Ag nanoparticles on mesoporous carbon support as cathode catalyst for anion exchange membrane fuel cellLinge, Jonas Mart; Erikson, Heiki; Mooste, Marek; Piirsoo, Helle-Mai; Kaljuvee, Tiit; Kikas, Arvo; Aruväli, Jaan; Kisand, Vambola; Tamm, Aile; Kannan, Arunachala Mada; Tammeveski, KaidoInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy2023 / p. 11058 - 11070 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Ag-ions play the main role in silver nanoparticles toxicity in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophilaJuganson, Katre; Mortimer, Monika; Ivask, Angela; Pucciarelli, Sandra; Miceli, Cristina; Orupõld, Kaja; Kahru, AnneNanoImpact Conference : program and abstract Book2017 / p. 67 Ag-ions play the main role in silver nanoparticles toxicity in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila [Online resource]Juganson, Katre; Mortimer, Monika; Ivask, AngelaTartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA : Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad : [7-8 märts 2017, Tartu : teesid]2017 / [1] p ALD applied to conformal rare-earth coating of ZnO nanoparticles for low temperature thermal imaging applicationsRauwel, Erwan; Galeckas, Augustinas; Rauwel, ProtimaECS transactions2014 / p. 23-31 : ill Analysis of photocatalytic performance of nanostructured pyrogenic titanium dioxide powders in view of their polydispersity and phase transition : critical anatase particle size as a factor for suppression of charge recombinationMoiseev, Anna; Kritševskaja, Marina; Qi, Fei; Weber, Alfred; Deubener, JoachimChemical engineering journal2013 / p. 614-621 : ill Antibacterial and antiviral effects of Ag, Cu and Zn metals, respective nanoparticles and filter materials thereof against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A virusKubo, Anna-Liisa; Rausalu, Kai; Savest, Natalja; Žusinaite, Eva; Vasiliev, Grigory; Viirsalu, Mihkel; Plamus, Tiia; Krumme, Andres; Merits, Andres; Bondarenko, OlesjaPharmaceutics2022 / art. 2549 : 19 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Antiviral efficacy of cerium oxide nanoparticlesNefedova, Alexandra; Rausalu, Kai; Zusinaite, Eva; Vanetsev, Alexander; Rosenberg, Merilin; Koppel, Kairi; Lilla, Stevin; Visnapuu, Meeri; Smits, Krisjanis; Kisand, VambolaScientific reports2022 / art. 18746, 16 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Atomic layer deposition of high-k dielectrics on carbon nanoparticlesTamm, Aile; Koel, Mihkel; Peikolainen, Anna-LiisaThin solid films2013 / p. 16-20 : ill Au ja Ag nanoosakeste saamiseks kasutatavate lähteainete HAuCl4·3H2O ja AgNO3 termilise lagunemise uurimineOtto, Kairi; Oja Acik, Ilona; Krunks, Malle; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaXXXIII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2013 / lk. 55 Bifunctional platinum-free mixed metal oxygen electrocatalysts based on naturally abundant peatTeppor, Patrick; Jäger, Rutha; Härmas, Meelis; Aruväli, Jaan; Volobujeva, Olga; Koppel, Mirjam; Lust, EnnECS Meeting Abstracts2022 / p. 29-37 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Biocidal properties study of silver nanoparticles used for application in green housingKüünal, Siim; Kutti, Sander; Rauwel, Protima; Guha, Mithu; Wragg, David; Rauwel, ErwanInternational nano letters2016 / p. 191-197 : ill Biofabrication of zinc oxide nanoparticles with syzygium aromaticum flower buds extract and finding its novel application in controlling the growth and mycotoxins of Fusarium graminearumLakshmeesha, Thimappa Ramachandrappa; Kalagatur, Naveen Kumar; Mudili, Venkataramana; Mohan, Chakrabhavi Dhananjaya; Rangappa, Shobith; Prasad, Bangari Daruka; Ashwini, Bagepalli Shivaram; Hashem, Abeer; Alqarawi, Abdulaziz A.; Gupta, Vijai KumarFrontiers in microbiology2019 / art. 1244, 13 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Biological nanofactories : using living forms for metal nanoparticle synthesisSrivastava, Shilpi; Usmani, Zeba; Atanasov, Atanas G.; Singh, Vinod Kumar; Singh, Nagendra Pratap; Abdel-Azeem, Ahmed M.Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry2021 / p. 245 - 265 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Characterization of thermally treated anatase TiO2 supplemented by oxygen adsorption measurementsKritševskaja, Marina; Moiseev, Anna; Weber, Alfred; Deubener, Joachim5th European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes (EAAOP5) : book of abstracts2017 / p. 124 CuInS2 solar cell absorber plasmonically modified by gold nanoparticlesRepän, Taavi; Dolgov, Leonid; Katerski, Atanas; Oja Acik, Ilona; Kärber, Erki; Mere, Arvo; Mikli, Valdek; Krunks, Malle; Sildos, IlmoApplied physics. A, Materials science & processing2014 / p. 455-458 : ill CuInS2–Poly(3-(ethyl-4-butanoate)thiophene) nanocomposite solar cells : preparation by an in situ formation route, performance and stability issuesMaiera, Eugen; Ratha, Thomas; Haas, Wernfried; Werzer, Oliver; Saf, Robert; Hofer, Ferdinand; Meissner, Dieter; Volobujeva, Olga; Bereznev, Sergei; Mellikov, Enn; Amenitsch, Heinz; Resel, Roland; Trimmel, GregorSolar energy materials and solar cells2011 / p. 1354–1361 : ill Cytotoxicity of metal-based nanoparticles in epithelial barrier modelsTitma, Tiina2017*est Development of bacterial biosensors and human stem cell-based in vitro assays for the toxicological profiling of synthetic nanoparticles = Rekombinantsetel sensorbakteritel ja inimese tüvirakkudel põhinevate in vitro testide väljatöötamine sünteetiliste nanoosakeste toksikoloogiliseks uurimiseksBondarenko, Olesja2012 Differential susceptibility of catheter biomaterials to biofilm-associated infections and their remedy by drug-encapsulated eudragit RL100 nanoparticlesPandey, Vivek Kumar; Srivastava, Kumar Rohit; Ajmal, Gufran; Thakur, Vijay Kumar; Gupta, Vijai Kumar; Upadhyay, Siddh Nath; Mishra, Pradeep KumarInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2019 / Art. nr. 5110 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Doktoritöö: kahjurivabad ökomajadKõik ärikinnisvarast : [ajalehe Äripäev lisa]2022 / Lk. 12-13 : ill*est Doping engineering for controlled hydration and mechanical properties in Portland cement mortar with ultra-low ZnO concentrationTamashiro, Jacqueline Roberta; de la Rubia, Miguel Angel; Rubio-Marcos, Fernando; Rojas-Hernandez, Rocio Estefania; Silva, Lucas Henrique Pereira; de Paiva, Fabio Friol Guedes; Kinoshita, Angela; Terrades, Amparo MoraguesJournal of building engineering2023 / art. 107748 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Ecotoxicity of nanosized magnetite to crustaceanDaphnia magna and duckweed Lemna minorBlinova, Irina; Kanarbik, Liina; Irha, Natalja; Kahru, AnneHydrobiologia2017 / p. 141-149 : ill Ecotoxicological evaluation of shale fuel oils, metal-based nanoparticles and glyphosate formulations = Põlevkivikütteõlide, metalliliste nanoosakeste ja glüfosaadipõhiste herbitsiidide ökotoksikoloogilised uuringudKanarbik, Liina2017*est Eesti teadlaste loodud nanokangas tõrjub koroonaviirust [Võrguväljaanne]Oidermaa, Jaan-Juhannovaator.err.ee2022 "Eesti teadlaste loodud nanokangas tõrjub koroonaviirust" Effect of alkali ions (Na+, K+, Cs+) on reaction mechanism of CZTS nano-particles synthesisKumar, Suresh; Altosaar, Mare; Grossberg, Maarja; Mikli, ValdekSuperlattices and microstructures2018 / p. 54-63 : ill Effect of alkali ions (Na+, K+, Cs+) on reaction mechanism of CZTS nano-particles synthesis [Online resource]Kumar, Suresh; Altosaar, Mare; Grossberg, Maarja; Mikli, ValdekTartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA : Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad : [7-8 märtsil 2018, Tallinn : teesid] GSFMT Scientific Conference 2018 : Tallinn, March 7-8, 2018 : abstracts2018 / 1 p Effect of eutrophication on toxicity of metallic nanoparticles todaphnia magna [Online resource]Muna, Marge; Heinlaan, Margit; Blinova, Irina; Kahru, AnneTartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA : Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad : [7-8 märtsil 2018, Tallinn : teesid] GSFMT Scientific Conference 2018 : Tallinn, March 7-8, 2018 : abstracts2018 / 1 p The effect of heat treatment on the morphology and mobility