Acoustic analysis of small engine catalytic converters : SAE 2010-32-0022Lavrentjev, Jüri; Rämmal, HansSAE technical papers2010 / [12] p Acoustic source data for fansLavrentjev, Jüri; Abom, Mats; Boden, HansAcustica1996 Acoustic studies of micro-perforates for small engine silencersKabral, Raimo; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriSAE technical papers2012 Acoustic studies on small engine silencer elementsKabral, Raimo; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Auriemma, FabioSAE technical papers2011 / [8] p. : ill Acoustic study of multi-layered microperforated elements for fibreless noise control applicationsVillau, Margus; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriIOP conference series : materials science and engineering2021 / art. 012015, 7 p. : ill Acoustic study of novel eco-friendly material for vehicle NVH applicationsRämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriMaterials today: proceedings2020 / p. 2331-2337 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Acoustic study on motorcycle helmets with application of novel porous materialLavrentjev, Jüri; Rämmal, HansSAE Technical Paper Series : The 25th Small Engine Technology Conference (SETC2019) : Small Powertrains–Innovating for Their Future Role, International Conference Center Hiroshima, November 19-21, 2019 : Final program2020 / Paper 2019-32-0531, p. 1-7 : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Acoustic study on tubular micro-perforated flow plug sections for vehicle silencer’s applicationVillau, Margus; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriSAE Technical Paper2022 / p. 1-7 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Aero-acoustic studies and innovative noise control with application to modern automotive gas exchange system = Kaasaegse automootori gaasivahetussüsteemide aeroakustilised uuringud ja müra vähendamise innovaatilised meetodidKabral, Raimo2015*est Application of novel micro-grooved elements to small engine silencerAuriemma, Fabio; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriSAE Technical Papers2013 / [10] p.: ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Autode väljalaskesummutidLavrentjev, JüriTehnika ja Tootmine1991 / 9/10, lk. 55-57: ill Autode õhutakistusLavrentjev, JüriLiiklusleht : Tallinna Ühiskondliku Autoinspektsiooni Nõukogu eriväljaanne koostöös Tallinna Liikluspolitsei ja ühistuga "Purila"1988 / lk. 4*est Autolabor uuenes silmnähtavalt : [autotehnika õppetooli autolabor kolis ümberehitatud ja renoveeritud ruumidesse Kopli 116]Lavrentjev, JüriMente et Manu2001 / 3. mai, lk. : fot*est Autonduse käsiraamat2014*est Characterisation of fluid machines as acoutic two-port sourcesAbom, Mats; Boden, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriProceedings INTER-NOISE '93, Belgium1993 / p. 1235-1238 A complete acoustic analysis on the passive effect of small engine silencer elementsKabral, Raimo; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Auriemma, FabioProceedings of International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV18) : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10 to 14 July 20112011 Concept study of sustainable noise control solution for HVAC systems based on microperforated elementsVillau, Margus; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2021 / p. 461-469 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Damping of acoustic waves in straight ducts and turbulent flow conditionsTiikoja, Heiki; Auriemma, Fabio; Lavrentjev, JüriSAE Technical Paper Series : 9th International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress : The European Automotive Noise Conference2016 / Paper 2016-01-1816, p. 1-9 : ill Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at scopus Dedicated testrig for acoustic characterization of automotive silencersLavrentjev, Jüri; Rämmal, HansProceedings of the ICSV 16 : The 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration : Krakow, Poland, 5-9 July, 20092009 / [6] p Design and performance of acoustic metamaterial structure for inlet duct noise attenuationLavrentjev, Jüri; Rämmal, HansSAE Technical Papers2017 / 2017-32-0066, [6] p. : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Design and performance of acoustic metamaterial structure