Calcium and phosphate induce different vascular calcificationHolmar, Jana; Jankowski, Joachim; Bhargava, Shruti; Alampour-Rajabi, SetarehNephrology dialysis transplantation 56th ERA-EDTA Congress Abstracts2019 / p. 468 : ill Development of a method for optical monitoring of creatinine in the spent dialysateTomson, Ruth; Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Holmar, Jana; Lauri, Kai; Luman, Merike; Fridolin, IvoEstonian journal of engineering2011 / 2, p. 140-150 : ill Development of the model for the optical monitoring of urea in spent dialysateTomson, Ruth; Fridolin, Ivo; Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Holmar, Jana; Lauri, Kai; Luman, MerikeBEC 2012 : 2012 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 3-5, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia2012 / p. 179-182 : ill Development, establishment and validation of in vitro and ex vivo assays of vascular calcificationHolmar, Jana; Noels, Heidi; Böhm, Michael; Bhargava, Shruti; Jankowski, Joachim; Orth-Alampour, SetarehBiochemical and biophysical research communications2020 / p. 462-470 The effect of Kt/V on post dialysis urea rebound in hemodialysis and hemodiafiltrationTomson, Ruth; Fridolin, Ivo; Luman, Merike; Holmar, JanaNephrology dialysis transplantation2016 / p. i490 Elimination of uremic toxins during dialysis assessed with the optical and analytical methods = Ureemiliste toksiinide elimineerimise hindamine dialüüsravil optiliste ja analüütiliste meetoditegaLauri, Kai2020 Doktoritöö aitab hinnata jooksvalt neerudialüüsi tõhusust (, 15.09.2020) Estimation of dialysis patients' survival through combined approach of small molecule uremic markersHolmar, Jana; Fridolin, Ivo; Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Fernström, Anders; Luman, MerikeProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 227-233 : ill*est Estimation of removed uremic toxin indoxyl sulphate during hemodialysis by using optical data of the spent dialysateHolmar, Jana; Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Ferenets, Rain; Lauri, Kai; Tanner, Risto; Arund, Jürgen; Luman, Merike; Fridolin, IvoThe 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) proceedings2013 / p. 6707-6710 : ill Fluorescence of Beta-2-microglobulin in the spent dialysateKalle, Sigrid; Kressa, H.; Tanner, Risto; Holmar, Jana; Fridolin, Ivo16th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering : 16. 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MTD 2014 Joint Conferences, October 14-16, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden2015 / p. 59-62 : ill In Vitro and Ex Vivo experiments of vascular calcificationHolmar, Jana; Noels, Heidi; Jankowski, Joachim; Orth-Alampour, SetarehNephrology Dialysis Transplantation2021 / p. 1 Insenerid aitavad Eesti arstidel päästa elusid ja säästa rahaHolmar, Janapostimees.ee2024 Insenerid aitavad Eesti arstidel päästa elusid ja säästa raha K2- step-by-step protocol for performing in vitro and ex vivo experiments of vascular calcificationHolmar, Jana; Noels, Heidi; Jankowski, Joachim; Orth-Alampour, SetarehThe International Journal of Artificial Organs2021 Kaks direktorit ja üks tenuuriprofessorJõeveer, Karin; Tapaninen, Ulla Pirita; Holmar, JanaMente et Manu2021 / lk. 22-23 : portr*est Neerupuudulikkusega inimeste elu võib tänu Eesti teadlastele paranedadigi.geenius.ee2023 Neerupuudulikkusega inimeste elu võib tänu Eesti teadlastele paraneda Nutikad tehnoloogiad aitavad ravijärjekordi lühendadaHolmar, JanaPostimees2023 / Lk. 11 Optical assessment of calcification markers phosphorus and calcium during hemodialysisHolmar, Jana; Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Fernström, Anders; Luman, Merike; Jankowski, Joachim; Fridolin, IvoNephrology Dialysis Transplantation2015 / iii556 Optical dialysis adequacy monitoring: small uremic toxins and contribution to UV-absorbance studied by HPLCLauri, Kai; Arund, Jürgen; Holmar, Jana; Tanner, Risto; Luman, Merike; Fridolin, IvoProgress in hemodialysis - from emergent biotechnology to clinical practice2011 / p. 143-160 : ill Optical Estimation of Beta 2 Microglobulin during Hemodiafiltration - Does It Work?Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Holmar, Jana; Yngman-Uhlin, Pia; Fernström, Anders; Fridolin, IvoBlood Purification2015 / 113-119 Optical measurement of creatinine in spent dialysateTomson, Ruth; Fridolin, Ivo; Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Holmar, Jana; Lauri, Kai; Luman, MerikeClinical nephrology2013 / p. 107-117 : ill Optical method for cardiovascular risk marker uric acid removal assessment during dialysisHolmar, Jana; Fridolin, Ivo; Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Lauri, Kai; Luman, MerikeThe scientific world journal2012 / p. 1-8 : ill Optical method for uric acid removal assessment during dialysis = Optiline meetod kusihappe eemaldamise määramiseks dialüüsiravi käigusHolmar, Jana2013*est Optical real-time cardiorenal toxin uric acid measurement during hemodialysis using a miniaturized optical sensorHolmar, Jana; Arund, Jürgen; Adoberg, Annika; Leis, Liisi; Luman, Merike; Paats, Joosep; Pilt, Kristjan; Tanner, Risto; Fridolin, IvoProceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS20232023 / 4 p. : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS POS-648 medicines intake influences accuracy of the uremic retention molecules’ optical monitoring in spent dialysate : the case of uremic toxin uric acid and paracetamolPaats, Joosep; Adoberg, Annika; Arund, Jürgen; Fridolin, Ivo; Holmar, Jana; Leis, Liisi; Pilt, Kristjan; Tanner, Risto; Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Luman, MerikeKidney International Reports2022 / p. S277-S278 : ill Reduction of urea and indoxyl sulphate concentration during different dialysis treatment modalitiesHolmar, Jana; Luman, Merike; Arund, Jürgen; Lauri, Kai; Tomson, Ruth; Tanner, Risto; Kalle, Sigrid; Fridolin, IvoInternational journal of artificial organs2016 / p. 379 Removal estimation of uremic CVD marker phosphate in dialysis using spectrophoto- and fluorimetrical signalsHolmar, Jana; Arund, Jürgen; Kalle, Sigrid; Lauri, Kai; Luman, Merike; Tanner, Risto; Tomson, Ruth; Fridolin, IvoEMBEC & NBC 2017 : joint conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 20172018 / p. 358-361 : ill Removal of phosphate as the trigger of vascular calcification by different dialysis treatment modalitiesHolmar, Jana; Jankowski, Joachim; Fridolin, Ivo; Alampour-Rajabi, Setareh; Luman, MerikeNephrology dialysis transplantation2018 / p. i224 : ill Removal of Urea, beta 2-Microglobulin, and Indoxyl Sulfate Assessed by Absorbance and Fluorescence in the Spent Dialysate During HemodialysisLauri, Kai; Arund, Jürgen; Holmar, Jana; Tanner, Risto; Kalle, Sigrid; Luman, Merike; Fridolin, IvoAsaio journal2020 / p. 695−705 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Removal of vascular calcification inducer phosphate in different dialysis treatment modalitiesHolmar, Jana; Fridolin, Ivo; Luman, MerikeWorld Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018 : June 3–8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol. 3)2019 / p. 143-147 Conference proceeding at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS A systematic review of available removal techniques of protein bound toxins : a limited pursuitOrth-Alampour, Setareh; Schmitz, Corinna; Jankowski, Joachim; Holmar, Jana; Jankowski, VeraNephrology dialysis transplantation2018 / p. i186 Terviseteadlased: eetikakomiteede rägastikus ekslemist ennetaks ühe ukse poliitikaPevkur, Aive; Lubi, Kadi; Holmar, Jana; Sepp, Kristiina; Ots-Vaik, Ingridnovaator.err.ee2024 Terviseteadlased: eetikakomiteede rägastikus ekslemist ennetaks ühe ukse poliitika The role of calcium and phosphate in medial vascular calcificationHolmar, Jana; Jankowski, Joachim; Alampour-Rajabi, SetarehInternational journal of artificial organs2019 / p. 386−474 Time-averaged concentration estimation of uraemic toxins with different removal kinetics: a novel approach based on intradialytic spent dialysate measurementsPaats, Joosep; Adoberg, Annika; Arund, Jürgen; Dhondt, Annemieke; Fernström, Anders; Glorieux, Griet; Fridolin, Ivo; Holmar, Jana; Luman, Merike; Pilt, KristjanClinical Kidney Journal2023 / p. 735-744 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Total removed beta 2-microglobulin and urea during different dialysis treatment modalitiesHolmar, Jana; Luman, Merike; Lauri, Kai; Fridolin, IvoXIII Baltic Nephrology Conference : October 13-15, 2016, Jurmala, Latvia : final programme2016 / p. 21-22 : ill Treatment with paracetamol can interfere with the intradialytic optical estimation in spent dialysate of uric acid but not of indoxyl sulfateAdoberg, Annika; Paats, Joosep; Arund, Jürgen; Dhondt, Annemieke; Fridolin, Ivo; Glorieux, Griet; Holmar, Jana; Lauri, Kai; Leis, Liisi; Luman, Merike; Pilt, Kristjan; Uhlin, Nils Fredrik Arne; Tanner, RistoToxins2022 / art. 610 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Uremic toxins affecting cardiovascular calcification: a systematic reviewHolmar, Jana; Puente-Secades, Sofia De la; Floege, Jürgen; Noels, Heidi; Jankowski, Joachim; Orth-Alampour, SetarehCells2020 / art. 2428, 22 p