of Au nanoparticlesOras, Sven; Vlassov, Sergei; Vigonski, Simon; Polyakov, Boris; Antsov, Mikk; Zadin, Vahur; Lõhmus, Rünno; Mougin, KarineBeilstein Journal of Nanotechnology2020 / p. 61-67 Journal metrics at Scopus article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Effect of nanoparticles on morphology and size of primary silicon and property of selective laser melted Al-high Si content alloysXi, Lixia; Guo, Shuang; Prashanth, Konda Gokuldoss; Sarac, Baran; Eckert, JürgenVacuum2021 / art. 110405 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Electrocatalytic oxidation of hydroxide ions by Co3O4 and Co3O4@SiO2 nanoparticles both at particle ensembles and at the single particle levelXie, Ruo-Chen; Volokhova, Maria; Boldin, Aleksei; Seinberg, Liis; Tsujimoto, Masahiko; Yang, Minjun; Rasche, Bertold; Compton, Richard G.ChemElectroChem2020 / p. 1261– 1276 : ill Electrochemical characterisation of Co@Co(OH)2 core-shell nanoparticles and their aggregation in solutionXie, Ruo-Chen; Batchelor-McAuley, Christopher; Rauwel, Erwan; Rauwel, Protima; Compton, Richard G.ChemElectroChem2020 / p. 4259 - 4268 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Electrodeposition of CdSe nanofibers as photo-active matrix for polymer solar cellsKois, Julia; Bereznev, Sergei; Gurevitš, Jelena; Mellikov, Enn; Öpik, AndresBaltic Polymer Symposium 2013 : Trakai, Lithuania, September 18-21, 2013 : programme [and abstracts]2013 / p. 122 Emerging trends in nanoparticle synthesis using plant extracts for biomedical applicationsRauwel, Protima; Rauwel, ErwanGlobal journal of nanomedicine2017 / art. 555562, p. 1-3 http://https// Evaluation of the biological effects of engineered nanoparticles on unicellular pro- and eukaryotic organisms = Sünteetiliste nanoosakeste bioloogiliste efektide hindamine üherakulistel pro- ja eukarüootsetel organismidelMortimer, Monika2011*est Exposure of freshwater zooplankton to copper nanoparticles : toxicity and copper body burdenMuna, Marge; Heinlaan, Margit; Vija, Heiki; Blinova, Irina; Kahru, Anne20th International Scientific Conference EcoBalt 2016 : Tartu, Estonia, October 9-12 : book of abstracts2016 / p. 33 Exposure to sublethal concentrations of Co3O4 and Mn2O3 nanoparticles induced elevated metal body burden in Daphnia magnaHeinlaan, Margit; Muna, Marge; Juganson, Katre; Oriekhova, Olena; Stoll, Serge; Kahru, Anne; Slaveykova, VeraAquatic toxicology2017 / p. 123-133 : ill Fibrous alumina-based Ni-CeO2 catalyst : synthesis, structure and properties in propane pre-reformingPotemkin, D. I.; Aghayan, Marina; Kamboj, Nikhil Kumar; Hussainova, IrinaMaterials letters2018 / p. 35-37 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Growth of Co nanoparticles on a nanostructured [thetha]-Al203 film on CoAl(100)Rose, V.; Podgurski, Vitali; David, Rudolf; Francy, R.Surface science2007 / 3, p. 786-791 : ill Hazard evaluation of metal-based nanoparticles and lanthanides with freshwater microcrustaceans = Metalliliste nanoosakeste ja lantaniidide kahjulikkuse hindamine magevee pisivähkidegaMuna, Marge2019 Hazard evaluation of polystyrene nanoplastic with nine bioassays did not show particle-specific acute toxicityHeinlaan, Margit; Kasemets, Kaja; Aruoja, Villem; Blinova, Irina; Bondarenko, Olesja; Lukjanova, Aljona; Khosrovyan, Alla; Kurvet, Imbi; Pullerits, Mirjam; Sihtmäe, Mariliis; Vasiliev, Grigory; Vija, Heiki; Kahru, AnneScience of the total environment2020 / art. 136073, 7 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at Scopus Article at WOS Hybrid nanocomposites and ultrastable metal nanoparticles studied for the development of applications in nanomedicine, water purification and energy harvestingRauwel, Erwan; Rauwel, Protima; Küünal, Siim; Volobujeva, Olga; Ivask, Angela; Galeckas, Augustinas; Duqroquet, F.; Wragg, DavidEMN Meeting on Nanoparticles 2017 : May 9th to 13th, 2017 in San Sebastian, Spain2017 / [1] p Incorporation of plasmonic Au nanoparticles inside the CdTe thin film absorberMaticiuc, Natalia; Spalatu, Nicolae; Katerski, Atanas; Repan, T.; Hiie, JaanNANOSMAT Conference, 22-25 September 