Abiks majandusõpetuse ingliskeelsete tekstide töötlemisel1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1194035*est About the operation of social networks in Estonian economyVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEuroopa Liiduga liitumise mõju Eesti majanduspoliitikale : X teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid : (Tartu - Värska, 27.-29. juuni 2002)2002 / lk. 592-599 Adaptiivsed statistilised mudelid ja nende kasutamine : õppevahendVensel, Vello1985 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1248065*est Aegridade spektraalanalüüs : metoodiline materjal1981 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1309381*est Aegridade töötlemine elektronarvutil EC-10221983 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1245455*est Aegridade töötlemine elektronarvutil EC-1022 : metoodiline materjal1981 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1319180*est Aegridade töötlemine elektronarvutil EC-1022 : metoodiline materjal1987 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1259768*est After two banking crises: Estonian banking system performance analysis, 1994-2002Vensel, VelloIntegration of financial sectors of Baltic States into the European Union: challenge and experience : collection of papers2004 / p. 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[85]-106 : ill Bureaucracy and ethics : is there influence on a transitional economy?Vensel, VelloAbstracts of the V Conference "European Culture", 28-31 October 1998, Pamplona1998 / p. 328 Bureaucracy and ethics : is there influence on a transitional economy?Vensel, VelloActas del V Congreso "Cultura Europea" : Pamplona, 28 al 31 de octubre de 19982000 / p. 1059-1069 Bureucracy, law making and law enforcement mechanism: empirical results from the Baltic Sea Region countriesPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloМировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование2004 / с. 8-12 Bureucracy, law making and law mechanism : Empirical Evidence from the Baltic sea Region Countries [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello; Karma, TarmoInternational Conference : Enlargement of the European Union : What are the Stakes and Potential : Lille, (France), 9-10 December 20042004 / 30 p. [CD-ROM] Business environment influencing foreign firms' entry strategies into Baltic States marketsVensel, VelloEntry and management behavior in Central and Eastern Europe1997 / p. 10-25 Business environment quality and entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea RegionPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloProceedings of international scientific conference : Problems of the Economy Development in the Russian Enclave. Kaliningrad Region as a Pilot Region of Cross-Border Co-operation of Russia, the Baltic States, and Eastern Europe. Experience and perspectives2004 / p. 198-202 Business supporting social networks : evidence from an EU candidate countryVensel, VelloProceedings of the COPE 2003 : "Global Business: Economic, Political, Social, and Cultural Issues" : Congress of Political Economists (COPE) International Conference : the Fourteenth Annual International Conference : July 12-19, 2003 : Mexico City, Mexico. Volume 22004 / p. 325-337 The changing landscape of financial intermediation : overview of literature and Estonian experienceVensel, VelloThe Future of Retail Banking and Gustomer Relations : a report from the first workshop of The Göran Collert Research Foundation, September 13-14, 20012001 / p. 71-72 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4905982*est Congress of Political Economists (COPE), International : proceedings of the tenth annual conference : Tallinn, Estonia, July 13-18, 19991999 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1358048*est Consolidation and internationalization in the financial service sector: the comparative empirical evidenceSõrg, Mart; Uiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloPapers of the Estonian-Finnish Joint Seminar on Economic Integration and the European Union Enlargement : 22-23 November 2002, Tallinn2003 / TTUWPE 03/99, p. 151-170 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1015949*est Corporate governance and bankruptcy procedures in Croatia, Poland and EstoniaVensel, VelloFinance in EU accession countries : experiences and solutions : VI International Scientific Conference : Tartu, 17-18 October 2003 : proceedings. Volume 2, Panel B: Financial markets and institutions2003 / p. [389]-402 Covernment agencies' behavior and their influence on the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloEmerging markets : social, political, and economic challenges. Volume 22004 / p. 331-356 Covernment agencies' behaviour influencing business decisionsVensel, Vello; Põlajeva, TatjanaActas del VI Congreso "Cultura Europea", Pamplona, 25 al 28 de octubre de 20002002 / p. 837-848 Credibility of the economic policy : results of a comparative analysisPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloHarmoniseerimine ja vabadus Eesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitikas integreerumisel Euroopa Liiduga : IX teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid : (Tartu - Värska, 28.-30. juuni 2001)2001 / p. 140-147 Currency board in Estonia : past experience and future prospectsSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloVI World Congress for Central and East European Studies : 29 July - 3 August Tampere, Finland : abstracts2000 / p. 408 Department of Economic Theory and MethodologyMereste, Uno; Vensel, Vello; Kerem, Kaie; Täht, ToomasResearch activities / Tallinn Technical University1993 / p. 96-98 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1053754*est Devalveerimise miinused, devalveerimise plussidVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 1. okt., lk. 2-3 Development of financial contractual relations in Estonia : empirical results of firms interview studyTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloConference on Financial Reforms in EMEs, 20-21 January 1996, Poznan1996 / [18] p Development of financial contractual relationships in Estonian economyTeearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [207]-222 Development of the bank performance analysis methodologyVensel, VelloArvestuse ja maksunduse aktuaalsed probleemid : konverents1997 / lk. 191-198 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1293554*est Development of the banking system under the Estonian currency boardSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 51st International Atlantic Economic Conference presented by Estonian participants : Athens, Greece2001 / TTUWPE 42/2001, p. 51-59 Development of the banking system under the Estonian currency boardSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research2002 / 1, p. 35-48 Development of the business environment : precondition for Baltic States integrationVensel, VelloNotes of the Conference on International Economic Relations and Integration of Baltic States, Riga, 6-7 June 19971997 / p. 56-57 Development of the business environment in Baltic Sea region : a comparative empirical evidence [Electronic resource]Liuhto, Kari; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloThe 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business : 18-21 June 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii2003 / [22] p. [CD-ROM] Development of the business environment in EstoniaVensel, VelloMaterials of the Seminar on the Estonian Economy (American Baltic Capital), Tallinn, 29-31 July 19971997 / [11] p Development of the