The cystatin C/creatinine ratio, a marker of glomerular filtration quality: Associated factors, reference intervals, and prediction of morbidity and mortality in healthy seniorsPurde, Mette; Nock, Stefan; Risch, Lorenz; Medina Escobar, Pedro; Grebhardt, Chris; Nydegger, Urs E.; Stanga, Zeno; Risch, MartinTranslational Research2016 / p. 80 - 90.e2 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The task force for the management ofarterial hypertension of the european society ofhypertension (esh) and of the european society of cardiology (esc)Mancia, Giuseppe; Fagard, Robert; Narkiewicz, Krzysztof; Redon, Josep; Zanchetti, Alberto; Bohm, Michael; Christiaens, Thierry; Cifkova, Renata; Viigimaa, MargusJournal of Hypertension2013 / p. 1281 - 1357 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS