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- Alkyltitanium ate complexes generated from alkylmagnesium halides and titanium TADDOLate : NMR and computational studyKananovich, Dzmitry; Adamson, Jasper; Osadchuk, Irina; Kudrjašova, Marina; Lopp, MargusBalticum Organicum Syntheticum : 3-6 July 2016, Riga, Latvia : program and abstracts2016 / p. 84 : ill http://www.boschem.eu/public/BOS2016/BOS-2016_Anstract-Book_Final.pdf
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- Amination of quinolones with morpholine derivativesLippur, Kristin; Tiirik, Tõnis; Kudrjašova, Marina; Järving, Ivar; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisTetrahedron2012 / p. 9550-9555 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004040201201472X
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- Aqueous mineral carbonation of oil shale mine waste (limestone) : a feasibility study to develop a CO2 capture sorbentPuthiya Veetil, Sanoop Kumar; Rebane, Kaarel; Yörük, Can Rüstü; Lopp, Margus; Trikkel, Andres; Hitch, Michael WilliamEnergy2021 / art. 119895 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.119895 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/29348 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85099662451&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sid=de91c20ae4aba03588cc8b0e4d3de083&sot=b&sdt=b&s=DOI%2810.1016%2Fj.energy.2021.119895%29&sl=21&sessionSearchId=de91c20ae4aba03588cc8b0e4d3de083 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=ENERGY&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000632507300001
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- Aspects of kerogen oxidative dissolution in subcritical water using oxygen from airKaldas, Kristiina; Niidu, Allan; Preegel, Gert; Uustalu, Jaan Mihkel; Muldma, Kati; Lopp, MargusOil shale2021 / p. 199-214 : ill https://doi.org/10.3176/oil.2021.3.02 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/17080 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85114094011&origin=inward&txGid=3d04dc51e512516dba6a1d30b6a2c3a3 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=OIL%20SHALE&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000685560600002
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- Asümmeetriline organokatalüütiline 1,4-dihüdropüridiinide sünteesNoole, Artur; Borissova, Maria; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisXXXII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2011 / lk. 64 : ill
- Asümmeetriliste katalüsaatorite mõnede kiraalsete ligandide sünteesIlmarinen, Kaja; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXV Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 25th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1999 / lk. 36-37
- Asymmetric addition to aromatic unsaturated 1,4-diketones catalyzed by chichona alkaloid derivativesŽari, Sergei; Kudrjašova, Marina; Öeren, Mario; Tamm, Toomas; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisBOS 2012 : International Conference on Organic Synthesis : July 1-4, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia : program and abstracts2012 / p. 207
- Asymmetric aminocatalytic Michael addition of cyclopropane-containing aldehydes to nitroalkenesReitel, Kärt; Lippur, Kristin; Järving, Ivar; Kudrjašova, Marina; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisSynthesis2013 / p. 2679-2683 : ill https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0033-1338704 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/26508 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84885022359&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sot=b&sdt=b&s=DOI%2810.1055%2Fs-0033-1338704%29&sessionSearchId=842eff8fafa5da0f4673a77a0030efbc https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART&year=2013 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000325146200007
- Asymmetric diastereoselective synthesis of spirocyclopropane derivatives of oxindoleOšeka, Maksim; Noole, Artur; Žari, Sergei; Öeren, Mario; Järving, Ivar; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisEuropean journal of organic chemistry2014 / p. 3599-3606 : ill https://doi.org/10.1002/ejoc.201402061 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/25853 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84901848714&origin=inward&txGid=326593326ca1d31e7a7b1b79bfa070f4 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=EUR%20J%20ORG%20CHEM&year=2014 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000337693500014
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- Design and validation of novel chikungunya virus protease inhibitorsDas, Pratyush Kumar; Puusepp, Laura; Varghese, Finny S.; Utt, Age; Ahola, Tero; Kananovich, Dzmitry; Lopp, Margus; Merits, Andres; Karelson, MatiAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapy2016 / p. 7382-7395 : ill https://doi.org/10.1128/AAC.01421-16 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19615 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84996503543&origin=inward&txGid=7d2485be40211974084fd2c3f6ee5359 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=ANTIMICROB%20AGENTS%20CH&year=2023 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000389064300042
- Designed whole-cell-catalysis-assisted synthesis of 9,11-secosterolsKõllo, Marek; Kasari, Marje; Kasari, Villu; Pehk, Tõnis; Järving, Ivar; Lopp, Margus; Jõers, Arvi; Kanger, TõnisBeilstein journal of organic chemistry2021 / p. 581–588 https://doi.org/10.3762/bjoc.17.52 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/4400151742 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85103478636&origin=inward&txGid=589ab7b29bc85a405fb7fe8126d0a00f https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=BEILSTEIN%20J%20ORG%20CHEM&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000632482600001
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- Diastereoselective multicomponent cascade reaction for the synthesis of heterobicyclic heptanesKriis, Kadri; Ausmees, Kerti; Plado, Anita; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, Tõnis8th Biennial International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Balticum Organicum Syntheticum : July 6-9, 2014, Vilnius : program and abstract book2014
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- In memoriam Ülo Lille 1931-2023Lopp, MargusOil shale2023 / p. 87-88 : photo https://doi.org/10.3176/oil.2023.1.05 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2903605*est
- Indole-like Trk receptor antagonistsTammiku-Taul, Jaana; Park, Rahel; Jaanson, Kaur; Luberg, Kristi; Dobchev, Dimitar Atanasov; Kananovich, Dzmitry; Noole, Artur; Mandel, Merle; Kaasik, Allen; Lopp, Margus; Timmusk, Tõnis; Karelson, MatiEuropean journal of medicinal chemistry2016 / p. 541-552 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.06.003 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/17464 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84974803063&origin=inward&txGid=da414a7c3173f6e4929a255473c043fe https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=EUR%20J%20MED%20CHEM&year=2016 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000382269700046
- Influence of protonation upon the conformations of bipiperidine, bimorpholine, and their derivatesUudsemaa, Merle; Laars, Marju; Kriis, Kadri; Tamm, Toomas; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisChemical physics letters2009 / 1/3, p. 92-96 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0009261409001857
- Insight into the mechanism and stereochemistry of the transformations of alkyltitanium ate-complexes. An enhanced enantioselectivity in the cyclopropanation of the carboxylic esters with titanacyclopropane reagentsKulinkovich, Oleg G.; Kananovich, Dzmitry G.; Lopp, Margus; Snieckus, VictorAdvanced synthesis and catalysis2014 / p. 3615-3626 : ill https://doi.org/10.1002/adsc.201400480 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/22669 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84915757732&origin=inward&txGid=18406ec98c06449a64098607d8a3bde4 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=ADV%20SYNTH%20CATAL&year=2014 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000345312500014
- Insight into the mechanism and stereochemistry of the transformations of alkyltitanium ate-complexes. An enhanced enantioselectivity in the cyclopropanation of the carboxylic esters with titanacyclopropane reagentsKananovich, Dzmitry; Lopp, Margus; Snieckus, Viktor; Kulinkovich, Oleg8th Biennial International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Balticum Organicum Syntheticum : July 6-9, 2014, Vilnius : program and abstract book2014 / p. 76
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- Interaction of metal cations with different humic substances from sea and lake sedimentsÜbner, Monika; Treumann, Maili; Viitak, Anu; Lopp, MargusProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2005 / 1, p. 24-34 : ill
- Interactions of Pb2+ with fulvic acid by electrophoretically mediated on-capillary microanalysisÜbner, Monika; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Lopp, MargusJournal of chromatography A2004 / p. 253-256 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021967304016899
- International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Tallinn, Estonia, June 25-29, 2006 : program and abstractsSniečkus, Victor; Lopp, Margus2006 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2155608*est
- Investigation of the synthesis of hydroxylated cyclopentanedionesNiidu, Allan; Paju, Anne; Eek, Margus; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : June 27-July 1, 2004, Riga, Latvia : program & abstracts2004 / p. 116
- Isomers and conformers of complexes of Ti(OiPr)4 with cuclopentane-1,2-dione : NMR study and DFT calculationsOsadchuk, Irina; Pehk, Tõnis; Paju, Anne; Lopp, Margus; Öeren, Mario; Tamm, ToomasInternational journal of quantum chemistry2014 / p. 1012-1018 : ill https://doi.org/10.1002/qua.24619 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/24127 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84902546275&origin=inward&txGid=326ccc4b58a6876dea6e7a07f9529507 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=INT%20J%20QUANTUM%20CHEM&year=2014 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000337633600008
- (2S,2'S)- ja (3S,3'S)-bimorfoliini sünteesKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXVIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 28th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2002 / lk. 60-61
- 2-metüül-3-tsüano-tsükloheks-2-een-1-ooni sünteesNiidu, Allan; Maasalu, A.; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXV Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 25th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1999 / lk. 113
- Kallid kolleegid ja külalised! Dear participants, colleagues, and guests from countries far-off and around!Snieckus, Viktor; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : Tallinn, Estonia, June 25-29, 2006 : program and abstracts2006 / p. 3-4 : portr
- Kas kliimasoojenemise vähendamine ja põlevkivi väärindamine on ühildatavad? [Võrguväljaanne]Lopp, MargusKonverents "Kliimaneutraalsus – häving või edu?"2019 / 17 l https://www.valitsus.ee/sites/default/files/content-editors/pictures/Konverents/09margus_lopp_0.pdf https://heureka.postimees.ee/6776385/jarelvaadatav-kas-kliimaneutraalsus-toob-eestile-havingu-voi-edu https://novaator.err.ee/979167/susinikuneutraalne-majandus-nouab-uusi-tehnoloogiaid-paljudes-valdkondades
- Kas põlevkivi on Eesti õnn või õnnetus?Lopp, MargusMargus Lopp2022 / Lk. 8 https://dea.digar.ee/article/postimees/2022/11/05/9.3
- Keemiaprofessori peegelmaailm : [vestlus Margus Lopp'iga]Kello, Karl; Lopp, MargusÕpetajate Leht2011 / lk. 7 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2420070*est