business environment in Estonia from the viewpoint of future internationalizationVensel, Vello3rd Workshop in International Business, 26-28 August 1996, Vaasa1996 / [16] p Development of the economic environment and FDI into EstoniaVensel, VelloProceedings of the Congress of Political Economists : August 6-12, 2000, Imperial College London, England2000 / p. 55-76 Development of the economic environment influencing the stability and performance of firmsVensel, Vello; Kukrus, AntsEntry and marketing strategies into and from Central and Eastern Europe2002 / p. 13-34 Development of the Estonian banking system, 1994-1998Aarma, August; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the ACE/PHARE Conference on Building Financial Institutions in Transition Economies : Poznan, Poland, 14-15 May, 19991999 / [19] p Development of the financial relationships : empirical results of the year 1997 interview studyTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, Tallinn. Vol. 11998 / p. 187-206 Development of the legal and institutional framework influencing firms' decisionsVensel, VelloProceedings of the ACE/PHARE Conference on Building Financial Institutions in Transition Economies : Poznan, Poland, 14-15 May, 19991999 / [15] p Development of the legal environment in a transition countryVensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research2000 / 1, p. 123 Development of the legal environment in Estonia : results of an empirical studyVensel, VelloPapers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, Tallinn. Vol. 11998 / p. 207-219 Development of the regulation mechanism influencing a firm's operating and expansion decisionsVensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research2000 / 3, p. 593 Development of the regulatory environment and foreign direct investment into EstoniaVensel, VelloRecent studies in transition and operation in Central and Eastern Europe2000 / p. 85-102 E-banking in Estonia : development, driving factors and effectsKerem, Katri; Lustsik, O.; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe : 5-7 December, 2002, Vienna2002 / p. 293-312 Economic aspects of sustainability: internationalisation of the financial services sector in BalticsVensel, VelloIntegrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region2004 / p. 393 Economic policy and operating of the disputes resolution mechanismsVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika tulemuslikkus ja Euroopa Liit : VIII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Tartu-Värska, 29. juuni - 1. juuli 2000)2000 / lk. 489-495 Economic policy outcomes : development of the regulation mechanismVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEesti Vabariigi integreerumine Euroopa Liiduga - majanduspoliitika eesmärgid ja abinõud : VI teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid, (Tartu - Värska, 25.-27. juuni 1998)1998 / lk. 410-417 Economic policy outcomes influencing economic agents decisionsVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika ja Euroopa Liit : VII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid, (Tartu - Värska, 25.-27. juuni 1999)1999 / lk. 415-423 Eesti krooni tervis on heaVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 3. mai, lk. 30 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1725280*est Eesti lonkav kohtusüsteemVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 6. dets., lk. 34: portr Eesti Panga uus kaardivägiVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 13. okt., lk. 30 Eesti pangandus tõusuteelVensel, VelloÄrielu1996 / 4, lk. 27-28 Empirical research of the development of bank-customer relationships : an Estonian caseVensel, VelloProceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe, December 5-7, 2001, Vienna, Austria2001 / p. 218-237 : ill Empirical results of monitoring Estonian firms' financial environmentVensel, VelloMaterials of the Workshop on the Competitiveness of the Estonian Economy, Tallinn, 12 December 19971997 / [17] p Enterprise restructuring and changes in the business environment in EstoniaTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloEconomic performance and financial sector reform in Central and Eastern Europe : capital flows, bank and enterprise restructuring1999 / p. 47-73 Esmatasandi kohaliku omavalitsuse rahanduse probleemidVensel, VelloVabariiklik teaduslik-praktiline konverents "Isemajandamise arenguprobleeme" : ettekannete teesid, 17.-18. okt. 1990. a1990 / lk. 70-72 Estonia in the globalizing world : experience of a successful privatizationVensel, VelloProceedings of the COPE 2002 "Globalization, Connections and Diversity" : Congress of Political Economists (COPE) the Thirteenth Annual International Conference : July 14-21, 2002, Lisbon, Portugal. 12003 / p. 1-18 Estonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papersVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, Clas2001 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1576990*est Estonian and Russian banks' expansion to the foreign marketsJumpponen, Jari; Liuhto, Kari; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the COPE 2003 : "Global Business: Economic, Political, Social, and Cultural Issues" : Congress of Political Economists (COPE) International Conference : the Fourteenth Annual International Conference : July 12-19, 2003 : Mexico City, Mexico. Volume 22004 / p. 303-324 Estonian banking on the threshold of joining the European UnionVensel, VelloHaridus ja majandus 2004 : rahvusvahelise teaduskonverentsi materjalid : [6. mai 2004, Tallinn]2004 / p. 154-156 Estonian banking sector performance analysis using Malmquist indexes and DuPont financial ratio analysisKirikal, Ly; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloInternational business and economics research journal2004 / 12, p. 21-36 Estonian banking system development, 1994-1997Aarma, August; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, Tallinn. Vol. 11998 / p. 9-27 Estonian banking system development, 1994-2002Aarma, August; Vainu, Jaan; Vensel, VelloThe business review, Cambridge2004 / 2, p. 56-62 Estonian banking system performance, 1994-2000Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [23]-43 Estonian banks' entry in the foreign market and some comparisons with Russian banks [Electronic resource]Jumpponen, Jari; Liuhto, Kari; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloThe 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business : 18-21 June 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii2003 / [24] p. [CD-ROM] Estonian currency board arrangement - the cornerstone of economic stabilisationSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [3]-22 Estonian monetary policy from the viewpoint of European monetary integrationVensel, VelloMonetary and Fiscal Policy in the Baltic States : proceedings of the 30 Baltic Conference of Teachers of Economic Theory, Shiauliai, May 30-31, 19961996 / p. 56-58 Estrangement from politics in a transitional country : an Estonian caseVensel, VelloLo Straniero1998 / 13 (27), p. 15-16 Ettevõtjad väldivad kohtuskäiku : [vestlus Vello Venseliga TTÜs tehtud uuringust]Piirsalu, Jaanus; Vensel, VelloEesti Päevaleht1999 / 13. sept., lk. 1 Ettevõtte juhtimisökonoomika alused. 1Qayum, Abdul; Palm, Thomas1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1061965*est Ettevõtte juhtimisökonoomika alused. 