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- Analüüs : ettevõtted vajavad kulukate ringmajanduslike tegevuste jaoks täpsemaid rahastusmeetmeidNiine, Tarvo; Küttim, Merle; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang Dieter; Kalvet, Tarmo; Tuisk, Tarmo; Ahmadov, Tarlan; Hurt, Ulrikatööstusuudised.ee2022 https://www.toostusuudised.ee/uudised/2022/10/21/analuus-ettevotted-vajavad-kulukate-ringmajanduslike-tegevuste-jaoks-tapsemaid-rahastusmeetmeid
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- Between sustainability, social cohesion and security regional development in Northeastern EstoniaPrause, Gunnar Klaus; Tuisk, Tarmo; Olaniyi, Eunice OmololaEntrepreneurship and sustainability issues2019 / p. 1235-1254 https://doi.org/10.9770/jesi.2019.6.3(13) https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100856538 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85064074793&origin=inward&txGid=8af7cf107d567a537836a2161e5bef2d https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=ENTREP%20SUSTAIN%20ISS&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000460934100013
- Case study : Free public transport as instrument for energy savings and urban sustainable development - the case of the city of TallinnPrause, Gunnar Klaus; Tuisk, TarmoEnergy transformation towards sustainability2020 / p. 163-177 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817688-7.00008-2
- Cluster approach in organization of transportation in the Baltic Sea RegionNežerenko, Olga; Koppel, Ott; Tuisk, TarmoTransport2017 / p. 167-179 : ill https://doi.org/10.3846/16484142.2014.994225 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/20799 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84922370620&origin=inward&txGid=695a123787279e6cdb29717d50291ef3 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=TRANSPORT-VILNIUS&year=2017 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000402521700006
- Complex patterns in construction of entrepreneurial identity among youth in EstoniaKirch, Aksel; Tuisk, TarmoEuropean integration studies2015 / p. 208-223 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.eis.0.9.12808
- Creativity and tolerance as aspects of entrepreneurial identityTuisk, TarmoAbstraktit : Conference Abstracts : Yrittäjyyskasvatuspäivät Helsingissä 26-27.9.2013 : Yrittäjyyteen oppimisen ekosysteemit : "Entrepreneurial ecosystems" : Entrepreneurship education conference 26th-27th September 2013 : At Aalto University, School of Business, Helsinki, Finland2013 / p. 79
- Digitization and student communication patterns in higher educationTuisk, Tarmo; Nekrassova, Natalja; Miller, LeonAustralian and New Zealand journal of European studies2015 / p. 87-100 : ill https://www.dropbox.com/s/d1tsewsfgmewjnh/87-100.pdf
- Eesti ja vene noorte (riigi)rahvuslik identiteet lähtuvalt nende primordialistlikust või situatiivsest orientatsioonist : [I koht magistritööde kategoorias]Tuisk, TarmoTallinna Ülikooli üliõpilaste 2011/2012. õppeaasta parimad teadustööd : artiklite kogumik [Elektrooniline teavik]2013 / lk. 109-111 http://issuu.com/tallinnaylikool/docs/tly_yliopilaste_parimad_teadustood_
- Enablers and barriers in circular economy : the case of EstoniaKüttim, Merle; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang Dieter; Hurt, Ulrika; Kotov, Arseni; Kull, Margit; Niine, Tarvo; Ahmadov, Tarlan; Tuisk, TarmoProceedings of XXXIV ISPIM innovation conference2023 https://conferencesubmissions.com/ispim/ljubljana2023/documents/1304152051_Paper.pdf
- Entrepreneurial identity : peer and family influencesTuisk, Tarmo; Kirch, AkselESU 2014 Conference and Doctoral Programme2014 / p. 75
- Entrepreneurial identity in different cultural contexts : the cases of Estonia and Czech RepublicTuisk, TarmoYrittäjyyskasvatuspäivät Seinäjoella 25.9.-26.9.2014 : Yrittäjyyskasvatus 2.0 = Entrepreneurship Education Conference in Seinäjoki, Finland 25.9.-26.9.2014 : Entrepreneurship Education 2.0 : the conference abstracts2014 / p. 43
- Estonians and Russians in Estonia : is the Soviet past still dominating the presentKirch, Aksel; Tuisk, TarmoSocio-economic and institutional environment : harmonisation in the EU countries of Baltic Sea rim : a collection of research articles dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Institute for European Studies2008 / p. 67-94
- Estonians and Russians in Estonia : is the Soviet past still dominating the present?Kirch, Aksel; Tuisk, TarmoSocio-economic and institutional environment : harmonisation in the EU countries of Baltic Sea rim2008 / p. 67-94 : ill
- Etics, emics Estonians and Russians in contemporary Estonia : is the past still dominating the present? : presentation at IACCP Congress 27-31 July, 2008, Bremen, GermanyKirch, Aksel; Kirch, Marika; Tuisk, Tarmo; Reinkort, Hanna-Hulda; Altosaar, Aimar2008 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2408850*est
- Etics, emics, Estonians and Russians in contemporary Estonia : is the past still dominating the present?Kirch, Aksel; Kirch, Marika; Tuisk, Tarmo; Reinkort, Hanna-HuldaBook of abstracts : XIXth International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology : Crossing Borders : (Cross-)Cultural Psychology as an Interdisciplinary Multi-Method Endeavor : July 27-31 2008, Bremen, Germany2008 / p. 62
