Archetypes based meta-modeling towards evolutionary, dependable and interoperable healthcare information systemsPiho, Gunnar; Tepandi, Jaak; Thompson, Douglas; Tammer, Triinu; Parman, Marko; Puusep, ViljamProcedia computer science2014 / p. 457-464 : ill Business archetypes and archetype patterns from the HL7 RIM and openEHR RM perspectives : towards interoperability and evolution of healthcare models and software systemsPiho, Gunnar; Tepandi, Jaak; Thompson, Douglas; Woerner, Andreas; Parman, MarkoProcedia computer science2015 / p. 553-560 : ill From archetypes based domain model via requirements to software : exemplified by LIMS software factoryPiho, Gunnar; Tepandi, Jaak; Roost, Mart; Parman, Marko; Puusep, ViljamMIPRO 2011 : 34th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics : May 23-27, 2011, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings2011 / p. 570-575 From archetypes-based domain model of clinical laboratory to LIMS softwarePiho, Gunnar; Tepandi, Jaak; Parman, Marko; Perkins, DavidMIPRO 2010 : 33rd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics : May 24 - 28, 2010 Opatija, Croatia : proceedings. Vol. Digital Economy2010 / p. 1179-1184 : ill Test driven domain modellingPiho, Gunnar; Tepandi, Jaak; Parman, Marko; Puusep, Viljam; Roost, MartMIPRO 2011 : 34th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics : May 23-27, 2011, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings2011 / p. 576-581 Towards LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems) software in global contextPiho, Gunnar; Tepandi, Jaak; Parman, MarkoMIPRO 2012 : 35th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics : May 21 - 25, 2012, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings2012 / p. 721-726 : ill