2Palm, Thomas; Qayum, Abdul1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1050466*est Ettevõttesõbraliku majanduskeskkonna kujunemine : [valdkondliku arutelu ettekanne]Vensel, VelloTallinna Tehnikaülikooli kaheksakümnes aastapäev2000 / lk. 89-95 Euro kasutuselevõtu lühiajaluguVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 13. sept., lk. 9 Euro vaevaline tõus maailmarahaksVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 20. dets., lk. 7 Euroopa rahaliidu peidetud vastuoludVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 8. nov., lk. 7 https://www.aripaev.ee/uudised/1999/11/07/euroopa-rahaliidu-peidetud-vastuolud-2 Evidence on the evolution of corporate financial relationships during enterprise restructuring in EstoniaMurinde, Victor; Tammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the ACE/PHARE Conference on Building Financial Institutions in Transition Economies : Poznan, Poland, 14-15 May, 19991999 / [32] p Experience of deregulation in Estonian economyVensel, VelloInternational conference on restructuring financial institutions in EME-s1994 Experience of operating the currency board arrangement in EstoniaSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloCongress of Political Economists (COPE), International : proceedings of the tenth annual conference : Tallinn, Estonia, July 13-18, 19991999 / TTUWPE 99/54, p. 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August, 19951995 Financial constraints on entrepreneurship in EstoniaVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasFinancial sector reform and privatization in transition economies1998 / p. 35-67 Financial constraints on entrepreneurship in EstoniaVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasFinancial sector reform and privatisation in transition economies1997 / p. 33-65 Financial constraints on firms' investment and financing decisionsVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasPapers of the Conference on Economic Performance and Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe1996 / p. 195-210 Financial sector reform in emerging market economies : Baltic progress and critical issue : summary of conference in Laulasmaa and Tallinn, August 23-24 1993Vensel, Vello; Wihlborg, Clas; Willett, Thomas D.1993 Financial services development in EstoniaVensel, VelloInternational Conference "Economics and Management - 2003". Volume 3, Section "Financial Management Trends - 2003" : 25-26 April 2003, Kaunas2003 / p. 75-77 A firm and Estonian economic policy : empirical relations and outcomesVensel, VelloAktuaalsed majanduspoliitika küsimused Euroopa Liidu riikides ja Eesti Vabariigis : teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 28.-29. juuni 1996). 2. osa1996 / lk. 385-392: ill Firm's behaviour and management in a transition country : an Estonian caseVensel, VelloProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Marketing Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe : December 13-15, 2000, Vienna, Austria2000 / p. 222-241 Firms financial decisions and business environment development in a transition country : an Estonian caseVensel, VelloEuropean Financial Management Association 1996 Annual Meeting, 27-29 June 1996, Innsbruck1996 / [22] p Firms financing and investment policy decisions in EstoniaVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika ja integreerumine Euroopa Liiduga : teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid, (Tartu-Värska, 26.-28. juuni 1997)1997 / lk. 349-356 A firm's performance and behavior in a transition economyVensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research2001 / p. 168-169 Foreign banks and economic transition : papers in progressKowalski, Tadeusz; Lensink, Robert; Vensel, Vello2002 Foreign banks entry into the Estonian market : motives and impactUiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloForeign banks and economic transition : papers in progress2002 / p. 179-193 From adoption to relationships : Internet banking in EstoniaKerem, Katri2003 Government agencies behaviour and operation of the enforcement mechanismPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [309]-328 Government agencies' behaviour impact on business decisions [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello7th Nordic-Baltic Conference in Regional Science "Regional Integration and Transition in the Baltic Rim" : 2-5 October 2002, Ystad, Stockholm2003 / [15] p. 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[337]-361 : ill Inglise-eesti majandusterminite seletussõnastik. 1. osa, A - K1992 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063821*est Inglise-eesti majandusterminite seletussõnastik. 2. osa1992 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063822*est Inglise-eesti majandusterminite seletussõnastik. Eesti-inglise sõnaloend. 31992 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1064335*est Integration of financial sectors of Baltic States into the European Union: challenge and experience : collection of papersSõrg, Mart; Vensel, Vello2004 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1934730*est Introduction and overviewVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [XV]-XXV Jupiterid ja härjadVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 28. sept., lk. 30 Kapital ja intressidVensel, VelloHarju Elu1992 / 3. märts, lk. 4 KapitaliturgVensel, VelloHarju Elu1992 / 10. märts, lk. 4 Kas Eesti ettevõtted lähevad pankade kontrolli alla? : [vastus ajalehe küsimusele]Vensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 2. aug., lk. 27 Kas Eesti Pank peaks keelama Hansa- ja Ühispanga ühinemise? : [Äripäeva küsitlusele vastavad Heldur Meerits, Uno Mereste, Peeter Tammistu ja Vello Vensel]Mereste, Uno; Vensel, Vello; Meerits, Heldur; Tammistu, PeeterÄripäev1999 / 19. nov., lk. 23 Kas jooksevkonto ülejääk viitab majanduse jahenemisele? : [vastused ajalehe küsimusele]Lõhmus, Peter; Vensel, Vello; Purju, AlariÄripäev1999 / 22. dets., lk. 27: portr Kas toetate riigieelarve kulude katmist Eesti Panga kasumi arvel? : [Äripäeva küsimusele vastavad Vello Vensel jt.]Vensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 26. aug., lk. 27 Klubiline tegevus Eestis arenebVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 1. märts, lk. 30 Konkurents, turg ja turundus : (teaduslik-referatiivne kogumik). 21991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1193370*est Korrelatsioon- ja dispersioonanalüüsi meetodid : loengukonspektMalmsaar, Rainer1972 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1324174*est Korrelatsioon- ja regressioonanalüüs : dünaamilised kogumidVainu, Jaan; Vensel, Vello2004 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1926938*est Korrelatsioon- ja regressioonanalüüs : staatilised kogumidVainu, Jaan; Vensel, Vello2002 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1627991*est Korrelatsioon- ja regressioonanalüüs : teooria maatriksalgebra alustegaVensel, Vello1978 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1183721*est Korruptsiooniga saab võideldaVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 26. juuli, lk. 26 Kuidas elukaaslast valida?Vensel, VelloHorisont1986 / lk. 10-11 : foto https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/70138 Kuidas keskmist arvutada?Vensel, VelloHorisont1987 / lk. 19-20 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69813 Kuidas kihlvedu võita?Vensel, VelloHorisont1986 / lk. 16-17 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/70149 Kuidas loteriil võita?Vensel, VelloHorisont1987 / lk. 10-12 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69814 Kuidas mõjutab SEB ja Swedbanki ühinemine Eesti pangaturgu?Vensel, VelloPostimees2001 / 23. veebr., lk. 2. (Küsitlus) Kuidas paradoksi lahendada?Vensel, VelloHorisont1988 / lk. 14-15 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69825 