Growth, toxin content and production of Dinophysis norvegica in cultured strains isolated from Funka Bay (Japan)Nagai, Satoshi; Basti, Leila; Uchida, Hajime; Kuribayashi, Takanori; Natsuike, Masafumi; Sildever, Sirje; Nakayama, Natsuko; Lum, Wai Mun; Matsushima, RyujiToxins2023 / art. 318 Hazard evaluation of metal-based nanoparticles and lanthanides with freshwater microcrustaceans = Metalliliste nanoosakeste ja lantaniidide kahjulikkuse hindamine magevee pisivähkidegaMuna, Marge2019 Mass entrapment and lysis of Mesodinium rubrum cells in mucus threads observed in cultures with DinophysisOjamäe, Karin; Hansen, P. J.; Lips, IngaHarmful Algae2016 / p. 77-84 : ill Monitoring of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella in Osaka Bay, Japan using a massively parallel sequencing (MPS)-based techniqueNagai, Satoshi; Chen, Hungyen; Kawakami, Yoko; Yamamoto, Keigo; Sildever, SirjeHarmful Algae2019 / art. 101660, 13 p. : ill