Additional specialty of a technical teacher for engineers afforded in continuing education at Tallinn University of TechnologyRüütmann, TiiaProceedings of 2016 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) : 24-26 February 2016 in Madrid, Spain2016 / p. 43-47 : ill Analysis of the program for continuing education of technical teachers on the basis of graduates' feedback resultsRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsProceedings of 2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) : 03-06 December 2014, Dubai, UAE2014 / p. 7-12 : ill Contemporary teaching methods as the basis of the curriculum for technical teacher training at Tallinn University of TechnologyRüütmann, Tiia; Vanaveski, Jüri38th IGIP Symposium - Q2 of E2 (Quality and Quantity of Engineering Education) : 6-9 September 2009, Graz, Austria : book of abstracts+CD2009 / p. 139-142 Design of the curriculum for continuing education of engineering educators at Tallinn University of TechnologyKipper, Hants; Rüütmann, TiiaProblems of education in the 21st century2010 / p. 87-96 Design of the curriculum on master level for engineering educators at Tallinn University of TechnologyRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsИнженерная педагогика ; Вып. 14, 12012 / p. 142-150 A holistic approach to curriculum design and development in informatics education at the university levelLorenz, Birgy; Kikkas, Kaido; Toom, Hanna; Lepikult, ToomasEDULEARN24: Proceedings2024 / p. 468-477 Philosophy and basic principles of international society for engineering pedagogyRüütmann, TiiaSCHOLA 2016 : proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference SCHOLA 2016, Pedagogy and Didactics in Technical Education2017 / p. 9-20 : ill Reinforcement of engineering pedagogical competencies of engineering faculty members and doctoral studentsRüütmann, TiiaLand Economy and Rural Studies Essentials: Proceedings of the Conference on Land Economy and Rural Studies Essentials (LEASECON 2021), 10-11 May, 2021, Omsk State Agrarian University, Omsk, Russia2022 / p. 722-734 Rethinking effective teaching and learning for the design of efficient curriculum for technical teachersRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2013 / p. 44-51 Rethinking effective teaching and learning for the design of efficient curriculum for technical teachers [Electronic resource]Rüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, Hants2012 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) : Villach, Austria 26–28 September 20122012 / 9 p. [CD-ROM] Searching for the perfect SCM curriculum – comparative study of SCOR and APICS competence models and renowned SCM master’s programsNiine, Tarvo; Koppel, OttJournal of international scientific publications : educational alternatives2011 / p. 33-53 Standard curriculum of International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP) as the basis of the curriculum design for technical teacher education = Rahvusvahelise Inseneripedagoogika Ühingu (IGIP) baasõppekava kui rahvuslike õppekavade väljatöötamise alus tehnikaõpetusesRüütmann, Tiia; Kipper, HantsInternational conference on curriculum theory and practice = Rahvusvaheline õppekava teooria ja praktika konverents : Hilda Taba 110 : December 7th-8th, 20122012 / lk. 75-76 Updated curriculum for engineering pedagogical continuing in-service educationRüütmann, Tiia; Annus, Ivar; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Läänemets, Urve; Umborg, JaakMobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education : proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2021), Volume 22022 / p. 556-567 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS