Active teaching methods in engineering pedagogyRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsInternational Conference "University Teaching as a Scholarship?" January 24th - 26th, 2011, Tartu, Estonia2011 Analysis of the program for continuing education of technical teachers on the basis of graduates' feedback resultsRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsProceedings of 2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) : 03-06 December 2014, Dubai, UAE2014 / p. 7-12 : ill Complex approach to technical teacher education in engineering pedagogy [Electronic resource]Rüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsForming international engineers for the information society : March 27-30, 2011, Santos, Brazil2011 / p. 13-17 : ill [CD-ROM] Contemporary teaching strategies and models capacitating critical thinking and deep understanding in teaching engineering [Electronic resource]Kipper, Hants; Rüütmann, TiiaProceedings of the Joint International IGIP-SEFI Annual Conference 2010. Diversity unifies - Diversity in Engineering Education : 19th to 22th September 2010, Trnava, Slovakia2010 / IDPap 1173 [8] p. [CD-ROM] Continuing education for engineers in the field of teaching engineering at Tallinn University of Technology [Electronic resource]Rüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, Hants9th ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education as part of the World Engineering Education Forum, October 18-21, 2010, Singapore2010 / [13] p. [CD-ROM] Design of the curriculum for continuing education of engineering educators at Tallinn University of TechnologyKipper, Hants; Rüütmann, TiiaProblems of education in the 21st century2010 / p. 87-96 Design of the curriculum on master level for engineering educators at Tallinn University of TechnologyRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsИнженерная педагогика ; Вып. 14, 12012 / p. 142-150 Design, implementation and analysis of learner-centered guided in-service programme for technical teacher educationRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2014 / p. 4-9 Effective teaching strategies for direct and indirect instruction in teaching engineering implemented at Tallinn University of TechnologyRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsProblems of education in the 21st century2011 / p. 60-75 Essential aspects in technical teacher educationRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsThe international handbook of cultures of education policy. Volume 2, Comparative international issues in policy-outcome relationships - economic influences with standards and governance2014 / p. 853-874 Et inseneride taimelava ei kiduks : [Eesti inseneripedagoogika keskusest : Jüri Vanaveski ja Tiia Rüütmanni kommentaaridega]Pajula, Ene; Vanaveski, Jüri; Rüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, Hants; Vare, RaivoÕpetajate Leht2009 / lk. 7 : fot Inseneriharidus : vaja on liikuda kõrgema kvaliteedi ja uuenduslikkuse suunasKipper, HantsÕpetajate Leht2015 / lk. 9 Insenerihariduse aastakonverents TTÜsKipper, HantsMente et Manu2015 / lk. 20-22 : fot*est Inseneripedagoogika roll tehnikaõpetajate koolitamisel Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsKutseõpetajakoolitus 21. sajandil : II kutsepedagoogika konverents : konverentsi teesid2010 / lk. 19-22 Integration of non-technical engineering competences into contemporary engineering curriculaRüütmann, Tiia; Parts, Velli; Teichmann, Mare; Kipper, HantsInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2013 / p. 20-25 Interactive methods in teaching engineeringRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, Hants3rd International Materials Education Symposium, April 7-8, 2011, Cambridge, UK2011 / p. 52 Klagenfurt School of Engineering Pedagogy by Adolf Melezinek as the basis of teaching engineeringRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2016 / p. 10-18 Klagenfurt School of Engineering Pedagogy by Adolf Melezinek as the basis of teaching engineering at Tallinn University of TechnologyRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsProceedings of 2015 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) : 20-24 September 2015, Firenze, Italy2015 / p. 1102-1111 : ill Kümme aastat inseneripedagoogikat EestisKipper, Hants; Rüütmann, TiiaInseneeria2011 / lk. 39-41 : ill*est Life-long learning programme for engineers in engineering pedagogyRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, Hants4th International Materials Education Symposium : Murray Edwards College University of Cambridge, UK : April 12-13, 2012 : information booklet2012 / p. 53-54 Master studies for technical teachers at Tallinn University of Technology = Tehnikaõpetajate magistriõpe Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisKipper, Hants; Rüütmann, TiiaInternational conference on curriculum theory and practice = Rahvusvaheline õppekava teooria ja praktika konverents : Hilda Taba 110 : December 7th-8th, 20122012 / lk. 73-75 Mentorlus toetab õppimist ja õpetamistRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsMente et Manu2014 / lk. 4-5 : fot*est Rethinking effective teaching and learning for the design of efficient curriculum for technical teachersRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2013 / p. 44-51 Rethinking effective teaching and learning for the design of efficient curriculum for technical teachers [Electronic resource]Rüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, Hants2012 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) : Villach, Austria 26–28 September 20122012 / 9 p. [CD-ROM] Standard curriculum of International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP) as the basis of the curriculum design for technical teacher education = Rahvusvahelise Inseneripedagoogika Ühingu (IGIP) baasõppekava kui rahvuslike õppekavade väljatöötamise alus tehnikaõpetusesRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsInternational conference on curriculum theory and practice = Rahvusvaheline õppekava teooria ja praktika konverents : Hilda Taba 110 : December 7th-8th, 20122012 / lk. 75-76 Strategies and techniques of questioning effectuating thinking and deep understanding in teaching engineering at Estonian Centre for Engineering PedagogyKipper, Hants; Rüütmann, TiiaProblems of education in the 21st century2010 / p. 36-45 Teaching for understanding in engineering educationKipper, Hants; Rüütmann, TiiaInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2013 / p. 55-63 Teaching for understanding in engineering education [Electronic resource]Kipper, Hants; Rüütmann, Tiia2012 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) : Villach, Austria 26–28 September 20122012 / [9] p. [CD-ROM] Teaching strategies for direct and indirect instruction in teaching engineeringRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2011 / p. 37-44 Teaching strategies for direct and indirect instruction in teaching engineering [Electronic resource]Rüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, Hants14 th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL'2011), 21-23 September 2011, Pieštany, Slovakia2011 / p. 107-114 [CD-ROM] Tehnikakõrgharidus KuressaarestKipper, HantsOma Saar2007 / 4. juuli, lk. 5 Tehnikakõrgharidus Kuressaarest : [TTÜ Kuressaare Kolledžist]Kipper, HantsMeie Maa2007 / 2. juuli, lk. 1 The design and implementation of learner-centered guided in-service programme for technical teacher educationRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, Hants2013 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) : September 25-27, 2013 at Kazan National Research Technological University, in Kazan, Russia2013 / p. 221-226 Workshop on effective college teaching by Dr Richard Felder and Dr Rebecca Brent at Tallinn University of Technology, October 17-18, 2011Rüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsInternational Society for Engineering Education (IGIP). Report. Official Journal of IGIP2011 / lk. 24-25 : fot