Accelerated carbonation treatment of industrial wastes: physicochemical, environmental and economic aspects = Tööstusjäätmete töötlemine kiirendatud karboniseerimismeetodil: füüsikalis-keemilised, keskkonnaalased ja majanduslikud aspektidBerber, Hakan2020 Assessment of environmental impacts of landfilling and alternatives for management of municipal solid waste = Prügi ladestamise keskkonnamõjud ja alternatiivid olmeprügi käitlemiselVoronova, Viktoria2013*est Assessment of the applicability of the Pay As You Throw system into current waste management in EstoniaVoronova, Viktoria; Piirimäe, Kristjan; Virve, MailisManagement of environmental quality : an international journal2013 / p. 667-681 : ill Challenges and strategies for bio-based and biodegradable plastic waste management in EuropeStasiškienė, Žaneta; Barbir, Jelena; Draudvilienė, Lina; Chong, Zhi Kai; Kuchta, Kerstin; Voronova, Viktoria; Leal Filho, WalterSustainability (Switzerland)2022 / art. 16476 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A comparison of waste education in schools and colleges across five European citiesLee, Sheryl A.; Mork, Jane; Voca, Neven; Voronova, ViktoriaInternational Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology2022 / p. 338-348 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Consumer attitudes and concerns with bioplastics use: An international studyFilho, Walter Leal; Barbir, Jelena; Abubakar, Ismaila Rimi; Paco, Arminda; Stasiskiene, Zaneta; Hornbogen, Marie; Fendt, Maren Theresa Christin; Voronova, Viktoria; Klõga, MarijaPLoS ONE2022 / art. e0266918 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS COVID-19 and waste production in households: A trend analysisFilho, Walter Leal; Voronova, Viktoria; Klõga, Marija; Paco, A; Minhas, AScience of the total environment2021 / art. 145997, 7 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Degradation of a poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) compound in different environmentsLyshtva, Pavlo; Voronova, Viktoria; Barbir, Jelena; Filho, Walter Leal; Kröger, Silja Denise; Witt, Gesine; Miksch, Lukas; Sabowski, Reinhard; Gutow, Lars; Frank, CarinaHeliyon2024 / art. e24770 Development of water scenarios for large lakes in Europe: the case of Lake PeipsiIital, Arvo; Voronova, Viktoria; Klõga, MarijaJournal of water and climate change2011 / p. 154-165 Eco-mapping as a basis for environmental management systems integration at small and medium enterprisesKoroljova, Arina; Voronova, ViktoriaManagement of environmental quality2007 / 5, p. 542-555 : ill Environmental assessment and sustainable management options of leachate and landfill gas treatment in Estonian municipal waste landfillsVoronova, Viktoria; Moora, Harri; Loigu, EnnManagement of environmental quality : an international journal2011 / p. 787-802 : ill Food recognition and food waste estimation using convolutional neural networkLubura, Jelena; Pezo, Lato; Sandu, Mirela Alina; Voronova, Viktoria; Donsi, Francesco; Šic Žlabur, Jana; Ribic, Bojan; Peter, Anamarija; Šuric, Jona; Brandic, Ivan; Klõga, MarijaElectronics2022 / art. 3745 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Harjumaa reovee fosforiga saaks väetada suurema osa maakonna põldudest [Võrguväljaanne]Harrik, Airikanovaator.err.ee2020 / fot Harjumaa reovee fosforiga saaks väetada suurema osa maakonna põldudest Incineration of municipal solid waste in the Baltic States : influencing factors and perspectivesMoora, Harri; Voronova, Viktoria; Uselyte, RasaWaste to energy : opportunities and challenges for developing and transition economies2012 / p. 237-260 : ill Involvement of the Institute of Environmental engineering at Tallinn University of Technology to EU RD programmesLoigu, Enn; Voronova, ViktoriaThe parliament : politics, policy and people magazine2007 / Issue 252, 24. 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