for inlet duct noise attenuation [Online resource]Lavrentjev, Jüri; Rämmal, HansSETC 2017 : 23rd Small Engine Technology Conference “Small Engine Technology - Generating a Promising Future”, November 15-17, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia : Final program : SAE Technical Paper2017 / 2017-32-006, p. 37 Determination of acoustic properties for open duct termination in hot jet conditions using FEM simulationRämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriProceedings of the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 14) : Cairns (Australia), 9-12 July, 20072007 / ? p Determination of one-port source data for fans via scaling laws and lumped modelsLavrentjev, Jüri1998 Determination of source impedance of fluid machines by lumped element model [Electronic resource]Lavrentjev, JüriProceedings of 17-th International Congress of Acoustics (ICA 2001) : September 2-7, 2001, Rome, Italy2001 / [3] p. [CD-ROM] Detsibellide vastuLavrentjev, JüriLiiklusleht : Tallinna Ühiskondliku Autoinspektsiooni Nõukogu eriväljaanne koostöös Tallinna Liikluspolitsei ja ühistuga "Purila"1988 / lk. 6*est Eesti elektriprojekt ja liigne optimismLavrentjev, JüriEesti Päevaleht2011 / lk. 3 Endurance of micro-perforated elements in unmanned ground vechicle’s small diesel engine silencer applicationRämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriSAE Technical Paper Series : The 25th Small Engine Technology Conference (SETC2019) : Small Powertrains–Innovating for Their Future Role, International Conference Center Hiroshima, November 19-21, 2019 : Final program2020 / Paper 2019-32-0533, p. 1-8 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Experimental acoustic characterization of automotive inlet and exhaust system = Autode sisse- ja väljalaskesüsteemi akustilised katsetusuuringudTiikoja, Heiki2014*est Experimental acoustic characterization of IC-engine simulated hot exhaust systemRämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriProceedings of INTER-NOISE2004 / ? p Experimental concept study of a small engine silencer unit based on microperforated elementsVillau, Margus; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2024 / p. 159-167 : ill., fot*est Experimental determination of acoustic reflection coefficient of duct openings in simulated hot conditions [Electronic resource]Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriProceedings of 33-th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering : INTERNOISE2005 : 07-10 August 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil2005 / ? p. [CD-ROM] Experimental investigations of sound reflection from hot and subsonic flow duct terminationTiikoja, Heiki; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Rämmal, Hans; Abom, MatsJournal of sound and vibration2014 / p. 788-800 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Experimental methods for determining the source characteristics of fans modelled as acoustic one-port sourcesBoden, Hans; Abom, Mats; Lavrentjev, JüriProceedings of FAN NOISE Symposium 92, CETIM, France1992 / p. 351-358 Experimental methods for sound propagation studies in automotive duct systemsRämmal, Hans2007*est Experimental study of noise barrier boards with increased acoustic performance by utilizing Helmholtz resonator effectsLavrentjev, Jüri; Rämmal, HansMaterials today: proceedings2020 / p. 2566-2571 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Extended investigations on micro-grooved elements - a novel solution for noise controlAuriemma, Fabio; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriSAE international journal of materials and manufacturing2014 / p. 184-194 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus FISITA aastakongressil HelsingisLavrentjev, JüriTransport ja Teed2002 / 7/8, lk. 25-27*est Green eco-friendly acoustic materialsLavrentjev, JüriIOP conference series : materials science and engineering2021 / art. 012009, 6 p.: ill Improvement of safety and health of the population of Tallinn with the aim of prolonging lifeTint, Piia; Munter, Rein; Siirde, Andres; Möller, Kalju; Konts, Peep; Siirak, Virve; Lavrentjev, JüriAvoiding Aging Catastrophe : proceedings of the international symposium : 28-29 January 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 