Kuidas pokkerit mängida?Vensel, VelloHorisont1988 / lk. 15-16 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69819 Kuidas statistikasse suhtuda?Vensel, VelloHorisont1986 / lk. 21-23 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/70129 Kuidas vedamist oodata?Vensel, VelloHorisont1987 / lk. 23-25 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69807 Kuidas väärarusaamu vältida?Vensel, VelloHorisont1987 / lk. 15-16 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69815 Kuidas õiglaselt hinnata?Vensel, VelloHorisont1987 / lk. 12-13 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69811 Laenujuhtimine. I osaHlebnikova, Jelena; Kumar, Erlike; Vensel, Vello2000 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1426027*est LC KeilaVensel, VelloKümme Lions-aastat Eestis : 1989-19991999 / lk. 28-29 Maatrikskontseptsiooni rakendamine tööjõu kasutamise efektiivsuse uurimiselVensel, VelloElutarbelise teeninduse arenguperspektiivid : vabariikliku teaduslik-praktilise konverentsi ettekannete teesid (Tallinn, 17. aprill 1985.a.)1985 / lk. 104-106 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1251305*est Maatriksmodelleerimine ja omavalitsuse tegevuse tulemuste analüüsimineVensel, VelloEesti konkurentsivõime hindamine : Teadlaste Ümarlaua 2001 materjale2001 / lk. 78-90 Maatriksmodelleerimine ja prognoosimineVensel, VelloInfotehnoloogia ja täppismajandusteadus = Инфотехнология и точная экономическая наука = Infotechnology and exact economics : vabariikliku teaduslik-praktilise seminari (Tallinn, 3. september 1988.a.) teeside kogumik. 21988 / lk. 195-201 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1249871*est Majandus : [teadusuuringud TTÜs]Vensel, Vello75 aastat Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli1994 / lk. 83-86 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1066846*est Majandus ja majandusteadusVensel, VelloHarju Elu1992 / 14. jaan., lk. 4: ill Majandusanalüüsi metodoloogia täiustamineMereste, Uno; Vensel, Vello; Straž, SalmanTehnikauuringute areng Eesti NSV-s : vabariikliku konverentsi ettekannete teesid Tallinn, 15.-16. oktoober 19861986 / lk. 9-12 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1258828*est Majanduskeskkonna arengu alased empiirilised uuringud Eestis, 1994-1998Vensel, VelloIV Välis-Eesti kongress, 29.-30. juunil 1999. a. Tallinnas : ettekannete kokkuvõtted1999 / lk. 109-111 Majanduspoliitika ja Eesti ettevõtluskeskkonna areng : empiirilised järelmidVensel, VelloEesti teadlaste kongress, 11.-15. augustini 1996. a. Tallinnas : ettekannete kokkuvõtted1996 / lk. 128 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1052731*est Majanduspoliitika ja -statistika: kas nad on omavahel seotud?Vensel, VelloEesti majanduspoliitilised perspektiivid Euroopa Liidus : XII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Tartu-Värska, 1.-3. juuli 2004)2004 / lk. 115-122 Majanduspoliitika pole mänguasiVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 2. dets., lk. 30 MajandusteaduskondLeimann, Jaak; Jalakas, Merylin; Vensel, Vello; Kolbre, Ene; Hololei, HenrikMente et Manu. Uudistaja : sisseastuja erileht2003 / kevad, lk. 5 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Making the banking rulesVensel, VelloThe Baltic review1995 / Winter, p. 31-33: ill Makroökonoomika baasteooriaBrown, William; Lüll, T.; Vensel, Vello1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1137203*est Makroökonoomika baasteooriaBrown, William; Vensel, Vello; Lüll, T.; Sepp, Urmas; Tepandi, J.; Vainu, Jaan1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1192497*est Mees metsast tõuseb esipankuriks : Enno Tammeri intervjuu Eesti Panga presidendiks valitud Vello VenseligaTammer, Enno; Vensel, VelloEesti Päevaleht2000 / 4. apr., lk. 4 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1648220*est Mikro- ja makroökonoomikaPekkarinen, Jukka; Sutela, Pekka1995 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1069178*est Mikro- ja makroökonoomikaPekkarinen, Jukka; Sutela, Pekka1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1195185*est Mikro- ja makroökonoomikaPekkarinen, Jukka; Sutela, Pekka1992 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1062725*est Mikroökonoomika alusteooriad1996 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1056664*est Mikroökonoomika baasteooria1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1203347*est Mikroökonoomika baasteooria. 1 osaFreeman III, A.Myrick1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1221593*est Mikroökonoomika baasteooria. 2. osaFreeman III, A.Myrick1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063150*est Mikroökonoomika baasteooria. 3. osaFreeman III, A.Myrick1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1062839*est Mikroökonoomika baasteooria. 4Freeman III, A.Myrick1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063609*est Mikroökonoomika baasteooria. 4Freeman III, A.Myrick1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063151*est Miks loobusin Eesti Panga presidendi kohast : selgitusVensel, VelloPostimees2000 / 28. apr., lk. 2 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1675102*est Milliseks kujuneb majandus aastal 2000? : [vastab Vello Vensel]Vensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 28. sept., lk. 31: ill Mis saab Hansapanga aktsiast? : [vastavad ... Vello Vensel]Vensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 30. sept., lk. 31 Modeling flow of funds for EstoniaTammeraid, Tuuli2002 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1715438*est Motives and impact of foreign banks' entry in CEE countries : comparative empirical study [Electronic resource]Sõrg, Mart; Uiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloThe 2004 International Applied Business Research Conference : San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 15-19, 20042004 / [CD-ROM] Motives and impact of foreign banks entry into the Estonian marketUiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [71]- 84 Motives of foreign banks' entry into the transitional economies: the comparative empirical evidence from Estonia and PolandKowalski, Tadeusz; Uiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 / p. 177-190 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265510471_Motives_of_Foreign_Banks%27_Entry_into_the_Transitional_Economies_The_Comparative_Empirical_Evidence_from_Estonia_and_Poland Mõnda hasartmängija enesepettestVensel, VelloMajandus, 1985 : [kogumik]1986 / lk. 96-98 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1248206*est Mõned tähelepanekud majanduse liberaliseerimisest EestisVensel, VelloMajanduspoliitika teooria ja praktika Eesti Vabariigis : artiklid ja ettekannete teesid, (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 25.-26. august 1995)1995 / lk. 197-201 New banks operating in emerging market economies : an Estonian case [Electronic resource]Aarma, August; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the Sixth Conference of the ISSEI "Twentith Century European Narratives : Tradition and Innovation" : 16 -21 August 1998, Haifa University2001 / ? p. [CD-ROM] New banks' performance : a comparative analysisVensel, Vello; Aarma, August6th EACES conference : Globalisation and European Integration : Barcelona, September 7th to 9th 2000 : book of abstracts2000 / p. 166 New banks' performance : a comparative analysis [Electronic resource]Aarma, August; Vensel, VelloThe 6th EACES conference : Globalisation and European Integration2002 / p. 607-634, [CD-ROM] Oligopoliteooria ja -mudelidKonkurents, turg ja turundus : (teaduslik-referatiivne kogumik). 