Regulación de las Fintech en la Unión Europea: tendencias y líneas difusasAben, Janika; Etti, PaulaRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 95−114 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The Competition Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina finds an abuse of a collective dominant position on the market of fast money transfer services (Western Union) [Electronic resource]Svetlicinii, Alexandre-Competitions2012 The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina upholds the infringement decision of the Competition Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina concerning abuse of dominant position on the market for fast money transfer services (Raiffeisen Bank) [Electronic resource]Svetlicinii, Alexandre-Competitions2014 The Moldovan Competition Authority holds that Competition Act does not apply to the decision of the Parliament (Banca de Economii) [Electronic resource]Svetlicinii, Alexandre-Competitions2014 The Romanian Competition Authority accepts behavioural commitments of a central securities depository and closes its investigation into the alleged abuse of dominant position (SC Depozitarul Central SA) [Electronic resource]Svetlicinii, Alexandre-Competitions2012