e-Technologies in Education (ICEEE 2013) : proceedings of a meeting held 23-25 September 2013, Lodz, Poland2013 / p. 110-114 : ill Predicting student retention by linear programming discriminant analysisÜbi, Jaan; Übi, Evald; Liiv, Innar; Murtazin, KristinaInternational journal of technology and educational marketing2014 / p. 43-53 : ill Quality and accuracy of digital twin models for the neighbourhood level building energy performance calculationsParts, Egert-Ronald; Pikas, Ergo; Parts, Tuule Mall; Arumägi, Endrik; Liiv, InnarE3S Web of Conferences : 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, IAQVEC20232023 / art. 04021, 8 p. : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Quantification of building envelope heat losses on a district level for comparative renovation strategies assessmentArumägi, Endrik; Hallik, Jaanus; Pikas, Ergo; Kalamees, Targo; Liiv, Innar; Kisel, EinariJournal of Physics: Conference Series2023 / 10 p Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus data compression benchmarkLiiv, InnararXiv.org2020 / 6 p. A secure data infrastructure for personal manufacturing based on a novel key-less, byte-less encryption methodVedešin, Anton; Dogru, John Mehmet Ulgar; Liiv, Innar; Ben Yahia, Sadok; Draheim, DirkIEEE Access2020 / p. 40039-40056 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Self-organizing map, matrix reordering and multidimensional scaling as alternative and complementary methods in a semantic studyKirt, Toomas; Liiv, Innar; Vainik, EneProceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence : ICAI 2007. Volume 12007 / p. 385-390 Seriation and matrix reordering methods : an historical overviewLiiv, InnarStatistical analysis and data mining2010 / 2, p. 70-91 : ill Seriation and matrix reordering methods for asymmetric one-mode two-way datasetsLiiv, Innar; Võhandu, LeoAdvanced studies in behaviormetrics and data science : Essays in Honor of Akinori Okada2020 / p. 159-175 Smart cyber-physical system for pattern recognition of illegal 3D designs in 3D printingVedešin, Anton; Dogru, John Mehmet Ulgar; Liiv, Innar; Ben Yahia, Sadok; Draheim, DirkSmart Applications and Data Analysis : Third International Conference, SADASC 2020, Marrakesh, Morocco, June 25-26, 2020 : proceedings2020 / p. 74-85 Conference proceeding at Scopus Article at Scopus Smart cyber-physical system for personal manufacturing = Tark küberfüüsikaline süsteem personaalseks tootmiseksVedešin, Anton2020*est Sotsiaalvõrgustike analüüsLiiv, InnarKuidas mõista andmestunud maailma? : metodoloogiline teejuht2020 / lk. 178−209*est Special track on Intelligent Systems for Digital Era (ISDE) : editorial messageRobal, Tarmo; Liiv, Innar; Kalibatiene, Diana; Matulevičius, RaimundasSAC '24 : Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Avila, Spain, April 8-12, 20242024 / p. 652-653 Tehnikaülikooli suurim ambitsioonLiiv, InnarSirp2020 / lk. 25*est Towards information-theoretic visualization evaluation measure: a practical example for Bertin's matricesLiiv, InnarProceedings of the ACM CHI (ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) 2010 Conference : April 10-11, 2010, Atlanta, GA, US2010 Uued inimesed ja positsioonidTammet, Tanel; Uska, Riina; Laanearu, Janek; Tabri, Kristjan; Vendelin, Marko; Margus, Madis; Kindsigo, Merit; Talpsepp, Tõnn; Tähemaa, Toivo; Laos, Katrin; Liiv, Innar; Rüütmann, Tiia; Sarapuu, Külli; Kikkas, Kaido; Pachel, KarinMente et Manu2022 / lk. 40-49 : fot*est Uute mustrite avastamine järjestamise ja maatriksi ümberkorraldamisega : [autori doktoritööst]Liiv, InnarInseneeria2009 / 8(9), lk. 44-46 : ill*est Valitsemine 2030 : riigivalitsemise ja e-riigi stsenaariumidTerk, Erik; Liiv, Innar; Sarapuu, Külli; Danilov, Tea2018*est Visual matrix explorer for collaborative seriationLiiv, Innar; Öpik, Rain; Übi, Jaan; Stasko, JohnWiley interdisciplinary reviews : computational statistics2012 / p. 85-97 Visualization and data mining method for inventory classificationLiiv, Innar2007 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics : Philadelphia, USA, August 27-29, 20072007 / p. 472-477 Visualization and structure analysis of legislative acts : a case study on the law of obligationsLiiv, Innar; Vedešin, Anton; Täks, ErmoProceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL'07) : Standford University, June 4-8, 20072007 / p. 189-190