Digital business foresight: Keyword-based analysis and CorEx topic modelingBzhalava, Levan; Kaivo-Oja, Jari; Hassan, Sohaib S.Futures2024 / art. 103303 Dynamics of digital change – measuring the digital transformation and its impacts on the innovation activities of SMEsEscoz Barragan, Kevin; Hassan, Sohaib S.; Meisner, Konrad; Bzhalava, LevanEuropean journal of innovation management2024 / 24 p Evaluating the growth potential of digital business weak signals through the lens of entrepreneursBzhalava, Levan; Kaivo-Oja, Jari; Avarmaa, Mari; Hassan, Sohaib S.Futures2025 / art. 103582 Identifying entrepreneurial discovery processes with weak and strong technology signals: a text mining approachBzhalava, Levan; Kaivo-Oja, Jari; Hassan, Sohaib S.; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang DieterOpen Research Europe2022 / art. 26 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Is digitalization a source of innovation? Exploring the role of digital diffusion in SME innovation performanceHassan, Sohaib S.; Meisner, Konrad; Krause, Kevin; Bzhalava, Levan; Moog, PetraSmall business economics2023 / p. 1469-1491 Mapping the wave of industry digitalization by co-word analysis : an exploration of four disruptive industriesBzhalava, Levan; Hassan, Sohaib S.; Kaivo-Oja, Jari; Olsson, Bengt Köping; Imran, JavedInternational Journal of Innovation and Technology Management2022 / art. 2250001