An improved interface converter for a medium-power wind-hydrogen systemVinnikov, Dmitri; Hõimoja, Hardi; Andrijanovitš, Anna; Roasto, Indrek; Lehtla, Tõnu; Klytta, Marius2nd International Conference on Clean Electrical Power Renewable Energy Resources Impact : Capri (Italy) June 9-11, 20092009 / p. 426-432 : ill Analysis of state-of-the-art converter topologies for interfacing of hydrogen buffer with renewable energy systemsAndrijanovitš, Anna; Steiks, Ingars; Zakis, Janis; Vinnikov, DmitriScientific journal of Riga Technical University. Serija 4, Power and electrical engineering2011 / p. 87-94 : ill Comparative review of long-term energy storage technologies for renewable energy systemsAndrijanovitš, Anna; Hõimoja, Hardi; Vinnikov, DmitriElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2012 / p. 21-26 : ill Comparison of interface converter topologies for small- or medium-power wind-hydrogen systemsAndrijanovitš, Anna; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Hõimoja, Hardi; Klytta, Marius6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 122-127 : ill Experimental study of new integrated DC/DC converter for hydrogen-based energy storageVinnikov, Dmitri; Andrijanovitš, Anna; Roasto, Indrek; Jalakas, Tanel2011 10th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 8-11 May 2011, Rome, Italy : conference proceedings2011 / [4 p.] : ill A hydrogen technology as buffer for stabilization of wind power generationAndrijanovitš, Anna; Egorov, Mikhail; Lehtla, Madis; Vinnikov, Dmitri8th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II : [Pärnu, January 11-16, 2010 : proceedings]2010 / p. 62-70 : ill*est Multiport converter with integrated energy storage for hydrogen buffer interfacing with renewable energy systems [Electronic resource]Andrijanovitš, Anna; Blinov, Andrei; Husev, Oleksandr; Vinnikov, Dmitri2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology : proceedings CD2012 / p. 235-240 : ill [CD-ROM] Multiport DC/DC converters for interfacing of hydrogen buffer with wind turbineAndrijanovitš, Anna; Vinnikov, Dmitri9th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering". Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II : Pärnu, Estonia, June 14-19, 20102010 / p. 95-99 : ill Multiport DC/DC converters for renewable energy systems : general topologies and control methodsAndrijanovitš, AnnaRiga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary and The 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute : RTU Alumni, Paper 18 of Subsection of Power Electronic Converters and Applications2012 / 6 p. : ill Multiport DC/DC converters for renewable energy systems : general topologies and control methodsAndrijanovitš, AnnaRiga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary and the 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute/RTU Alumni : 11-12 October 2012, Riga, Latvija : [abstracts]2012 / p. 121 : ill New bidirectional multiport DC/DC converter for interfacting of hydrogen buffer with wind turbinesAndrijanovitš, Anna; Vinnikov, Dmitri10th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering”. Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 10-15, 20112011 / p. 85-90 : ill New converter topologies for integration of hydrogen based long-term energy storages to renewable energy systems = Uued muundurite topoloogiad vesinikul põhinevate energiasalvestite integreerimiseks taastuvenergiasüsteemidesseAndrijanovitš, Anna2013*est New DC/DC converter for electrolyser interfacing with stand-alone renewable energy systemBlinov, Andrei; Andrijanovitš, AnnaRiga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary and The 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute : RTU Alumni, Paper 23 of Subsection of Power Electronic Converters and Applications2012 / 6 p. : ill New DC/DC converter for electrolyser interfacing with stand-alone renewable energy systemBlinov, Andrei; Andrijanovitš, AnnaRiga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary and the 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute/RTU Alumni : 11-12 October 2012, Riga, Latvija : [abstracts]2012 / p. 123 : ill New DC/DC converter for electrolyser interfacing with stand-alone renewable energy systemBlinov, Andrei; Andrijanovitš, AnnaScientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Electrical, control and communication engineering2012 / p. 24-29 : ill New high-gain step-up DC/DC converter for a fuel cell interfacing in hydrogen bufferVinnikov, Dmitri; Husev, Oleksandr; Andrijanovitš, Anna; Roasto, IndrekТехнiчна електродинамiка2011 / p. 93-100 : ill New integrated converter for hydrogen buffer interfacing in distributed energy systems [Electronic resource]Vinnikov, Dmitri; Andrijanovitš, Anna; Roasto, Indrek; Lehtla, TõnuInternational Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’11) : Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 13th to 15th April 20112011 / [6] p. : ill. [CD-ROM] New Method for Stabilization of Wind Power Generation Using Energy Storage TechnologyAndrijanovitš, Anna; Egorov, Mikhail; Lehtla, Tõnu; Vinnikov, DmitriAgronomy research2010 / S1, p. 12-24 : ill Novel multiport DC/DC converter for distributed energy systemsAndrijanovitš, Anna11th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering." Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 16-21, 20122012 / p. 57-60 : ill Performance comparison of boost and quasi-Z-source convertersAndrijanovitš, Anna; Rankis, Ivars; Zakis, JanisТехнiчна електродинамiка : тематичний випуск : силова електрониiка та енергоефективнiсть2012 / p. 30-35 : ill Techno-economic analysis of hydrogen buffers for distributed energy systemsAndrijanovitš, Anna12th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering." Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Kuressaare, Estonia, June 11-16, 20122012 / p. 96-100 : ill Techno-economic analysis of hydrogen buffers for distributed energy systems [Electronic resource]Andrijanovitš, Anna; Beldjajev, ViktorSPEEDAM 2012 : Sorrento (Italy) - June 20-22, 2012 : 21st edition of the International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical drives, Automation and Motion2012 / p. 1401-1406 : ill [CD-ROM] Three-level half-bridge ZVS DC/DC converter for electrolyzer integration with renewable energy systemsAndrijanovitš, Anna; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Roasto, Indrek; Blinov, Andrei2011 10th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 8-11 May 2011, Rome, Italy : conference proceedings2011 / [4 p.] : ill Vee elektrolüüs kui tuuleelektrijaamade ülearuse energia salvestamise viisAndrijanovitš, AnnaElektriala2009 / 5, lk. 27-31 : ill