- Keemikud asümmeetrilise maailma saladuste jahil : uued protsessid tootmisesse : [TTÜ keemiainstituudi orgaanilise keemia õppetooli teadlaste uurimistööst]Lopp, MargusÄripäev2003 / 23. dets., Kliendileht Tehnoloogia, lk. [1] : fot., portr https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1469702*est
- Keemikud disainivad, sünteesivad ja uurivad uusi bioaktiivseid ühendeidLopp, MargusTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20072008 / lk. 98-100 : ill
- Keemikud teevad õhust asju : professor Margus Lopp arvab, et koolis tuleks õpetada keemiat huvitavamaltLill, Anne; Lopp, MargusLinnaleht : TTÜ2004 / 3. dets., lk. 4 : fot
- Kerogeeni oksüdatiivne lahustamine veesNiidu, Allan; Kaldas, Kristiina; Grenman, H.; Eränen, K.; Preegel, Gert; Salmi, T.; Lopp, MargusXXXIV Eesti keemiapäevad : 100. aastapäeva teaduskonverentsi teesid2019 / lk. 31 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1580289*est
- Kerogen OÜ hakkab põlevkivist õuna ja pirni järele lõhnavat vedelikku pigistamaLopp, MargusSirp2017 / lk. 29-30 : portr http://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/c21-teadus/kerogen-ou-hakkab-polevkivist-ouna-ja-pirni-jarele-lohnavat-vedelikku-pigistama/
- Keto-enool tautomeeride tasakaal tsüklopentaan-1,2-dioonidesReile, Indrek; Paju, Anne; Lopp, MargusXXXII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2011 / lk. 83 : ill
- Ketoonide asümmeetriline oksüdatsioon - uus lihtne meetod bioaktiivsete ühendite saamiseks : Eesti Teadusfondi projekt "Uued kiraalsed lähteühendid ja katalüsaatorid asümmeetrilises sünteesis", 1999-2002Lopp, MargusEesti Teadusfondi Aastaraamat 2002/20032003 / lk. 19. (Keemia ja molekulaarbioloogia)
- Ketoonide hüdriidülekandega taandamine Rh(I)/kiraalne diamiin kompleksi manuluselKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXIX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 29th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2005 / lk. 44
- Kinetic resolution of epoxy alcohols with the Sharpless Ti isopropoxide/tartaric ester complexMaljutenko, Karolin; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Järving, Ivar; Lopp, MargusBalticum Organicum Syntheticum : 3-6 July 2016, Riga, Latvia : program and abstracts2016 / p. 112 : ill http://www.boschem.eu/public/BOS2016/BOS-2016_Anstract-Book_Final.pdf
- Kinetic resolution of epoxy alcohols with the Sharpless Ti-isopropoxide/tartaric ester complexMaljutenko, Karolin; Paju, Anne; Järving, Ivar; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry2016 / p. 608-613 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tetasy.2016.05.007 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/26513 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84976902233&origin=inward&txGid=3d5a95cbbbfc48e35ce1c633076d794a https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=TETRAHEDRON-ASYMMETR&year=2016 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000380419800003
- Kiraalsete C2-sümmeetriliste bisasiridiinide sünteesKanger, Tõnis; Ausmees, Kerti; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXVIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 28th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2002 / lk. 43-44
- 3'hüdroksü-4'-asendatud-2'-deoksünukleosidi analoogide sünteesJõgi, Artur; Paju, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusXXXII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2011 / lk. 28 : ill
- 3-alküül-1,2-tsüklopentaandioonide asümmeetriline oksüdatsioonPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 26th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2000 / lk. 102-103
- 3-asabitsüklo[3.2.0]heptaani derivaatide stereoselektiivne sünteesKriis, Kadri; Pehk, Tõnis; Kanger, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXXII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2011 / lk. 46 : ill
- 3-bensüül-2,4-dihüdroksütsüklopent-2-eenoonide süntees ja asümmeetriline oksüdatsioonOja, Karolin; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXXII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2011 / lk. 66 : ill
- 3-bensüül-2-hüdroksü-2-tsüklopenteen-1-ooni süntees ja selle asümmeetriline oksüdatsioonJõgi, Artur; Ilves, M.; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXIX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 29th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2005 / lk. 23-24
- 3-bensüüloksümetüül-1,2-tsüklopentaandiooni süntees ja asümmeetriline oksüdatsioonLaos, Marit; Paju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus; Pehk, TõnisXXIX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 29th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2005 / lk. 52-53
- 3-hüdroksümetüül-1,3,6-heksaantriooli asümmeetriline süntees ja titaanikompleksi valmistaminePäri, Malle; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXIX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 29th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2005 / lk. 92-93
- Kuidas hoiduda arengulõksust?Veinthal, Renno; Lopp, Margus; Kattel, Rainer; Öpik, Andres; Kamratov, ArdoMente et Manu2014 / lk. 4-7 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
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- Käeliste tetrahüdrofuraani analoogide sünteesNiidu, Allan; Paju, Anne; Kislitsõn, Konstantin; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 30th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2007 / lk. 104-105
- Late-stage cyclopropane ring cleavage strategy in the synthesis of bioactive tetrapeptides - inhibitors of histone deacetylaseElek, Gabor Zoltan; Koppel, K.; Lopp, Margus; Kananovich, Dzmitry4th Organic Chemistry Congress with International Participation, October 4-7, 2018, Side, Turkey : Congress Agenda2019 / 1 p https://orgchemtr-4.meetinghand.com/projectData/731/webData/Congress-Agenda.pdf
- Ligand‐tailored divergence of copper‐catalyzed aerobic oxidation of cyclopropanolsZavalinich, Viktoryia A.; Elek, Gabor Zoltan; Vailhe, Pauline; Novikau, Ilya; Syakhovich, Vitaly; Kirillov, Alexander M.; Lopp, Margus; Masiuk, Uladzimir; Kananovich, DzmitryAdvanced synthesis & catalysis2024 https://doi.org/10.1002/adsc.202400490
