BSCCO ceramics doped with ferromagnetic manganite phasesStaneva, Anna; Stoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Terzieva, Stanimira; Shoumarova, Janna; Grigorov, K.; Zaleski, Andrzej; Mikli, Valdek; Angelov, Christo; Dimitriev, YankoJournal of optoelectronics and advanced materials2009 / 10, p. 1541-1544 Influence of the treatment period on the morphology and the chemical composition of the thermally activated orthodontic archwiresPetrov, Valery; Terzieva, Stanimira; Tumbalev, V.; Mikli, Valdek; Andreeva, Laura; Stoyanova-Ivanova, AngelinaBulgarian chemical communications2015 / p. 234-238 : ill Magnetic and transport characteristics of oxygenated polycrystalline La0.6Pb 0.4MnO3Blagoev, Blagoy; Terzieva, Stanimira; Mikli, ValdekJournal of magnetism and magnetic materials2013 / p. 34-38 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Microstructure and thermal properties of quasi-equal rare earth substitution Y0.5Gd0.5Ba2Cu3O6.94 superconductorTerzieva, Stanimira; Stoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Shivachev, Boris; Terzijska, Bonka; Zaleski, Andrzej; Misiorek, Halina; Mikli, ValdekCentral European journal of physics2009 / 1, p. 84-88 Morphology of Y1Ba2Cu3Oz and Y0,7Ba2Cu3Oz bulk samples depending on Ca-substitutionTerzieva, Stanimira; Stoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Zalamova, K.; Mikli, Valdek; Angelov, Christo; Kovachev, V.Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials2005 / 1, p. 477-480 Phase formation and microstructure in RE1-xCaxBa2Cu3Oz (RE=Y, Eu, Er; x=0, 0.2, 0.3) superconducting ceramicsStoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Terzieva, Stanimira; Staneva, Anna; Mikli, Valdek; Traksmaa, Rainer; Dimitriev, Y.B.; Kovachev, V.T.Central European journal of chemistry2006 / 1, p. 167-173 : ill Phase formation and microstructure in Rel-xCaxBa2Cu3Oz (Re=Y, Eu, Er; X=0, 0.2, 0.3) superconducting ceramicsStoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Terzieva, Stanimira; Staneva, Anna; Mikli, Valdek; Traksmaa, Rainer; Dimitriev, Y.B.; Kovachev, V.T.Central European science journals. Central European journal of chemistry : CEJC2005 / 1, p. 167-174 Study of the impact of the treatment period on the surface characteristics of nitinol heat-activated orthodontic wiresPetrov, Valery; Andreeva, Laura; Terzieva, Stanimira; Stoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Kovacheva, Daniela; Mikli, Valdek; Ilievska, IvanaInternational journal of science and research (IJSR)2015 / p. 3190-3193 : ill Superconductivity and magnetic studies of bulk Y123/ BaCuO2 compositeStoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Terzieva, Stanimira; Georgieva, S.; Mikli, ValdekRomanian journal of physics2018 / art. 602, 15 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Synthesis and superconducting properties of Nd0.33Eu0.08Gd0.58Ba2Cu3Oz materialsStoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Terzieva, Stanimira; Shivachev, Boris; Mikli, Valdek; Vladimirova, LatinkaCentral European journal of physics2008 / 1, p. 76-79 : ill Texture and structure of hot-rolling YBCO tapes with Ca-substitutionStoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Terzieva, Stanimira; Mikli, Valdek; Traksmaa, Rainer; Kovachev, V.Journal of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences2006 / p. 57-60 The influence of the partial Ca substitution on the microstructure of YBCO tapesTerzieva, Stanimira; Stoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Mikli, Valdek; Zahariev, A.; Angelov, Christo; Dimitriev, Yanko; Kovachev, V.Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials2007 / 2, p. 453-455 The use of high-temperature superconducting cuprate as a dopant to the negative electrode in Ni-Zn batteriesStoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Terzieva, Stanimira; Mikli, ValdekBulgarian chemical communications2015 / p. 221-228 : ill Текстура и структура на горещо валцувани УВСО ленти с калциева (Ca) субституция (Texture and structure of hot-rolling YBCO tapes with Ca-substitution)Stoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Terzieva, Stanimira; Mikli, Valdek; Traksmaa, Rainer; Kovachev, V.Списание на БАН = Magazine of BAS2005 / [4] p