65-70 Innovative fibreless HVAC duct silencer based on microperforated elementsVillau, Margus; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriMaterials today: proceedings2021 / 7 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Investigation of wave propagation and reflection in ducts with arbitrary environment using threemicrophone methodLavrentjev, Jüri; Tiikoja, HeikiINTER-NOISE 2008 : 37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering : Shangai, 26-29. October 2008 : proceedings. Vol 32009 / p. 1623-1629 Jüri Lavrentjev: uuringud ei kinnita tuulikute mõju tervisele [Võrguväljaanne]Lavrentjev, Jürionline.le.ee2021 "Jüri Lavrentjev: uuringud ei kinnita tuulikute mõju tervisele" Kutsestandard : liikuvusinsener, tase 6 [Võrguväljaanne]2018 Kutsestandard : liikuvusinsener, tase 7 [Võrguväljaanne]2018 Leiutajad ootavad riigi toetust oma ideede elluviimiseks : [mainitud ka TTÜ osa leiutiste kasulikkuse analüüsis, TTÜ prof. Jüri Lavrentjevi kommentaariga]Günter, Aleksei; Popp, Marika; Lavrentjev, JüriPostimees2005 / 2. juuni, lk. 8-9 : ill A linearity test for acoustic one-port souresLavrentjev, Jüri; Boden, Hans; Abom, MatsJournal of sound and vibration1992 / 3, p. 534-539 Loodusseadused kehtivad ka vee all : [TTÜ autotehnika professori Jüri Lavrentjevi sukeldumishuvist]Lavrentjev, JüriMente et Manu2016 / lk. 16-17 : fot*est Masinaehitustehnoloogia kateeder ja masinaehituse instituut 1918-20152015*est Micro-grooved elements - a novel solution for noise controlAuriemma, Fabio; Rämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriSAE international journal of material and manufacturing2013 / p. 599-610 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Modelling of fluid machines as sources of sound in duck and pipe systemsLavrentjev, Jüri; Abom, Mats; Boden, HansINTER-NOICE 96, Southampton, 19961996 Multi-port models for source characterization of fluid machines : Doctoral thesis 1998Lavrentjev, Jüri1998*est Noise from turbo-charged diesel engine exhaust systemsLavrentjev, JüriProceedings of 12. International Congress on Sound and Vibration : 11-14 July 2005, Lisbon, Portugal2005 / ? p A novel design for cruiser type motorcycle silencer based on micro-perforated elementsKabral, Raimo; Rämmal, Hans; Auriemma, Fabio; Luppin, Janek; Kõiv, Risto; Tiikoja, Heiki; Lavrentjev, JüriSAE technical papers2012 On Acoustic Properties of Duct Termination Exhausting Hot Flow by Utilizing FEMSimulationRämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriEvolutions in mechanical engineering2021 / art. EME.000565 On experimental techniques to determine acoustic performance of small exhaust silencers : SAE tech. paper no. 2009-32-0015Lavrentjev, Jüri; Rämmal, HansSAE Technical Papers2009 / [6] p On the acoustic reflection at pipe openingRämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Tiikoja, HeikiProceedings of the 17th International Congress on Sound & Vibration (ICSV17) : Cairo, 18-22 July 20102010 / [8] p On the modelling of fluid machines as acoustic N-port sourcesLavrentjev, JüriProceedings of International Conference INTER-NOISE 94, Japan, Yokohama, August 19941994 / p. 379-382;jsessionid=cpl3u5bbp88g.x-ic-live-02 Prediction of 1-port source data for centrifugal fansLavrentjev, JüriProceedings of International Conference INTER-Noise 98, Christchurch, New Zealand, 19981998 / p. 310-313 Professor Lavrentjev kurikuulsa infraheli ohtlikkuse uurimisest: teeme ära!postimees.ee2025 Professor: soolapuhujad omistavad infrahelile müstilisi omadusiPiir, Raitnovaator.err.ee2025 Professor: soolapuhujad omistavad infrahelile müstilisi omadusi Raudteeülesõidukohtade ohtlikkus ja selle hindamineLavrentjev, JüriTeeleht2005 / 1, lk. 3-6 : ill Reliability study of micro-perforated elements in small engine silencer applicationRämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriSETC 2017 : 23rd Small Engine Technology Conference “Small Engine Technology - Generating a Promising Future”, November 15-17, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia : Final program : SAE Technical Paper2017 / 2017-32-0075, p. 37 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Richard Levet 10.01.1921-25.11.2011 : in memoriamLavrentjev, JüriMente et Manu2011 / lk. 4*est Risk management of major accident hazards in EstoniaTint, Piia; Munter, Rein; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Siirde, Andres; Möller, Kalju; Siirak, VirveSafety and Reliability : International Conference to Safer Life and Environment : KONBiN 2003 : Gdynia, May 27-30, 2003. Volume 1, Hazard, Risk and Safety Analysis and Prediction Accident and Pollution Investigations2003 / p. 151-158 Sound reflection at an open end of a circular duct exhausting hot gasRämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriNoise control engineering journal2008 / 2, p. 107-114;jsessionid=1nroaerjhk1bh.x-ic-live-01 Sound reflection from subsonic flow duct termination exhausting hot jetRämmal, Hans; Lavrentjev, JüriINTER-NOISE 2008 : 37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering : Shangai, 26-29. October 2008 : proceedings. Vol 32009 / p. 1703-1711 Source characterization of fans using acoustic 2-port modelsBoden, Hans; Abom, Mats; Lavrentjev, JüriProceedings FAN NOISE, Sept., 1992, Senlis, France1992 / p. 359-364 Tallinn koostab plaani liiklusmüra vähendamisekserr.ee2024 Tallinn working on plan to reduce traffic noiseLeppik, Tallinn working on plan to reduce traffic noise The effect of various fuels on engine powerVallbaum, Erko; Muoni, Rein; Lavrentjev, JüriTarptautinis verslas : inovacijos, psichologija, ekonomika = International business : innovations, psychology, economics2016 / p. 40-54 : ill The passive acoustic effect of automotive catalytic convertersLavrentjev, Jüri; Rämmal, Hans; Tiikoja, HeikiSAE technical papers2011 / [8] p.: ill TTÜ masinaehituse instituut : tööstuse konkurentsivõime tõstmineOtto, Tauno; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Majak, JüriTTÜ mehaanikateaduskond. Eesti Masinatööstuse Liit2011 / lk. 33-42 : ill., fot*est Tühikäigul mootor autot ei säästaSarv, Tiinasakala.postimees.ee2024 Tühikäigul mootor autot ei säästa Uuenduslik tootmine : käsiraamatRiives, Jüri; Lumiste, Rünno; Reedik, Vello; Roosimölder, Lembit; Karjust, Kristo; Kers, Jaan; Kiolein, Indrek; Kokla, Margo; Küttner, Rein; Lavin, Jaak; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Lõun, Kaia; Mõtus, Leo; Naams, Invar; Otto, Tauno; Pohlak, Meelis; Raba, Karl; Saks, Alo; Talkop, Adolf; Tähemaa, Toivo; Veinthal, Renno2011*est Uurimistöödest kahetaktiliste mootorite alalSillat, Rein; Lavrentjev, JüriTehnika ja Tootmine1986 / lk. 36-39*est VAZ-2109 oleks Šveitsis veoautode klassisLavrentjev, JüriÄripäev1994 / 9. märts Õppimisvõimalusest Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis : [transporditehnika õppesuund]Lavrentjev, JüriTransport ja Teed1999 / 5, lk. 25 Автомобильные дороги и транспортRoste, Irina; Aavik, Andrus; Segerkrantz, Vladimir; Pertens, Sven; Roste, Irina; Sillat, Arno; Lavrentjev, Jüri1989*est Исследование влияния некоторых геометрических параметров двухтактного карбораторного двигателя на экономические и экологические характеристики егоTsopp, P.; Valdaru, T.; Sillat, Rein; Lavrentjev, JüriXXX студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР, 8-10 апреля 1986 года : тезисы докладов. Том II, Автоматика. Энергетика. Механика. Химия1986 / с. 147*est Об одной модели неупругого деформированияKenk, Kalju; Lavrentjev, JüriXXV студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР, 21-23 апреля 1981 года : тезисы докладов. Том 1, Общественные науки. Физико-математические науки. Строительство. Экономика1981 / с. 74-75*est Расчет акустических характеристик систем газообмена двухтактных двигателейLavrentjev, JüriПовышение мощностных, экономических и экологических характеристик двухтактовых карбюраторных двигателей : материалы Таллиннского всесоюзного научно-технического семинара, 1-3 декабря 1987 года1988 / с. 29-30*est Расчет рабочего процесса двухтактных карбюраторных двигателейSillat, Rein; Lavrentjev, JüriПовышение мощностных, экономических и экологических характеристик двухтактовых карбюраторных двигателей : материалы Таллиннского всесоюзного научно-технического семинара, 1-3 декабря 1987 года1988 / с. 10*est Таллинн разрабатывает план по снижению транспортного шумаLeppik, A.rus.err.ee2024 Таллинн разрабатывает план по снижению транспортного шума Упрощенный метод расчетного определения характеристик глушителя выпуска двухтактного двигателяLavrentjev, JüriАвтомобильные дороги и транспорт. 181989 / с. 49-57