2013, Granada, Spain : abstracts book2013 / p. 341-342 Increased efficiency inside the CdTe solar cell absorber caused by plasmonic metal nanoparticlesRepän, Taavi; Pikker, Siim; Dolgov, Leonid; Loot, Ardi; Hiie, Jaan; Krunks, Malle; Sildos, IlmoEnergy procedia2014 / p. 229-233 : ill Influence of the interface on the photoluminescence properties in ZnO carbon-based nanohybridsRauwel, Erwan; Galeckas, Augustinas; Rosario Soares, M.; Rauwel, ProtimaJournal of physical chemistry C2017 / p. 14879-14887 : ill In-situ deposition of gold nanoparticles onto different substrates by chemical spray pyrolysisOja Acik, Ilona; Oyekoya, Gboyega Nathaniel; Mere, Arvo; Katerski, Atanas; Mikli, Valdek; Krunks, MalleIOP conference series : materials science and engineering2015 / p. 1-5 : ill Interaction of CuCl2 with poly(ethylene glycol) under microwave radiationTverjanovich, Andrey; Grevtsev, A. S.; Bereznev, SergeiMaterials research express2017 / art. 015006, p. 1-6 : ill Investigation of planetary milling for nano-silicon carbide reinforced aluminium metal matrix compositesKollo, Lauri; Leparoux, Marc; Bradbury, Christopher R.; Jäggi, Christian; Carreno-Morelli, Efrain; Rodriguez-Arbaizar, MikelJournal of alloys and compounds2010 / p. 394-400 : ill Investigations on new carbon-based nanohybrids combining carbon nanotubes and metal oxide nanoparticlesRauwel, Protima; Galeckas, Augustinas; Salumaa, Martin; Ducroquet, Frederiquet; Rauwel, Erwan4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes : Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary, October 3-7, 2016 : book of abstracts2016 / p. 250 Investigations on new carbon-based nanohybrids combining carbon nanotubes, HfO2 and ZnO nanoparticlesRauwel, Protima; Galeckas, Augustinas; Salumaa, Martin; Aasna, Andres; Ducroquet, Frederiquet; Rauwel, ErwanIOP conference series : materials science and engineering2017 / art. 012064, p. 1-5 : ill Low-cost plasmonic solar cells prepared by chemical spray pyrolysisKärber, Erki; Katerski, Atanas; Oja Acik, Ilona; Mikli, Valdek; Mere, Arvo; Sildos, Ilmo; Krunks, MalleThe Beilstein journal of nanotechnology2014 / p. 2398-2402 : ill Magnetic nanomaterials synthesis and functionalization for biomedical applications = Magnetiliste nanomaterjalide süntees ja funktsionaliseerimine biomeditsiiniliste rakenduste jaoksVolokhova, Maria2022*est Magnetic studies on spinel ferrite nanoparticles and bulk samples synthesized by citrate combustion routeDimri, Mukesh C.; Khanduri, H.; Agarwal, P.; Garg, V.; Mere, A.; Stern R.DAE Solid State Physics symposium 2019, 18–22 December 2019, Jodhpur, India2020 / art. 030517 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Mechanism of a microwave-assisted polyol synthesis of nanosize CuInSe2 particles and their optical and photoelectric propertiesGrevtsev, A. S.; Goncharenko, I. Yu.; Bereznev, SergeiRussian journal of applied chemistry2014 / p. 671-675 : ill Mechanisms of toxic action of silver nanoparticles in the protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila : from gene expression to phenotypic eventsJuganson, Katre; Mortimer, Monika; Ivask, Angela; Pucciarelli, Sandra; Miceli, Cristina; Orupõld, Kaja; Kahru, AnneEnvironmental pollution2017 / p. 481-489 : ill Metal oxide nanoparticles embedded in rare-earth matrix for low temperature thermal imaging applicationsRauwel, Erwan; Galeckas, Augustinas; Rauwel, Protima; Hansen, P.-A.; Wragg, David; Nilsen, Ola; Fjellvag, H.Materials research express2016 / p. 1-11 : ill Microstructure formation and mechanical performance of micro-nanoscale ceramic reinforced aluminum matrix composites manufactured by laser powder bed fusionXi, Lixia; Feng, Lili; Gu, Dongdong; Prashanth, Konda Gokuldoss; Kaban, Ivan; Wang, Ruiqi; Xiong, Ke; Sarac, Baran; Eckert, JürgenJournal of alloys and compounds2023 / art. 168803 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Modification of light absorption in thin CuInS2 films by sprayed Au nanoparticlesKaterski, Atanas; Kärber, Erki; Oja Acik, Ilona; Dolgov, Leonid; Mere, Arvo; Sildos, Ilmo; Mikli, Valdek; Krunks, MalleNanoscale research letters2014 / p. 1-6 : ill Modification of light absorption in thin CuInS2 films by sprayed gold nanoparticlesMere, Arvo; Katerski, Atanas; Oja Acik, Ilona; Dolgov, Leonid; Sildos, Ilmo; Krunks, MalleNANOSMAT Conference, 22-25 September 2013, Granada, Spain : abstracts book2013 Nanomaterial synthesis and study for biomedicine and cancer treatmentRauwel, ErwanInternational Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery : May 29-31, 2017, Osaka, Japan2017 / [1] p Nanomaterial synthesis and study for biomedicine and cancer treatmentRauwel, ErwanJournal of pharmaceutics & drug delivery research2017 / p. 55 Natural water as the test medium for Ag and CuO nanoparticle hazard evaluation : an interlaboratory case studyHeinlaan, Margit; Muna, Marge; Knöbel, MelanieEnvironmental pollution2016 / p. 689-699 : ill New methodology for the antifungal testing of surfactant-free silver metal nanoparticles for applications in green housingKüünal, Siim; Kutti, Sander; Rauwel, Protima; Wragg, David; Hussainova, Irina; Rauwel, ErwanEngineering materials and tribology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 24th International Baltic Conference on Engineering Materials & Tribology (BALTMATTRIB & IFHTSE 2015), November 5-6, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia2016 / p. 133-138 : ill NiO and WO3 coreduction by combined reducers Mg/C and preparation of W-Ni alloy [Online resource]Zakaryan, Marieta; Aydinyan, Sofiya; Kharatyan, SurenAbstracts : 14th International Ceramics Congress2018 / CB-10.2:L03 Noble metal nanoparticles for improvement of fluorescent and photovoltaic materialsDolgov, Leonid; Oja Acik, Ilona; Mere, Arvo; Krunks, Malle; Mikli, ValdekThe international summer school "Nanotechnology: from fundamental research to innovations" and International research and practice conference "Nanotechnology and nanomaterials" (NANO-2013), 25 August-1 September, 2013, Bukovel, Ukraine : book of abstracts2013 / p. 352 A novel high-strength Al-based nanocomposite reinforced with Ti-basedmetallic glass nanoparticles produced by powder metallurgyZhang, W.W.; Hu, Y.; Prashanth, Konda GokuldossMaterials science and engineering : A2018 / p. 34-41 . ill Oil shale phenol-derived aerogels as supports for palladium nanoparticlesPerez-Caballero, Fernando; Peikolainen, Anna-Liisa; Uibu, Mai; Herbert, M.; Galindo, A.; Montilla, F.; Koel, MihkelOil shale2009 / 1, p. 28-39 : ill*est One step synthesis of pure cubic and monoclinic HfO2 nanoparticles : effects of temperature and ambient on the photoluminescent propertiesRauwel, Protima; Galeckas, Augustinas; Rauwel, ErwanECS transactions2015 / p. 19-28 Optimisation of plant mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles by common weed Plantago major and their antimicrobial propertiesKüünal, Siim; Visnapuu, Meeri; Volobujeva, Olga; Soares Rosario, Maria; Rauwel, Protima; Rauwel, ErwanIOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering2019 / art. 012003 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Oxygen electroreduction on platinum nanoparticles activated electrodes deposited onto D-glucose derived carbon support in 0.1 M KOHTaleb, Masoud; Nerut, Jaak; Tooming, Tauno; Thomberg, Thomas; Lust, EnnJournal of The Electrochemical Society2016 / p. F1251-F1257 Oxygen reduction on silver nanoparticles supported on carbide-derived carbonsLinge, Jonas Mart; Erikson, Heiki; Merisalu, Maido; Kaljuvee, TiitJournal of the electrochemical society2018 / p. F1199–F1205 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Photocatalytic activity of quenched flame-synthesized titania nanoparticlesKlauson, Deniss; Hauser, G. I.; Kritševskaja, Marina; Moiseev, Anna; Weber, Alfred; Deubener, Joachim5th European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes (EAAOP5) : book of abstracts2017 / p. 199 Plant extract mediated synthesis of nanoparticles : chapter 14Küünal, Siim; Rauwel, Protima; Rauwel, ErwanEmerging applications of nanoparticles and architecture nanostructures : current prospects and future trends2018 / p. 411–446 Plant mediated syntheses of silver