1. osa1991 / lk. 163-223: ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1185898*est Operation of business supporting networks: evidence from an EU candidate countryVensel, VelloPapers of the Congress of Political Economists (COPE) 14th Annual International Conference presented by Estonian participants : 12-19 July 2003, Mexico City2004 / TUTWPE(BFE) No. 04/117, p. 221-234 Operation of business supporting networks: theory and empirics [Electronic resource]Kerem, Kaie; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business : June 21-24, 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii2004 / p. ? [CD-ROM] Operation of social networks : a country-specific caseVensel, VelloVII Congreso "Cultura Europea" = VII conference "European Culture", Pamplona, 23-26 octubre 2002 : abstracts2002 / [1] p Operation of the conflict resolution mechanism and business supporting servicesVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [257]-274 Operation of the regulation mechanism in a transition country : an Estonia[n] caseLutsoja, Kaja; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 51st International Atlantic Economic Conference presented by Estonian participants : Athens, Greece2001 / TTUWPE 39/2001, p. 23-32 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2125267*est Operation of the regulation mechanism in a transition country : an Estonian caseLutsoja, Kaja; Vensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research2002 / 1, p. 80 Operational efficiency of Polish and Estonian banks in 1994-1997Wihlborg, Clas; Aarma, August; Kowalski, Tadeusz; Staniszewska, Danuta; Vensel, Vello2000 Optimistlike ootustega uude majandusaastasseVensel, VelloÄripäev2000 / 18. jaan., lk. 26 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1671812*est Output and labour market characteristics, corporate control and development of the infrastructureVainu, Jaan; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [223]-237 Paha korruptsioonVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 8. juuni, lk. 26 Panga analüüs ja finantsjuhtimineVensel, Vello1997 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1059885*est Panga analüüs ja finantsjuhtimine. IVensel, Vello2001 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1482441*est Pangakriisi tegijadVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 12. nov., lk. 30 Pangandus - kas häda ja viletsus?Vensel, VelloPostimees1998 / 5. nov., lk. 9 Panganduse pilvitus : kolm spetsi ja võhik pangandusest : [vestlusringis Vello Vensel, Heldur Meerits, Margus Uudam, Andres Langemets]Vensel, Vello; Meerits, Heldur; Uudam, Margus; Langemets, Andres; Soon, TiinaLuup1998 / 12, lk. 36-39: ill Panganduse roll ja käekäik tulevikusVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 22. nov., lk. 30: portr Papers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, TallinnVensel, Vello1998 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1053778*est Papers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, Tallinn1998 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1219610*est Papers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1667077*est Papers of the Conference on Economic Performance and Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern EuropeVensel, Vello1996 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1053779*est Papers of the Congress of Political Economists (COPE) 14th Annual International Conference presented by Estonian patrticipants, 12-19 July 2003, Mexico CityKerem, Kaie; Vensel, Vello2004 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1880342*est Papers of the Estonian-Finnish Joint Seminar on Economic Integration and the European Union Enlargement : 22-23 November 2002, TallinnVartiainen, Hannu; Vensel, Vello; Purju, Alari2003 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1779575*est Poliitökonoomiline pamflett ja teisi teksteEnnuste, Ülo; Kilvits, Kaarel; Vensel, Vello; Purju, Alari2002 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1655716*est Preliminary results of interview studies of firms financial contractual relations in EMEs (Estonia) : an overviewLiikane, Karin; Tammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloInternational Conference : Financial Sector Reform in Emerging Market Economics : Baltic Progress and Critical Issues, Tallinn, August 23-24, 19931993 / 13 p Preliminary results of interview studies of firms' financial contractual relations in EMEs (Estonia) : an overviewVensel, Vello; Liikane, Karin; Tammeraid, Aita; Teearu, AstaFinancial sector reform in emerging market economies : Baltic progress and critical issues : summary of conference in Laulasmaa and Tallinn, August 23-24 19931993 / 13 p. Preliminary results of the year 1997 Estonian firms interview studyVensel, VelloMaterials of the ACE Workshop on Financial Restructuring in Transition Economies, Poznan, 29-30 September 19971997 / [24] p Productivity, the Malmquist index and the empirical study of banks in Estonia = Tootlikkus ja Malmquisti indeks Eesti pankade näitel / Ly KirikalKirikal, Ly2005 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2089091*est Professor Vello Vensel: Panganduses nagu kala vees : [Eesti majandusest ja pangandusest : vestlus Vello Venseliga, 17.04.2000]Vensel, Vello; Reinap, Aivar; Ernits, PeeterLuup2000 / 9, lk. 16-18 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2092383*est Rahvusvaheline majandusSalvatore, Dominick; Kerem, Kaie; Kuura, M.; Lüll, T.; Soidra, Ivo-Aat; Tammark, M.; Vensel, Vello1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1062353*est Rahvusvaheline majandusSalvatore, Dominick; Kerem, Kaie; Kuura, M.; Lüll, T.; Soidra, Ivo-Aat; Tammark, Mare; Vensel, Vello1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1062354*est Rahvusvaheline majandusSalvatore, Dominick; Kerem, Kaie; Kuura, M.; Lüll, T.; Soidra, Ivo-Aat; Tammark, M.; Vensel, Vello1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063357*est Rahvusvaheline majandusSalvatore, Dominick1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1159713*est Reaaltulu ja inflatsiooni hindamise teoreetilised põhimõtted : õppevahendSepp, Urmas; Vensel, Vello1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1207152*est Reformid tehtud?Vensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 3. veebr., lk. 30 Regulation verms deregulation of economy : choice before countries in transitionVensel, VelloWorkshop on liberalizing economics at Georgetown University, Washington DC, April 22-23, 19941994 Regulation versus deregulation : a dilemma for economics in transitionVensel, VelloWorkshop "Transition Issues in EMEs", USA, Los Angeles, April 25-26, 19951995 Results of Estonian commercial banks performance analysisVensel, VelloPapers of the Conference on Economic Performance and Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe1996 / p. 171-193 Results of firms interview study about the development of financial relationshipsTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloPapers of the Conference on Economic Performance and Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe1996 / p. 151-169: ill Results of firms interview study of the development of financial contractual relationshipsTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloMaterials of the Workshop on Coping Financial Reform in EMEs, Groningen, 3-4 April 19971997 / [19] p Retail banking services in Estonia and in Poland: a comparative empirical studyJanc, Alfred; Krymaryz-Balcerzak, Agnieszka; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 / p. 143-158 Retail banking