Accuracy analysis of selected time series and machine learning methods for smart cities based on Estonian electricity consumption forecastHäring, Tobias; Ahmadiahangar, Roya; Rosin, Argo; Korõtko, Tarmo; Biechl, Helmuth2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG) : proceedings2020 / p. 425-428 : ill Aggregation ready flexibility management methods for mechanical ventilation systems in buildingsMaask, Vahur; Rosin, Argo; Korõtko, Tarmo; Thalfeldt, Martin; Syri, Sanna; Ahmadiahangar, RoyaEnergy and buildings2023 / art. 113369, 14 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS AI applications for power quality issues in distribution systems : A systematic reviewDehaghani, Mitra Nabian; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, ArgoIEEE Access2025 / p. 18346-183652025 AI applications to enhance resilience in power systems and microgrids - a reviewZahraoui, Younes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Mekhilef, Saad; Seyedmahmoudian, Mehdi; Stojcevski, Alex; Alhamrouni, IbrahimSustainability2024 / art. 4959 AI technologies and their applications in small-scale electric power systemsShahid, Arqum; Plaum, Freddy; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, ArgoIEEE Access2024 / p. 109984-110001 Analysis and development of protection and control functions for Li-Ion based prosumers provided by low voltage part of distribution substation [Electronic resource]Korõtko, Tarmo; Mägi, Marek; Peterson, Kristjan; Teemets, Raivo; Pettai, ElmoCPE 2013 : 2013 International Conference on Compatibility and Power Electronics (CPE) : June 5-7, 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia : conference proceedings2013 / p. 19-24 : ill [CD-ROM] Analysis of proposed microgrid electric energy management methodsKorõtko, Tarmo14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 205-209 Analysis of traditional and alternative methods for solving voltage problems in low voltage grids : an Estonian case studyRosin, Argo; Drovtar, Imre; Mõlder, Heigo; Haabel, Kaija; Astapov, Victor; Vinnal, Toomas; Korõtko, TarmoEnergies2022 / art. 1104 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Analysis of ventilation load flexibility depending on indoor climate conditionsMaask, Vahur; Häring, Tobias; Ahmadiahangar, Roya; Rosin, Argo; Korõtko, Tarmo2020 IEEE International Conferenceon Industrial Technology, Buenos Aires Institute of Technology (ITBA) Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26-28 February, 2020 : proceedings2020 / p. 607-612 Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS ANN-LSTM based tool for photovoltaic power forecastingZahraoui, Younes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Mekhilef, Saad; Rosin, Argo2024 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE) : proceedings2024 / 6 p. : ill Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm For Optimal Reconfiguration Of Electrical Distribution networksZahraoui, Younes; Bouhanik, Anes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Mekhilef, Saad2024 IEEE 22nd Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON)2024 / p. 225-229 Assessment of data acquisition system for forecasting temperature and solar irradiationZahraoui, Younes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Mekhilef, Saad; Alhamrouni, Ibrahim2023 International Conference on Engineering Technology and Technopreneurship (ICE2T)2024 / p. 408-413 Assessment of power system asset dispatch under different local energy community business modelsKorõtko, Tarmo; Plaum, Freddy; Häring, Tobias; Mutule, Anna; Lazdins, Roberts; Boršcevskis, Olegs; Rosin, Argo; Carroll, PaulaEnergies2023 / art. 3476 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Awareness of BSR municipalities about sustainable urban lighting and green public procurementsKorõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Varjas, Toivo; Ahmadiahangar, Roya2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), Madrid, Spain, 9-12 June 2020 : proceedings2020 / 6 p. : ill A chameleon algorithm for solving economic dispatch problem in microgrid systemZahraoui, Younes; Alhamrouni, Ibrahim; Mekhilef, Saad; Korõtko, Tarmo; Jusoh, Awang; Sutikno, ToleBulletin of electrical engineering and informatics2023 / p. 1982-1992 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Comparison of the impact of different household occupancies on load matching algorithmsHäring, Tobias; Ahmadiahangar, Roya; Rosin, Argo; Biechl, Helmuth; Korõtko, Tarmo2019 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ) & 2019 Symposium on Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics (SEEM), Kärdla, Estonia, June 12-15, 2019 : proceedings2019 / 6 p. : ill A competitive framework for the participation of multi-microgrids in the community energy trading market: A case