- Adopting value creation policy in economic shocks [Electronic resource]Kornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, TatjanaDoctoral Summer School 2011 : doctoral school in economics and innovation : 25-28 July 2011, Viinistu, Estonia2011 / [CD-ROM]
- An overview of the economical situation in RussiaPõlajeva, TatjanaPapers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, Tallinn. Vol. 21998 / p. 213-215
- Analysing the governance's culture influence on the international business environmentPõlajeva, Tatjana49th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University : The Problems of Development of National Economy and Entrepreneurship : RTU Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship : (SCEE'2008) : 9-13 October, 2008, Riga : conference proceedings2008 / p. 128-129
- Analysis of education marketing environment in LithuaniaPõlajeva, Tatjana46th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University "The Problems of Development of National Economy and Entrepreneurship" : October 13-15, 2005, Riga2005 / p. 76
- Analyzing corruption through an international evaluationPõlajeva, TatjanaGlobalization and institutional development2008 / p. 215-224
- Baltic university programme - an example of the cooperation in education of the Baltic Sea regionPõlajeva, TatjanaМатериалы 6-й Международной научно-технической конференции "Наука - образованию, производству, экономике". 6-й Международный научно-практический семинар "Мировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование малых и средних предприятий" : 31 января - 2 февраля 2008 года2008 / с. 319-325
- BUP profile interview : [Tatjana Põlajeva]Põlajeva, TatjanaThe Baltic University Programme : annual report 20062007 / p. 12 : ill., portr
- Bureaucracy, and law making mechanism : their influence on the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaBaltic Business and Socio-Economic Development 2007 : 3rd International Conference : Tallinn, Estonia, June 17-19, 20072010 / p. 809-830
- Bureaucracy, law making and enforcement mehanism : empirical results from the Baltic Sea region countriesPõlajeva, TatjanaУправление организацией : диагностика, стратегия, эффективность : труды XIII Международной научно-практической конференции : 7-8 апреля 2005 года2005 / с. 200-204
- Bureaucracy, law making, and law enforcement : empirical evidence from the Baltic Sea regionPõlajeva, TatjanaScience for education and economic development2006 / p. 172-200
- Bureaucracy, law making, and law enforcement mechanism : empirical results from the Baltic Sea region countries, comparative analysisPõlajeva, TatjanaNew world order : economic, social and political tendencies at the beginning of third millennium. Volume 22005 / p. 755-777
- Bureucracy, law making and law enforcement mechanism: empirical results from the Baltic Sea Region countriesPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloМировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование2004 / с. 8-12
- Bureucracy, law making and law mechanism : Empirical Evidence from the Baltic sea Region Countries [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello; Karma, TarmoInternational Conference : Enlargement of the European Union : What are the Stakes and Potential : Lille, (France), 9-10 December 20042004 / 30 p. [CD-ROM]
- Business environment quality and entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea RegionPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloProceedings of international scientific conference : Problems of the Economy Development in the Russian Enclave. Kaliningrad Region as a Pilot Region of Cross-Border Co-operation of Russia, the Baltic States, and Eastern Europe. Experience and perspectives2004 / p. 198-202
- Business, managment and education. 92011
- Business, managment and education. Vol. 12, No. 12014
- Business, managment and education. Vol. 12, No. 22014
- Corruption's influence on the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaМатериалы 5-й Международной научно-технической конференции "Наука - образованию, производству, экономике". 5-й Международный научно-практический семинар "Мировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование малых и средних предприятий" : 31 мая - 2 июня 2007 года2007 / с. 219-231
- Covernment agencies' behavior and their influence on the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloEmerging markets : social, political, and economic challenges. Volume 22004 / p. 331-356
- Covernment agencies' behaviour influencing business decisionsVensel, Vello; Põlajeva, TatjanaActas del VI Congreso "Cultura Europea", Pamplona, 25 al 28 de octubre de 20002002 / p. 837-848
- Credibility of the economic policy : empirical results from the Baltic Sea region countriesPõlajeva, TatjanaEconomics and management = Ekonomika ir vadyba2010 / p. 192-199