services in Poland and Estonia : a comparative empirical studyJanc, Alfred; Krymaryz-Balcercak, Agnieszka; Vensel, VelloBusiness in Poland : experience of Finnish companies in doing business in the largest eastern EU candidate country2002 / p. 131-151 Riigivalitsemine pole naljaasiVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 17. dets., lk. 30 Riik - röövel või abistaja?Vensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 28. okt., lk. 38 Rozwoj stosunkow umownych w Estonii : wyniki badan ankietowychTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloReformy finansowe w krajach tworzacych gospodarke rynkowa : modele i badania empiryczne1996 / s. 107-126 Russian corporations expand abroad - International activities of Russian banks, energy and metal companies [Electronic resource]Liuhto, Kari; Jumpponen, Jari; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloThe proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Marketing and Development : Globalization, Transformation and Quality of Life : 4-7 January 2003, Bangkok2003 / p. 507-523. [CD-ROM] Satisfaction with bank services and development of bank-customer relationships - an Estonian caseAarma, August; Vensel, VelloThe Future of Retail Banking and Gustomer Relations : a report from the first workshop of The Göran Collert Research Foundation, September 13-14, 20012001 / p. 68-70 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4905982*est Segmented analysis of bank customers and banking information : the Estonian caseAarma, August2001 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1569927*est Some banks' corporate covernance issues: the case of Croatia, Estonia and PolandVensel, VelloEkonomiczne i spoleczne problemy nadzoru korporacyjnego2004 / p. 487-504 Some empirical developments of the Estonian legal environmentVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloAbstracts of the 5th Conference of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, 10-12 September 1998, Varna1998 / p. 73 Some empirical developments of the Estonian legal environmentVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEconomies in transition and the variety of capitalisms: features, changes, convergence : proceedings of the 5th biannual conference of the EACES : Varna, Bulgaria, 1998, September 10-121999 / p. 125-138 Some investments, output and labour market characteristics : an Estonian caseVensel, VelloProceedings of the Fourth SMESME International Conference on Stimulating Manufacturing Excellence in Small & Medium Enterprices2001 / p. 351-359 Some results of banking sector reform in Estonia : introductory remarksVensel, VelloFinancial sector reform in emerging market economies : Baltic progress and critical issues : summary of conference in Laulasmaa and Tallinn, August 23-24 19931993 / [6] p. 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[CD-ROM] The choise in general method for investment and performance evaluationKarilaid, Ivo2002 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1715410*est The comparative analysis of markets' attractivenessPõlajeva, Tatjana2001 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1570018*est The currency board in EstoniaSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloEconomic policy in Eastern Europe : were currency boards a solution?2000 / p. 113-143 The economic environment in Estonia : its effect on enterprisesVensel, VelloThe Baltic review1998 / p. 23-26 The Estonian currency board : a case for fiscal discipline and monetary bondageDillon, Patricia; Vensel, Vello1996 The impact of foreign banks entry into Estonian banking market: survey resultsUiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 / p. 239-249 The impact of foreign banks' entry into the European Union candidate countries [Electronic resource]Uiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the ISSEI the 8th International Conference "European Culture in a Changing World : between Nationalism and Globalism" : 22-27 July, 2002, Aberystwyth, Wales2003 / [11] p. [CD-ROM] The internationalization of Estonian banks : inward versus outward penetrationSõrg, Mart; Uiboupin, Janek; Varblane, Urmas; Vensel, VelloFinancial markets in Central and Eastern Europe : stability and efficiency perspectives2004 / p. 251-290 : ill The matrix approach for bank performance analysis : an Estonian case studyVensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research1998 / 4, p. 452 The methods and instruments for solving the banking crisis and the development of the banking sector in EstoniaJaamu, Viljar2003 The political economy of macroeconomic developments, central bank and tax system reform in EstoniaVensel, Vello1996 The PPP deviations between Estonia and non-transitional countriesRaim, Jaanus2006 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2125497*est The quality of banking services and relationships development in foreign owned Estonian banksVensel, VelloForeign banks and economic transition : papers in progress2002 / p. 195-217 The role of foreign banks in corporate governance in Central and East European Countries. The case of Croatia, Estonia and PolandKowalski, Tadeusz; Kraft, Evan; Mullineux, Andrew; Vensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasPapers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 / p. 159-170 The role of the state in transitional economy : the invisible hand or the grabbing hand [Electronic resource]Tammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vainu, Jaan; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the Sixth Conference of the ISSEI "Twentith Century European Narratives : Tradition and Innovation" : 16 -21 August 1998, Haifa University2001 / ? p. [CD-ROM] The usage of the matrix model for banks performance analysisVensel, VelloWorkshop on Modelling the Economies of the Baltic Republics, 12-13 September, Vilnius1996 / [24] p The usage of the matrix model for Estonian Banks performance analysisVensel, VelloMaterials of the Workshop on Modelling the Economies of the Baltic Republics, Antwerpen, 29-31 January 19971997 / [24] p Theory and empirical evidence of business support networksKerem, Kaie; Vensel, VelloWorking papers in economics. 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[317]-335 Võidujooks ToompealeVensel, VelloVõrumaa Teataja1999 / 27. jaan., lk. 2 VõidujooksulVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 26. jaan., lk. 30 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1721126*est Väike inglise-eesti ja eesti-inglise majandussõnastikSepp, Urmas; Vensel, Vello1992 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1051489*est Ühe väikeriigi üleminekumajanduse mured ja rõõmudVensel, VelloMajandusteadus ja majanduspoliitika Eesti Vabariigis : ettekannete teesid ja artiklid (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 27.