Design of light-weight sandwich panels for trailersAllikas, Georg; Kers, Jaan; Aruniit, Aare; Herranen, Henrik; Eerme, Martin; Majak, Jüri; Pohlak, Meelis; Pabut, OttECCM15 - 15th European Conference on Composite Materials : Venice, Italy, 24-28 June 20122012 / 8 p. : ill Optimization of WC-Ni-ZrO2 structureVoltšihhin, Nikolai; Hussainova, Irina; Traksmaa, Rainer; Juhani, KristjanECCM15 - 15th European Conference on Composite Materials : Venice, Italy, 24-28 June 20122012 / 8 p. : ill Particle reinforced polymer composite’s stain resistance factorsAruniit, Aare; Kers, Jaan; Krumme, Andres; Allikas, Georg; Poltimäe, TriinuECCM15 - 15th European Conference on Composite Materials : Venice, Italy, 24-28 June 20122012 Toward high temperature tough ceramicsHussainova, Irina; Yung, Der-Liang; Voltšihhin, Nikolai; Traksmaa, Rainer; Hannula, Simo-PekkaECCM15 - 15th European Conference on Composite Materials : Venice, Italy, 24-28 June 20122012 / [8] p