Actual and perceived uncertainty as drivers of household savingLevenko, Natalia2018*est Austerity and budget execution : control versus flexibilityRaudla, Ringa; Douglas, James W.Journal of public budgeting accounting & financial management2022 / p. 292-309 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Austerity in the Baltic states during the global financial crisisStaehr, KarstenIntereconomics2013 / p. 293-302 The Baltic Republics and the crisis of 2008-2011Kattel, Rainer; Raudla, RingaEurope-Asia studies2013 / p. 426-449 : ill Banks' CSR disclosures – headquarters versus subsidiariesLaidroo, Laivi; Ööbik, UrmasBaltic journal of management2014 / p. 47-70 : ill*est Budgeting and financial management reforms in Estonia during the crisis of 2008-10 and beyondRaudla, Ringa; Randma-Liiv, Tiina; Savi, RiinPublic management in times of austerity2018 / p. 222-238*est Building effective regulation requires a theory of financial instabilityKregel, Jan Allan; Papadimitriou, Dimitri B.One-Pager / Levy Economics Institute of Bard College2012 / p. 1 Can Europe prosper without the common currency? A historical perspectiveNotermans, Antonius Johannes HubertusJournal of reviews on global economics2017 / p. 129-142 : tab Can policy improve liquidity during a financial crisis?Karilaid, Ivo; Talpsepp, TõnnBaltic journal of economics2010 / 2, p. 5-26 : ill Central decisions, decentralized solutions : comparing the implications of central cutback policy for the agency level in Estonia and LatviaSavi, Riin; Cepilovs, AleksandrsJournal of comparative policy analysis : research and practice2017 / p. 139-154 : tab Cost accounting and managerial accounting : applicable methods for financial scrutiny in university libraries?Kont, Kate-Riin; Jantson, SigneTallinna Tehnikaülikooli raamatukogu töötajate uurimusi ja artikleid 2009-2014 = Studies and articles by the staff of the Tallinn University of Technology library2014 / p. 101-115 Cost accounting and managerial accounting for reducing the impacts of financial crisis in university libraries - a necessity and a possibility?Kont, Kate-Riin; Jantson, SigneThe 3rd Global Accounting & Organisational Change Conference : "The Role of Accounting in Promoting Good Governance and Sustainable Management" : 14th-17th July 2012, Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Malaysia : [abstract book]2012 / p. 53-54 Covered interest parity and the global financial crisis in four Central European countriesFilipozzi, Fabio; Staehr, KarstenEastern European economics2013 / p. 21-35 : ill Crisis management : the 1990s experience of the Nordic countriesMontanaro, ElisabettaFinancial regulation in the European Union2016 / p. 273-285 : tab*est Crisis management for public sector during the European financial crisis: lessons of Estonia in 2008-2011Markus, Raul; Veebel, ViljarJournal of Eastern Europe research in business and economics2018 / 563930 ; 9 p A critique of the global financial crisis : from the perspective of buddhist ethics and psychologyMiller, LeonABAC journal Asumption University2009 / p. 49-63 Cutback management in Estonia during the crisis of 2008-10 and beyondSavi, Riin; Randma-Liiv, Tiina; Raudla, RingaPublic management in times of austerity2018 / p. 129-145*est Cutback management literature in the 1970s and 1980s : taking stockRaudla, Ringa; Savi, Riin; Randma-Liiv, TiinaInternational review of administrative sciences2015 / p. 433-456 : tab Cyclicality, corporate investments and financial soundness : evidence from Central and Eastern European countries = Majanduse tsüklilisus, ettevõtete investeeringud ning finantsvõimekus : uurimistulemusi Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa andmetelMaripuu, Peeter2017*est Decision-making in time of crisis : cutback management in EstoniaSavi, Riin; Randma-Liiv, TiinaInternational review of administrative sciences2015 / p. 479-497 Dollarikriis sõjajärgsetel aastatelMerilai, J.; Härm, TõnisXXXII üliõpilaste teaduslik-tehnilise konverentsi ettekannete teesid : pühendatud V. 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M.; Randma-Liiv, Tiina2015*est Eurotsooni majandus- ja finantskriisi lahendusmeetmed ja valikud mõjugruppide seisukohastVeebel, Viljar; Teder, Allan; Kulu, Liina; Viikmaa, Karmen; Hurt, UlrikaTheory and practice of economic policy in the European Union = Wirtschaftspolitische Theorie und Praxis in der Europäischen Union = Majanduspoliitika teooria ja praktika Euroopa Liidus : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]. 