Chemical spray deposition of zinc oxide nanostructured layers from zinc acetate solutionsDedova, Tatjana; Klauson, Jelena; Badre, C.; Pauporte, Th.; Nisumaa, Reet; Mere, Arvo; Volobujeva, Olga; Krunks, MallePhysica status solidi (a) : applications and materials science2008 / 10, p. 2355-2359 : ill Comparative study of surface roughness and tribological behavior during running-in period of hard coatings deposited by lateral rotating cathode arcPodgurski, Vitali; Nisumaa, Reet; Adoberg, Eron; Surženkov, Andrei; Sivitski, Alina; Kulu, PriitWear2010 / p. 751-755 : ill High temperature electrical conductivity in ZnSe:In and in CdSe:In under selenium vapor pressureLott, Kalju; Šinkarenko, Svetlana; Volobujeva, Olga; Türn, Leo; Nirk, Tiit; Öpik, Andres; Nisumaa, Reet; Kallavus, Urve; Nõges, M.; Mikli, Valdek; Viljus, Mart; Gorokhova, Elena; Ananjeva, G.; Grebennik, A.; Vishnjakov, A.Physica status solidi (b)2007 / 5, p. 1623-1626 In-doping of II-VI compounds [Electronic resource]Lott, Kalju; Šinkarenko, Svetlana; Volobujeva, Olga; Türn, Leo; Nirk, Tiit; Nisumaa, Reet; Nõges, M.; Kallavus, UrveVII международная конференция Прикладная оптика : 2006, 16-20 октября, Санкт-Петербург2006 / [5] p. : ill. [CD-ROM] Investigation of nickel and copper microfoils defect formation under the stressLeinberg, Silver; Lõhmus, Rünno; Hussainova, Irina; Nisumaa, Reet15th International Baltic Conference "Engineering Materials & Tribology. Baltmattrib - 2006" : October 5-6, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2006 / p. 42-43 : ill Microscopic stady of structural features of nanocrystalline copper [Electronic resource]Lõhmus, Rünno; Hussainova, Irina; Vesi, U.; Nisumaa, ReetProceedings of NeNaMat Conference Nano 05 : November 8-11, Brno, Czech Republic2005 / ? p. [CD-ROM] Recrystallization of CdTe film under conditions of high temperature and mechanical pressureMikli, Valdek; Hiie, Jaan; Viljus, Mart; Nisumaa, Reet; Traksmaa, Rainer; Kallavus, UrveThin solid films2008 / 20, p. 7041-7045 : ill Roughness of TiN and nanocomposite nc-Ti1-xAlxN/[alpha]-Si3N4 surface evaluated by means of AFMPodgurski, Vitali; Nisumaa, Reet; Gregor, Andre; Adoberg, Eron; Kulu, PriitLatvijas kimijas žurnals = Latvian journal of chemistry2008 / 1, p. 62-66 : ill Structural and electrical characterization of TiO2 films grown by spray pyrolysisOja, Ilona; Mere, Arvo; Krunks, Malle; Nisumaa, Reet; Solterbeck, C.-H.; Es-Souni, M.Thin solid films2006 / p. 674-677 : ill Structural behavior and damage evolution of nanocrystalline copper at HCV deformationKommel, Lembit; Hussainova, Irina; Nisumaa, Reet; Volobujeva, Olga; Saarna, Mart15th International Baltic Conference "Engineering Materials & Tribology. Baltmattrib - 2006" : October 5-6, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2006 / p. 40-41 : ill Structural behaviour of NC copper at hard cyclic viscoplastic deformationKommel, Lembit; Hussainova, Irina; Nisumaa, Reet; Volobujeva, OlgaUltrafine Grained Materials - from Basics to Applications : UFG-2006 : September 25-27, 2006, Kloster Irsee, Germany2006 / p. 6-16 - 6-17