Chronic pain after lower abdominal surgery : do catechol-O-methyl transferase/opioid receptor μ-1 polymorphisms contribute?Kolesnikov, Yuri; Gabovits, Boris; Levin, Ariel; Veske, Andres; Qin, Li; Dai, Feng; Belfer, InnaMolecular pain2013 / p. 1-7 Combined catechol-O-methyltransferase and [micro]-opioid receptor gene polymorphisms affect morphine postoperative analgesia and central side effectsKolesnikov, Yuri; Gabovits, Boris; Levin, Ariel; Voiko, Edward; Veske, AndresAnesthesia and analgesia2011 / p. 448-453 : ill Ассоциация генетического полиморфизма гуанозинтрифосфат циклогидролазы и катехол-O-метилтрансферазы с частотой появления хронической боли после операцийGаbovich, Boris; Veske, Andres; Dаi, Feng; Kolesnikov, YuriВестник анестезиологии и реаниматологии2019 / c. 5−11