12013 / lk. 77-83 Financial and economic crisis in Eastern EuropeKattel, RainerJournal of post Keynesian economics2010 / 1, p. 41-60 : ill Financial bubbles, crises and the role of government in unleashing golden agesPerez, CarlotaInnovation and finance2014 / p. 11-25 : ill Financial crisis and countermovements : comparing the times and attidudes of Marriner Eccles (1930s) and Mario Draghi (2010s)Reinert, Erik S.Contributions to economic theory, policy, development and finance : essays in honor of Jan A. Kregel2014 / p. 319-344 : ill Financial experimentation, technological paradigm revolutions and financial crisesKregel, Jan AllanTechno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez2009 / p. 203-237 Financial stability and growth : perspectives on financial regulation and new developmentalism2014 Finantsmaailm mängib turgudel nagu varemgi : [20. mail esilinastus kinos Sõprus viimase üleilmse finants- ja majanduskriisi põhjusi lahkav dokumentaalfilm "Kui mullid lõhkevad", millele järgnes Rainer Katteli juhitud diskussioon : teiste seas osales ka Erik Reinert TTÜst]Sepp, Andreas; Kattel, Rainer; Reinert, Erik S.Sirp2013 / lk. 3-5 : fot Finantsoligarhia juubeliorgiadKoslov, VladimirInvestor & Ettevõtja2009 / Sügis, lk. 10-11*est Fiscal consolidation in Europe : effects of administrationKickert, Walter J. M.; Randma-Liiv, TiinaAPSA newsletter2013 / p. 15-16 Fiscal crisis and expenditure cuts : the influence of public management practices on cutback strategies in EuropeRaudla, Ringa; Douglas, James W.; Savi, Riin; Randma-Liiv, TiinaAmerican review of public administration2017 / p. 376-394 : tab The fiscal crisis and the future of public administration in the NISPAcee regionRaudla, RingaThe past, present and the future of public administration in Central and Eastern Europe2013 / p. 322-327 Fiscal retrenchment in Estonia during the financial crisis : the role of institutional factorsRaudla, RingaPublic administration2013 / p. 32-50*est Fiscal shocks and budget balance persistence in the EU countries from Central and Eastern EuropeCuestas, Juan Carlos; Staehr, Karsten2011*est Global financial crisis, public administration and governance : do new problems require new solutions?Peters, B. Guy; Pierre, Jon; Randma-Liiv, TiinaPublic organization review2011 / p. 13-27 Historical errors in the initial conception of the euro and its subsequent developmentRamiro Troitino, David; Faerber, KarolineRevista de Economia Politica2019 / p. 328 - 343 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus The impact of fiscal crises on public administration : cutback management and changes in decision-making = [Fiskaalkriisi mõju avalikule haldusele : kärbete juhtimine ja muutused otsustusprotsessides]Savi, Riin2015*est The impact of greater centralization on the relevance of performance information in European governments during the fiscal crisisDouglas, James W.; Raudla, Ringa; Randma-Liiv, Tiina; Savi, RiinAdministration & society2019 / p. 1020-1050 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Imperialismi valuutasüsteemi kriisKaldjärv, K.; Jaadla, HelveXXXII üliõpilaste teaduslik-tehnilise konverentsi ettekannete teesid : pühendatud V. I. Lenini 110. sünniaastapäevale : 16.-18. aprill 19801981 / lk. 42*est Implications of the liquidity crisis in the Baltic-Nordic regionKarilaid, Ivo; Talpsepp, Tõnn; Vaarmets, TarvoBaltic journal of economics2014 / p. 35-54 : ill Insolvent local government : German approaches to preventionDuve, Thomas; Drechsler, WolfgangUprava – Administration2011 / p. 7-36 Inter-municipal cooperation and austerity policies : obstacles or opportunities?Raudla, Ringa; Tavares, AntonioInter-Municipal cooperation in Europe : institutions and governance2018 / p. 17-41 Interpretable machine learning for SME financial distress predictionMedianovskyi, Kyrylo; Malakauskas, Aidas; Lakstutiene, Ausrine; Ben Yahia, Sadok12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies "ICISAT 2022" : Intelligent Information, Data Science and Decision Support System2023 / p. 454 - 