- Lihtne meetod enantiomeerse trans-3,4-epoksü-1-oktüüni sünteesiks viinhappe derivaadistLopp, Margus; Kanger, Tõnis; Niidas, Piret; Pehk, TõnisXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 16th Estonian chemistry days : abstracts of scientific conference1995 / lk. 66-67
- Lipase-catalysed reactions of prostaglandinsVallikivi, Imre2004 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1990575*est
- Margus Lopp - dekaan ja õppejõud, kuid eelkõige teadlaneLopp, Margus; Kalle, SigridStudioosus2008 / okt., lk. 8-9: fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- Margus Lopp: fakt on see, et nafta saab ükskord otsa : [intervjuu TTÜ teadlase akadeemik Margus Loppiga]Salong, Heli; Lopp, MargusMeie Maa2012 / lk. 6
- Margus Lopp: Meie ajastu majanduse alus on orgaaniline keemia : [intervjuu professoriga]Lopp, Margus; Meriloo, MarkoÄrielu2008 / lk. 20-23 : portr
- Matemaatika-loodusteaduskond Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisLopp, MargusTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20042005 / lk. 29-31
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- Matemaatika-loodusteaduskond Tehnikaülikoolis - vajadus või kapriis?Lopp, MargusMente et Manu2005 / 12. jaan., lk. 2 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Materials science education in EstoniaKaps, Tiit; Mellikov, Enn; Lopp, Margus; Öpik, Andres; Kulu, PriitMRS Fall Meeting, Boston, 1996 : abstracts1996 / p. 765
- Materials science in EstoniaKaps, Tiit; Mellikov, Enn; Lopp, Margus; Öpik, Andres; Kulu, PriitJournal of materials education1999 / p. 77-81
- Mechanism of the asymmetric oxidation of cyclopentane-1,2-dionesReile, Indrek; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusBalticum Organicum Syntheticum : International Conference on Organic Synthesis : June 29 - July 2, 2008, Vilnius : program and abstract book2008 / p. 155
- Metal-catalyzed degradation of cellulose in ionic liquid mediaAid, Tiina; Koel, Mihkel; Lopp, Margus; Vaher, MerikeInorganics2018 / art. 78, 11 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.3390/inorganics6030078 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100857210 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85053825417&origin=inward&txGid=7c51e8d31f8e324d4573caaf349a6426
- Methylation of phenolsSilm, Estelle; Närep, Angelica; Kimm, Mariliis; Kaldas, Kristiina; Lopp, MargusBalticum Organicum Syntheticum (BOS 2024) : Book of Abstracts2024 / art. 126, p. 145 https://boschem.eu/bos2024/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2024/07/BOS2024_Abstract-Book.pdf
- Mild oxidation of substituted bicyclo[4.4.0]dec-10-en-3-oneAav, Riina; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus9th Meeting on Stereochemistry : Prague, Czech Republic, June 15-18, 2001 : book of abstracts2001 / p. 95 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228068775_OXIDATION_OF_SUBSTITUTED_BICYCLO440DECEN-3-ONES
- Mis üritused on BOS konverentsid? : [Mente et Manu küsimustele vastab BOS keemiakonverentsi kohaliku orgkomitee esimees professor Margus Lopp]Lopp, MargusMente et Manu2012 / lk. 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Model studies for the coupling of AB-ring and D-ring fragments of 9,11-secosterolsKõllo, Marek; Rom, Siimu; Välimets, Silja; Lopp, MargusBalticum Organicum Syntheticum : 3-6 July 2016, Riga, Latvia : program and abstracts2016 / p. 96 : ill http://www.boschem.eu/public/BOS2016/BOS-2016_Anstract-Book_Final.pdf
- Modification of higher generation polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers by saccharidesPeterson, Janek; Allikmaa, Veiko; Subbi, J.; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : BOS 2002, Vilnius2002 / p. P053
- Monitoring biomass degradation, isomerization of glucose to fructose and conversion to 5-HMF in ionic liquids by CEAid, Tiina; Lopp, Margus; Vaher, Merike40th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and 13th GC×GC Symposium : May 29 - June 03, 2016, Riva del Garda Fierecongressi, Riva del Garda, Italy : abstract book2016 / p. 271
- Monitoring cellulose degradation and glucose conversion to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in ionic liquidsAid, Tiina; Vaher, Merike; Lopp, MargusBalticum Organicum Syntheticum : 3-6 July 2016, Riga, Latvia : program and abstracts2016 / p. 39 : ill http://boschem.eu/old/public/BOS2016/BOS-2016_Anstract-Book_Final.pdf
- MPA in the determination of the absolute configuration of vicinal diols by NMR spectroscopyIlmarinen, Kaja; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : June 27-July 1, 2004, Riga, Latvia : program & abstracts2004 / p. 87
- Negishi cross-coupling for the synthesis 1,2-cyclopentanediones : a short way to lycoperdic acid and its homoanalogueKostomarova, Diana; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus8th Biennial International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Balticum Organicum Syntheticum : July 6-9, 2014, Vilnius : program and abstract book2014 / p. 81
- 4'-asendatud nukleosiidi analoogide süntees ja nende bioloogiline aktiivsusJõgi, Artur; Jäälaid, Raissa; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXXI Eesti keemiapäevad : [28. aprill 2010, Tallinn] : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 31st Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2010 / lk. 36
- 4'-bensüül-asendatud nukleosiidi analoogide sünteesJõgi, Artur; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Siirde, K.; Lopp, MargusXXX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 30th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2007 / lk. 42-43
- 4-metüül-5,6-dekaandiooni sünteesLüll, M.; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXV Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 25th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1999 / lk. 89-90
