Abstract on the dynamics of the river bulge using satellite imagery and numerical model, case study of Daugava river bulgeSoosaar, Edith; Uiboupin, Rivo; Skudra, Maris; Maljutenko, Ilja; Raudsepp, Urmas10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 61 http://www.bssc2015.lv/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/10th_BSSC_AbstractBook_final.pdf An evolution of freshwater bulge in laboratory scale experiments and natural conditions = Jõevee levik rannikumeres Riia lahe näitelSoosaar, Edith2016 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2630616*est Application of satellite data for monitoring the marine environmentSipelgas, Liis2006 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?95 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2146053*est Assessing the potential for sea-based macroalgae cultivation and its application for nutrient removal in the Baltic SeaKotta, Jonne; Raudsepp, Urmas; Szava-Kovats, Robert; Szava-Kovats, Robert; Aps, Robert; Armoskaite, Aurelija; Barda, Ieva; Bergström, Per; Futter, Martyn; Maljutenko, IljaScience of the total environment2022 / art. 156230 ; 14 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156230 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Baltic Sea freshwater contentRaudsepp, Urmas; Maljutenko, Ilja; Barzandeh, Amirhossein; Uiboupin, Rivo; Lagemaa, PriidikState of the Planet2023 / 14 p https://doi.org/10.5194/sp-1-osr7-7-2023 Biochemical definition of coastal zone using numerical modeling and measurement dataLessin, Gennadi2007 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?90 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2298253*est BOOS/HIROMB-based marine forecasts in Estonia : problems, experiences and challenges [Electronic resource]Elken, Jüri; Kõuts, Tarmo; Raudsepp, Urmas; Laanemets, Jaan; Lagemaa, PriidikProceedings of the US/EU Baltic International Symposium "Integrated Ocean Observation Systems for Managing Global & Regional Ecosystems Using Marine Research, Monitoring & Technologies" : Klaipeda, May 23-25, 20062006 / [22] p. 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