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- Classification system to support decision making in manufacturing of plastic injection moldsHermaste, Aigar; Papstel, JüriMachine engineering2004 / 1/2, p. 273-280
- Customization of CAD system for decision support of mould design processHermaste, Aigar; Sutt, Annes; Küttner, ReinProceedings of the 5th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic : Industrial Engineering - Adding Innovation Capacity of Labour Force and Entrepreneur : 20-22 April 2006, Tallinn, Estonia2006 / p. 121-126 : ill
- Design principles of flexible manufacturing systemsHermaste, Aigar; Riives, Jüri; Sonk, Kaimo; Sarkans, MartinšProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 92-96 : ill
- Development of process optimization model for autonomous mobile robot used in production logisticsMajak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Mahmood, Kashif; Hermaste, Aigar; Raamets, TõnisAIP conference proceedings2024 / art. 020008 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0189299
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- Nüüdistootmine : kõrgkooliõpikHermaste, Aigar; Karjust, Kristo; Kiolein, Indrek; Küttner, Rein; Lavin, Jaak; Lõun, Kaia; Mooste, Tarmo; Naams, Invar; Otto, Tauno; Pohlak, Meelis; Riives, Jüri; Sarkons, Martinš; Talkop, Adolf; Tähemaa, Toivo2023 https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/2ec35c39-f345-4ae8-9fb6-395e039cd43a https://www.ester.ee/record=b5537809*est
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- Overview of research problems in flexible manufacturing systemsHermaste, Aigar14th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II" : Pärnu, Estonia, January 13-18, 20142014 / p. 218-219
- Planning and acquisition of real-time production data through the virtual factory in chemical industryRaamets, Tõnis; Karjust, Kristo; Hermaste, Aigar; Mahmood, KashifASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition2021 / paper no: IMECE2021-73080, 9 p https://doi.org/10.1115/IMECE2021-73080
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- Using functional requirements to determine optimal additive manufacturing technologySonk, Kaimo; Hermaste, Aigar; Sarkans, Martinš; Paavel, MarkoProceedings of the 11th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering : 20-22th April 2016, Tallinn, Estonia2016 / p. 79-84 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam/