Characteristic properties of different vessel wake signalsDidenkulova, Irina; Sheremet, Alex; Torsvik, Tomas; Soomere, TarmoJournal of coastal research2013 / p. 213-218 : ill A comparison of the motions of surface drifters with offshore wind properties in the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic SeaDelpeche-Ellmann, Nicole Camille; Torsvik, Tomas; Soomere, TarmoEstuarine, coastal and shelf science2016 / p. 154-164 : ill Contribution of atmospheric teleconnections in regional wave climate variability based on EOF application : Baltic Sea caseNajafzadeh, Fatemeh; Kudryavtseva, Nadezhda; Soomere, TarmoAmerican Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 20202020 / abstract Edge-wave-driven durable variations in the thickness of the surfactant film and concentration of surface floatsAverbukh, Elena; Kurkina, Oxana; Kurkin, Andrey; Soomere, TarmoPhysics letters A2014 / p. 53-58 : ill Identification of areas of frequent patch formation from velocity fieldsGiudici, Andrea; Soomere, TarmoJournal of coastal research2013 / p. 231-236 : ill Impact of horizontal eddy-diffusivity on Lagrangian statistics for coastal pollution from a major marine fairwayViikmäe, Bert; Torsvik, Tomas; Soomere, TarmoOcean dynamics2013 / p. 589-597 : ill Kolm muinaslugu füüsikasSoomere, TarmoAkadeemilisi arutlusi : ilmast ja inimestest2022 / lk. 359-367 : ill*est Laineparameetrite määramine Läänemeres radariandmete põhjalRikka, Sander; Uiboupin, Rivo; Alari, VictorKaugseire Eestis 2014 : artiklikogumik2014 / lk. 22-30 : ill LainePoiss® -  a lightweight and ice-resistant wave buoyAlari, Victor; Björkqvist, Jan-Victor; Kaldvee, Valdur; Mölder, Kristjan; Rikka, Sander; Kask-Korb, Anne; Vahter, Kaimo; Pärt, Siim; Vidjajev, Nikon; Tõnisson, HannesJournal of atmospheric and oceanic technology2022 / p. 573–594 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Long wave run-up on plane and “non-reflecting” slopesDidenkulova, Irina; Pelinovsky, Efim; Rodin, ArtemFluid Dynamics2018 / p. 402 - 408 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Läänemere hiidlainete tekkepõhjused : Eesti Teadusfondi projekt "Läänemere pinnalainete anomaaliate analüüs ja modelleerimine", 2000-2003Soomere, TarmoEesti Teadusfondi Aastaraamat 20042005 / lk. 16 : ill New tools in acoustics: transient surface wave analysis method. 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