The Bulgarian Competition Authority finds resale price maintenance practices on the sunflower oil market (Kaliakra) [Electronic resource]Svetlicinii, Alexandre-Competitions2013 The Competition Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina prosecutes Serbian beer producer for resale price maintenance (Apatinska pivara Apatin, Dejan komerc)Svetlicinii, Alexandre-Competitions2012 The Croatian High Administrative Court upholds the decision of the Croatian Competition Authority concerning a rebate scheme applied by a mobile phone operator and its distributors (VIPnet) [Electronic resource]Svetlicinii, Alexandre-Competitions2012 The Moldovan Competition Authority investigates the actions of the customs service concerning attribution of tariff positions to certain pharmaceutical products (Serviciul Vamal al Republicii Moldova) [Electronic resource]Svetlicinii, Alexandre-Competitions2013 The Serbian Competition Authority modifies its leniency decision in a case of a vertical distribution agreement with a resale price maintenance clause (Idea, Swisslion Group) [Electronic resource]Svetlicinii, Alexandre-Competitions2012