studyZahraoui, Younes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Zidane, Tekai Eddine Khalil; Agabus, Hannes; Mekhilef, SaadIEEE Access2024 / p. 68232-68248 A comprehensive market mechanism for decentralized P2P energy trading platformZahraoui, Younes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Agabus, Hannes; Rosin, Argo2024 IEEE 22nd Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON)2024 / p. 972-977 Contributions to ventilation system demand response: a case study of an educational buildingMaask, Vahur; Mikola, Alo; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Thalfeldt, MartinE3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 20212021 / art. 11001, 6 p Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS A cyber attack taxonomy for microgrid systemsBahsi, Hayretdin; Dola, Henry Ochieng; Khalil, Shaymaa Mamdouh; Korõtko, Tarmo2022 17th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SOSE)2022 / p. 324-331 Deployment of sustainable and smart urban lightingKorõtko, Tarmo; Bunte, Heike; Tallo, Eva; Šponberga, Ieva; Potrykus, Yolanda; Nurulin, Yury; Axelsen, Teddy Sibbern Determining optimisation framework for local energy communitiesDrovtar, Imre; Korõtko, Tarmo; Mutule, Anna; Kairisa, Evita; Rosin, Argo2022 IEEE 7th International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON)2022 / 7 p Development of prosumer logical structure and object modelingKorõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Ahmadiahangar, Roya2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG) : [proceedings]2019 / 6 p. : ill Development of testing method for smart substations with prosumersKorõtko, Tarmo; Merisalu, Ülo; Mägi, Marek; Peterson, Kristjan; Pettai, ElmoJournal of microelectronics, electronic components and materials2014 / p. 185-200 : ill Digital twins for designing energy management systems for microgrids: Implementation example based on TalTech Campulse projectKorõtko, Tarmo; Zahraoui, Younes; Rosin, Argo; Agabus, Hannes2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)2023 / 6 p Distributed optimal storage strategy in the ADMM-based peer-to-peer energy trading considering degradation costHan, Binghui; Zahraoui, Younes; Mubin, Marizan; Mekhilef, Saad; Korõtko, Tarmo; Alshammari, O.Journal of energy storage2024 / art. 112651 Eesti teadlased töötasid välja avatud platvormi energiavoogude juhtimisekspostimees.ee2023 Eesti teadlased töötasid välja avatud platvormi energiavoogude juhtimiseks Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 21, Staatilised vahelduvvoolu aktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 0,5, 1 ja 2) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 21, Static meters for AC active energy (classes 0,5, 1 and 2) (IEC 62053-21:2020)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 21, Staatilised vahelduvvoolu aktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 0,5, 1 ja 2) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 21, Static meters for AC active energy (classes 0,5, 1 and 2)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 22, Staatilised vahelduvvoolu aktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 0,1 S, 0,2 S ja 0,5 S) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 22, Static meters for AC active energy (classes 0,1 S, 0,2 S and 0,5 S) (IEC 62053-22:2020)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 22, Staatilised vahelduvvoolu aktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 0,1 S, 0,2 S ja 0,5 S) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 22, Static meters for AC active energy (classes 0,1 S, 0,2 S and 0,5 S)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 22, Staatilised vahelduvvoolu aktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 0,1 S, 0,2 S ja 0,5 S) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 22, Static meters for AC active energy (classes 0,1S, 0,2S and 0,5S) (IEC 62053-22:2020)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 22, Staatilised vahelduvvoolu aktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 0,1 S, 0,2 S ja 0,5 S) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 22, Static meters for AC active energy (classes 0,1 S, 0,2 S and 0,5 S) (IEC 62053-22:2020)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 23, Staatilised reaktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 2 ja 3) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 23, Static meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3) (IEC 62053-23:2020)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 23, Staatilised reaktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 2 ja 3) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 23, Static meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3) (IEC 62053-23:2020)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 