Adaptive industrial robots using machine visionKuts, Vladimir; Otto, Tauno; Tähemaa, Toivo; Bukhari, Khuldoon; Pataraia, TengizASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, November 9–15, 20182018 / Paper No. IMECE2018-86720, pp. V002T02A093, 8 p. : ill Augmented reality interface for industrial robot control and teleoperationOrdile, Laura; Bondarenko, Yevhen; Pizzagalli, Simone Luca; Kuts, Vladimir; Otto, TaunoEuroXR 2021: Proceedings of the Virtual EuroXR Conference2021 / p. 15-19 Collaborative work between human and industrial robot in manufacturing by advanced safety monitoring systemKuts, Vladimir; Sarkans, Martinš; Otto, Tauno; Tähemaa, ToivoAnnals of DAAAM for 2017 and proceedings of the 28th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation" : 8-11 November 2017, Zadar, Croatia2017 / p. 0996-1001 : ill Demopäev tutvustas nelja kasulikku tööstusrobotitPõdersalu, HeikoMente et Manu2022 / lk. 56-57 : fot*est Development of digital twin-based learning from demonstration system for industrial robotsBondarenko, Yevhen20th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. 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