- New asymmetric chemical oxidation in the synthesis of chiral anti-cancer nucleoside analoguesLopp, Margus; Jõgi, Artur; Paju, Anne; Siirde, K.European journal of pharmaceutical sciences2007 / 1, Supplement 1, p. S5 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00709-006-0230-y
- Novel analogues of the Chikungunya virus protease inhibitor: molecular design, synthesis, and biological evaluationIvanova, Larisa; Rausalu, Kai; Ošeka, Maksim; Kananovich, Dzmitry; Žusinaite, Eva; Tammiku-Taul, Jaana; Lopp, Margus; Merits, Andres; Karelson, MatiACS omega2021 / p. 10884–10896 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.1c00625 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100828963 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85105749772&origin=inward&txGid=94805cc8be1c8be1546009f0afd99065 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=ACS%20OMEGA&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000645428600038
- A novel diastereoselective multicomponent cascade reactionKriis, Kadri; Ausmees, Kerti; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisOrganic letters2010 / p. 2230-2233 https://doi.org/10.1021/ol1005714
- A novel diastereoselective multicomponent cascade reactionKriis, Kadri; Ausmees, Kerti; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisProgram and abstracts : BOS 2010 International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Riga, Latvia, June 27-30, 20102010 / p. 117 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ol1005714
- A novel endoribonuclease from the marine sponge Tethya aurantium specific to 2',5'-phosphodiester bondsLopp, Margus; Reintamm, Tõnu; Kuusksalu, Anne; Rosa, Salvatore, de; Kelve, MerikeBiochimie2012 / p. 1635-1646 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biochi.2012.04.002 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0300908412001368
- (1S,2S,6S,9S)-6-Methyl-5-oxobicyclo-[4.4.0]decane-2,9-diyl diacetateAav, Riina; Lippur, Kristin; Lopp, Margus; Werner, FranzActa crystallographica section E : Structure reports online2010 / p. o2584 https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600536810036639
- An optimized capillary electrophoresis method for the simultaneous analysis of biomass degradation products in ionic liquid containing samplesAid, Tiina; Paist, Loore; Lopp, Margus; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Vaher, MerikeJournal of chromatography A2016 / p. 141-147 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2016.04.027 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/130000 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84963555201&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sid=776bc1fd96bf5d83260dc6a66c697ade&sot=b&sdt=b&s=DOI%2810.1016%2Fj.chroma.2016.04.027%29&sl=33&sessionSearchId=776bc1fd96bf5d83260dc6a66c697ade&relpos=0 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=J%20CHROMATOGR%20A&year=2016 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000375888600017
- Orgaanilise keemia praktikum : orgaaniliste ühendite keemilised reaktsioonid ja nende mehhanismidLopp, Margus2006 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2104705*est
- Organic chemical synthesisLopp, MargusResearch in Estonia : present and future2011 / p. 332-335 : ill
- Organocatalytic asymmetric addition of malonates to unsaturated 1,4-diketonesŽari, Sergei; Kailas, Tiiu; Kudrjašova, Marina; Öeren, Mario; Järving, Ivar; Tamm, Toomas; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisBeilstein journal of organic chemistry2012 / p. 1452-1457 : ill https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23019480/
- Organocatalytic asymmetric synthesis of 3-chlorooxindoles bearing adjacent quaternary–tertiary centersNoole, Artur; Järving, Ivar; Werner, Franz; Lopp, Margus; Malkov, Andrei; Kanger, TõnisOrganic letters2012 / p. 4922-4925 : ill https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ol302245b
- Organocatalytic asymmetric synthesis of trisubstituted pyrrolidines via a cascade reactionNoole, Artur; Pehk, Tõnis; Järving, Ivar; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisTetrahedron : asymmetry2012 / p. 188-198 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957416612000912
- Organocatalytic asymmetric synthesis of trisubstituted pyrrolidines via a cascade reactionNoole, Artur; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisBOS 2012 : International Conference on Organic Synthesis : July 1-4, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia : program and abstracts2012 / p. 144 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957416612000912
- Organocatalytic enantioselective transformations via diaminesLaars, Marju; Kanger, Tõnis; Kriis, Kadri; Lippur, Kristin; Lopp, Margus15th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry : ESOC15 : 8-13 July 2007, Dublin (Ireland) : abstracts2007 / ? p
- Organokatalüütilised enantioselektiivsed reaktsioonid kiraalsete amiinide toimelLaars, Marju; Kriis, Kadri; Lippur, Kristin; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisXXX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 30th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2007 / lk. 72-73
- Os-catalyzed dihydroxylation : an efficient method for desymmetrization of 2-allyl-2-methyl-1,3-cyclopentanedioneRaudla, Kristin; Lopp, Margus; Aav, Riina; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, TõnisOMCOS 13 : 13th IUPAC International Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry directed towards Organic Synthesis : 17-21 July 2005, Geneva Switzerland : book of abstracts2005 / p. P-478
- Otsene beeta-hüdroksüketoonide asümmeetriline alfa-hüdroksüleerimineLopp, Margus; Paju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, TõnisXXIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid1997 / lk. 70
- Oxidation of 3-alkyl-1,2-cyclopentanediones : synthesis of lactone acids and spirodilactonesLopp, Margus; Paju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis13th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry : September 10-15, 2003, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia : programme and abstracts2003 / p. 101