nanoparticles using common weed (Plantago Major L.)Küünal, Siim; Volobujeva, Olga; Rauwel, Protima; Rauwel, Erwan10th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2019 : book of abstracts : May 8-10 2019 Tartu, Estonia2019 / p. 172 Plant mediated synthesis of silver-based nanoparticles and their use as antimicrobial agent in environmentally-friendly applications = Taime ekstrakti abil sünteesitud hõbedal põhinevad nanoosakesed ning nende kasutus antimikroobse vahendina keskkonnasõbralikes rakendustesKüünal, Siim2022*est Plasmon resonance effect caused by gold nanoparticles formed on titanium oxide filmsTamm, Aile; Oja Acik, Ilona; Krunks, Malle; Mere, ArvoThin solid films2016 / p. 449-455 : ill Plasmon-enhanced photocurrent by gold nanoparticles on extremely thin solar cells by chemical spray pyrolysisKärber, Erki; Katerski, Atanas; Oja Acik, Ilona; Mere, Arvo; Krunks, MalleNanotechnology for Next Generation High Efficiency Photovoltaics : Spring International School & Workshop, Mao, Menorca, Balearic Islands (Spain), April 20-24, 2015 : book of abstracts2015 / [1] p Plasmonic effect of spray-deposited Au nanoparticles on the performance of CSS CdS/CdTe solar cellsSpalatu, Nicolae; Hiie, Jaan; Maticiuc, Natalia; Krunks, Malle; Katerski, Atanas; Mikli, Valdek; Sildos, IlmoApplied surface science2015 / p. 69-73 : ill Plasmonic modification of CdTe thin films by gold nanoparticles : methods, difficulties and solutionsMaticiuc, Natalia; Spalatu, Nicolae; Katerski, Atanas; Hiie, Jaan; Mikli, Valdek; Krunks, Malle; Dolgov, Leonid; Sildos, IlmoMicroelectronic engineering2014 / p. 173-178 : ill Plasmonic TiO2:Au composite layers deposited in situ by chemical spray pyrolysisOja Acik, Ilona; Oyekoya, Gboyega Nathaniel; Mere, Arvo; Loot, Ardi; Dolgov, Leonid; Mikli, Valdek; Krunks, Malle; Sildos, IlmoSurface and coatings technology2015 / p. 27-31 : ill Preparation of metal-doped carbon aerogels from oil shale processing by-productsKreek, Kristiina; Kulp, Maria; Uibu, Mai; Mere, Arvo; Koel, MihkelOil shale2014 / p. 185-194 : ill*est Profiling of the toxicity mechanisms of coated and uncoated silver nanoparticles to yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 using a set of its 9 single-gene deletion mutants defective in oxidative stress response, cell wall or membrane integrity and endocytosisKäosaar, Sandra; Kahru, Anne; Mantecca, Paride; Kasemets, KajaToxicology in vitro2016 / p. 149-162 : ill Recent advances in essential oils-based metal nanoparticles : a review on recent developments and biopharmaceutical applicationsSana, Siva Sankar; Li, Huizhen; Zhang, Zhijun; Sharma, Minaxi; Usmani, Zeba; Hou, Tianyu; Netala, Vasudeva Reddy; Wang, Xin; Gupta, Vijai KumarJournal of Molecular Liquids2021 / Art. nr. 115951 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Recent advances in nanoparticles applied to water remediation and biomedical applicationsRauwel, Erwan5th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes : Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary, October 8-12, 2018 : book of abstracts2018 / p. 47 A review on the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their morphologies studied via TEMRauwel, Protima; Küünal, Siim; Ferdov, Stanislav; Rauwel, ErwanAdvances in materials science and engineering2015 / p. 1-9 : ill Selective photocurrent generation in HfO 2 and carbon nanotube hybrid nanocomposites under Ultra-Violet and visible photoexcitationsRauwel, Protima; Galeckas, Augustinas; Ducroquet, Frédérique; Rauwel, ErwanMaterials Letters2019 / p. 45 - 48 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Silver metal nanoparticles study for biomedical and green house applicationsRauwel, Erwan; Simon-Gracia, Lorena; Guha, Mithu; Rauwel, Protima; Küünal, Siim; Wragg, DavidIOP conference series : materials science and engineering2017 / art. 012011, p. 1-5 : ill Silver nanoparticles : synthesis, properties, and applicationsRauwel, Protima; Rauwel, Erwan; Ferdov, Stanislav; Singh, Mangala P.Advances in materials science and engineering2015 / p. 1-2 Silver nanoparticles study for application