23, Staatilised reaktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 2 ja 3) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 23, Static meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 24, Staatilised põhisagedus-reaktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 0,5 S, 1 S, 1, 2 ja 3) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 24, Static meters for fundamental component reactive energy (classes 0,5S, 1S, 1, 2 and 3) (IEC 62053-24:2020)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 24, Staatilised põhisagedus-reaktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 0,5 S, 1 S, 1, 2 ja 3) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 24, Static meters for fundamental component reactive energy (classes 0,5S, 1S, 1, 2 and 3) (IEC 62053-24:2020)2021*est Elektrimõõteseadmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 24, Staatilised põhisagedus-reaktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 0,5 S, 1 S, 1, 2 ja 3) = Electricity metering equipment : particular requirements. Part 24, Static meters for fundamental component reactive energy (classes 0,5S, 1S, 1, 2 and 3) (IEC 62053-24:2020)2021*est Elektrimõõtesedmed [Võrguteavik] : erinõuded. Osa 21: Staatilised vahelduvvoolu aktiivenergia arvestid (klassid 0,5, 1 ja 2) = Electricity metering equipment. Particular requirements. Part 21: Static meters for AC active energy (classes 0,5, 1 and 2)(IEC 62053-21:2020)2021*est Elektritarkvõrgud ja virtuaalsed elektrijaamadRosin, Argo; Korõtko, TarmoTööstusEST2018 / lk. 32-34 : ill*est*est Elektrivõrkude arengustKorõtko, Tarmo; Pettai, ElmoElektriala2018 / lk. 10-13 : ill*est*est Energy storage expansion planning in microgridAhmadiahangar, Roya; Baharvandi, Amir; Rosin, Argo; Häring, Tobias; Azizi, Elnaz; Korõtko, Tarmo; Shabbir, NomanProceedings : 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG) : Online - Setúbal, Portugal, 08 - 10 July, 20202020 / p. 433-437 Forecasting demand-side flexibility of a household with dynamic consumer behavior analysisShahid, Arqum; Ahmadiahangar, Roya; Rosin, Argo; Korõtko, TarmoIEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT Europe 2024) : proceedings2024 / 5 p Forecasting PV energy generation using transformer-based architectures: A comparative study of Lag-Llama, TFT, and DeepARAmjad, Furqan; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo2024 IEEE 65th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON)2024 / 6 p Impacts of grid-scale battery systems on power system operation, case of Baltic regionAhmadiahangar, Roya; Plaum, Freddy; Häring, Tobias; Drovtar, Imre; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, ArgoIET Smart Grid2024 / p. 101-119 An information modeling method for electric micro gridsKorõtko, Tarmo11th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering." Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 16-21, 20122012 / p. 205-208 : ill Leveraging the machine learning techniques for demand-side flexibility - a comprehensive reviewShahid, Arqum; Ahmadiahangar, Roya; Rosin, Argo; Blinov, Andrei; Korõtko, Tarmo; Vinnikov, DmitriElectric power systems research2025 / art. 111185 Lifetime-oriented control strategies for hybrid energy storage systems in an islanded microgridCinay, Nazli; Häring, Tobias; Rosin, Argo; Korõtko, Tarmo; Ahmadiahangar, Roya; Biechl, Helmuth2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) : proceedings2021 / p. 1-6 Conference Prceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Load flow modelling in local energy community electric power systemsKorõtko, Tarmo; Drovtar, Imre; Mutule, Anna; Kairisa, Evita; Rosin, Argo2022 IEEE 7th International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON)2022 / 7 p Lucia Compendium : Sustainable and Smart Urban LightingBunte, Heike; Jacob, Thomas; Haapanen, Topi; Enevold, Sif; Le Moullec, Yannick2020*est LUCIA Compendium. Volume 2 : deployment of sustainable and smart urban lightingKorõtko, Tarmo; Bunte, Heike; Tallo, Eva; Šponberga, Ieva; Potrykus, Yolanda; Nurulin, Yury; Axelsen, Teddy Sibbern2022*est Market mechanisms and trading in microgrid local electricity markets : a comprehensive reviewZahraoui, Younes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Agabus, HannesEnergies2023 / art. 2145, 52 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Microgrid control and electricity auctionKorõtko, Tarmo13th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering." Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 14-19, 20132013 / p. 242-245 : ill Mikrovõrk võimaldab energiakasutust tõhusamalt juhtidaAlvela, AinTööstusEST2024 / lk. 26-29 : ill*est Nutikas mikrovõrk annab alakasutatud tänavavalgustustaristule uue eluAlvela, Ainnovaator.err.ee2023 Nutikas mikrovõrk annab alakasutatud tänavavalgustustaristule uue elu Pitfalls of machine learning methods in smart grids : a legal perspectiveAntonov, Alexander; Häring, Tobias; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Biechl, Helmuth2021 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls :(ISCSIC 2021), 12-14 November 2021, Rome, Italy : proceedings2021 / p. 248-256 Potential Assessment of Closed Distribution System Uptake in EstoniaAgabus, Hannes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Kull, Katrin; Rosin, Argo; Palu, Ivo2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)2023 / 5 p Profit maximization by integrating demand response in multiple VPPs optimal schedulingAsim Amin, M.; Suleman, Ahmad; Korõtko, Tarmo; Aziz, Saddam; Naseer, Muhammad Usman; Ahmad, Nisar2022 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Sustainable Technologies (ICEEST), 14th-15th December, 2022, Lahore, Pakistan : proceedings2022 / 6 p A real-time simulation for P2P energy trading using a distributed algorithmZahraoui, Younes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Khalil Zidane, T. E.; Mekhilef, SaadIEEE Access2024 / p. 44135-44146 Research and development of electricity auction for microgrids = Mikrovõrkude elektrioksjoni uurimine ja väljatöötamineKorõtko, Tarmo2019 Research and development of explicit demand flexibility management methods for ventilation systems = Ventilatsioonisüsteemidele otsese energiapaindlikkuse juhtimismeetodite uurimine ja arendamineMaask, Vahur2023*est Residential load forecasting for flexibility prediction using machine learning-based regression modelAhmadiahangar, Roya; Häring, Tobias; Rosin, Argo; Korõtko, Tarmo; Martins, Joao2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe)2019 / 4 p. : ill A review on real‐time simulation and analysis methods of microgridsAhmadiahangar, Roya; Rosin, Argo; Nabavi Niaki, Ali; Palu, Ivo; Korõtko, TarmoInternational transactions on electrical energy systems2019 / art. e12106, 16 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Salvestiga mikrovõrk edendab hajustootmist : [TTÜ energeetikateaduskonna doktorandi Tarmo Korõtko sõnul]Feldmann, MatiTööstusEST2016 / lk. 20-23 : ill*est Search algorithm development for novel electricity auction in microgridsKorõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo59th Annual International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering : November 12, 13, 2018, Riga Technical University (RTUCON) : conference proceedings2018 / 6 p. : ill State-of-the-Art Review of Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy Generation TechnologiesTiismus, Hans; Maask, Vahur; Astapov, Victor; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, ArgoIEEE Access2025 / p. 10820 - 10843 Stochastic energy management for Battery Storage System-based microgrid considering different forecasting modelsZahraoui, Younes; Korõtko, Tarmo; Rosin, Argo; Ahmadiahangar, Roya2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)2023 / 6 p System-level condition monitoring approach for fault detection in photovoltaic systemsZahraoui, Younes; Alhamrouni, Ibrahim; Hayes, Barry P.; Mekhilef, Saad; Korõtko, TarmoFault analysis and its impact on grid-connected photovoltaic systems performance2022 TalTechi teadlased töötasid välja avatud platvormi energiavoogude juhtimiseksdigi.geenius.ee2024 TalTechi teadlased töötasid välja avatud platvormi energiavoogude juhtimiseks Targa linna teenuste võimaldamine tänavavalgustusvõrkude kauduKorõtko, Tarmo; Drovtar, ImreElektriala2021 / lk. 15-17 : ill*est Tartu katsetab uut ideed: paneme tänavavalgustuse alaliselt tööle!Ladva, AssoÕhtuleht2023 Tartu katsetab uut ideed: paneme tänavavalgustuse alaliselt tööle! Tartu katsetab uut ideed: paneme tänavavalgustuse alaliselt tööle!Ladva, AssoÕhtuleht2023 / Lk. 6 Threat modeling of cyber-physical systems - a case study of a microgrid systemKhalil, Shaymaa Mamdouh; Bahsi, Hayretdin; Dola, Henry Ochieng; Korõtko, Tarmo; McLaughlin, Kieran; Kotkas, VahurComputers & Security2023 / art. 102950, 16 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Threat modeling of industrial control systems: A systematic literature reviewKhalil, Shaymaa Mamdouh; Bahsi, Hayretdin; Korõtko, TarmoComputers and security2024 / art. 103543, 19 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Tänavavalgustus aitab peagi elektriautosid laadidaRaudmäe, EgeliTartu Postimees2023 / Lk. 3 Uus metoodika parandab tarbija elektri kvaliteeti seniselt lihtsamaltMente et Manu2022 / lk. 42 : fot*est Virtual energy storage model of ventilation system for flexibility serviceMaask, Vahur; Rosin, Argo; Korõtko, Tarmo2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)2023 / 6 p Väljakutsed energeetikas : [avatud platvorm energiavoogude juhtimiseks]Korõtko, TarmoTehnikamaailm2024 / lk. 74-75 : fot*est