-28. mail 1994)1994 / lk. 97-102 Ühisturg kasuks kaubanduspartnereileVensel, VelloÄripäev2000 / 22. veebr., lk. 27 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1672907*est Üliõpilane ja õppejõud : kõne Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli 77. aastapäevale pühendatud pidulikul nõukogu istungil 17. septembril 1995 Glehni lossisVensel, VelloTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 19951996 / lk. 168-172 Üliõpilane ja õppejõud Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisVensel, VelloTehnikaülikool1995 / 11. okt., lk. 4-5 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5309277*est Üliõpilaste iseseisva töö korraldamisest statistika õpetamiselVensel, VelloRakendusmajandusteaduste õpetamise metoodika uutes majandamistingimustes : Eesti NSV kõrgkoolide teaduslik-metoodiline konverents (Tallinn, 22. mai 1987) : ettekannete teesid1987 / lk. 10-11 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1237089*est Алгоритм последовательной кластеризации, базирующейся на минимизации приращения внутригрупповой суммы квадратовVensel, VelloПотребление и уровень жизни населения1979 / с. 145-159 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1283598*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/dc1f8294-d89f-4f2c-83c0-fb2a5613bace Анализ некоторых качественных и количественных показателей промышленности Эстонской ССР (1955-1968) : автореферат ... кандидата экономических наук (08.594)Vensel, Vello1971 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1390149*est Влияние изменения числа работающих промышленности Эстонской ССР на динамику других количественных показателейVensel, VelloАктуальные проблемы воспроизводства и рационального использования рабочей силы : тезисы научной конференции : (с 24 по 26 ноября 1971 года)1971 / с. 86-88 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1414363*est Возможности применения корреляционного и регрессионного анализа рядов динамикиVensel, VelloЭкономический анализ, эффективность производства и инженерного труда : материалы республиканской научной конференции (28-30 октября 1976 г.) Тарту-Кяэрику. Часть II1976 / с. 21-23 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1350008*est Возможности применения производственных функций в экономико-географических исследованияхVensel, VelloГеография и математика : материалы к третьему всесоюзному межведомственному совещанию "Математические методы в географии"1974 / с. 161-163 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1300682*est Возможности статистического исследования динамики эффективности с помощью стандартных интегральных регрессионных моделейVensel, VelloИзучение эффективности производства1981 / с. 67-76 Измерение динамики экономической эффективности производства по матричной моделиVensel, VelloМатричное моделирование и комплексный анализ результатов хозяйствования1985 / с. 63-72 Изучение взаимного воздействия экономических явлений при помощи факторных индексовVensel, VelloИсследования экономического факультета. 91972 / с. 69-80 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2267602*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/6d1b3d3d-a96e-4c89-8fe1-5f19093e8199 Изучение влияния структурных сдвигов при помощи индексного методаVensel, VelloИсследования экономического факультета. 91972 / с. 59-68 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2267602*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/6d1b3d3d-a96e-4c89-8fe1-5f19093e8199 Интегральная регрессия и корреляция : статистическое моделирование рядов динамикиVensel, Vello1983 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1441088*est Комплексное прогнозирование эффективности производстваVensel, VelloИнтенсификация и эффективизация производства1989 / с. 7-17 Коррелирование рядов динамики, содержащих линейные тенденцииVensel, VelloТруды экономического факультета. 211976 / с. 3-10 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190760*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/33a02516-553b-4694-80ee-ce7d54bcb38f Корригирование оценок параметров регрессионного уравненияVensel, VelloМетодологические проблемы изучения экономической эффективности производства1978 / с. 145-155 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1314950*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/2fb593d9-3346-46a7-91ed-cae6e8c3038b Математико-статистическое исследование временных рядов с помощью интегральных регрессионных уравнений (на примере ЭССР) : автореферат ... доктора экономических наук (08.00.13)Vensel, Vello1983 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1541818*est Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Müür, H.; Hagelberg, R.; Linnaks, Erik; Piho, H.; Otsason, Rein; Root, Andres; Kull, Eduard; Vensel, Vello; Mutšnik, I.; Õunapuu, Enn; Pavelson, Henno; Eigi, K.; Karpova, M.; Malmsaar, Rainer; Mikkov, Uno; Kalle, Eedo; Rajangu, Väino; Kivistik, J.; Sarv, Henn; Sepp, J.1981 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1292917*est Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Vensel, Vello; Root, Andres; Kats, J.A.; Straž, Salman; Eigi, K.; Raudjärv, Matti; Malmsaar, Rainer; Pesti, Eedi; Udam, V.; Kipper, Endel; Kull, Eduard; Mikkov, Uno1983 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1270499*est Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Fleiderviš, Mihhail; Vensel, Vello; Vainu, Jaan; Rooma, Ülo; Kats, J.A.; Mikkov, Uno; Orvet, M.; Laas, Kaljo; Ross, A.; Rajangu, Väino; Kull, Eduard; Luks, T.; Pettai, Iris; Malmsaar, Rainer; Kivistik, J.1984 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1315659*est Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kissina, Galina; Linnaks, Erik; Hagelberg, R.; Müür, H.; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Luur, H.; Gorodetskaja, T.; Malõhhin, V.; Mihhailov, A.; Vensel, Vello; Butnik-Siverski, A.B.; Saarepera, Maimu; Orvet, M.; Root, Andres; Tinits, Margus; Fleiderviš, Mihhail; Jürviste, Helvi1985 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1301824*est Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Kissina, Galina; Linnaks, Erik; Hagelberg, R.; Müür, H.; Vensel, Vello; Saarepera, Maimu; Luur, H.; Root, Andres; Orvet, M.; Jevstignejev, S.S.; Krastinš, O.; Jelissejeva, I.I.; Zvidrinš, P.; Bergman, J.; Randla, Riina; Alver, Jaan; Vernitskaja, L.A.; Liias, Roode; Malmsaar, Rainer; Lambing, G.1987 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1218797*est Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kissina, Galina; Linnaks, Erik; Hagelberg, R.; Müür, H.; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Vensel, Vello; Luur, H.; Duša, I.; Vaninski, A.J.; Root, Andres; Alver, Jaan; Pavlova, G.; Teearu, Asta; Purga, Ü.; Malmsaar, Rainer; Kalle, Eedo; Semjonov, V.; Karpova, M.1989 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1287069*est Методологические основы построения пространства эффективностиVensel, VelloМетодологические проблемы современной статистики1987 / с. 3-11 Методологические проблемы определения индекса цен потребленияVensel, VelloЭкономическая самостоятельность региона и модели экономических механизмов. Часть 2. = Regional economic autonomy and models of economic mechanisms = Regiooni majanduslik iseseisvus ja majandusmehhanismi mudelid : сборник тезисов республиканского научно-практического семинара (Таллинн, 31 августа - 1 сентября 1989 года)1989 / с. 252-257 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1227302*est Многомерный статистический анализ рядов динамикиVensel, VelloМетодологические проблемы изучения экономической эффективности производства1978 / с. 167-176 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1314950*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/2fb593d9-3346-46a7-91ed-cae6e8c3038b Направления и результаты экономических исследований в ТПИTamberg, Jaak; Vensel, VelloРазвитие научных исследований в области технических наук в Эстонской ССР : тезисы республиканской конференции, Таллин, 15-16 октября 1986 г.1986 / с. 21-25 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1231513*est Некоторые возможности применения матричной концепции для анализа хозяйственной деятельностиVensel, VelloПроблемы методики преподавания бухгалтерского учета и анализа хозяйственной деятельности : тезисы докладов республиканской научно-методической конференции, 26 апреля 1984 г1984 / с. 10-12 