in green housingKüünal, Siim; Kutti, Sander; Guha, Mithu; Rauwel, Protima; Wragg, David; Nurk, Gunnar; Rauwel, ErwanECS transactions2015 / p. 15-24 Stabilization of higher symmetry HfO2 polymorphs as thin films and nanoparticlesRauwel, Protima; Rauwel, ErwanHafnium : chemical characteristics, production and applications2014 / p. 77-112 : ill Stable metal nanoparticles study for biomedial and green houses applicationsKüünal, Siim; Rauwel, Erwan; Rauwel, Protima; Gracia, Lorena; Guha, Mithu; Wragg, David4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes : Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary, October 3-7, 2016 : book of abstracts2016 / p. 48 Sunlight-driven photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue with facile one-step synthesized Cu-Cu2O-Cu3N nanoparticle mixturesParedes, Patricio; Rauwel, Erwan; Wragg, David S.; Rapenne, Laetitia; Estephan, Elias; Volobujeva, Olga; Rauwel, ProtimaNanomaterials2023 / art. 1311 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Surface plasmon resonance caused by gold nanoparticles formed on sprayed TiO2 filmsOja Acik, Ilona; Dolgov, Leonid; Krunks, Malle; Mere, Arvo; Mikli, Valdek; Pikker, Siim; Loot, Ardi; Sildos, IlmoThin solid films2014 / p. 144-147 : ill Surface plasmon resonance in ZnO nanorod arrays caused by gold nanoparticles for solar cell applicationGromõko, Inga; Oja Acik, Ilona; Krunks, Malle; Dedova, Tatjana; Katerski, Atanas; Mere, Arvo; Mikli, Valdek; Vessart, RistoPhysica status solidi (c)2015 / p. 1338-1343 : ill Sünteetiliste nanoosakeste toksilisus in vitroMortimer, Monika; Kasemets, Kaja; Heinlaan, Margit; Vodovik, Maša; Marinšek Logar, Romana; Kahru, AnneXXXI Eesti keemiapäevad : [28. aprill 2010, Tallinn] : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 31st Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2010 / lk. 17 Synergistic antibacterial effect of copper and silver nanoparticles and their mechanism of actionVasiliev, Grigory; Kubo, Anna-Liisa; Vija, Heiki; Kahru, Anne; Bondar, Denys; Karpichev, Yevgen; Bondarenko, OlesjaScientific reports2023 / art. 9202, 15 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Synergistic mechanisms and toxicity profiles of silver and copper nanoparticles for the development of novel antimicrobial materials = Vase ja hõbeda nanoosakeste sünergilise koosmõju mehhanismid ja rakendamine uute antimikroobsete materjalide arendamiseksVasiliev, Grigory2023*est Synthesis of Ni@SiO2 and Co@SiO2 nanomagnets after formation of NiO and Co2O3 nanoparticles at low temperatures using CaH2Volokhova, Maria; Boldin, Aleksei; Link, Joosep; Tsujimoto, Masahiko; Stern, Raivo; Seinberg, LiisJournal of materials research and technology2022 / p. 988-992 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Synthesis of zwitterionic dopamine sulfonate coated cubic coreα-Fe@SiO2 nanoparticles and their magnetic properties analysisVolokhova, Maria; Boldin, Aleksei; Link, Joosep; Shugai, Anna; Pehk, Tõnis; Stern, Raivo; Seinberg, LiisMaterials2023 / 6 p. : ill ZnO nanorods grown electrochemically on different metal oxide underlaysGromõko, Inga; Dedova, Tatjana; Krunks, Malle; Sõritski, Vitali; Mere, Arvo; Mikli, Valdek; Unt, Tarmo; Oja Acik, IlonaIOP conference series : materials science and engineering2015 / p. 1-5 : ill The activity of nanomaterials in photocatalysisKrichevskaya, MarinaProceedings2023 / art. 23 The effect of nano-TiC addition on sintered Nd-Fe-B permanent magnetsMural, Zorjana; Kollo, Lauri; Xia, Manlong; Veinthal, RennoJournal of magnetism and magnetic materials2017 / p. 23-28 : ill The effect of surface charge and pH on the physiological behaviour of cobalt, copper, manganese, antimony, zinc and titanium oxide nanoparticles in vitroTitma, TiinaToxicology in vitro2018 / p. 11-21 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The role of physico-chemical properties and test environment on biological effects of copper and silver nanoparticles = Vase ja hõbeda nanoosakeste füüsikalis-keemiliste omaduste ja testikeskkonna mõju nende bioloogilisele toimeleKäkinen, Aleksandr2014*est The