- Credibility of the economic policy : results of a comparative analysisPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloHarmoniseerimine ja vabadus Eesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitikas integreerumisel Euroopa Liiduga : IX teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid : (Tartu - Värska, 28.-30. juuni 2001)2001 / p. 140-147
- Credibility of the economic policy [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, TatjanaProceedings of the ISSEI the 8th International Conference "European Culture in a Changing World : between Nationalism and Globalism" : 22-27 July, 2002, Aberystwyth, Wales2003 / [11] p. [CD-ROM]
- Credibility of the economic policy: empirical reults from the Baltic Sea regionPõlajeva, TatjanaDevelopment and Convergence of Financial Sector of New EU Members : 16-20 November 2005, Tallinn, Estonia2005 / p. 145-157
- Economic complexity : the future of the knowledge-based regional developmentKornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, Tatjana3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts : SGEM 2016 : conference proceedings. Book 1, vol. 3, Psychology & Psychiatry, Sociology & Healthcare, Education2016 / p. 239-246
- Economic security of enterprise and the system of its ensuringIanioglo, Alina; Põlajeva, Tatjana; Parmacli, DmitriScientific Conference Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education 2015 : selected papers : 12-13 November 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania2015 / p. 1-8 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/cibme.2015.05
- Eesti väliskaubanduspoliitika ja sellega kaasnevad probleemidPõlajeva, TatjanaEesti Vabariigi integreerumine Euroopa Liiduga - majanduspoliitika eesmärgid ja abinõud : VI teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid, (Tartu - Värska, 25.-27. juuni 1998)1998 / lk. 210-212
- Estimation of agent-based modelling for cross-border infrastructure policy decision [Electronic resource]Kornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, TatjanaDoctoral school in economics and innovation : Kuressaare, August 6-9, 20132013 / 14 p. : ill. [CD-ROM]
- Financial issues perceived by youth : preliminary survey for financial literacy evaluation in the BalticsTitko, Jelena; Lace, Natalja; Põlajeva, TatjanaOeconomia Copernicana2015 / p. 75-98 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/OeC.2015.004
- Globalization of insurance industryPeleckis, Kestutis; Peleckiene, Valentina; Lace, Natalja; Põlajeva, Tatjana; Nedelko, Zlatko; Potocan, VojkoGlobalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences : 16th International Scientific Conference : proceedings : 5th-6th October 2016, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic. Part 42016 / p. 1649-1656 : ill http://ke.uniza.sk/sites/default/files/content_files/part_iv_final_2.pdf
- Governance power impact on corruption and business environment-determining factorsPõlajeva, TatjanaThe 7th International Scientific Conference Business and Management 2012 : selected papers : May 10–11, 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania2012 / p. 709-716 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268603197_Governance_Power_Impact_on_Corruption_and_the_Business_Environment-Determining_Factors
- Governance power influence on sustainable economic growthPõlajeva, TatjanaThe economy and economics after crisis2011 / p. 71-80
- Government agencies' behavior affect on business decisions : the results of a comparative analysisPõlajeva, TatjanaНаучно-практическая конференция посвященная 80-ю летию академика М.Бронштейна "Эстония на пути евроинтеграции" : (тезисы)2003 / с. 43-51
- Government agencies' behavior and their impact on business environment in different countriesPõlajeva, TatjanaНаука - образованию, производству, экономике : 8th International sientific conference. Volume 12010 / p. 330-340
- Government agencies' behavior and their influence on the quality of business proceduresPõlajeva, TatjanaОрганизационно-экономические проблемы современного производства в условиях глобализации экономики2009 / c. 115-119
- Government agencies behaviour and operation of the enforcement mechanismPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [309]-328
- Government agencies' behaviour and the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaThe Baltic review2003 / p. 18-20 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2171458*est
- Government agencies' behaviour and their influence on the changing business environment : empirical evidence from the Baltic Sea region [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, TatjanaManagement and Technology in the Global Economy : Nurturing Innovations and National Heritage : an International conference 27 June - 01 July, 2006, Moscow2006 / p. 833-841 [CD-ROM]
- Government agencies' behaviour and their influence on the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaProblems of development of national economy and entrepreneurship2006 / p. 162-172
- Government agencies' behaviour impact on business decisions [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello7th Nordic-Baltic Conference in Regional Science "Regional Integration and Transition in the Baltic Rim" : 2-5 October 2002, Ystad, Stockholm2003 / [15] p. [CD-ROM]