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1298018*est Некоторые проблемы прогнозирования демографических процессов по данным рядов динамикиVensel, VelloНародонаселение и рабочая сила1981 / с. 155-162 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1339371*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/e9975fb2-c39e-4b2c-a6be-67edd8578afd Некоторые проблемы статистического анализа рядов динамикиVensel, VelloТезисы конференции "Теоретические и прикладные вопросы математики" : 11-12 сентября 19801980 / с. 254-256 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1275697*est Некоторые свойства интегральной регресионной моделиVensel, VelloТеоретические и прикладные вопросы математики : тезисы докладов конференции, 26-27 сентября 1985 г. II1985 / с. 29-30 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1305194*est О возможном подходе к оценке значимости многомерной классификации : (оценка репрезентативности выборочных бюджетных обследований)Mandel, I.; Vensel, VelloПотребление и уровень жизни населения1979 / с. 129-134 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1283598*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/dc1f8294-d89f-4f2c-83c0-fb2a5613bace О возможностях измерения влияния научно-технического прогресса при помощи производственных функцийVensel, VelloЭкономические стимулы научно-технического прогресса : материалы Всесоюзной научной конференции. Том 31979 / с. 55-58 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1279834*est https://dspace.ut.ee/handle/10062/51051 О некоторых вопросах регрессии рядов динамикиVainu, Jaan; Vensel, VelloСтатистика и экономический анализ1977 / с. 85-92 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1309508*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/97c01d52-3148-45bc-a11e-6c8e2ad5e912 О понятии социальной эффективности производстваVensel, VelloTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1990 / lk. 14-25: ill Об измерении эффективности структурных сдвиговVensel, VelloТруды экономического факультета. 121974 / с. 9-13 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190628*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/f60c06-b960-4492-bffc-2ca731bf5715d9 Об использовании дисперсионного анализа при коррелировании рядов динамикиVensel, Vello; Vainu, JaanСтатистика и экономический анализ1977 / с. 93-104 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1309508*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/97c01d52-3148-45bc-a11e-6c8e2ad5e912 Об одном типе регрессионных моделей, применяемых для статистического моделирования эффективности производстваVensel, VelloИзучение эффективности производства1981 / с. 77-87 Общая теория статистики : программа II и III курса экономического факультета1987 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3542609*est Определение и анализ динамики экономической эффективности общественного производства в отраслях народного хозяйства Эстонской ССРVensel, VelloЭффективность производства и капитальных вложений1983 / с. 11-18 Определение уровня экономической эффективности общественного производства в отраслях народного хозяйства Эстонской ССРVensel, VelloЭффективность производства и капитальных вложений1983 / с. 3-9 Определения уровня и динамики интенсификации общественного производства с помощью ВОПЭVensel, VelloЭкономические проблемы интенсификации производства : тезисы республиканской конференции, Таллин, 6-7 мая 1986 г. 1 часть1986 / с. 7-9 : таб https://www.ester.ee/record=b1225241*est Повышение социальной эффективности производства в условиях усовершенствования регионального управленияVensel, VelloРеспубликанская научно-практическая конференция "Совершенствование регионального управления и планирования", 17 ноября 1988 г. : тезисы докладов = Regionaalse juhtimise ja planeerimise täiustamine : vabariiklik teaduslik-praktiline konverents, 17. november 1988 a. : ettekannete teesid1988 / с. 116-117 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1298159*est Последовательная кластеризация и дисперсионный анализVensel, VelloПотребление и уровень жизни населения1979 / с. 135-143 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1283598*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/dc1f8294-d89f-4f2c-83c0-fb2a5613bace Построение факторных систем на основе матричной концепцииSaarepera, Maimu; Vensel, VelloМатричное моделирование и комплексный анализ результатов хозяйствования1985 / с. 83-97 Применение адаптивных статистических моделей для прогнозирования экономических явленийVensel, VelloСтатистический анализ и прогнозирование1984 / с. 49-59 Применение индексного метода и производственных функции для анализа производительности трудаVensel, VelloРеспубликанская научная конференция "Проблемы стимулирования повышения производительности труда" : тезисы1976 / с. 17-19 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1265960*est Применение корреляционного анализа для исследования взаимосвязей между явлениями по данным рядов динамикиVensel, VelloНародонаселение и рабочая сила1981 / с. 163-172 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1339371*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/e9975fb2-c39e-4b2c-a6be-67edd8578afd Разложение абсолютного прироста объема продукции при помощи производственных функцийVensel, VelloТруды экономического факультета. 161974 / с. 3-10 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190676*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/e8e82f2f-58a8-4d70-8df1-82a9a1dd645c Разработка модели оценки результатов хозяйствования предприятия (объединения) и ее применение в управлении : автореферат ... кандидата экономических наук (08.00.05)Volt, Rein1989 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1267117*est Разработка модели оценки результатов хозяйствования предприятия (объединения) и ее применение в управлении : специальность 08.00.05 - экономика, планирование и организация управления народным хозяйством : диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата экономических наукVolt, Rein1989 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4464978*est Совершенствование методологии экономического анализаMereste, Uno; Vensel, Vello; Straž, SalmanРазвитие научных исследований в области технических наук в Эстонской ССР : тезисы республиканской конференции, Таллин, 15-16 октября 1986 г.1986 / с. 9-12 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1231513*est Социально-экономическая статистика : программа курса для студентов экономического факультета1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1569763*est Статистические характеристики вариационных рядов и дисперсионный анализ : учебное пособиеVensel, Vello1988 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1295665*est Статистический анализ рядов динамикиVensel, Vello1992 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063145*est Статистический анализ экономической эффективности производстваVensel, VelloЭкономическая информация и анализ1981 / с. 17-27 Статистическое моделирование уравновешенных экономических явленийVensel, Vello; Straž, SalmanМетодологические проблемы изучения экономической эффективности производства1978 / с. 157-165 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1314950*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/2fb593d9-3346-46a7-91ed-cae6e8c3038b Труды экономического факультетаKissina, Galina; Bam, E.S.; Link, Sirje; Vensel, Vello; Volt, Vello; Kallas, Kaido; Lõokene, Inga; Mikkov, Uno; Sarap, Maire1981 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1538569*est Экстраполяция и адаптация трендовVensel, VelloСтатистический анализ и прогнозирование1984 / с. 39-48