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- Effect of advanced oxidation process on biodegradation of PAHs in creosote oil contaminated soilPalmroth, Marja R.T.; Aunola, Tuomo; Goi, AnnaAbstracts of Sixth Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences : Current Perspectives in Environmental Science and Technology : Joensuu, Finland, 20032003 / p. 51-54 https://researchportal.tuni.fi/en/publications/effect-of-advanced-oxidation-process-on-biodegradation-of-pahs-in
- Effect of modified Fenton's reaction on microbial activity and removal of PAHs in creosote oil contaminated soilPalmroth, Marja R.T.; Langwaldt, Jörg H.; Aunola, Tuomo; Goi, Anna; Münster, U.; Puhakka, Jaakko A.; Tuhkanen, TuulaBiodegradation2006 / 2, p. 29-39
- Microbial activity during advanced oxidation of creosote oil contaminated soilPalmroth, Marja R.T.; Aunola, Tuomo; Goi, AnnaAbstracts in Enzymes in the Environment : Activity, Ecology and Application : Praha, Czech Republic, 20032003 / p. 62
- Ozonation and Fenton treatment for remediation of diesel fuel contaminated soilGoi, Anna; Trapido, Marina; Kulik, Niina; Palmroth, Marja R.T.; Tuhkanen, TuulaOzone : science and engineering2006 / 1, p. 37-46 : ill
- Ozonation and the Fenton treatment for remediation of soil - diesel fuel contaminated soilGoi, Anna; Kulik, Niina; Palmroth, Marja R.T.; Trapido, MarinaAdvances in Science and Engineering for Industrial Applications of Ozone and Related Oxidants : International Conference : Barcelona, Spain, March 10-12, 2004 : proceedings2004 / p. I.2.10-1 - I.2.10-6 : ill
- Removal of PAHs from creosote oil contaminated soil by addition of concentrated H2O2 and biodegradationAunola, Tuomo; Goi, Anna; Palmroth, Marja R.T.; Langwaldt, Jörg H.; Tuhkanen, TuulaJournal of advanced oxidation technologies2006 / [9] p https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/jaots-2006-0102/html
- Treatment of creosote oil contaminated soil by modified Fenton's reactionAunola, Tuomo; Palmroth, Marja R.T.; Goi, Anna; Tuhkanen, TuulaAbstracts of Sixth Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences : Current Perspectives in Environmental Science and Technology : Joensuu, Finland, 20032003 / p. 194-197
- Treatment of PAH-contaminated soil by combination of Fenton's reaction and biodegradationPalmroth, Marja R.T.; Langwaldt, Jörg H.; Aunola, Tuomo; Goi, Anna; Puhakka, Jaakko A.; Tuhkanen, TuulaJournal of chemical technology and biotechnology2006 / p. 598-607 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229469481_Treatment_of_PAH-contaminated_soil_by_combination_of_Fenton%27s_reaction_and_biodegradation