464 Article collection metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus IntroductionKregel, Jan Allan; Tonveronachi, Mario; Kattel, RainerFinancial regulation in the European Union2016 / p. 1-10*est IntroductionBresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos; Kregel, Jan Allan; Burlamaqui, LeonardoFinancial stability and growth : perspectives on financial regulation and new developmentalism2014 / p. 1-12 Introduction to the special issue : the impact of the fiscal crisis on public administrationRandma-Liiv, Tiina; Savi, RiinAdministrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri. Vol. 15, no. 12014 / p. 4-9*est Investment dynamics in central and eastern Europe: a nonlinear approachMourelle, Estefanía; Cuestas, Juan CarlosPost-communist economies2023 / p. 496-512 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Investments, credit, and corporate financial distress: evidence from Central and Eastern EuropeMännasoo, Kadri; Maripuu, Peeter; Hazak, AaroEmerging markets finance and trade2018 / p. 677-689 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Is reregulation of the financial system an oxymoron?Kregel, Jan Allan2010 Is this the Minsky moment for reform of financial regulation?Kregel, Jan Allan2010 Is this the Minsky Moment for reform of financial regulation?Kregel, Jan AllanThe World economy in crisis – the return of Keynesianism?2010 / p. 223-244 It's that vision thing : why the bailouts aren't working and why a new financial system is neededKregel, Jan AllanPublic policy brief highlights2009 / [2] p Kapitalistlik valuutasüsteem ja selle kriis : abiks lektorileMade, Tiit1980*est Karsten Staehr: finantskriisi vari kummitab maailma tänase päevani [Võrguväljaanne]Staehr, Karstennovaator.err.ee2022 Karsten Staehr: finantskriisi vari kummitab maailma tänase päevani Kas Euroopa integratsiooni areng ja föderaliseerumine on samaaegselt võimalikud?Hurt, Ulrika; Veebel, ViljarRiigikogu Toimetised2013 / lk. 44-51 : ill Katmata intressipariteet Ida- ja Kesk-Euroopas : konvergents ja globaalne finantskriisFilipozzi, Fabio; Staehr, KarstenEesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : arengud Euroopa Liidu riikides. 1 : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]2012 / lk. 32-35*est Kriis alles algab : [20. mail esitles TTÜ Ragnar Nurkse innovatsiooni ja valitsemise instituudi külalisprofessor Erik Reinert oma raamatu "Globaalne majandus: kuidas rikkad rikkaks said ja miks vaesed üha vaesemks jäävad" eestikeelset tõlget : intervjuu]Reinert, Erik S.; Kattel, RainerSirp2013 / lk. 4-5 : fot*est Latin American financial crisis and recoveryKregel, Jan AllanAfter crisis : adjustment, recovery and fragility in East Asia2009 / p. 254 Likviidsusprobleemid ning nende majanduspoliitiline käsitlus viimase finantskriisi ajal Balti ja Skandinaavia regioonis : ex ante empiiriline uurimusKarilaid, Ivo; Talpsepp, TõnnEesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]. 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Vol. 15, no. 12014 / p. 100-119*est Public sector financial and personnel management during cutbacks : looking back at the literature of the 1970s and 1980sRaudla, Ringa; Randma-Liiv, Tiina; Savi, RiinAdministrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri. Vol. 16, no. 22015 / p. 117-140*est R&D in boom and bust : evidence from the World Bank financial crisis surveyMännasoo, Kadri; Meriküll, Jaanika2011*est Rahvusvaheline majandusTanning, Lembo; Tanning, Toivo2009*est Regulating the financial system in a Minskian perspectiveKregel, Jan AllanFinancial stability and growth : perspectives on financial regulation and new developmentalism2014 / p. 127-142 Searching for exits from the Great Recession : coordination of fiscal consolidation and growth enhancing innovation policies in Central and Eastern EuropeKaro, Erkki; Kattel, Rainer; Raudla, RingaEurope-Asia studies2017 / p. 1009-1026 : ill Seis lições extraídas da crise EuropeiaKregel, Jan AllanSistema financeiro e política econômica em uma era de instabilidade : tendências, mundiais e perspectivas para a economia Brasileira2012 Six lessons from the euro crisisKregel, Jan AllanPolicy note / Levy Economics Institute of Bard College2012 / p. 1-4 Spillovers of the US real and financial uncertainty