- Government agencies' behaviour influencing business decisionsPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloVI Congreso Cultura Europea : 25-28 octubre 2000 : resumenes2000 / [1] p
- How to teach the Sustainable Baltic RegionPõlajeva, TatjanaMaterials of the 3rd Annual Teachers Conference : Baltic University Programme, St.Petersburg, June 19971997 / [10] p
- Inctityzine ceredovize, zo zminjuetcja : empirichi resultati s krain regionu Baltiskogo morjaPõlajeva, TatjanaMarketing v Ukraini2005 / p. 38-40
- Infrastrucure development : economic growth effectsPõlajeva, Tatjana; Kornilov, SergeiThe 7th International Scientific Conference Business and Management 2012 : selected papers : May 10-11, 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania2012 / p. 156-161 : ill
- International business in transitional and emerging economies : a perspective of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia with IndiaBhattacharyya, Som Sekhar; Čirjevskis, Andrejs; Põlajeva, TatjanaSouth Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases2018 / p. 144-155 https://doi.org/10.1177/2277977918774646 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100847471 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85048813897&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sid=150276149153fd76defd1922256ac201&sot=b&sdt=b&s=DOI%2810.1177%2F2277977918774646%29&sl=235&sessionSearchId=150276149153fd76defd1922256ac201&relpos=0
- Origin and definition of the category of economic security of enterprise [Online resource]Ianioglo, Alina; Põlajeva, Tatjana9th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2016" : May 12-13, 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania2016 / p. 1-8 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/bm.2016.46
- Probleemid Eesti toiduaineteturulPõlajeva, TatjanaMajanduspoliitika teooria ja praktika Eesti Vabariigis : artiklid ja ettekannete teesid, (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 25.-26. august 1995)1995 / lk. 95-97
- Skandinaaviamaade kogemus Euroopa Liiduga ühinemiselPõlajeva, TatjanaAktuaalsed majanduspoliitika küsimused Euroopa Liidu riikides ja Eesti Vabariigis : teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 28.-29. juuni 1996). 1. osa1996 / lk. 191-193
- Some aspects of changing business environment : empirical evidence from Baltic Sea region countriesPõlajeva, Tatjana4th International Scientific Conference Business and Management, 14th International Scientific Conference Enterprise Management : Diagnosis, Strategy, Efficiency : conference proceedings : 5-6 Oct. 20062006 / p. 53-55
- Some aspects of changing business environment : empirical evidence from the Baltic Sea Region CountriesPõlajeva, TatjanaThe 4th International Scientific Confrence Business and Management'2006. The 14th International Scientific Conference Enterprise Management : Diagnosis, Strategy, Efficiency : October 5-6, 2006, Vilnius : selected papers2007 / p. 57-63
- Some aspects of changing business environment in the Baltic Sea countriesPõlajeva, TatjanaWorld economy and business administration of small and medium enterprises2006 / p. 122-128
- Some aspects of the European Union policy on sustainable development and its implementing in EstoniaPõlajeva, TatjanaEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika ja Euroopa Liit : VII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid, (Tartu - Värska, 25.-27. juuni 1999)1999 / lk. 199-201
- Some questions about corruption : importance and influence of corruptionPõlajeva, TatjanaTowards knowledge-based economy2007 / [10] p
- Some reasons for the success of the Estonian currency reformPõlajeva, Tatjana; Kokkota, RaissaMonetary and Fiscal Policy in the Baltic States : proceedings of the 30 Baltic Conference of Teachers of Economic Theory, Shiauliai, May 30-31, 19961996 / p. 30-31
- Strategic approach in risk-adjusted tariff policyKornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, TatjanaEconomics and management2011 / p. 780-784
- Structural corruption and its influence on the business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaEconomics and management2011 / p. 576-581 : ill
- Students activities in the programmePõlajeva, TatjanaMaterials of the Teachers Meeting : Baltic University Programme : materials of the meeting, Krakow, March 19971997 / [8] p
- The agent-based structural approach in infrastructure for economic growthKornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, Tatjana8th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2014" : May 15-16, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania2014 / p. 519-527 : ill
- The Baltic University in the Tallinn Technical University - 9 years experience of cooperationPõlajeva, TatjanaBaltic University Programme Past and Future2000 / p. 14-15
- The Baltic University ProgrammePõlajeva, TatjanaKaliningrad - isolation or co-operation2001 / p. 120-123