- Improving the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of CCI sector in BSR [Online resource]Raats, Ricardo Ferraz; Tuisk, Tarmo; Prause, Gunnar Klaus18th International Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF) Conference : Entrepreneurship as a Social Movement: Art, Technology, Design and Sustainable Entrepreneurial Transformation, 16–18 December, 2019, Goa, India : accepted abstracts booklet2019 / IEF-18-025 https://ieforums.org/18thIEF/18th-ief-accepted-abstract-booklet
- Kliimaeesmärkide saavutamiseks vajalike olulisimate turbasektori lisameetmete makro- ja sotsiaalmajanduslike mõjude hindamine Kliimaministeeriumile : lõpparuanneHein-Sula, Heili; Amon, Leeli; Merisaar, Jaana; Hurt, Ulrika; Küttim, Martin; Orru, Mall; Tuisk, Tarmo; Kull, Margit2024 https://kliimaministeerium.ee/sites/default/files/documents/2024-12/Turbasektori%20meetmete%20anal%C3%BC%C3%BCs.pdf
- Kohalike omavalitsuste ringmajanduslike tegevuste hetkeseisu analüüs ja teekaartide koostamine : analüüsi aruanneHurt, Ulrika; Piirimäe, Kristjan; Tuisk, Tarmo; Voronova, Viktoria; Dulova, Niina; Merisaar, Jaana; Kull, Margit; Niidu, Allan; Klõga, Marija; Pachel, Karin; Küttim, Merle2023 https://doi.org/10.11590/taltech.municipalities.circular.economy.roadmaps.report.2023
- LEAD - Handbook for human resource management and development in micro- and small enterprisesCsizmadia, Peter; Rethi, Gabor; Zsigmond-Herchinger, Szava; Nemeth, Tamas; Csillag, Sara; Makaya, Christian; Prause, Gunnar Klaus; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang Dieter; Gerasimova, Vera; Tuisk, Tarmo2023 https://doi.org/10.29180/978-615-6342-51-5
- Metalli- ja masinatööstuse ettevõtete motiveerimise võimalused rohepöörde elluviimise kontekstis : uuringu aruanneGerstlberger, Wolfgang Dieter; Küttim, Merle; Niine, Tarvo; Hurt, Ulrika; Hartšenko, Jelena; Tuisk, Tarmo; Kotov, Arseni; Kristjuhan-Ling, Kadri; Otto, Tauno2023 https://doi.org/10.11590/taltech.metal.industry.report.2023
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- People with diabetes in Estonia : standard of living, aspects of health, and coping behaviorLaidmäe, Virve-Ines; Tuisk, Tarmo; Tammer-Jäätes, UlviJournal of social health and diabetes2014 / p. 30-36
- Planeerimata raseduse esinemissagedus ja sellega seotud tegurid EestisLippus, Hedda; Laanpere, Made; Tuisk, Tarmo; Karro, HelleEesti Arst2013 / lk. 253-260 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2627964*est
- Potential emigrants and stayers in the Baltic States and possible impact of their decisions to EU Eastern PartnershipKirch, Aksel; Tuisk, TarmoEU Eastern Partnership : from capacities to excellence : strengthening research, regional and innovation policies in the context of Horizon 20202014 / p. 78-94 : ill
- Potential migrants and returnees : possible impact of their decisions to labour force market in the Baltic StatesKirch, Aksel; Tuisk, TarmoICEP 2015 - 13th International Conference on European Processes "Initiatives towards Political, Economic and Social Development of Europe", 27th of March, 20152015 / p. 12
- Propensities to civic participation among Estonians and Russians in EstoniaTuisk, Tarmo2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference Political and Civic Participation : organised by the PIDOP Consortium in collaboration with the Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (CRONEM), School of Politics, University of Surrey : 16 -17 April 2012 : programme2012 / p. 39
- Puidu- ja mööblitööstuse ettevõtete motiveerimise võimalused rohepöörde elluviimise kontekstis : uuringu aruanneGerstlberger, Wolfgang Dieter; Küttim, Merle; Niine, Tarvo; Hurt, Ulrika; Tuisk, Tarmo; Hartšenko, Jelena; Kull, Margit; Trei, Mariliis; Kotov, Arseni; Kängsepp, Kärt2023 https://doi.org/10.11590/taltech.wood.industry.report.2023
- Ringmajanduslike praktikate juurutamise võimaldajad ja barjäärid : uuringu aruanneGerstlberger, Wolfgang Dieter; Küttim, Merle; Tuisk, Tarmo; Hurt, Ulrika; Niine, Tarvo; Ahmadov, Tarlan; Metsmaa, Margit; Liiv, Jana; Andrijaškina, Anastassia; Bavõkina, Jekaterina; Pentsa, Hanna2021 https://doi.org/10.11590/taltech.circular.economy.report.2021 https://ringmajandus.envir.ee/sites/default/files/2022-06/Ringmajanduslike%20praktikate%20juurutamise%20v%C3%B5imaldajad%20ja%20barj%C3%A4%C3%A4rid.pdf https://ringmajandus.envir.ee/et/abimaterjalid/ringmajanduslike-praktikate-juurutamise-voimaldajad-ja-barjaarid
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- Socio-Economic aspects of free public transportTuisk, Tarmo; Prause, Gunnar KlausReliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication : Selected Papers from the 18th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, RelStat’18, 17-20 October 2018, Riga, Latvia2019 / p. 3-13 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-12450-2_1 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100901469 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85063508676&origin=inward&txGid=b0be245a13e9ea53e8df298ac24933b1
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- The role of nationality and culture in conflict managementTuisk, TarmoMediation to foster European wide settlement of disputes2016 / p. 143-156
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