- Oxidation of cyclobutanones with the modified Sharpless catalystKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus23rd Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1997 / p. 62
- Oxidation of cyclobutanones with the modified Sharpless catalystKanger, Tõnis; Kriis, Kadri; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusOMCOS 9 : 9th IUPAC Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, directed towards organic synthesis : final program1997 / p. 362
- Oxidation of cyclobutanones with the modified sharpless catalyst. 2, Effect of chiral ligandKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus24th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1998 / p. 32
- Oxidation of cyclopentane-1,2-dione: a study with 18O labeled reagentsReile, Indrek; Paju, Anne; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron2011 / p. 5942-5948
- Oxidation of cyclopentanedionesPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus24th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1998 / p. 53
- Oxidation of cyclopentanedionesPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus11th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry : Göteborg, Sweden, July 23-28, 1999 : programme and abstracts1999 / p. P102
- Oxidation of substituted bicyclo[4.4.0]decen-3-onesAav, Riina; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2001 / 3, p. 138-146 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1007942*est
- Oxidation of substituted cyclopentane-1,2-diones = Asendatud tsüklopentaan-1,2-dioonide oksüdeerimineOja, Karolin2018 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?9923 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5050061*est
- Oxidative ring cleavage of 3-hydroxyethyl-1,2-cyclopentanediones : synthesis of 4-hydroxy-[??]-lactone acids and spiro-[??]-dilactonesPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Niitsoo, Olivia; Pehk, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusKomppa Centenary Symposium : July 6-9, 2003, Espoo, Finland : abstracts2003 / p. A73
- Oxidative ring-cleavage reactions of cyclopropanols and their application for the synthesis of bioactive cyclopeptides = Tsüklopropanoolide oksüdeerivad tsükliavamisreaktsioonid ja nende rakendus bioaktiivsete tsüklopeptiidide sünteesilElek, Gabor Zoltan2020 https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/969fcbc0-1eb5-491e-9f23-5d6040090e0b
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- Paul Kogerman ja Ülo Lille : orgaanilised paardumisreaktsioonid : [ettekanne 14. okt. 2011 Eesti TA korraldatud akadeemik Paul Kogermani 120. sünniaastapäevale ja akadeemik Ülo Lille 80. sünnipäevale pühendatud seminaril "Orgaaniline-bioorgaaniline süntees"]Lopp, MargusTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20112012 / lk. 228-232
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- Pharmacological properties of MM-706, a new prostacyclin derivateRagazzi, E.; Chinellato, A.; Lille, Ülo; Lopp, Margus; Doni, M.G.; Fassina, G.General pharmacology1995 / 4, p. 703-709: ill
- Phosphine-free nonaromatic catalytic system for asymmetric transfer reduction of aromatic ketonesKanger, Tõnis; Kriis, Kadri; Lopp, MargusConference on Knowledge-based Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Chemistry : 1-5 June 2005, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2005 / p. 26
- pKa calculation for monoprotonated bipiperidine, bimorpholine and their derivates in H2O and MeCNUudsemaa, Merle; Kanger, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus; Tamm, ToomasChemical physics letters2010 / p. 83-86 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000926140901519X
- Polüamidoamiin (PAMAM) dendrimeeride kõrgemate põlvkondade modifitseerimine sahhariididegaPeterson, J.; Allikmaa, Veiko; Subbi, J.; Lopp, MargusXXVII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 27th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2001 / lk. 100
- Polüeenhapete gamma- ja delta-kaksiksidemete selektiivne taandamine = Selective reduction of gamma- and delta-double bonds in polyunsaturated fatty acidsJärving, Ivar; Valmsen, Karin; Lille, Ülo; Lopp, Margus; Pehk, Tõnis; Samel, NigulasXVII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 17th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1996 / lk. 61-62 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1070511*est
- A practical asymmetric synthesis of R- and S-homocitric acidEek, Margus; Jäälaid, Raissa; Laos, Marit; Paju, Anne; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : Tallinn, Estonia, June 25-29, 2006 : program and abstracts2006 / p. 84
- A practical asymmetric synthesis of (S) and (R)-2-methyl-5-oxotetrahydrofuran carboxylic acidsJäälaid, Raissa; Paju, Anne; Eek, Margus; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : June 27-July 1, 2004, Riga, Latvia : program & abstracts2004 / p. 88
- Prediction and assignment of coupling constants of diastereomeric cyclopentane derivativesAav, Riina; Pehk, Tõnis; Tamp, Sven; Tamm, Toomas; Kudrjašova, Marina; Parve, Omar; Lopp, MargusProgram and abstracts : BOS 2010 International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Riga, Latvia, June 27-30, 20102010 / p. 47
- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2001
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- Properties of humic substances from the Baltic Sea and Lake Ermistu mudÜbner, Monika; Treumann, Maili; Viitak, Anu; Lopp, MargusJournal of soils and sediments2004 / 1, p. 24-29
- Põlevkivist nailonit - aga palunGaškov, AgoTööstusEST2019 / lk. 14-17 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4481084*est https://toostusest.ee/uudis/2019/01/21/polevkivist-nailonit-aga-palun/
- Päeva tsitaat : Margus Lopp, TTÜ orgaanilise keemia professor, akadeemikLopp, MargusEesti Päevaleht2021 / Lk. 3 https://dea.digar.ee/article/eestipaevaleht/2021/06/07/3.7
- Pöördumine Haridus- ja Teadusministri ning Riigikogu kultuurikomisjoni esimehe poole : [doktorikoolide probleemist]Arro, Ilmar; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Kallavus, Urve; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Lille, Ülo; Lopp, Margus; Mellikov, Enn; Min, Mart; Rang, Toomas; Rüstern, Ennu; Taklaja, Andres; Tamm, Toomas; Tammet, Tanel; Tepandi, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Öpik, AndresMente et Manu2005 / 18. mai. lk. 1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
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- Reactivity of aliphatic dicarboxylic acids in wet air oxidation conditionsKaldas, Kristiina; Preegel, Gert; Muldma, Kati; Lopp, MargusIndustrial & engineering chemistry research2019 / p. 10855–10863 : ill https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.9b01643 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/13057 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85068004681&origin=inward&txGid=1f56c14eb6bfbd951b35c5282e01e0b4 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=IND%20ENG%20CHEM%20RES&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/summary/c12cf8b5-bd09-46c6-973d-06873d975897-bd66fd00/relevance/1
- Rearrangement of 1,4-dihydroxy-2-cyclopentenesAllikmaa, Veiko; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Öpik, Andres; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : Vilnius, 2000, June 26-29 : program and abstracts2000 / p. 31
- Regio- and stereoselective synthesis of chiral dihydroxyketonesNiidu, Allan; Paju, Anne; Eek, Margus; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusKomppa Centenary Symposium : July 6-9, 2003, Espoo, Finland : abstracts2003 / p. A70
- Remote activation of the nucleophilicity of isatinŽari, Sergei; Kudrjašova, Marina; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisOrganic letters2014 / p. 1740-1743 : ill https://doi.org/10.1021/ol500421k https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/26396 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84896992268&origin=inward&txGid=f7e4e57d7616f8ebef10259420e40e70 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=ORG%20LETT&year=2014 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000333477400052
- Rh(I)/chiral diamine induced transfer hydrogenation of ketonesKanger, Tõnis; Kriis, Kadri; Lopp, MargusOMCOS 13 : 13th IUPAC International Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry directed towards Organic Synthesis : 17-21 July 2005, Geneva Switzerland : book of abstracts2005 / p. P-323
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- Selective C-alkylation of substituted naphthols under non-aqueous conditionsKooli, Anni; Shalima, Tatsiana; Lopušanskaja, Eleana; Paju, Anne; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron2021 / art. 132278, 8 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tet.2021.132278 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/26512 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85111558509&origin=inward&txGid=698aa3165fe7d8899c072424cfeaae7a https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=TETRAHEDRON&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000686135200006
- A short enantioselective synthesis of homocitric acid [gamma]lactone and 4-hydroxyhomocitric acid [gamma]lactonesPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Eek, Margus; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : June 27-July 1, 2004, Riga, Latvia : program & abstracts2004 / p. 118
- A short enantioselective synthesis of homocitric acid-[gamma]-lactone and 4-hydroxy-homocitric acid-[gamma]-lactonesPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Eek, Margus; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron2004 / p. 9081-9084 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0040402004012736
- Short synthesis of chlamydocin and related histone deacetylase inhibitors via late-stage cyclopropane ring cleavage strategy [Online resource]Elek, Gabor Zoltan; Koppel, Kaur; Lopp, Margus; Kananovich, DzmitryTartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA : Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad : [4.-5. veebr. 2019, Tartu : teesid]2019 / 1 p.: ill http://fmtdk.ut.ee/teesid-2019/
- Short synthesis of chlamydocin and related histone decatylase inhibitors via late-stage cyclopropane ring cleavage strategy [Online resource]Elek, Gabor Zoltan; Koppel, Kaur; Lopp, Margus; Kananovich, DzmitryTartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA Funktsionaalsete materjalide ja tehnoloogiate doktorikool : teesid 20192019 / 1 p. : ill http://fmtdk.ut.ee/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/FMTDK_konverents_2019_teesid_Elek.pdf
- Simple access to β-trifluoromethyl-substituted ketones via copper-catalyzed ring-opening trifluoromethylation of substituted cyclopropanolsKananovich, Dzmitry; Konik, Yulia A.; Zubrytski, Dzmitry M.; Järving, Ivar; Lopp, MargusChemical communications2015 / p. 8349-8352 : ill https://doi.org/10.1039/c5cc02386f https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/22781 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84928923087&origin=inward&txGid=a58643e590317655b3530c19277be224 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=CHEM%20COMMUN&year=2015 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000353762300033
- Sonogashira cross-coupling of 3-bromo-1,2.diones : an access to 3-alkynyl-1,2-dionesPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Aid, Tiina; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron2014 / p. 5843-5848 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tet.2014.06.037 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/26512 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84949115992&origin=inward&txGid=44a2372fa1f9273f1aca11df43637a5d https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=TETRAHEDRON&year=2014 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000340336000060