- The Baltic University programme - an example of a new study environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaRisk and Safety Management in Industry, Logistics, Transport and Military Service : New Solutions for the 21st Century : proceedings of the international scientific-educational conference : March 25-28, 2003, Tallinn2003 / p. 45-47
- The Baltic university programme - an example of a new study environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaEducation and Economy 2007 : materials of international scientific conference2007 / p. 100-102
- The Baltic University Programme - an example of cooperation in educationPõlajeva, TatjanaEesti Vabariigi ja ärihariduse aktuaalsed arenguprobleemid : EABC 15. aastapäevale pühendatud teaduslik-praktilise konverentsi materjalid2004 / p. 60-61
- The Baltic University programme - an example of teaching for sustainable developmentPõlajeva, TatjanaEducation and economy 2009 : materials of international scientific conference2009 / p. 87-92
- The Baltic University Programme - an example of the Baltic Sea region cooperationPõlajeva, TatjanaHaridus ja majandus 2004 : rahvusvahelise teaduskonverentsi materjalid : [6. mai 2004, Tallinn]2004 / p. 82-84
- The Baltic University Programme as an example of a reginal university networkPõlajeva, TatjanaМатериалы конференции "Социум, наука и проблемы образования переходного периода" : 25 января 20012001 / с. 88-89
- The challenge of management development in the Baltic States in the twenty-first centuryManning, Peter A.; Põlajeva, TatjanaThe Journal of management development1999 / p. 32-45 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5525908*est
- The changing institutional environment : development of the law making and enforcement mehanismsPõlajeva, TatjanaHaridus ja majandus 2005 : rahvusvahelise teaduskonverentsi materjalid = Education and economy : the materials of international scientific conference2005 / lk. 97-100
- The changing institutional environment : development of the law making and law enforcement mechanismsPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello; Karma, TarmoThe Third International Conference on International Business in Transition Economies2006 / p. 26-48
- The changing institutional environment : empirical evidence from the Baltic Sea regionPõlajeva, TatjanaBusiness interaction in local economies. 22006 / p. 97-115
- The changing institutional environment: development of the law making and law enforcement mechanisms [Electronic resource]Karma, Tarmo; Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the 3rd International Conference : International Business in Transition Economics : International Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Transforming and Enlarging Europe : September 9-11, 2004, Stockholm Scool of Economics in Riga2004 / 31 p. [CD-ROM]
- The changing institutional environment: empirical results from the Baltic Sea Region CountriesPõlajeva, TatjanaThe International Conference : Marketing in 2004 Ukraine : 11-12 November 20042004 / p. 20-23
- The changing international business environment under cultural influencesPõlajeva, TatjanaМировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование2009 / p. 218-231
- The comparative analysis of markets' attractivenessPõlajeva, Tatjana2001 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1570018*est
- The essence and phases of the comprehensive system of ensuring the economic security of enterpriseIanioglo, Alina; Põlajeva, TatjanaInternational journal of learning and change2017 / p. 59-74 https://doi.org/10.1504/IJLC.2017.084223 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100396345 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85019674412&origin=inward&txGid=ccacd55b724775430cbcfce2ed3230c4
- 5th International Scientific Conference : Business and Management' 2008 : May 16-17, 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papersPabedinskaite, Arnoldina; Ginevicius, Romualdas; Põlajeva, Tatjana2008 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2427958*est
- The financing increase in public universities as one possibility for enlarging European competitivenessPõlajeva, Tatjana; Toompuu, Katrin5th International Scientific Conference : Business and Management' 2008 : May 16-17, 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2008 / p. 398-403 : ill
- The financing increase in public universities as one possibility for enlarging European competitiv[e]nessPõlajeva, Tatjana; Toompuu, Katrin5th International Scientific Conference Business and Management' 2008 : conference proceedings2008 / p. 197-198
- The full costing model and its implementation at universities : the case of Tallinn University of Technology = Täiskuluarvestuse mudel ja selle rakendamine ülikoolides (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli näitel)Toompuu, Katrin2015 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4499160*est
- The governance's culture influence on the business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaThe key-factors of business and socio-economic development during the global crisis2009 / p. 73-87
