Comparison of Bayesian and particle swarm algorithms for hyperparameter optimisation in machine learning applications in high energy physicsTani, Laurits; Veelken, ChristianComputer physics communications2024 / p. 108955 Comparison of Bayesian and particle swarm algorithms for hyperparameter optimisation in machine learning applications in high energy physics : [preprint]Tani, Laurits; Veelken, ChristianarXiv.org2024 / 8 p. : ill Evolutionary algorithms for hyperparameter optimization in machine learning for application in high energy physicsTani, Laurits; Rand, Diana; Veelken, Christian; Kadastik, MarioThe European Physical Journal C2021 / art. 170, 9 p. : ill Evolutionary algorithms for hyperparameter optimization in machine learning for application in high energy physics : [preprint]Tani, Laurits; Rand, Diana; Veelken, Christian; Kadastik, MarioarXiv.org2021 / 11 p. : ill Measurement of Higgs boson properties in leptonic final states using ML-methods = Higgsi bosoni omaduste mõõtmine leptoneid sisaldavates kanalites kasutades masinõppe meetodeidTani, Laurits2024*est “Panin kitarri kõrvale ja õppisin terve talvevaheaja!” Noor muusik Laurits Tani meenutab teekonda tippteadusesseTani, Lauritsdigi.geenius.ee2024 “Panin kitarri kõrvale ja õppisin terve talvevaheaja!” Noor muusik Laurits Tani meenutab teekonda tippteadusesse Search for Higgs boson pairs decaying to WW*WW*, WW*ττ, and ττττ in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeVTumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Andrejkovic, J. W.; Ehatäht, Karl; Tani, LauritsJournal of high energy physics2023 / art. 95, 65 p. : ill Search for Higgs boson pairs decaying to WW*WW*, WW*ττ, and ττττ in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV : [preprint]Ehatäht, Karl; Kadastik, Mario; Raidal, Martti; Tani, Laurits; Veelken, ChristianarXiv.org2023 / 62 p. : ill Tau lepton identification and reconstruction : a new frontier for jet-tagging ML algorithmsLange, Thomas; Nandan, Saswati; Pata, Joosep; Tani, Laurits; Veelken, ChristianComputer physics communications2024 / art. 109095 Tau lepton identification and reconstruction : a new frontier for jet-tagging ML algorithms : [preprint]Lange, Thomas; Nandan, Saswati; Pata, Joosep; Tani, Laurits; Veelken, ChristianarXiv.org2023 / 22 p. : ill