on the Euro areaBakkar, Yassine; Nilavongse, Rachatar; Saha, Anup KumarApplied economics letters2021 / p. 1249-1258 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Technological revolutions and the role of government in unleashing golden agesPerez, CarlotaKondratieff waves : dimensions and prospects at the dawn of the 21st centry2012 / p. 211-218 : ill The current economic crisis of the EU : genesis, analysis and solutionsRamiro Troitino, DavidBaltic journal of European studies2013 / p. 6-28 : ill*est The double bubble at the turn of the centry : technological roots and structural implicationsPerez, CarlotaCambridge journal of economics2009 / 4, p. 779-805 The European debt crisis and fiscal reactions in Europe 2000-2014Baldi, Guido; Staehr, KarstenInternational economics and economic policy2016 / p. 297-317 : ill The European structural and investment funds and public investment in the EU countriesStaehr, Karsten; Urke, KatriEmpirica2022 / p. 1031-1062 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The EU's convergence dilemmaNotermans, Antonius Johannes HubertusBaltic journal of European studies2015 / p. 36-55*est The financial crisis and the future of innovation : a view of technical change with the aid of history [Electronic resource]Perez, Carlota2010 The financial crisis in Central and Eastern Europe : the measures and determinants of the exchange market pressure index and the money market pressure indexFilipozzi, Fabio; Harkmann, KerstiResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2010 / 2, p. 5-36 : ill The foreign commercial banks in the Baltic States : aspect of the financial crisis internationalizationAarma, August; Dubauskas, GediminasEuropean journal of business abd economics2011 / p. 1-7 The global crisis and the implications for developing countries and the BRICs : is the B really justified?Kregel, Jan AllanPublic policy brief2009 / [16] p The global financial crisis and public finances in the new EU countries from Central and Eastern EuropeStaehr, Karsten2010*est The global financial crisis and public finances in the new EU countries in Central and Eastern Europe : developments and challengesStaehr, KarstenPublic finance and management2010 / 4, p. 671-712 The Great Leveraging in the European crisis countries : domestic credit and net foreign liabilitiesCuestas, Juan Carlos; Staehr, KarstenJournal of economic studies2017 / p. 895-910 : ill The great leveraging in the GIIPS countries : domestic credit and net foreign liabilities [Online resource]Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Staehr, Karsten2015 The impact of fiscal crisis on public administration reforms in EuropeRandma-Liiv, Tiina; Kickert, Walter J. 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M.; Randma-Liiv, TiinaPublic management review2017 / p. 175-193 : ill The real sector developments in Estonia : financialisation effects behind the transition processJuuse, EgertFinancialisation and the financial and economic crises : country studies2016 / p. 137-162*est Total factor productivity growth in Central and Eastern Europe before, during and after the global financial crisisLevenko, Natalia; Oja, Kaspar; Staehr, KarstenPost-Communist Economies2019 / p. 137-160 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Towards neoliberal imperialism? Discussing the implications of the new European governance emerging from the fiscal crisis and administrative reforms for the identity of the EUPloom, IllimarAdministrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri. Vol. 15, no. 12014 / p. 21-38*est Uncovered interest parity in Central and Eastern Europe : convergence and the global financial crisis [Elektrooniline teavik]Filipozzi, Fabio; Staehr, KarstenEesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : arengud Euroopa Liidu riikides. 1 : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]2012 / p. 58-82 : ill [CD-ROM] Uncovered interest parity in Central and Eastern Europe : convergence and the global financial crisis? 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Design of a new financial system versus a return to normalcyKregel, Jan AllanCambridge journal of economics2009 / 4, p. 653-663 Õnnesoove ka mustadeks jõuludeksUmmelas, MartMente et Manu2008 / 17. dets., lk. 1*est