- The impact of corruption on economic freedomPõlajeva, TatjanaBusiness and management 2010 : selected papers of the 6th International Scientific Conference : May 13-14, 2010. Vol. 22010 / p. 703-710
- The markets attractiveness comparative analyzePõlajeva, TatjanaМатериалы научно-практической конференции "Социально-экономические перспективы развития Эстонии", 7 марта 20022002 / с. 29-32
- The use of full-cost accounting principles as a decision support tool for determining the cost and benefits in the Estonian public universitiesPõlajeva, Tatjana; Toompuu, Katrin6th International Scientific Conference :Business and Management 2010 : May 13–14, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers. Volume 12010 / p. 140-146 : ill https://www.academia.edu/114582216/The_use_of_full_cost_accounting_principles_as_a_decision_support_tool_for_determining_the_cost_and_benefits_in_the_Estonian_public_universities?uc-sb-sw=38743213
- Theoretical framework and an overview of the cost drivers that are applied in universities for allocating indirect costsToompuu, Katrin; Põlajeva, TatjanaProcedia - social and behavioral sciences2014 / p. 1014-1022
- Towards sustainable entrepreneurship : role of nonverbal communication in business negotiationsPeleckis, Kestutis; Peleckiene, Valentina; Peleckis, Kestutis; Põlajeva, TatjanaEntrepreneurship and sustainability issues2016 / p. 228-240 http://dx.doi.org/10.9770/jesi.2016.4.2(10)
- Underdeveloped institutional framework - the main purpose for corruptionPõlajeva, Tatjana4'E's "Economic Development, Environment, Energy and Ethics, in a Global Economy"2007 / p. 381-392
- Underdeveloped institutional framework - the main purpose for corruptionPõlajeva, Tatjana5th International Scientific Conference : Business and Management' 2008 : May 16-17, 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2008 / p. 392-397
- Underdeveloped institutional framework - the main purpose for corruptionPõlajeva, Tatjana5th International Scientific Conference : Business and Management' 2008 : conference proceedings2008 / p. 195-196
- Universities of Estonia taking part in the programmePõlajeva, TatjanaMaterials of the Workshop on Peoples of the Baltics : Baltic University Programme, Kaunas, January 19971997 / [9] p
- Venemaa muutuv väliskaubandus. Võimalused Eestile?Terk, Erik; Põlajeva, TatjanaEesti Majanduse Teataja2002 / 11, lk. 4-10
- Verslas, vadiba ir studijos'2007 : mokslo darbaiPabedinskaite, Arnoldina; Bivainis, Juozas; Põlajeva, Tatjana2008 https://kis.stuba.sk/arl-stu/sk/detail-stu_us_cat-stu173132-Verslas-vadyba-ir-studijos-2007Business-management-and-education-2007/
- Verslas, vadyba ir studijos 2009 : mokslo darbai = Business, management and education 2009 : research papers2010
- Ühisettevõtluse funktsioneerimise vormid ja nende majanduslik efektiivsusPõlajeva, TatjanaMajandusteadus ja majanduspoliitika Eesti Vabariigis : ettekannete teesid ja artiklid (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 27.-28. mail 1994)1994 / lk. 129-130
- Агропродовольственный комплекс и пути совершенствования планированияPõlajeva, TatjanaПроблемы совершенствования преподавания общественных наук в вузах ЭССР в свете материалов XXVII съезда КПСС : тезисы конференции, 25-26 сентября 1986 г.1986 / с. 156-157 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1222428*est
- Актуальность преподавания теории маркетинга в курсе обшей теории экономикиPõlajeva, TatjanaАктуальные проблемы экономической теории и ее преподавания : материалы 26-ой конференции преподавателей экономической теории прибалтийских государств, Тарту 29-31 мая 1992 г1992 / с. 21-22
- Век живи, век учи, век учись : [беседа с Т.Пылаевой]Põlajeva, TatjanaДень за днем1996 / с. 13
- Влияет ли коррупция на устойчивость экономического роста?Põlajeva, TatjanaБалтийский регион2011 / с. 49-59
- Деятельность правительственных структур и их влияние на состояние бизнес-средыPõlajeva, TatjanaМировая экономика и бизнес администрирование : Минск, Беларус, 01.06.-03.06.062006 / с. 197-230
- Программа Балтийского Университета - пример интернационализации обучения : [создан в 1991 г. при Уппсаласком университете]Põlajeva, TatjanaМеждународная конференция "Экономика, законодательство, образование переходного периода" : Таллинн, 28-29 июня 1999 г. : short form communications1999 / с. 68-69
- Совместное предпринимательство и экономический эффектPõlajeva, TatjanaTheoretical aspects of the transitioning economy : proceedings of the 29th Baltic Conference of Teachers of Economic Theory, Tallinn, May 19-20, 1994 = Теоретические аспекты переходной экономики : материалы 29-ой конференции преподавателей экономической теории Балтии, Таллинн, 19-20 мая 1994 г1994 / с. 88
- Формы совместного предпринимательства и экономический эффект их функционирования : резюмеPõlajeva, TatjanaEesti üleminekul turumajandusele : Eesti Vabariigi 75. aastapäevale pühendatud teadusliku konverentsi teesid1993 / lk. 100-102