- Stereokeemia : õpik kõrgkoolideleLopp, Margus2014 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3090445*est
- Stereoselective synthesis of 1-methyl-1,2-and 1,3-cyclopentanediols via γ-lactonesNiidu, Allan; Paju, Anne; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Järving, Ivar; Kailas, Tiiu; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusChemistry of heterocyclic compounds2013 / p. 1751-1760 : ill https://doi.org/10.1007/s10593-013-1206-4 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/25824 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84879496562&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sot=b&sdt=b&s=DOI%2810.1007%2Fs10593-013-1206-4%29 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=CHEM%20HETEROCYCL%20COM%2B&year=2013 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000317605600002
- Structural consideration of kukersite from air oxidationKaldas, Kristiina; Uustalu, Jaan Mihkel; Niidu, Allan; Muldma, Kati; Preegel, Gert; Lopp, MargusGSFMT Scientific Conference 2021 : Tartu, June 14-15, 2021 : abstracts2021 / O 20
- Structural constraints for C2-symmetric heterocyclic organocatalysts in asymmetric aldol reactionsLaars, Marju; Kriis, Kadri; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Kanger, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry2008 / p. 641-645 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/244242681_Structural_constraints_for_C_2-symmetric_heterocyclic_organocatalysts_in_asymmetric_aldol_reactions
- Structural deviations in poly(amidoamine) dendrimers : a MALDI-TOF MS analysisPeterson, Janek; Allikmaa, Veiko; Subbi, J.; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusEuropean polymer journal2003 / p. 33-42 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S001430570200188X
- Suppression of solute-wall interactions in humic acid capillary electrophoretic analysis by its diluted solution as background electrolyteÜbner, Monika; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Lopp, MargusColloids and surfaces A : physicochemical and engineering aspects2007 / p. 634-637 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927775707001744#!
- Sustainable synthesis and dearomatization of oxygen-containing aromatic compounds = Hapnikku sisaldavate aromaatsete ühendite jätkusuutlik süntees ja dearomatiseerimineKooli, Anni2022 https://doi.org/10.23658/taltech.63/2022 https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/2ea7f80b-5fa8-4120-8667-c7d3641bbdcd https://www.ester.ee/record=b5524475*est
- Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of 15-oxoprostaglandins : contribution of the W-chain enone group to cytotoxicityLopp, Margus; Lopp, Annika; Paju, Anne; Lille, Ülo; Pehk, TõnisBioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters1994 / 14, p. 1739-1744: ill
- Synthesis and biological activity of bimorpholine and its carbanucleosideAusmees, Kerti; Selyutina, Anastasia; Kütt, Kristel; Lippur, Kristin; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus; Žusinaite, Eva; Merits, Andres; Kanger, TõnisNucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids2011 / p. 897-907 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15257770.2011.621919
- Synthesis and CZE analysis of PAMAM dendrimers with an ethylenediamine corePeterson, Janek; Ebber, Arkadi; Allikmaa, Veiko; Lopp, MargusProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2001 / 3, p. 156-166 : ill
- Synthesis and derivatization of bis-nor Wieland-Miescher ketoneKanger, Tõnis; Raudla, Kristin; Aav, Riina; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusSynthesis2005 / p. 3147-3151 https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-2005-916025
- Synthesis and MALDI TOF characterization of EDA core-polyamidoamine (PAMAM)- dendrimers by MALDI-TOF MS analysisPeterson, Janek; Allikmaa, Veiko; Subbi, Juhan; Suurpere, Jaak; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : Vilnius, 2000, June 26-29 : program and abstracts2000 / p. [65]
- Synthesis of 1-methylbicyclo[3.3.0]octane-3,4,8-trioneRaudla, Kristin; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : June 27-July 1, 2004, Riga, Latvia : program & abstracts2004 / p. 122
- Synthesis of 2,2’-bimorpholines and their biological activityLippur, Kristin; Merits, Andres; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisProgram and abstracts : BOS 2010 International Conference on Organic Synthesis : Riga, Latvia, June 27-30, 20102010 / p. ?
- Synthesis of (2S,2''S)- and (3S,3''S)-bimorpholineKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : BOS 2002, Vilnius2002 / p. P036
- Synthesis of (2S,2'S)-and (3R,3'R)-bimorpholineKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, Margus9th Meeting on Stereochemistry : Prague, Czech Republic, June 15-18, 2001 : book of abstracts2001 / p. 143
- Synthesis of (2s,2'S)-bimorpholineKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2001 / 3, p. 173-179
- Synthesis of (2S,2'S)-bimorpholine N,N'-quaternary salts as chiral phase transfer catalystsLippur, Kristin; Kanger, Tõnis; Kriis, Kadri; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron: asymmetry2007 / p. 137-141
- Synthesis of 2-(S)-[(4-methylphenyl)sulfinyl]-2-cyclo penten-1-one, a D-ring precursor of 9,11-secosterolsKõllo, Marek; Rõuk, Kristi; Lopp, MargusProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2022 / p. 307-313 : ill https://doi.org/10.3176/proc.2022.4.01 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/11500153303 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85144180659&origin=inward&txGid=ec119aa7836dca77257b5ea2be135e3f https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=P%20EST%20ACAD%20SCI&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000901995900001
- Synthesis of 3-hydroxymethyl-1,3,6-hexanetriol from chiral spirodilactonePäri, Malle; Lüll, M.; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : Tallinn, Estonia, June 25-29, 2006 : program and abstracts2006 / p. 129
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