template-assisted wet-combustion synthesis of fibrous nickel-based catalyst for carbon dioxide methanation and methane steam reformAghayan, Marina; Potemkin, D. I.; Rubio-Marcos, Fernando; Hussainova, IrinaECerS 2017 : 15th Conference & Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, July 9–13, 2017, Budapest, Hungary : Book of abstracts2017 / p. 419 : ill The template-assisted wet-combustion synthesis of fibrous nickel-based catalyst for carbon dioxide methanation and methane steam reformingAghayan, Marina; Potemkin, D. I.; Rubio-Marcos, Fernando; Uskov, S. I.; Snytnikov, N.; Hussainova, IrinaACS applied materials and interfaces ACS applied materials & interfaces2017 / p. 43553-43562 : ill Thermal decomposition study of HAuCL4.3H2O and AgNO3 as precursors for plasmonic metal nanoparticlesOtto, Kairi; Krunks, Malle; Oja Acik, Ilona; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaBook of abstracts : 2nd Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 27-30 August 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania2013 / p. 298 Thermal decomposition study of HAuCl4·3H2O and AgNO3 as precursors for plasmonic metal nanoparticlesOtto, Kairi; Oja Acik, Ilona; Krunks, Malle; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Mere, ArvoJournal of thermal analysis and calorimetry2014 / p. 1065-1072 : ill Toiduteadlane: toidukarbiks võetud jäätisetopsist eraldub pahatihti plastiVene, Kristelnovaator.err.ee2024 Toiduteadlane: toidukarbiks võetud jäätisetopsist eraldub pahatihti plasti Toxicity mechanisms of AG and CuO nanoparticles to the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae [Online resource]Käosaar, Sandra; Kahru, Anne; Kasemets, KajaTartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA : Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad : [7-8 märtsil 2018, Tallinn : teesid] GSFMT Scientific Conference 2018 : Tallinn, March 7-8, 2018 : abstracts2018 / 1 p Toxicity of antimony, copper, cobalt, manganese, titanium and zinc oxide nanoparticles for the alveolar and intestinal epithelial barrier cells in vitroTitma, Tiina; Shimmo, Ruth; Siigur, Jüri; Kahru, AnneCytotechnology2016 / p. 2363-2377 : ill Toxicity of nine (doped) rare Earth metal oxides and respective individual metals to aquatic microorganisms Vibrio fischeri and Tetrahymena thermophilaKurvet, Imbi; Juganson, Katre; Vija, Heiki; Sihtmäe, Mariliis; Blinova, Irina; Syvertsen-Wiig, Guttorm; Kahru, AnneMaterials2017 / art. 754, p. 1-18 : ill Toxicological profiling of copper oxide and silver nanoparticles and polyoxometalate ionic liquids with medically relevant bacteria and mammalian cells in vitro = Vaskoksiidi ja hõbeda nanoosakeste ning polüoksometalaat-ioonvedelike toksilisuse uuringud meditsiiniliselt oluliste bakterite ja imetajarakkudega in vitroKubo, Anna-Liisa2019 Toxicological profiling of silver and copper oxide nanoparticles on Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 wild-type and its single-gene deletion mutants = Hõbeda ja vaskoksiidi nanoosakeste toksilisuse iseloomustamine pärmi Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 metsiktüvele ning geenikatkestus-mutantideleKäosaar, Sandra2018*est Using nano-additives to increase the oxygen barrier of polymers [Online resource]Paara, Tõnis; Lange, Sven; Krumme, AndresTartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA : Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad : [7-8 märtsil 2018, Tallinn : teesid] GSFMT Scientific Conference 2018 : Tallinn, March 7-8, 2018 : abstracts2018 / 1 p UVA-induced antimicrobial activity of ZnO/Ag nanocomposite covered surfacesVisnapuu, Meeri; Rosenberg, Merilin; Truska, Egle; Nõmmiste, Ergo; Šutka, Andris; Kahru, Anne; Rähn, Mihkel; Vija, Heiki; Orupõld, Kaja; Kisand, Vambola; Ivask, AngelaColloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces2018 / p. 222-232 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Ökomajad maitsevad kahjuritele - teadustöö pakub nende eest kaitseks umbrohtu [Võrguväljaanne]postimees.ee2022 "Ökomajad maitsevad kahjuritele - teadustöö pakub nende eest kaitseks umbrohtu"